Functions/functors as template parameters. Can they be stored? - c++

Imagine I have the following free function and functor:
void myFreeFunction(void)
cout << "Executing free function" << endl;
struct MyFunctor
void operator()(void)
cout << "Executing functor" << endl;
As discribed by this answer, I can pass my function or functor as a template argument to another function:
template <typename F>
void doOperation(F f)
And then call:
So far so good. But what if I want something like the following:
template<typename Callback>
class MyClass
Callback mCallback;
void execute()
In this case I'm specifing the function/functor when I declare the class but not calling it until later. It works for functors:
MyClass<MyFunctor> myClass1;
But not for functions:
MyClass<myFreeFunction> myClass2;
Compiler says:
error C2923: 'MyClass' : 'myFreeFunction' is not a valid template type argument for parameter 'Callback'
Which is fair enough... but how would you structure this?
Note: I'm aware of std::function and may end up using this. It's measurably slower though so I'm looking at all options.

The problem is that freefunction is not a type but a element of a of (int this case a function pointer.
to fix this problem you need to pass the function in, in construction, however you still need to know the exact type.
myclass<call_back_t> my_class(call_back);
EDIT: In c++11 the type can be got from decltype(call_back)
however getting the call back can be troublesome it is often a lot easier to create a generator function
//this should be in the namespace of the class or a static member of it
myclass<FuncType> make_class(FuncType func)
return myclass<FuncType>(func);
//called like
myclass mc=make_class(&my_callback);
Don't for get to alter the constructor
template<typename CallBack>
CallBack call_back;
myclass(CallBack call_back_)
: call_back(call_back_)
or something like that


Pass member function pointer to parent class yields compiler error

I'd like to have child classes register callbacks to their parent class so that users of the parent class can call methods of the child with a known function signature.
typedef int(*Func)(int);
class A
void registerFunc(Func f)
class B : public A
int myF(int x) {
// do stuff with member variables
return 3;
But I get this compiler error
main.cpp:18:23: error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'Func' (aka 'int (*)(int)') with an rvalue of type 'int (B::*)(int)'
main.cpp:8:28: note: passing argument to parameter 'f' here
void registerFunc(Func f)
Here's a Repl illustrating the error in a concise example.
The accepted answer in a related thread suggested to override a virtual function declared in A but my use case actually requires dynamic callback registrations.
You can try this.
typedef std::function<int (int)> Func;
class A
void registerFunc(Func f)
class B : public A
A::registerFunc(std::bind(&B::myF, *this, std::placeholders::_1));
int myF(int x) {
// do stuff with member variables
return 3;
If I understand the goal (and believe me, that's a sketchy 'if'), you want to specify some member of some A derivation to invoke from some A member as a dispatched 'callback' mechanic. If that is the case, then to answer your question in comment, yes, a function and bind can do this. It can even be semi-protected with a little help from sfinae:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
struct A
virtual ~A() = default;
std::function<void(int)> callback = [](int){};
template<class Derived>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<A, Derived>::value>
registerCallback(void (Derived::*pfn)(int))
using namespace std::placeholders;
callback = std::bind(pfn, dynamic_cast<Derived*>(this), _1);
void fire(int arg)
struct B : public A
void memberfn(int arg)
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ':' << arg << '\n';
struct Foo
void memberfn(int arg)
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ':' << arg << '\n';
int main()
std::unique_ptr<A> ptr = std::make_unique<B>();
// ptr->registerCallback(&Foo::memberfn); // WILL NOT WORK
void B::memberfn(int):42
The Parts
The first part is straight forward. We declare a member variable callback to be a std::function<void(int)> instance. This is where we'll eventually bind our callable object point. The default value is a lambda that does nothing.
The second part is... a little more complicated:
template<class Derived>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<A, Derived>::value>
registerCallback(void (Derived::*pfn)(int))
This declares registerCallback as an available member function that accepts a non-static member function pointer taking one int as an argument, but only if the class hosting that member function, or a derivative therein, is a derivation of A (or A itself). Some non-A derivative Foo with a member void foo(int) will not compile.
Next, the setup to the callback itself.
using namespace std::placeholders;
callback = std::bind(pfn, dymamic_cast<Derived*>(this), _1);
This just binds the pointer-to-member to this dynamic-cast to the derivation type (which had better work or we're in trouble, see final warning at the end of this diatribe), and sets the call-time placeholder. The _1 you see comes from the std::placeholders namespace, and is used to delay providing an argument to the callback until such time as we actually invoke it (where it will be required,and you'll see that later). See std::placehholders for more information.
Finally, the fire member, which does this:
void fire(int arg)
This invokes the registered function object with the provided argument. Both the member function and this are already wired into the object. The argument arg is used to fill in the placeholder we mentioned earlier.
The test driver for this is straightforward:
int main()
std::unique_ptr<A> ptr = std::make_unique<B>();
// ptr->registerCallback(&Foo::memberfn); // WILL NOT WORK
This creates a new B, hosting it in a dynamic A pointer (so you know there is no funny business going on). Even with that, because B derived from A the registerCallback sfinae filtering passes inspection and the callback is registered successfully. We then invoke the fire method, passing our int argument 42, which will be sent to the callback, etc.
Warning: With great power comes great responsibility
Even those there is protection from passing non-A derived member functions, there is absolutely none from the casting itself. It would be trivial to craft a basic A, pass a B member (which will work since A is its base), but there is no B actually present.
You can catch this at runtime via that dynamic_cast, which we're currently not error checking. For example:
registerCallback(void (Derived::*pfn)(int))
using namespace std::placeholders;
Derived *p = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(this);
if (p)
callback = std::bind(pfn, p, _1);
You can choose the road more risky. Personally, i'd detect the null case and throw an exception just to be safe(er)

