Developing an Excel XLL using Mac OS X / Linux - c++

I've been developing C++ models using Visual Studio for the past 5 years, and wrapped them into Xll to be used with Excel (using xlw). The Excel add-in is the final product I want to deliver.
However, I believe C++ coding is way better using Linux or Mac OS X. But I also believe using my models with Excel through the Xll is also very practical, but sadly only works on Windows.
So I would like to know if there is a way to do the implementation on Mac OS X (or Linux), generate the Excel add-in and use it on Windows.
The only method to do so that I'm currently thinking of is doing the coding on Mac OS X, compile the project without including the part concerning the Xll, then load the project into Visual Studio and compile it entirely to generate the Excel add-in. But to be honest, this sounds a bit laborious, and I'm hoping for an easier way.

It is possible. You just need to use mingw ( to compile from Linux. I should note that you can then use g++ 4.7, which is a very decent C++ compiler with support for C++ 11x. The cross-compilers work both in Mac and Linux, and because it is gcc, you can use them with your favorite tool ecosystem.
There are few unexpected quirks, but just in case:
Remember to use -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias to get functions exported with no underscore in the final dll.
Instead of declspec(__declexport) use __attribute((dllexport)). But you can also use the more antique .def trickery, if you wish. In any case, use the Windows sdk tools "Depends.exe" or similar to ensure that your dll exports correctly the names.
If your are using a virtual machine for testing, or any fresh Excel installation, remember to install all the bells and whistles that come with Office and Excel. Otherwise, in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010, the addins won't work, and you will mistakenly blame your build setup.
Also, if you are up for using, which indeed can make your life simpler, you will have to update that library for strict C++ conformance.
Best regards.

I've developed a working example of a C++ Excel addin using Mac OSX, Eclipse CDT and XCode and a spreadsheet that uses the addin. An explanation is here including versions used etc and the code is here
There are two gotchas
Excel 2011 is 32 bit
Make sure the addin in the same directory as the excel spreadsheet
clang (included with Xcode) is a good replacement for g++
All you need to do is install Eclipse CDT and import the code you'll be away.


Converting a Linux Library Project into a Library Project usable in windows

I am attempting to convert the ndn library project found at "" into something that can be imported into several existing mfc/wpf/forms Visual Studio Projects (building it as .lib or .dll would work).
As a note, it appears to have previously been converted into c# for windows for a older build of ndn, but is no long supported and will not connect with the current ndn network.(
I have looked into the using the WSL features that they have added to windows 10, and the Visual studio Linux Cross Platform projects, but these all seem to only be able to make .exes that will run in windows not a .lib or .dll that can be imported into another project.
I have also look into the shared items project but what I was able to find didn't seem like it would work for what I'm trying to do.
Lastly, I tried using cygwin. I was able to compile and generate the linux style libraries(.a) on my windows 10 machine, but when i attempted to generate windows style dlls off the .o files(gcc -shared -o mydll.dll mydll.o) I ran into a large number of reference errors that I was unable to resolve.
Does anyone have any recommendations on which of these methods I should be using or if I should be attempting some other method entirely?
Does anyone have any good references or examples of how to do this for someone with limited Linux experience?
Ok. I've tried going about this several ways now, and here's what I've learned that might be useful to someone else trying to do this and also where I stand so far:
If you have a simple Linux dll that you have written it's possible to compile it as a Windows dll using MSYS2 or MINGW, instructions are here:
If you have something a bit more complicated like the program I'm trying to convert above, there is no quick fix to convert from Linux to windows, however you still might be able to compile your program for windows using Visual Studio.
Here's how you do it:
Download vcpkg from This is a linux package manager for windows, it will allow you to download windows equivalents to many common Linux packages (for the above I had to download boost and sqlite3)
Create your own unistd.h, here's a link to that: Is there a replacement for unistd.h for Windows (Visual C)?
Get dirent.h for windows, here's a link to that:
replace instances of gmtime with _mkgmtime or redefine gmtime as _mkgmtime: timegm cross platform
This got me about 90% of the way there (and from about 13,000 compiler errors to about 30), The rest of the errors so far have been for calls where there is no easy linux to windows conversion and those sections of code have had to be re-written. (In the code above this would be the socket code for the tcp/udp connections in the tranport files, Linux and Windows handle it pretty differently, boost does have a good guide for how to use it's sockets in windows though:
So that's it. Hopefully this helps someone else down the line. I'll be adding more to this answer as I discover new things.

