There is an array of objects and to add object to it i tries the following:
Shape ShapeList[30];
void addShape(Shape s)
for(int i=0; i<30;i++)
if(ShapeList[i] != '\0')
{ i++;}
numShapes is an integer variable, Shape is the class and ShapeList is the array of objects. But the compiler gives an error in this way that != operator is not allowed. So how can i implement this?
I think you need to change your 'container' declaration:
Shape *ShapeList[30];
void addShape(Shape *s)
for(int i=0; i<30;i++)
{ i++;}
and call addShape this way:
addShape(new Shape());
ShapeList[i] returns an object of type Shape. In that case, you can overload operator != (char).
class Shape
//your implementation
bool operator != (char x) const
// comparison logic
Also, I believe you have a mistake here:
if(ShapeList[i] != '\0')
{ i++;}
I assume you want to skip this case, but you already increment i in the for loop. You probably want:
if(ShapeList[i] != '\0')
{ continue;}
As others have pointed out, you should use a std::vector instead of a raw array. I initially assumed ShapeList was a wrapper over a std container.
Shape * ShapeList[30];
void addShape(Shape* s)
if( i>=30)
ShapeList[numShapes++]=s; // provided you need to insert at end
You can't use \0 because it's an array, not a string.
storing the whole object as such is an overhead with memory. pointers are a better choice unless you have local variables going out of scope problems. and if STL and Vectors is not beyond your scope of the project you are on to try using it. in which you can use pushback() or pushfront()
You did not specify how ShapeList is declared.
With the != operator you compare it to the character NUL,
while 4 lines below you assign it a Shape object.
What i think you are trying to achieve, is: find an empty slot in the array of pointers to Shape, and store the Shape there.
But probably better is to use either a std::vector, or std::list, and push_back your shape.
Another thing you have to ask yourself: do i want to store copies of my Shape object, or pointers?
Unless you have a conversion operator in the Shape class to convert it to a character, or a not-equal comparison operator that takes a character as argument, you can not compare a Shape object to a char like you do.
You should be using a std::vector or std::array and use the at member function to see if entry exists or not.
I added also void Clear()-method.
I'm asking about this Vector class.
void push_back(Data const &x) {
if (d_capacity == d_size) resize();
d_data[d_size++] = x;
}; // Adds new value. If needed, allocates more space
How to add "insert"-method to this Vector class (arduino use C++ but not have a standard vector methods)?
Vector<Sensor*> sensors;
I have a another class Sensor and I use vector like this.
push.back(new Sensor (1,1,"Sensor_1",2));
Is it possible to add values one by one to this vector class? And how to do it?
I like to ask also other question.
How can I call delete/call destructor for this Vector "sensors" so all pointers are deleted? Or sensors vector is deleted? I want to clear the data and then add data to it.
If you want to add an item to the end of the vector, use the push_back method you've quoted above. If you want to add an item somewhere else in the vector, you'll need to add your own method which re-sizes if necessary, shifts the elements above the insert location up one place and then copies the new element into the correct slot. Something like this (untested):
void insert_at(size_t idx, Data const &data) {
assert(idx < d_size);
if (d_capacity == d_size) {
for (size_t i = d_size; i > idx; --i) {
d_data[i] = std::move(d_data[i - 1]);
d_data[idx] = data;
As Nacho points out, you might be better off with a linked list if you're going to do a lot of these insert operations, especially if the data you're storing is large and/or has a complex move operator.
I been stuck here for a few days. Could anyone take a look at the toString method in the Row class, how can I retrieve every point from a tree of points and get the char value from the point? I know in vector or array we can probably use a for loop and do something like find(points[i]), but I really have no clue here.
**std::string toString() const
string s;
for(int i = 0; i != points.size(); i++)
//Maybe use points.find(???) here to retrieve the point
s.push_back(point.getType()); //Just for demonstration, this does not work
return s;
So I cannot modify the binNode binTree class. And I cannot have the print method in the Point class, because the print() method print every element in a new line. But we have to retrieve the char value from every point, and attach all char value of all point into a String.
Thank you so much for giving me a hint!
The binNode template doesn't really support that sort of usage because it doesn't expose it's children. Nor does it supply an iterator. That makes it impossible to traverse the tree in code that is outside the class. The children are not even visible to subclasses so you can't extend it that way.