Give another class access to specific methods

I am working on game engine as a project during the summer. Every scriptable component should have access to some methods in the scene which they are in. To make this possible i pass lambdas from the scene that calls the respective methods to the scriptable where they are implicitly converted to std::function types.
class Scene
unsigned int _currentId;
std::vector<System*> _systems;
bool exists(unsigned id);
void destroy(unsigned int);
void addComponent(Component*, unsigned int);
template<typename T> T& getComponent(unsigned int);
template<typename T> bool hasComponent(unsigned int);
template<typename T> void removeComponent(unsigned int);
unsigned int instantiate(std::vector<Component*>);
void initiate();
void update(long dt);
template<typename T>
inline T & Scene::getComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return static_cast<T*>(system->getComponent(entityId));
template<typename T>
inline bool Scene::hasComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return system->contains(id);
template<typename T>
inline void Scene::removeComponent(unsigned int id)
for (System* system : _systems) {
if (system->corresponds(T)) {
return system->destroy(id);
The callback method works for the non-template functions i need access to, but not the templated ones, so it's out of the question.
typedef std::function<void(int)> ChangeSceneCallback;
typedef std::function<int(std::vector<Component*>)> InstantiateCallback;
typedef std::function<void(int)> DestroyCallback;
typedef std::function<bool(int)> ExistCallback;
typedef std::function<void(Component*, unsigned int)> AddComponentCallback;
class Scriptable: public Component
ChangeSceneCallback changeScene;
InstantiateCallback instantiate;
DestroyCallback destroy;
ExistCallback exists;
void assignCallbacks(ChangeSceneCallback, InstantiateCallback etc ...);
virtual void init() = 0;
virtual void update() = 0;
Scriptable can't have access to public methods in scene because this would give the user / developer access to them (Scriptable is a base class for the behaviour of the game). That is why i need to come up with something that gives scriptable limited access to scene.
Any thoughts?
You cannot have a type erased "template callback". You have to choose between the template or the type erasure. Let me explain.
This is what a "template callback" look like. This is in fact a generic lambda:
auto print_callback = [](auto var) {
std::cout << var << std::endl;
print_callback(4) ; // prints "4"
print_callback(4.5); // prints "4.5"
print_callback("hello"); // prints "hello"
It seems good but notice that you can't do that with std::function, since you have to predefine the signature.
std::function<void(int)> func_print_callback = print_callback;
func_print_callback(5); // Yay! Prints "5"
func_print_callback("hello"); // error
The thing is, you might think the limitation is only because std::function need a specific signature to work with, but the limitation is much deeper than that.
The thing is, the is no template function. They don't exists. Function template on the other hand, do exist. Why I emphasize so much on the order of my words is because the name of this thing says it all: it is not a function, it a template that is used to make functions.
Here's a simple example:
template<typename T>
void foo(T t) {
std::cout << t << std::endl;
This function is not compiled. Because it's not a function. No function foo will exist until the hole T has been filled.
How do you fill the hole named T supposed to be a type?
By filling it with a type of course!
foo(5.4); // the hole T is `double`
When the compiler sees this, it knows you need a function named foo that takes a double as parameter. There is no function named foo that takes a double. But we gave the compiler a tool to create one: the template!
So the compiler will generate this function:
void foo_double(double t) {
std::cout << t std::endl;
The word here is this: generate. The compiler need to create the function in order to exist. The compiler generate code for you.
When the function is generated and compiled, T do not exist anymore. A template parameter is a compile-time entity, and only the compiler knows about them.
Now, I'll explain to you why there is no such thing as a template callback.
Type erased container such as std::function are implemented with pointer to function. I'll use type aliases to ease the syntax a bit. It works like this:
// A function
void foo(int) {}
// The type of the pointer to function
using func_ptr = void(*)(int);
// A pointer to foo
func_ptr ptr = &foo;
The pointer to the function foo has a value that points to the location of foo in the memory.
Now imagine we have a way to have template function pointer. We would have to point to a function that does not exist yet. It has no memory location, so it cannot make sense. And through the pointer, when invoked as a function, you'd have to generate the function code.
Since a pointer to function can point to any function, even functions that aren't known to the compiler yet, you'd have to somehow generate the function code and compile it. But the value of the pointer, to which function our pointer points to, is defined at runtime! So you'd have to compile code at runtime, for code that you don't know yet, from a value that does not exist, when the compiler don't exist anymore. As you can see, pointer to template function, template std::function or virtual template function cannot exist.
Now that you have understood the problem, let me propose a solution: drop the callback usage. You should call those functions directly.
You seem to use callback only to be able to call private member functions. This is the wrong way to do it, even if it works. What you need is friend, the feature of C++ that allows you to access private members.
class Scene {
friend Component;
// ...
class Component {
// Let `scene` be a reference to your scene
void addComponent(Component* c, unsigned int id) {
scene.addComponent(c, id);
template<typename T>
T& getComponent(unsigned int id) {
return scene.getComponent<T>(id);
template<typename T>
bool hasComponent(unsigned int id) {
return scene.hasComponent(id);
template<typename T>
void removeComponent(unsigned int id) {
// ...
Since the Component class is the only friend to Scene, only it can call private member functions. Since all those newly defined functions in Component are protected, only class that extends from Component can call those. They are invoked like this:
class Scriptable : public Component {
void foo() {
hasComponent<Bar>(87); // works, call function defined in `Component`

