I'm having some trouble with a template struct.
template<typename T>
struct A{
const int v1;
T* v2;
My purpose is to make v1 always not editable, while v2 should be editable if I use T and not editable if I use const T as type.
If I create constructor to initialize A, the struct becomes:
template<typename T>
struct A{
const int v1;
T* v2;
A() : v1(-1) { v2=NULL; }
A(int value) : v1(value) { v2=NULL; }
But then g++ says that I need a specific assignment operator:
error: non-static const member ‘const int A::v1’, can’t use default assignment operator
But my assignment operator should also allow editing of v1. The only thing I'd like to avoid is an edit from the outside, something like:
A a;
Is there any way to implement this (without creating getter/setter or using a pointer to a new A(int) with the desired value)?
What if I declare v1 as a const int * ? It could refer someway to some value, but it cannot edit it.
Here's a way to "expose" a public, read-only data member that is modifiable by the class's own member functions (including assignment):
template <typename T>
class Helper {
friend class A;
T *ptr;
Helper &operator=(const Helper &rhs) = default; // in C++11
Helper &operator=(const Helper &rhs) { ptr = rhs.ptr; } // in C++03
Helper(T *ptr) : ptr(ptr) {}
operator const int &() const { return *ptr; }
class A {
int v1_;
Helper<int> v1;
A() : v1(&v1_) {} // although `A` should have a constructor that sets `v1_`
A(const A &rhs) { v1_ = rhs.v1_; v1 = Helper<int>(&v1_); }
A &operator=(const A &rhs) { v1_ = rhs.v1_; v1 = Helper<int>(&v1_); }
Now anyone outside the class A can use v1, but the only thing they can use it for is to get a const int& reference to v1_.
It is far easier just to give A a getter function that returns const int &, but if you really want the data member syntax then this provides it...
It says that you cannot use the default assignment operator. Nothing keeps you from writing your own operator= and use a const_cast. Unfortunately, this will be undefined behavior as v1 is declared const. So I'd suggest that you use accessors and private data.
You could just make it a class with everything public (thats all a struct is) and use an initialisation list - no need for getters/setters
I solved my problem by changing the type of v1 from int to const int *, by doing this I can change the address of v1 and consequently change the value that v1 points to, but preventing any kind of editing.
So, here's my new simple struct
template<typename T>
struct A{
const int* v1;
T* v2;
When I use A with type T, I let v2 to be edited, and when I use A with type T const I prevent any attempt to edit v2's pointed value.
I have a function that takes a vector-like input. To simplify things, let's use this print_in_order function:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
template <typename vectorlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const & order,
vectorlike const & printme) {
for (int i : order)
std::cout << printme[i] << std::endl;
int main() {
std::vector<int> printme = {100, 200, 300};
std::vector<int> order = {2,0,1};
print_in_order(order, printme);
Now I have a vector<Elem> and want to print a single integer member, Elem.a, for each Elem in the vector. I could do this by creating a new vector<int> (copying a for all Elems) and pass this to the print function - however, I feel like there must be a way to pass a "virtual" vector that, when operator[] is used on it, returns this only the member a. Note that I don't want to change the print_in_order function to access the member, it should remain general.
Is this possible, maybe with a lambda expression?
Full code below.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Elem {
int a,b;
Elem(int a, int b) : a(a),b(b) {}
template <typename vectorlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const & order,
vectorlike const & printme) {
for (int i : order)
std::cout << printme[i] << std::endl;
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = {Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300)};
std::vector<int> order = {2,0,1};
// how to do this?
virtual_vector X(printme) // behaves like a std::vector<Elem.a>
print_in_order(order, X);
It's not really possible to directly do what you want. Instead you might want to take a hint from the standard algorithm library, for example std::for_each where you take an extra argument that is a function-like object that you call for each element. Then you could easily pass a lambda function that prints only the wanted element.
Perhaps something like
template<typename vectorlike, typename functionlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const & order,
vectorlike const & printme,
functionlike func) {
for (int i : order)
Then call it like
print_in_order(order, printme, [](Elem const& elem) {
std::cout << elem.a;
Since C++ have function overloading you can still keep the old print_in_order function for plain vectors.