Platform for c++ cross compile application

Currently, we are using MS Visual Studio and .NET to develop out applications on Window. We are in the process of porting the application to other OS (Linux, Android...etc) and want to get rid of MS Visual Studio and .NET stuff (they have been a pain to work with).
Is there any good development platform that you would recommend?
I would port the Visual Studio's solution/project files to CMake (in the downloads list you can get binaries for Windows and Linux), which allows you to generate project files for different platforms, allowing cross-toolset development. Eg:
On Windows, running CMake would detect Visual Studio and would generate solution and project files accordingly.
On Linux: running CMake would find, for instance, gcc or g++ and would generate makefiles accordingly.
I have not tried it, but for android's NDK there's this: android-cmake
[UPDATE Information on gcc/make for windows]
If you want to drop Visual Studio completely, you can try to set up the gcc/make toolchain for Windows with MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, and port your solution/project files to makefiles.
Moving from Windows to other OS'es may shock you at first, but with time you'll get used to it: You do not need a "platform" or "IDE" per se.
What you will need, is cmake, gcc/g++, a decent text editor and perhaps a debugger frontend.
Optionally you may find ctags useful, Doxygen, an svn repo and a profiler (such as Valgrind/KCachegrind).
I am unaware of how exactly you can port .net stuff to C/C++ (other than re-writing from scratch).
Linux and OSX have many similarities, so porting from one to another should not be that hard. Android is a different story, although C++ for android has become a possibility.
The closest thing to what you are looking for, would probably be Eclipse or Netbeans, but again, the simpler you keep those things, the better IMHO.
As to getting rid of .NET, If your .NET code base is not in managed C++ in its entirety, I would try out Mono/Xamarin with Xamarin Studio IDE first before embarking on a full port of .NET code base to standardized C++.

Best alternative for Visual C++? VS11 Express can't be used to write desktop apps

Some of you might already know that Microsoft is trying to kill desktop development in favor of Metro style apps. The express editions of the new Visual Studio 11 will only support writing Metro style apps. They also won't give you the new compilers as part of the new Windows SDK. The only way to get the compilers is to buy Visual Studio Professional or higher.
Now it's time to find an alternative (alternative compilers for the Windows platform). Any suggestions?
Some links that are related to this issue:
Gcc/G++ of course. In my opinion it is superior to VC++. In addition, you can use Eclipse CDT as IDE, it is quite usable at the moment (compared to older versions). I work like that on Windows. In addition, you can also work on Linux or MacOS without having to switch to another tool.
1) The Metro and WinRT features are accessible from C++/CX which in turn is built on top of COM, so according to this detailed discussion (SO question on WinRT and C) you can use the latest "Microsoft-only" features with any decent C compiler. Of couse this will require some code generation or just a lot of typing to get the access to basic facilities. I believe there would be a transition period and then the open-source community comes up with some automated solution to consume the WinRT APIs.
2) A quick list of available options right now.
Dev tools: MinGW or Cygwin (GCC toolchain + unix-like tools), Clang maybe, OpenWatcom as a thing from the past
GUI Libraries: FLTK, Qt, wxWidgets, Fox GUI toolkit, librocket (if you are into the OpenGL world)
IDEs: Code::Blocks, Eclipse+CDT, QtCreator
3) There's also a non-C++ way:
The FreePascal+Lazarus to allow Delphi-like RAD
Both options can use C++ code with some bindings.
4) Conclusions
These are the alternatives which give similar results but not always the similar level of comfort.
Yet another possibility would be Qt Creator, which comes with a full toolset targeting Windows (as well as MacOS, Linux, and Symbian). It is definitely somewhat different from VS, so it takes some getting used to, but overall I'd rate it as pretty decent. Qt (the library) generates somewhat mixed feelings -- some dislike its oddities (E.g., MOC), but quite a few consider it the best designed GUI toolkit available.
Don't forget the Netbeans GUI which is also available for windoze. It works great, just install mingw and choose this mingw/bin directory for the compiler tools and mysys/bin/make.exe as the make program
to download
they have this plugin for vc++
some install info
Another IDE that I havent used but looks good is