Template and function pointer confuse

I started learning c++ now. Im quite confuse about this definition. This is just a throwaway code as the actual implementation was on the book I was reading
class A
template<class T>
void Hello(void(T::*func)())
func(); // Not working. Error term does not evaluate to function taking 0 argument
class B
void funcA()
std::cout << "Hello world" << std::endl;
// This is called function pointers
void funcB(void(*ptr)())
void main()
A a;
First is that what sort of template is that? If it's a template class shouldn't I delcare the template at the top of the class A?
Also why can't I call the func on Hello() like the same as calling a function pointer?
First is that what sort of template is that? If it's a template class shouldn't I delcare the template at the top of the class A?
A::Hello is member function template.
Also why can't I call the func on Hello() like the same as calling a function pointer?
Because the parameter func of Hello is not a function pointer, but a member function pointer. You need an object to call on it. e.g.
template<class T>
void Hello(void(T::*func)())
T t;

Function pointer in class A to member function from class B

I'm searching a solution for this for a few days now. Didn't find any question related enough to answer regrettably so here is my question.
Consider the next code:
// dummy class A
class A {
void aFunction() { // <- this is the function I want to point at
cout << "aFunction() is called\n";
class B {
template <class Class> // get a function pointer
void setFunction( void (Class::*func)() ) {
p_func = func;
void (*p_func)(); // the function pointer
int main() {
B obj;
return 0;
I have a compilation error in setFunction() on p_func = func;:
cannot convert from 'void (__thiscall A::* )(void)' to 'void (__cdecl *)(void)'
And I don't seem to be able to get rid of it in any way. I know it has something to do with those invisible this pointers (__thiscall and __cdecl), but I don't know how to handle these. I tried making the member variable p_func a class template too (void (Class::*p_func)()) so it would have the same structure, but it that seems to be illegal to have 2 class templates in one class (why?), thus isn't the correct solution. This time the compiler complains about:
multiple template parameter lists are not allowed
This method (without the template) works perfectly on global functions (which is the workaround I currently use) and I saw the use of it in a library (sfgui), so it should be perfectly possible.
To have some context over why I'd want this: I'm trying to create a button. This button should be able to call whatever function I'd like. For now, I'd like it to call the start() function of an animation class I'm making.
p.s.: I know this example is useless since I can't run p_func: the function isn't static. I still need to add an object pointer (setFunction( void (Class::*func)(), Class* )), but that does not seem to be a problem. And I know about typedef to make a function pointer more readable, but not with a class template.
After some more research I think the answer I need not the answer to this question, but rather another one. For once, I noticed that multiple template <class Class> is in fact allowed. However, it is not allowed on member variables since the compiler can't possibly know which class he'll need to use which probably is the reason for the error
multiple template parameter lists are not allowed
which is an odd description. Thanks anyway for the help, you did gave me a better insight.
You cannot convert a pointer-to-member Class::*func to a normal function pointer. They are of different types.
You should turn this:
void (*p_func)(); // the function pointer
into this:
void (class::*p_func)(); // the function pointer
You could also use a std::function<void()> and use boost::bind to bind it.
std::function<void()> fun = boost::bind(class::member_fun, args);
What about making your B class a template so you can do this:
class A {
void aFunction() { // <- this is the function I want to point at
std::cout << "aFunction() is called\n";
template<class T>
class B {
void setFunction( void (T::*func)() ) {
p_func = func;
void (T::*p_func)(); // the function pointer
void callfunc()
(t.*p_func)(); //call pointer to member
T t;
int main() {
B<A> obj;
return 0;
Live Example