Using member pointers you can implement a proxy type that will allow you view a container of objects by substituting each object by one of it's members (see pointer to data member) or by one of it's getters (see pointer to member function). The first solution addresses only data members, the second accounts for both.
The container will necessarily need to know which container to use and which member to map, which will be provided at construction. The type of a pointer to member depends on the type of that member so it will have to be considered as an additional template argument.
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
class virtual_vector
virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr) :
const Container * m_container;
MemberPtr m_member;
Next, implement the operator[] operator, since you mentioned that it's how you wanted to access your elements. The syntax for dereferencing a member pointer can be surprising at first.
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
class virtual_vector
virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr) :
// Dispatch to the right get method
auto operator[](const size_t p_index) const
return (*m_container)[p_index].*m_member;
const Container * m_container;
MemberPtr m_member;
To use this implementation, you would write something like this :
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = { Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300) };
std::vector<int> order = { 2,0,1 };
virtual_vector<decltype(printme), decltype(&Elem::a)> X(printme, &Elem::a);
print_in_order(order, X);
This is a bit cumbersome since there is no template argument deduction happening. So lets add a free function to deduce the template arguments.
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
virtual_vector<Container, MemberPtr>
make_virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr)
return{ p_container, p_member_ptr };
The usage becomes :
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = { Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300) };
std::vector<int> order = { 2,0,1 };
auto X = make_virtual_vector(printme, &Elem::a);
print_in_order(order, X);
If you want to support member functions, it's a little bit more complicated. First, the syntax to dereference a data member pointer is slightly different from calling a function member pointer. You have to implement two versions of the operator[] and enable the correct one based on the member pointer type. Luckily the standard provides std::enable_if and std::is_member_function_pointer (both in the <type_trait> header) which allow us to do just that. The member function pointer requires you to specify the arguments to pass to the function (non in this case) and an extra set of parentheses around the expression that would evaluate to the function to call (everything before the list of arguments).
template<class Container, class MemberPtr>
class virtual_vector
virtual_vector(const Container & p_container, MemberPtr p_member_ptr) :
// For mapping to a method
template<class T = MemberPtr>
auto operator[](std::enable_if_t<std::is_member_function_pointer<T>::value == true, const size_t> p_index) const
return ((*m_container)[p_index].*m_member)();
// For mapping to a member
template<class T = MemberPtr>
auto operator[](std::enable_if_t<std::is_member_function_pointer<T>::value == false, const size_t> p_index) const
return (*m_container)[p_index].*m_member;
const Container * m_container;
MemberPtr m_member;
To test this, I've added a getter to the Elem class, for illustrative purposes.
struct Elem {
int a, b;
int foo() const { return a; }
Elem(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) {}
And here is how it would be used :
int main() {
std::vector<Elem> printme = { Elem(1,100), Elem(2,200), Elem(3,300) };
std::vector<int> order = { 2,0,1 };
{ // print member
auto X = make_virtual_vector(printme, &Elem::a);
print_in_order(order, X);
{ // print method
auto X = make_virtual_vector(printme, &Elem::foo);
print_in_order(order, X);
You've got a choice of two data structures
struct Employee
std::string name;
double salary;
long payrollid;
std::vector<Employee> employees;
Or alternatively
struct Employees
std::vector<std::string> names;
std::vector<double> salaries;
std::vector<long> payrollids;
C++ is designed with the first option as the default. Other languages such as Javascript tend to encourage the second option.
If you want to find mean salary, option 2 is more convenient. If you want to sort the employees by salary, option 1 is easier to work with.
