"??? Undefined function or method" in Matlab Engine command window - c++

I am working with Visual Studio on C++ code, and I send some variables to MATLAB engine. So far there is no problem. Imagine I have the MATLAB command window opened and these variables:
» whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
QWe 1x365 2920 double
QWp 1x364 2912 double
QWu 1x364 2912 double
I can use the standard MATLAB functions, but I have dowloaded a new function.m (which works in MATLAB normally after setting the path) that this command window from MATLAB's engine is not recognizing or finding.
» isnormq(Q)
??? Undefined function or method 'isnormq'
I thought they (command window and MATLAB) were synchronized but now I see they aren't.
How can I solve this so I can use my function.m from the command window? Any help will be welcomed.

As it has been a long time and nobody answered I will post what I did:
In Matlab everytime you need a newtoolbox you link the path once and there stays "forever". You can use functions from the toolbox as if they were by default in Matlab.
Using matlab engine this doesn't work that way so it is necessary to write the command line:
% Here we load the toolbox for converting quaternion to Euler Angles
addpath(genpath('C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2010a\toolbox\SpinCalc')); //for example

It's been a long time but I face the same problem and find some interesting information about it.
First of all at the newer version of MATLAB (2016a) MATLAB Engine search path is C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a (Or the same path where you install MATLAB). So if you don't change it C++ can use all the build-in functions. Furthermore, you can using functions from Toolboxes!
But there is another one problem: what about user defined functions? So I need to put .m file directly to C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a to make it visible for MATLAB Engine.
Here we can go another way - just add the path of your .m file to MATLAB through C++:
char CommandChangePath[MAX_PATH];
strcpy(CommandChangePath, "addpath('C:\\Users\\SuperUser\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2017\\Projects\\MyCppProject')");
engEvalString(ep, CommandChangePath);
For me its very useful to put necessary MATLAB function in current C++ project, add the path and use then! Now you don't need to change the path at every step - it's remembered and useful always for current application.


Using QT and VS run CGAL5.2's official examples

I downloaded the official example which is CGAL-5.2\examples\Triangulation_2 from the website CGAL.org.
I successfully cmake the examples.
Then I opened Triangulation_2_Examples.sln from G:\MyCGAL_code\code_1\Triangulation_2\build by VS2017.
I also successfully built all projects (without errors).
I then click the debugger in VS: the draw triangulation.exe running fine, but the Triangulation_2 Basic_viewer is empty.
I knew someone's successful results has colored triangles in the window called Triangulation_2 Basic_viewer.
Did anyone try this official example before?
The program draw_triangulation_2 takes a filename as input (the file must contains a set of 2D points).
Without parameter, it takes data/triangulation_prog1.cin by default.
Thus the working directory must contains a directory data and this directory must contains a file triangulation_prog1.cin. Otherwise, the triangulation is empty.
To solve your problem, you need either to create the data directory and copy triangulation_prog1.cin in this directory; or give a valid filename as parameter.

Plot values in .m file from C++

I have looked extensively in the net, yet not found exactly what I want.
I have a big simulation program that outputs results in a MATLAB M-file (let's call it res.m) and I want to plot the results visually.
I want to start the simulation with C++ many times in a row and therefore want to automatize the plotting of the results.
I come up to two options:
Execute from C++ an Octave or MATLAB script that generates the graph.
-> Haven't found anyone who managed to do so
Use the Octave source files to read the res.m file and output them after with whatever plotting C++ tool.
-> Theoretically possible but I get lost in those files
Is someone able to solve this? Or has a better, easier approach?
The answer is to execute through the terminal.
I didn't manage to actually run a octave script from my c++ program directly, but there is a way around messing with/through the terminal and a extra Octave file. I used in my cpp:
string = "octave myProgr.m"
const char *command = str.c_str();
myProgr.m is the script that plots the res.m file

Call mex Function from cmex SFunction

I have implemented a complex mexFunction using visual studio 2012 and successfully integrated it with Matlab. (lets call it mexFunctionA.mexw32 )
When I run this command in matlab command window, I get the expected results:
mexFunctionA("My1Argument", "My2Argument");
Now , I need to develop a mexFunctionB that calls mexFunctionA; mexFunctionB is a simple as it can be.
The C code I´m trying (inside mexFunctionB.c) is:
#include "mexFunctionA.mexw32"
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
mexFunctionA("My1Argument", "My2Argument");
This line of code is not compiling.
The command line I am using is:
mex -v mexFunctionB.c -I'C:\patchToMexFunctionA' -L'C:\patchToMexFunctionA' 'mexFunctionA.mexw32'
So, here are the possible errors:
The #include method is wrong.
The command line for compiling the code is wrong.
It is not possible to do what I am planning to do.
Something else.
Anyone knows how to fix it?
The code you give is non-sensical. .mexw32 files are dynamically linked libraries (i.e. dll's), and in C code #include statements aren't used to include dll's.
Firstly note that as far as your S-Function is concerned mexFunctionA is no different from any other MATLAB function. So the question you should be asking is "how do I call a MATLAB function from within a mex file?".
The answer to that is to use the function mexCallMATLAB.
In short, you need to remove the #include and reformat the call to mexFunctionA to the form required by mexCallMATLAB.