I found the complete answer myself while searching for a way to save *objects of an unknown type without using templates or void pointers which has been answered here. The solution is a bit dodgy, because you'll have to create a dummy parent which allows for certain conversions.
The idea is that you create a Parent and every object that is allowed to be pointed to must inherit from it. This way you can create a pointer as Parent *obj which can hold multiple types of objects, but of course only classes that inherit from Parent.
The same applies for function pointers. If you define your pointer as void (Parent::*func)() as member variable. You can ask the user a template function pointer template <class Class> setFunction( void (Class::*f)() ), which can hold any pointer to any class. Now you need to cast the function pointer to the desired class, Parent: static_cast<void(Parent::*)()>(f). Mind that this only works when Class inherits from Parent. Otherwise you'll get a compilation error.
Minimal Working Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// dummy class Parent
class Parent {};
// class A
class A : public Parent { // Mind the inheritance!
A(int n) : num(n) {}
void print() { // <- function we want to point to
cout << "Number: " << num << endl;
int num;
// class B, will hold the 2 pointers
class B {
B() {}
template <class Class> // will save the function and object pointer
void setFunction( void (Class::*func)(), Class *obj) {
function = static_cast<void(Parent::*)()>(func);
object = obj;
void execFunction() { // executes the function on the object
void (Parent::*function)(); // the function pointer
Parent *object; // the object pointer
int main() {
A a(5);
B b;
b.setFunction(&A::print, &a);
return 0;
I don't really like this solution. A better solution would be that class B could have a function where it returns a bool when the function needs to be executed. This way you could simply place an if statement in the main-function that executes the desired function.
A a(5);
B b;
while (;;) {
if (b.aTest())
Where B::aTest() is declared as
bool B::aTest();
Hope this helps anyone that comes across the same problem. So it is perfectly possible but pretty dodgy in my opinion, and I don't encourage people using the first method.

Is it good to have a member template function inside a non-template class in c++?

I wonder if it is a good practice to have a member template function inside a non-template class in c++? Why?
I'm trying to do something like this
in classA.h:
in classA.cpp:
template <class T> share_func();
call share_func();
call share_func();
I wonder if it is appropriate?
That's a perfectly legitimate use of template functions. Additionally, there's no problem with using templated member functions of a non-template class. For example:
class A {
void say_hello() { cout << "Hello World" << endl; }
template<T> print_it( T arg ) { cout << "Argument: " << arg << endl; }
A a;
a.print_it( 3.14159 );
a.print_it( "A string" );
If the member function logically belongs in your class, and the template type is specific to only that function (and has nothing to do with the rest of your class), I don't see any reason not to do this.
Templating a function is a simple way of overloading it with different argument types, which is perfectly acceptable. In that sense, it's even acceptable to template a single member function in a non-template class, or call a template function from a non-template class. There's nothing ambiguous about it
If you have many methods that have similar signatures, only varying by type, a template method is the way to go:
struct Example
void load_from(std::istream&);
void load_from(Database_Table&);
void load_from(Some_Device&);
A template method would allow some expansion:
struct Example_Template_Method
template <class Input_Source>
void load_from(Input_Source&);
The key point here is that a template allows for a method, function or algorithm to operate on different types of objects without changing the algorithm. This can also apply to interfaces as well.
Yes it's good, of course as usual you'd better factorize as much out of the template as possible.
For example:
class Tokens
void add(const char* c);
void add(const std::string& s);
template <class T>
void add(T const& t)
std::vector<std::string> mTokens;
This relieves the tedium of the conversion from the user's lap.