How to Compile and Debug C++ in Notepad++ using Turbo C++ Compiler

I have installed NppExecute plugin in notepad++. I am not able to figure out next step to compile and debug C,C++ programs in Notepad++.
System Details: (a) Turbo C directory C:\TC (b) OS Windows 7
Please provide complete details on how to set Environment Variable and Scripts for Compiling and Debugging.
Notepad++ has the run feature, but as far as I know it's unable to help you debugging (e.g. stepping through code, watching variables, etc.).
Your best bet would be using a simple batch file to compile the code and run your debug commands, but as far as I know you can't include everything into Notepad++ (i.e. it's no real C/C++ IDE).
Only option you've got is adding the created batch file as the program to be run by NppExecute.
Overall, as rkosegi suggested, if possible, use a more up-to-date toolchain.
Microsoft's Visual C++ Express Edition can be downloaded for free and used for private or commercial projects.
If you target cross platform code, it might be easier to use MinGW to use GCC/G++ under Windows.
I wondering why somone wants to use turbo C++.If you run Windows, just use Visual Studio Express, or Dev-C++.If you still want to use Turbo C you will run into several problems with compatibility of this ancient software.

Cross Platform C++ Tool Chain

Hello I am putting together a tool chain on my windows Box for Cross Platform C++ Development. I plan on using Boost.Build for building and Boost::Test for unit testing. I will be using Mercurial for my VCS because I can just throw the repo on my external HD and then pull it to either my windows or linux partition. The main thing standing in my way is editor compiler/debugger. Anyone have any suggestions?
With Boost.Build I can technically build with whatever compilers it supports easily. That means MSVC on windows and GCC on linux by using the same script with a flag.
Qt Creator using MinGW on Windows and the GNU compiler on Linux. That's what I use and it works perfectly well. Note that you don't have to use Qt when developing with Qt Creator.
May I suggest CMake on Windows and Linux as you can generate native Visual Studio projects as well as Eclipse CDT projects and plain-old makefiles.
If you are targeting multiple platforms, but find yourself primarily developing on a single platform, I highly recommend a continuous build/integration system to ensure a check-in for one platform does not break the build on the others.
Code::Blocks is a free, open source, cross platform C++ IDE. It supports the MS and GCC compilers, among others.
The main thing standing in my way is
editor compiler/debugger. Anyone have
any suggestions?
Yes: Qt Creator as one download and install will satisfy your three requests -- pick the 'LGPL' license route and download and install the SDK which even installs gcc, g++, ... for you. The integrated debugger is very good, and you get cross-platform behavior from both your code and your tools.
you can use gcc/g++ on windows as well. as for debuggers: gdb and ddd might be in cygwin. editor: vim (beware: it's really a programmable editor, not an IDE).
Vim, gdb, gcc/g++, makefile - you can use them on both - Windows and Unix :)
Yet another vote for Code Blocks or Qt Creator.
There are commercial tools too: beside Visual Studio there are MagicC++ (IDE), debuggers like TotalView, Allinea, Zero-bugs, UndoDB ... if you want to stay with VStudio check these VSBridge and WinGDB.
Anyway you can always use MSVC on Windows and other tools on Unix (gdb/DDD for debugging, vim/emacs for edition) - I've worked in this way a lot of years. Common environment for all platforms is nice, but sometimes it is very hard (almost impossible) to "force" it in company (especially big-company) ;-)