How to create Java object in CFSCRIPT? - coldfusion

I am using ColdFusion 9.1.0
I am trying to create a java object using CFSCRIPT and I just can't get the right combination of stuff to work.
This works perfectly:
<cfobject action="create" type="Java" class="CyberSource" name="auth">
<cfset VARIABLES.ResponseString = auth.runTransaction(LOCAL.PropsFile,LOCAL.MyXML)>
When I do this, I get an error:
LOCAL.MyObject = createObject("java", "CyberSource.auth");
LOCAL.ResponseString = auth.runTransaction(LOCAL.PropsFile,LOCAL.MyXML);
This is the error I get:
Object Instantiation Exception.
Class not found: CyberSource.auth
The object is an external piece of code available to ColdFusion. I don't see what the problem is. Do you?

The classname is CyberSource and the variable you are trying to assign the instance to is "auth" in your tagbased approach. You mixed it up with "MyObject".
LOCAL.auth = createObject("java", "CyberSource");
LOCAL.ResponseString = LOCAL.auth.runTransaction(LOCAL.PropsFile,LOCAL.MyXML);
This should work.

One thing to be aware of.
The java class names are case sensitive!
// Fail
myFile = createObject( 'java', '' );
// Win!
myFile = createObject( 'java', '' );
And to call their constructor, use .init() eg.
myFile = createObject( 'java', '' ).init( '/Users/Mike/Dev/Test' );


cfinvoke with two different methods

I have two cfinvoke, I need to use them in one cfm
<cfinvoke component="cfc/queries" method="getProjects" searchString="#Session.Auth.pref_name#" view="#Session.Auth.view#" returnvariable="Projects">
<cfinvoke component="cfc/queries" method="projectDetails" searchString="" projectsuffix="#URL.suffix#" returnvariable="Details">
to return two queries, but when I coding like this way it's not working.
I'm still new to the ColdFusion and I don't know how to fix that.
Since both functions are in the same CFC, you wouldn't want to use cfinvoke since it recreates the object each time it's called. Instead, use a new or a createObject().
<cfset queries = new>
Then you can just reference the functions.
<cfset Projects =
view = session.Auth.view
<cfset Details =
You may want to sanitize and url.suffix before you pass them through. This will help with injection issues.
What does getProjects() do?
We can write like as below,
<!--- Object creation --->
<cfset query = CreateObject("component", "cfc.queries")/>
<!--- Function call --->
<cfset Projects = query.getProjects( searchString = session.Auth.pref_name, view = session.Auth.view )>
<cfset Details = query.projectDetails( searchString = session.Auth.pref_name, view = session.Auth.view )>

Some Functions seems to be not exist when creating new bucket or checking if bucket exists using OpenBD

I am using OpenBD and trying to check whether bucket exists or not on my S3 server, if it is not exist then, to create new bucket. Here's my code:
<cfset request.awsaccess = "zzzzawsaccesszzzz">
<cfset request.awskey = "zzzzzzzzawskeyzzzzzzzz">
<cfset request.datasource="tcs">
<cfset request.region="us-west-2">
AmazonRegisterdatasource(datasource=request.datasource,awsaccess=request.awsaccess,awskey=request.awskey,region=request.region );
result = AmazonS3listbuckets( datasource=request.datasource );
For the above code I am getting this output:
Now I am adding one more function AmazonS3createbucket(),
result = AmazonS3createbucket( datasource=request.datasource, bucket="anyBucket" );
For the above script I am getting error: that No such function exists - amazons3createbucket.. Here's the screenshot:
I am referring the OpenBD Manual to filter these function.
Also faced the same problem while using this functions also:
result = AmazonS3bucketexists( datasource=request.datasource, bucket="anyBucket" );
Have you tried using an alternate syntax?
result = AmazonS3bucketexists(ArgumentCollection = {
datasource : request.datasource,
bucket : "anyBucket"

