How do I respond with a "syn ack" packet when receiving a "syn" packet through a raw socket? - c++

I am curious about raw sockets and and how to create them and would like to implement my own TCP mechanism. I have read some examples and have succeeded with sending both custom made TCP packets and UDP packets with my own written IP header (of course influenced by a lot of examples). I have checked with Wireshark that the packet is reaching its destination, so everything is fine so far.
But regarding TCP packets, to make the full handshake:
Client Server
syn --->
<--- syn ack
ack --->
What do I need from the serverĀ“s point of view to get the syn packet so I can send the syn ack back to the client?

To receive packets on a raw socket, just call recv or recvfrom on it. The OS will return you a copy of the next packet addressed to the machine, with headers and all, which should include address info. Watch the destination address, port, and transport protocol, and ignore any that aren't what you were expecting. (Since the point of a raw socket is that there's no built-in notion of ports or anything the OS could use to route packets to sockets, it doesn't know what program to send it every raw socket should receive every packet addressed to the machine. Meaning you might receive lots of crap you have no interest in.)
Once you see a packet addressed to "you", just build a SYN/ACK packet and send it to the address and port listed as the source in the received packet.
Note, though: the OS will often do its own processing of TCP and UDP packets (including sending ICMP "port unreachable" or other responses for ports it doesn't have listeners for)...and doing your own processing on top of that is bound to cause wackiness. If you're going to implement your own flavor of TCP, you might want to use a different protocol number. (Of course, then most clients won't be able to connect to'd have to make a client as well.)


My friend and I are receiving packets from a server in UDP, I am able to receive them but he can't

My friend and I are writing a game in sfml. We wrote both the client and the server in C++. The library we used to handle the networking is SFML. The clients send block update packets to the server and the server sends them to all connected players. This works fine, both my friend and I are able to receive the TCP packets. The problem is with the UDP player position packets. The server receives a UDP packet containing the players x y z (position coordinates) and pitch and yaw(direction the player is looking). Then it sends that information to all other connected clients.(This happens 10 times per second) We put a simple printf() statement to detect whether my friend is even receiving the udp packets but it turns out he was not. And I am obviously receiving the UDP packets since it I am able to see his position.
We thought this was because the server is sending UDP packets to the clients' router's IP but the packet does not contain the local ip of the computer the packet is meant for. Later, we learned that when the server sends a packet to the router, the packet gets sent containing a public ip address and a public port, the router then maps that port to a local ip address and a local port. However this is called port forwarding and requires the routers to be configured.
We just want to know why isn't this a problem with TCP connections?
Why am I able to receive the UDP packets without port forwarding?
Is port forwarding necessary for UDP communication?
We just want to know why isn't this a problem with TCP connections?
Because a connection is bidirectional.
Why am I able to receive the UDP packets without port forwarding?
There could be a lot of possibilities and there's no way we can know without looking much more closely. Here are a few possibilities:
You aren't behind a router that's doing NAT.
The router that does NAT for you isn't between your client and the server.
Your client sent a UDP datagram to the server and your router recognizes the response UDP datagram as a reply to that, creating the effect of having a "UDP connection".
Your client uses UPnP and your router supports UPnP to get port forwarding without special effort.
The server sets the source and destination UDP ports incorrectly and, by luck, it still works in your case. For example, the source and destination ports might happen to be the same or your router's NAT is especially permissive.
The server sets its source IP address incorrectly and this just happens to work in your case either because your router's NAT is more permissive or because the IP address you send to and the IP address the server sends from happen to be the same in your case.
You send a UDP datagram to the server and your friend didn't, thus your datagrams are seen as replies and your friend's aren't.
You can narrow things down if you can dump packets at the server. Seeing a UDP datagram from your friend as seen by the server followed by a UDP datagram from the server to your friend would help narrow things down a lot.
Is port forwarding necessary for UDP communication?
Generally no. If the client sends the first UDP datagram and the server correctly swaps the source and destination ports and the source and destination IP addresses, the UDP reply datagram will usually work.
The client must send UDP to the server first. The server must ensure that the UDP datagram is seen as a reply. That means the server looks at the UDP datagrams it gets from the client and ensures that it responds from the port the client sent UDP to and to the port the client sent UDP from. Similarly, it must send to the IP address the client sent from and send from the IP address the client send to.
Generally, servers offer TCP fallback or some other form of NAT penetration in case things don't "just work".