However you can use lamdas to partially interconvert between the two. The lambda is a trivial little function which takes an Employee and returns a salary for him - so effectively providing a flat vector of doubles we can take the mean of - or takes an index and an Employees and returns an employee, doing a little bit of trivial data reformatting.
template<class F>
struct index_fake_t{
F f;
decltype(auto) operator[](std::size_t i)const{
return f(i);
template<class F>
index_fake_t<F> index_fake( F f ){
template<class F>
auto reindexer(F f){
return [f=std::move(f)](auto&& v)mutable{
return index_fake([f=std::move(f),&v](auto i)->decltype(auto){
return v[f(i)];
template<class F>
auto indexer_mapper(F f){
return [f=std::move(f)](auto&& v)mutable{
return index_fake([f=std::move(f),&v](auto i)->decltype(auto){
return f(v[i]);
Now, print in order can be rewritten as:
template <typename vectorlike>
void print(vectorlike const & printme) {
for (auto&& x:printme)
std::cout << x << std::endl;
template <typename vectorlike>
void print_in_order(std::vector<int> const& reorder, vectorlike const & printme) {
print(reindexer([&](auto i){return reorder[i];})(printme));
and printing .a as:
print_in_order( reorder, indexer_mapper([](auto&&x){return x.a;})(printme) );
there may be some typos.
There is a simple example of the class Test
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
template <typename T>
struct MinMax { T min, max; };
template <typename T>
using TList = std::vector<T>;
template <typename T>
class Test
const T a, b;
const MinMax <T> m;
Test() : a(0), m{ 0, 0 }, b(0.0) {};
T getA() const { return a; }
MinMax <T> & getMinMax() const { return m; }
T getB() const { return b; }
Test(const Test &t) : a(t.a), b(t.b), m(t.m ) {}
with the constant data members. Instead of the constructor, the data are not changed. I would like to copy the vector of Test objects to another vector using std::inserter. I am surprised that the copy constructor is not sufficient
int main()
TList <Test <double> > t1;
TList <Test <double> > t2;
Test<double> t;
std::copy(t2.begin(), t2.end(), std::inserter(t1, t1.begin()));
return 0;
and the following compiler error appears (VS2015):
Error C2280 'Test<double> &Test<double>::operator =(const Test<double> &)': attempting to reference a deleted function Const
Is it possible to let the data members const and perform a copy in a different way (some hack :-))? Or an operator = must be defined, so the data members cannot be const (it is imppossible to assign to an object with const data members)?
Thanks for your help.
An insert to a vector reassigns all elements after the inserted element and assigns the inserted element to the freed up slot.
In other words, you can't because the Standard requires the elements of standard containers to be Asssignable (have a = b defined) to offer full functionality.
Apart from the obvious solution of writing your own operator= you can also add elements with const members to a vector by pushing back:
std::copy(t2.begin(), t2.end(), std::back_inserter(t1));
but that's kind of working against the Standard; push_back doesn't happen to need assignability but other functions may.
Or, you can use a container that doesn't require assignability to insert, e.g.:
template <typename T>
using TList = std::list<T>;
trading off all the benefits of contiguous memory cache locality of a vector.
On a closing note, I tend to avoid declaring data members of my structures const because of such problems with generic containers that require assignability under the hood. Notice that in your example removing const from private members would leave you with good-enough read-only fields (that can be accessed only via getters from outside).
struct classcomp ;
typedef struct basic{
int a ;
set<base*,classcomp> b ;
int c ;
} base ;
bool operator() (const base& *lhs, const base& *rhs) const{
return (*lhs).a < (*rhs).a;}
I want to create a set of pointers of datatype base with comparator function classcomp .where does my code gone wrong.Someone please help
From all I see in your code, you've several places where you're trying to use dependent declarations that don't exist yet. Fixing the various problems, one way to do this is:
struct base; //forward decl announces this will exist (sooner or later)
struct classcomp
// uses forward decl from before in arguments. since we're
// using pointers, no other type info is required. we don't
// actually implement this yet (we can't, we don't know what
// "base" really is yet).
bool operator ()(const base* lhs, const base* rhs) const;
// now we define "base". when the set is declared we provide it a
// custom comparator type that has yet to be fully fleshed out, but
// that's ok. we know what it *will* look like (it provides the
// proper operator() overload).
struct base
int a;
std::set<base*, classcomp> b ;
int c;
// now we know what a "base" looks like. we can use that to
// implement the comparator operator () and finish what we
// started from before.
inline bool classcomp::operator()(const base* lhs, const base* rhs) const
return lhs->a < rhs->a;
From there, you can use base as-is or derive from it and shove shove pointers of either into the b collection of a given base (which I wouldn't do, as I would have foisted all of this using smart pointers, but that's another issue separate from this question).