You could get hacky and specialize the binNode template for Point and force it to emit output into a global string:
std::string output; // a global
template <>
class binNode<Point> {
void print() const {
if (left != NULL) left->print();
output += nodeData.getType();
if (right != NULL) right->print();
// in some function
output.clear(); // remember to clear previous output
points.print(); // the string now has the output from `print`
This will of course not work if you have multiple threads calling print even on separate bintrees.
To properly implement such functionality, your only option is to modify bintree and binNode.
I'm an expert level Java programmer, trying to port my knowledge over to C++. This is not homework, just a concept that I'm trying to learn the C++ equivalent of.
What I'm trying to do, is "generate" a list of objects of a custom type using a loop. This is how I would do it in Java:
public class TestClass
private ArrayList<ExampleClass> _exampleObjects;
private int _numObjects = 10;
public void populateList()
_exampleObjects = new ArrayList<ExampleClass>();
for(int i = 0; i < _numObjects; i++)
_exampleObjects.add(new ExampleClass());
public void doStuffWithListItems()
for(ExampleClass e : _exampleObjects)
Super simple stuff. Create a list, iterate through an arbitrary loop and add objects to it. Then, loop through those objects and use them for whatever purpose.
class TestClass
// Constructor, copy constructor, destructor definitions
void populateList();
void doStuffWithListItems();
std::vector<ExampleClass> _exampleObjects;
const int _numObjects = 10;
void TestClass::populateList()
for(int i = 0; i < _numObjects; i++)
ExampleObject obj;
/* What actually goes here in place of obj? */
void TestClass::doStuffWithListItems()
for(auto it = _exampleObjects.begin(); it != _exampleObjects.end(); it++)
/* What do i do with my iterator to access my object? */
Its my understanding that where I initialise my objects in the first loop, they go out of scope and die by the end of each loop iteration. Is that right? If so, how do I make a persistent instance?
I experimented with the shared_ptr<> from and was apparently able to store them persistently, but couldn't for the life of me work out how to dereference from an iterator of a shared_ptr<>.
I feel like this should be a really simple concept. I just can't seem to work it out. I've read a lot on C++ scope and loops. I just can't seem to find anything on both.
ExampleObject obj;
/* What actually goes here in place of obj? */
Nothing. What you have is correct, assuming ExampleClass has a working copy constructor. If your compiler supports C++11 (and since you're using auto, it at least partially does), you can save yourself a copy.
This constructs an object in place in the vector, forwarding the arguments (none in this case) to a matching constructor (the default ctor, in this case). For accessing the object from the iterator, do this:
for(auto it = _exampleObjects.begin(); it != _exampleObjects.end(); it++)
Again, C++11 can make things better here.
for(auto & obj : _exampleObjects)
Its my understanding that where I initialise my objects in the first
loop, they go out of scope and die by the end of each loop iteration.
If so, how do I make a persistent instance?
vector<>::push_back takes care of this. It copies the parameter into the vector. In other words, it's not the same object that was created in the loop, it's a copy. You just need to ensure that ExampleClass has non-broken copy semantics.
couldn't for the life of me work out how to dereference from an
iterator of a shared_ptr<>
If you had an iterator into a vector of shared pointers, (call it it), you would dereference it, and call the member function of the stored object, like this:
// alternatively
The ideal answer suggests a very bad idea - use post increment ++ on iterator in loop.
You should never ever use it in loops where you only need to iterate because postincrement must return the value the iterator had before it was incrementing; so, that previous value needs to be copied somewhere before.
It is just not good from performance perspective and a bad codestyle sign.
I'm having a problem in my c++ game related with the vector.
I want to know if theres any code that tells me if a vector still exists.
Example (x = a structure that I created):
vector<x*> var;
var.push_back(new x);
var[5]->Pos_X = 10;
And now what i want:
delete var[5];
if(var[5] still exists){
var[5]->Pos_X = 20;
What could be the code for var[5] still exists?
Unless you've actually set the pointer to null after deleting it, there's no real way to determine whether that slot in the vector contains a pointer to a live object or not.
So you'd need to:
delete vec[5];
vec[5] = NULL;
Then you could test
if (vec[5] == NULL)
to determine if there was "really" something at that location or not.
There is no code for that, not without extra careful work in your deleting process. If you store smart pointers you can do it like this:
vector<unique_ptr<x>> var;
// assuming you actually do add 6 or more elements to the vector
if (var[5]) { ... }
You could use var.size() to see if the vector contains a pointer at var[5], but that won't tell you whether the pointer is valid.