Getting the destination IP of incoming UDP packet in C++

I found the function: GetTcpTable in C++. In the header: iphlpapi.h. That gives me the destination IP of TCP packet and I was wondering if there's a function from the same header that would give me the destination IP of UDP packet... I tried the function: GetUdpTable but it gives only the local IP and port. I will be more than happy if that function has also code example in C++ of course. Thank you anyway!
I using pcap.h now and i still don't know how to catch UDP packets and take from them the ip. There is a code that i can use?
GetTcpTable() does not give you the destination IP of TCP packets. It merely gives you a list of currently listening TCP ports and active TCP connections.
GetUdpTable() can give you the list of currently listening UDP ports, where UDP packets can be sent to. There are no connections in UDP.
But, if you want to know the actual destination IP for each UDP packet received, and without having to use a low-level capture library like WinPCap, then you can use the WSARecvMsg() function to receive your UDP packets, rather than using the recvfrom() or even recv() function.
WSARecvMsg() can report metadata about each packet, most notably the IP_PKTINFO (IPv4) and IPV6_PKTINFO (IPv6) control blocks, which specify the destination IP of the packet and the index of the network interface that received the packet.
You need to use WSAIoctl(SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER) to obtain a pointer to the WSARecvMsg() function (see Why is the WSARecvMsg function implemented as a function pointer and can this pointer be reused? for the reason why), and use setsockopt() to enable the IP_PKTINFO/IPV6_PKTINFO socket option, before you start calling WSARecvMsg() to receive packets.
See Function to retrieve the header destination address from a packet in windows XP for an example.

C++ UDP RecvFrom, SendTo Different Sockets

i wrote a multithreaded UDP server after the following scheme:
1 Receiver Thread
(Multiple Worker Threads, each has an own Socket, not bindend ,just created Ipv4, UDP,Datagram)
Message gets pushed to 1 worker which then proceed's it and then sends an answere with its own socket.
This works perfectly on all my own test programs but for some odd reason it doesnt work with an old software for what i am emulating the server. The software uses async Wsa (overlapped), but i still doesn't get why it doesnt work.
It works if I use the same socket for sending as i used for receiving the data on the serverside. I dont get why, udp is a connectionless protocol so how can it detect a different socket?
Confusion: It works if I use the same socket for sending as i used for
receiving the data on the serverside. I dont get why, udp is a
connectionless protocol so how can it detect a different socket?
If you look in the UDP headers of the packets you are sending you will notice that they contain a "UDP Source Port" field. That field can be examined by the receiver of the packet (via recvfrom()) to find out which UDP port the sending UDP socket used on the sending machine (note that this is different from the "UDP Destination Port" field that determines which port the packet should be delivered to on the receiving machine). It's possible that in your case, the program you are communicating with is looking at that field and adjusting its behavior based on that field's value.
If you're wondering what that field will be set to if you never called bind() on the sending UDP socket, the answer is that the OS will choose an available UDP port number to send from (essentially an implicit bind()).

UDP sendto never fails

My application sends UDP packets to different hosts continuously. When a host is alive, UDP packet reaches to the host and sendto function returns number of bytes sent to it. But when a host gets down (cable unplug or reset), sendto function doesn't send UDP packet but still returns number of bytes in buffer. Instead of sending UDP packets, ARP packets get sent to find the host. Why sendto function doesn't return SOCKET_ERROR? WSAGetLastError function returns 0 also. How can I notice error on sending UDP packets to unreachable host?
P.S. my OS is Winodws 7 x64 and my application is native C++ and 64-bit.
The title of your question - "UDP sendto never fails" - is a pretty good one-line summary of UDP.
That's how UDP works - UDP doesn't care if the destination is reachable.
UDP sendto "succeeds" when the packet leaves your application; it doesn't even need to leave your computer as far as UDP is concerned.
The ARP packages are your computer's attempts to find a way to reach the host, but at that point sendto has already "succeeded".
If you want a reliable protocol, UDP is not what you're looking for.
A UDP sendto() cannot possibly return an error of that nature unless you are sending over a connected UDP socket, in which case you may get an error on a subsequent send.

SOCKS 5 and UDP (C/C++)

I know that SOCKS 5 supports UDP and I have been over the structure of the packets that are sent/received in negotiating with a SOCKS proxy.
The one thing I am not clear on is the procedure for setting up to register with a proxy to send/receive UDP packets.
Specifically, my biggest question is, "Is the connection to the SOCKS proxy that is used to negotiate a UDP associate relationship still made with TCP/IP?". In other words, "Do you end up using a TCP/IP socket to receive UDP packets routed through a SOCKS proxy?"
I would imagine that, if you used a TCP/IP connection to establish a pathway for UDP communication, you'd kind of be missing the whole point of establishing UDP communications. However, on the other hand, if the negotiation were made using UDP (and resulted in a UDP socket), then how would the relationship be terminated when your application is shutting down and no longer needs the proxy to "remember" you?
I have been all over the net looking for an example...but can't find anything. Any help (especially an example) would be appreciated.
"A UDP-based client MUST send its datagrams to the UDP relay server at
the UDP port indicated by BND.PORT in the reply to the UDP ASSOCIATE
"UDP association terminates when the TCP connection that the UDP
ASSOCIATE request arrived on terminates."
I actually tried using it once, but failed, because many "socks5" proxy
implementations don't actually support the complete protocol.
So I'd suggest to set up a working test case first (find an app which
would support socks5 udp proxy, and a proxy where it would actually work).
Then any network sniffer would tell you how it really works (if it does).