Nested Comparator
This can get considerably simpler if you nest the comparator within base in the first place, and you may want to consider that. In doing so it bring everything you need in one place:
struct base
struct cmp_ptr
bool operator()(const base* lhs, const base* rhs) const
return lhs->a < rhs->a;
int a;
std::set<base*, cmp_ptr> b ;
int c;
Personally, I prefer the latter. If you need to use the comparator type somewhere else, it can be acquired using base::cmp_ptr, which is much clearer (to me at least) in its intent.
Hope it helps.
classcomp {...}; should be struct classcomp{...}; and add a forward declaration of struct base or class base.
Or change the first template parameter of std::set to basic if you intend to do the same.
Also the type classcomp is not complete when you use it. Ensure that struct classcomp definition is available before class basic.
Offtopic but you can better re-write your classcomp less cryptic as:
struct classcomp {
bool operator() (const base *lhs, const base *rhs) const {
return lhs->a < rhs->a;
Define it this way
struct classcomp {
bool operator() (const base& *lhs, const base& *rhs) const {
return (*lhs).a < (*rhs).a;
struct base {
int a;
set<base *, classcomp> b;
int c;
I'm trying to learn more about templates and have come across a problem I can't seem to solve. At the moment the class below works fine.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
template <class T, int s>
class myArray{
T* data;
inline T& operator[](const int i){return data[i];}
data=new T[s];
myArray(const myArray& other){
data=new T[s];
myArray& operator=(const myArray& other){
data=new T[s];
return *this;
~myArray(){delete [] data;}
If I use it:
myArray<myArray<myArray<int,10>,20>,30> a;
a is now 30x20x10 array that I can access with the normal array brackets e.g. a[5][5][5]. I wish to add a feature so that I could write:
myArray<myArray<myArray<int,10>,20>,30> a(10);
and initialise all of the entries to 10 for example. I can't work out how to do this. As I understand, each layer of myArray is constructed using the default constructor. If I changed this to something like:
myArray(int n=0){
data=new T[s];
fill(data,data+s,n); //T might not be of type int so this could fail.
I think this should fail when data is not of type int (i.e. on any array on dimensions > 1), however it doesn't. It works when the array is square, but if not then some of the entries aren't set to 10. Does anyone have an idea how the standard vectors class achieves this? Any help would be amazing. Thanks!
Well, try something like this:
: data(new T[s]()) // value-initialization!
myArray(T const & val)
: data(new T[s]) // default-initialization suffices
std::fill(data, data + s, val);
If you're into variadic templates, you might cook up something even more grotesque involving variadically filled initializer lists, but I think we've done enough learning for one week.
Note the fundamental flaw in using new: Either version requires that your class T can be instantiated in some "default" state, and that it be assignable, even though we never require the default state in the second version. That's why "real" libraries separate memory allocation and object construction, and you never see a new expression unless its the placement version.
std::vector uses placement new on memory blocks. It constructs the data.after allocating the memory in a second line of code.
This technique would work for you as well. Be careful with placement new as it requires you to call destructors manually as well.
Here is a half-assed route without placement new:
template<typename U>
explicit MyArray( U const& constructFromAnythingElse )
AllocateSpace(N); // write this, just allocates space
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
Element(i) = T( constructFromAnythingElse );
with placement new, you have to allocate the memory first, then construct in-place, and then remember to destroy each element at the end.
The above is half-assed compared to a placement new route, because we first construct each element, then build another one, and use operator= to overwrite it.
By making it a template constructor on an arbitrary type, we don't rely on multiple conversion to get multiple levels down into the array. The naive version (where you take a T const&) doesn't work because to construct an array of arrays of arrays of T, the outermost one expects an array of arrays of T as an argument, which expects an array of T as an argument, which expects a T -- there are too many levels of user defined construction going on there.
With the above template constructor, the array of array of array of T accepts any type as a constructor. As does the array of array of T, as does the array of T. Finally, the T is passed in whatever you constructed the outermost array of array of array of T, and if it doesn't like it, you get a compiler error message that is nearly completely unreadable.
