Check if facebook user likes some specific pages given page id - facebook-graph-api

Let's say I'm monitoring user likes of pages 10000, 10001 and 10002.
As far as I can see, I can do this by...
Reading /$user_id/likes and search for my ids in there
Issue a request for each id and check whether it is empty or not, eg: /$user_id/likes/$page_id
Both solutions take up more than one request for something that should be easily available in just one. Something like: /$user_id/likes/?ids=10000,10001,10002
But I can't seem to find anything that suggests this is possible. Ideas?


How to get post views with the help of Facbook API Graf

I'm trying to get post statistics on Facebook. I need to get the number of likes, dislikes, veiws and comment. I have already found the way to get post information:{page_name}?fields=name,posts&access_token=_____
But when I'm trying to get likes and comments, I get nothing:{page_name}?fields=name,posts{reactions,comments}&access_token=
You are likely not getting any specific reactions and comments, because you lack the right to access those. (They contain user data, and user data is only available if the individual user gave your app permission.)
If you only need the overall count, then ask for the summary:

how to get likes counts from a Facebook page using Graph Explorer 2.4

While this question has been asked a lot, I've still haven't find a way to do it.
I'm passing this to Graph Api Explorer
this gives me the, Picture to every status, created time , message - user status and likes which gives me array of data and users that likes the status.
i'm trying to get count of those users and remember there were a field 'summary' but I don't see it in the JSON Results.
Am I missing something with 2.4 api version ?
any help will be appreciate.
You need to request the summary:
And if you are only interested in the total count, but not the individual users that liked, you might want to set the limit for likes to 0, so as not to request unnecessary data:

Page redirected/ merged. Can this detected with GraphAPI?

This page for example:
Actually points to:
Is there any way to detect this using GraphAPI?
GraphAPI queries with the old id, eg
will return no data
In case the links change in the future: API queries of the respective IDs show the first is "wpp plc" and the second is "wpp". The title of the first link says these ids have been merged.
You might want to try this:
I'm not sure exactly what circumstances will cause that to work, but I tested it a little on Graph Explorer. It seems to be a field that will be filled in if the user should be using a better page than the one they tried to access:
The page you mention in your first link returns a structure that contains information about the second link.
The page in the second link does not return any data for that field. I tested several pages I manage, and they also return no data for that field.

How to get similar items with Amazon's Product Advertising API?

I have recently added an Amazon Search to my website and am having an issue getting the full response I need. In around 10% of my calls I get zero hits even though Amazon's site itself display numerous hits. Here is my call to their service:
results = Amazon::Ecs.item_search(query_text, {
:search_index => 'All',
:response_group => 'ItemAttributes, Images, Offers',
90% of the time the results I get back are just fine, but with any of the following query texts this search returns 0 hits:
hoover bag 440004496 type S
Citizen Women’s Stainless Steel Bracelet Watch 18mm EJ5850-57E
mope space pack iPhone 5
Yet when I go to directly and search on any of these targets I do get plenty of relevant responses.
What happens is Amazon displays, for instance, "Your search "hoover bag 440004496 type S" did not match any products" and then goes on to display "hoover bag 440004496 type S” See all 322 results…” and plenty of good, relevant product matches that I would love to display on my page.
You can see the results (or lack thereof) at my site,
How do I get these helpful responses through the API? Preferably in the same format that any populated initial item_search response is in? Preferably in the same call as the initial response so I don’t have to write more parsing code?
There is a “Similar products” API call, but to do that you need at least one product to pass in, which I do not have. See here:
How do I get this list of “similar” products through the API so that my Amazon searched don’t come up completely empty around 10% of the time?
I am sure others have run into this same question.
Please feel free to ask questions or to make suggestions as to how I can improve this question.

Limit of entries in Graph API 'home' results

I want to get stream entries from the last x days or weeks in the past. But when I call the news feed via Graph API with parameter 'limit' or 'until', I get entries from the last 48 hours only, no matter how high I define the parameter, also paging to the next pages is not possible, they are empty.
It seems that Facebook set up a limit (only in the 'home' feed). Does anybody know if there is a possibility to get more entries from a larger period of time? Or is it possible to get whitelisted from Facebook to receive more entries?
It seems /user/home has been deprecated use /user/feed instead
in response to your question the following are available in the graph explorer but i havent been able to find documentation on these. I would do more research on these.