You could create a small wrapper class:
template <class T>
class wrapper {
bool valid;
T *data_;
wrapper(T *d): data_(d), valid(true) {}
del() { delete data; valid = false; }
bool isValid() { return valid; }
T *data() { return valid ? data : NULL; }
std::vector<wrapper<x> > var;
if (var[5].valid())
var[5].data()->Pos_X = 20;
Personally, I'd prefer to just ensure that all the pointers are valid all the time though.
calling delete you are deallocating memory pointed by that x*, so you still have pointer to some memory address that do not contain anymore what you excpected.
If you want to remove elements from vector consider using "erase"; then, if you don't want to erase but simply "cancel" the Nth element, structure is yours.. put some bool flag inside your structure.
I am looking to be pointed in the right direction.
I have 1 class Event
class Event{
vector<string> Question;
char Mode;// 1 = Ascending 2 = Descending 3 = None
string EventName;
Event(string Name){
EventName = Name;
Mode = 3;
void SetName(string NewName){
EventName = NewName;
void SetQuestionSize(){
int ReturnQuestionSize(){
return Question.size();
void SetQuestion(){
Question[0]="Enter ";
Question[1]="1 ";
Question[2]="to ";
Question[3]="sort ";
Question[4]="in ";
Question[5]="ascending ";
Question[6]="order, ";
Question[7]="2 ";
Question[8]="for ";
Question[9]="Descending, ";
Question[10]="or ";
Question[11]="3 ";
Question[12]="to ";
Question[13]="ignore ";
string ReturnQuestion(int Index){
return Question[Index];
/*vector<string> ReturnQuestion(){
return Question;
void SetMode(char NewMode){
if (NewMode == '0' || NewMode == '1' || NewMode == '2')
Mode = NewMode;
char ReturnMode(){
return Mode;
string ReturnName(){
return EventName;
This is will be a member of a second object, which will use Event's functions to store data in Event's members.
The problem I'm having is declaring an array of Event objects in my second object. When researching I came across ways to use an array of pointers to the first object, and some operator '->' that I'm guessing is related to virtual functions.
class WhatTheyWant{
Event *events[2];
events[0]= new Event("Miss");
events[1]= new Event("Dodge");
I'm very ignorant about pointers, and I know I will have to learn them eventually, but are they the best way to go or is there a better.
Since your Event class doesn't have a default constructor, you need to explicitly construct each object with its name, so the way you're doing it currently is the only way to do it.
If you add a default constructor to Event, you can do it in at least two other ways:
If you will always have a (small) fixed number of objects, you can just declare an array of constant size:
Event events[2];
Doing this will automatically construct the objects when WhatTheyWant is created, so you just need to set the names afterwards:
WhatTheyWant() {
If you want to have a variable number of events, you can declare a single pointer and dynamically allocate an array of objects:
Event *events;
And you could probably give the number as a parameter to the constructor:
WhatTheyWant(int numEvents) {
events = new Event[numEvents];
for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++)
Also, not directly related to your question, but your Mode variable would be better modeled using an enumeration instead of a char. Using an enum makes it clearer as to what the variable really means, rather than using values like 0, 1 and 2. For example:
enum ModeType { Ascending, Descending, None };
ModeType Mode;
Event() {
Mode = Ascending;
void SetMode(ModeType NewMode) {
Mode = NewMode;
ModeType ReturnMode() {
return Mode;
You can use either array of objects or array of pointers.
Array of objects go like below.
class WhatTheyWant{
Event events[2];
events[0] = Event("Miss");
events[1] = Event("Dodge");
Note: You need to add default constructor to your event class to compile the above approach.
With the above approach, you do not need to take care of freeing Event objects. Whenever WhatTheyWant object gets destroyed, event objects get destroyed.
Array of pointers approach goes like you mentioned.
But you need to take care of freeing the memory allocated(Unless you use auto_ptr or some c++0x equivalent).
Deletion should happen in destructor like below.
class WhatTheyWant{
Event *events[2];
events[0]= new Event("Miss");
events[1]= new Event("Dodge");
delete events[0];
delete events[1];
In C++, pointers are just like arrays
in your WhatTheyWant class, you define the private member:
Event *events[2];
This is an array of arrays (2D array) with variable length (of arrays) and 2 element in each array.
and the operator '->' is used when you want to access a (member of some kind of object) and that is called an object pointer (a pointer which points to an object) but when you define a normal object variable you use '.' operator.
If you've got the courage and knowledge to use them they are very useful but in general they're dangerous and that's why the new languages tend to go to the managed way.