Make specialization for arrays containing other arrays. To do this you need some common implementation class to be used in general and specialized MyArray:
Common implementation (I made some fixes for you - see !!! comments):
template <class T, int s>
class myArrayImpl {
T* data;
T& operator[](int i){return data[i];} //!!! const before int not needed
const T& operator[](int i) const {return data[i];} //!!! was missing
data=new T[s]();
myArrayImpl(const myArrayImpl & other){
data=new T[s];
myArrayImpl& operator=(const myArrayImpl& other){
T* olddata = data; // !!! need to store old data
data=new T[s];
delete [] olddata; //!!! to delete it after copying
return *this;
~myArrayImpl(){delete [] data;}
Then make general implementation - note the definition of value_type and setAll:
template <class T, int s>
class myArray : private myArrayImpl<T,s> {
typedef myArrayImpl<T,s> Impl;
using Impl::operator[];
myArray() : Impl() {}
typedef T value_type; // !!!
explicit myArray(const value_type& value) {
void setAll(const value_type& value) {
fill(this->data, this->data + s, value);
And the specialized version for myArray of myArray - see also differences in value_type and setAll:
template <class T, int s1, int s2>
class myArray<myArray<T,s2>,s1> : private myArrayImpl<myArray<T,s2>,s1> {
typedef myArrayImpl<myArray<T,s2>,s1> Impl;
using Impl::operator[];
myArray() : Impl() {}
typedef typename myArray<T,s2>::value_type value_type; // !!!
explicit myArray(const value_type& value) {
void setAll(const value_type& value) {
for_each(this->data, this->data + s1, [value](myArray<T,s2>& v) { v.setAll(value); });
And usage:
int main() {
myArray<myArray<myArray<int,7>,8>,9> a(7);
std::cout << a[0][0][0] << std::endl;
std::cout << a[8][7][6] << std::endl;
Full example here: http://ideone.com/0wdT9D
See the code below - I am trying to put a const object into a vector. I know the answer is "STL containers require objects to be assignable and copy constructable", but, without citing the standard, can anyone explain what the problem with doing this is? I don't understand why a class like this could not be copied (besides that c++ doesn't allow it).
All it is is a value stored that is not allowed to be changed - why can't putting it in a vector simply create another one of these objects?
#include <vector>
// Attempt 1
// /home/doriad/Test/Test.cxx:3:8: error: non-static const member ‘const int MyClass::x’, can’t use default assignment operator
// struct MyClass
// {
// int const x;
// MyClass(int x): x(x) {}
// };
// int main()
// {
// std::vector<MyClass> vec;
// vec.push_back(MyClass(3));
// return 0;
// }
// Attempt 2
// /home/doriad/Test/Test.cxx:28:23: error: assignment of read-only member ‘MyClass::x’
struct MyClass
int const x;
MyClass(int x): x(x) {}
MyClass& operator= (const MyClass& other)
if (this != &other)
this->x = other.x;
return *this;
int main()
std::vector<MyClass> vec;
return 0;
It is possible to do this with std::set and std::list. I guess it is the sort() function in std::vector that uses assignment. This is not UB right?
#include <set>
// Attempt 1
struct MyClass
int const x;
MyClass(int x): x(x) {}
bool operator< (const MyClass &other) const;
bool MyClass::operator<(const MyClass &other) const
if(this->x < other.x)
return true;
else if (other.x < this->x)
return false;
int main()
std::set<MyClass> container;
return 0;
EDIT2: (Removing a bunch of stuff that doesn't have to work) The C++11 standard states that the insert method for vector and deque (and the default implementation of push_back for that matter) requires the value type to be CopyAssignable, i.e., the value supports:
t= v;
Classes and structs with const members are not CopyAssignable by default, so what you want to do won't work.
This doc (n3173) has an explanation for the various container requirements.
One possible solution would be to store pointers to the objects in the vector, because pointers are assignable and copy constructable.
Another possible solution would be to declare x without the const keyword, but ensure that it cannot be modified through encapsulation (i.e. you should declare it as private and don't modify from anywhere outside the constructor)..
When you place an object of type MyClass in the std::vector, the vector will make a copy of the object for storage, and not the object you passed to it.