What are those folders in SDL-1.2.15

I'm trying to understand source code of SDL-1.2.15, and to find out how it renders stuff on windows. But I can't find where the rendering is happening. I looked inside SDL-1.2.15/src/video folder, and there is a ton of subfolders, and I don't know what any of these stands for. See for yourself.
aalib/ directfb/ ipod/ os2fslib/ quartz/ windib/
ataricommon/ dummy/ maccommon/ photon/ riscos/ windx5/
bwindow/ fbcon/ macdsp/ picogui/ svga/ wscons/
caca/ gapi/ macrom/ ps2gs/ symbian/ x11/
dc/ gem/ nanox/ ps3/ vgl/ xbios/
dga/ ggi/ nds/ qtopia/ wincommon/ Xext/
Is this documented somewhere? This is a pretty popular library, so it probably is documented, right? Right? What's the point of having source code if you can't even understand it, if you can't find functions you are using.
While not all the names are self-explanatory, they contain some hints.
directfb, fbcon (framebuffer console) and X (x11, Xext) are output layers on Linux (unix).
The ones starting with win indicate they are for Windows. More specifically, windib should be about device independent bitmaps (DIBs), dx5 about DirectX 5, and wincommon about some common stuff. Indeed, using grep shows that (only) these folders contain Windows-specific code:
grep -r windows.h src/video/*
[ lists files in the win* folders ]
You could also just compile the package on Windows and see which files were compiled (which folders contain object files)
However, to find out what it actually does, you should rather study the function you're interested in (e.g. SDL_BlitSurface), look at it's implementation, and then look at the implementation of the functions it uses. Start in SDL_video.h (and notice that SDL_BlitSurface is just a define).
You should use some tool to search the code base. Grep or some IDE. Or both.
First of all, why not SDL2?
These are different SDL's video drivers. You can get what driver is used by your program by calling SDL_VideoDriverName. Which driver will be used determined by target platform (e.g. operating system - most drivers are platform-specific), environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER, or calling side.

CImg Error : 'gm.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

I am new to c++ programming , today i was trying to save an image using CImg .
CImg is C++ Template Image Processing Library .
The basic code i wrote is(Please forgive any syntax erros , as copied part of my codes) :
#include "CImg.h"// Include CImg library header.
#include <iostream>
using namespace cimg_library;
using namespace std;
const int screen_size = 800;
// Main procedure
int main()
CImg<unsigned char> img(screen_size,screen_size,1,3,20);
CImgDisplay disp(img, "CImg Tutorial");
//Some drawing using img.draw_circle( 10, 10, 60, RED);
img.save("result.jpg"); // save the image
return 0;
But I cannot run my program as it says :
Invalid Parameter - 100%
'gm.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[CImg] *** CImgIOException *** [instance(800,800,1,3,02150020,non-shared)] CImg<unsigned char>::save_other() : Failed to save file 'result.jpg'. Format is not natively supported, and no external commands succeeded.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cimg_library::CImgIOException'
what(): [instance(800,800,1,3,02150020,non-shared)] CImg<unsigned char>::save_other() : Failed to save file 'result.jpg'. Format is not natively supported, and no external commands succeeded.
Though i can see the image , I cannot save it.
After googling a bit i found people saying to install ImageMagick , i have installed it but no help .
Some of the Forum says to compile against libjpeg, libpng, libmagick++. But i don't know how to compile against those libraries.
I am using Eclipse CDT plugin to write C++ project .
Please help me .
I had the same error, and installing of GraphicsMagick (not ImageMagick) helped me.
I've downloaded and installed GraphicsMagick-1.3.26-Q8-win64-dll.exe from ftp://ftp.graphicsmagick.org/pub/GraphicsMagick/windows/. You may choose another one, if you need:
Note that the QuantumDepth=8 version (Q8) which provides industry
standard 24/32 bit pixels consumes half the memory and about 30% less
CPU than the QuantumDepth=16 version (Q16) which provides 48/64 bit
pixels for high-resolution color. A Q8 version is fine for processing
typical photos intended for viewing on a computer screen. If you are
dealing with film, scientific, or medical images, use ICC color
profiles, or deal with images that have limited contrast, then the Q16
version is recommended.
Important: during installation, don't remove checkbox "Update executable search path", which updates environment variable %PATH%, making gm.exe available from any place.
In my case, it was also required to install Ghostscript - which is highly recommended to install by GraphicsMagick. There is a link to x64 Ghostscript: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript/files/GPL%20Ghostscript/9.09/gs909w64.exe/download (I've put it here, because links from the GraphicMagick websites leads you to 32-bit only).
After that, it worked fine for me.
For some image formats (as .jpg, .png, .tif and basically all formats that require data compression), CImg will try to use an external tool to save them (such as convert from ImageMagick or gm from GraphicsMagick).
If you don't have any installed, then you won't be able to save .jpg files without having to link your code with the libjpeg library, to get a native support for JPEG read/write (then, you'll need to #define cimg_use_jpeg before #include "CImg.h", to tell the library you want to use the libjpeg features).
If you want to keep things simpler, I'd recommend to save your image using another (non-compressed) image format, as .bmp or .ppm.
These formats are handled natively by CImg and do not require to link with external libraries.
I know this question is old, but I kept getting the same error on one project and not on another and this is the only thing on Google.
To get rid of it, you must do 2 things:
Install dynamic ImageMagick libraries for your appropriate OS and architecture(32/64). Link
I was using VisualStudio, and the character set must be set to "Unicode". The error would appear again when I reverted back to Multi-Byte character set. I guess this has something to do with the way CImg handles strings and miscompares them.