coldfusion 9 dynamically call method

I'm attempting to build a method call from strings that have been passed into an object that refer to another object.
normally when calling an object we write the code like this:
However what I have done is created an array that contains the object name, the method name and the argument collection.
local.stArgs = {};
local.stArgs.nNewsID = 19;
local.stArgs.sAuthor = "John";
local.aData = [];
local.aData[1] = local.stArgs;
local.aData[2] = "stObj.oNewsBusiness";
local.aData[3] = "getNews";
however i am struggling to recombine all this to be a method call.
UPDATE using suggestion but still with issue
While cfinvoke seems to work for:
<cfinvoke component="#application.stObj.oNewsBusiness#" method="#local.sMethod#" argumentcollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
it doesn't work when doing something like:
local.stArgs = local.aData[1];
local.sObject = local.aData[2];
local.sMethod = local.aData[3];
<cfinvoke component="application.#local.sObject#" method="#local.sMethod#" argumentCollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
it generates an error:
Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface application.stObj.oNewsBusiness
CFInvoke is generally used to handle dynamic method calls.
CFInvoke has an argumentcollection attribute so you can pass your arguments in the way you are used to.
Dan is correct CFInvoke is the way to go
<cfinvoke component="#mycomponentname#" method="get" arg1="#arg1#" arg2="#arg2#" arg3=..>
<cfinvoke component="application.#local.sObject#" method="#local.sMethod#"argumentCollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
from your update won't work because there are no # signs around the component variable.
You could do
<cfset local.componentName = "application." & local.sObject>
<cfinvoke component="#local.componentName#" method="#local.sMethod#"argumentCollection="#local.stArgs#" returnvariable="local.qData"></cfinvoke>
There's probably an inline way of combining application. with the variable on the cfinvoke call, but I don't know off the top of my head.
Edit: Dan Wilson's comment does it better in an inline way.

ColdFusion 9 datasources defaulting to enterprise

I have a ColdFusion instance being run under enterprise, but for some reason it ignores the local data source. It will only connect if I put the data source at the enterprise level.
I've even tried the following code and it only returns the data sources that are declared at the instance manager, not the instance itself.
<cfset factory = createObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory")>
<cfset datasources = factory.getDataSourceService().getDatasources()>
<cfloop collection="#datasources#" item="dsnName">
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
These should help you figure out which instance you are on:
loc = {};
loc.machineName = createObject('java','').localhost.getCanonicalHostName();
loc.machineName2 = createObject('java','').localhost.getHostName();
loc.hostAddress = createObject('java','').localhost.getHostAddress();
loc.instanceName = createObject('java','jrunx.kernel.JRun').getServerName();
writeDump( var: loc );
If you are having problems getting the datasources you might need to authenticate first with your cf administrator password like so:
There is a datasourceExists(), verifyDatasource() and getDatasource() method on the data source service that you might find handy:
loc = {};
loc.dss = createObject('java','coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory').getDataSourceService();
loc.datasources = loc.dss.getDatasources();
loc.exists = loc.dss.datasourceExists('your-dsn');
loc.verified = loc.dss.verifyDatasource('your-dsn');
loc.datasource = loc.dss.getDatasource('your-dsn');
writeDump( var: loc );

How do I run a static method on a CFC without using cfinvoke?

How do I invoke a static method on a CFC without using cfinvoke? I know that I can do this:
<cfinvoke component="MyComponent" method="myStaticMethod' arg1="blah" returnvariable=myReturnVar>
I would like to be able to invoke this method the same way I would a UDF:
<cfset myReturnVar = MyComponent.myStaticMethod(blah)>
This, however, does not work. Is there syntax that I am messing up or is this just not possible?
not possible, since there's no "static method" in ColdFusion.
The <cfinvoke> line in your question is the same as:
myReturnVar = CreateObject("component", "MyComponent").myStaticMethod(arg1="blah");
You need to create the object first.
<cfset MyComponent = createObject("component","MyComponent") />
<cfset myReturnVar = MyComponent.myMethod(blah) />
I know this is a really old post but here's an updated answer for more modern CF/Lucee supporting static constructs for anyone who might stumble across this like I did :-)
based off of:
component MyComponent{
static {
appendToArgValue : "text"
public static function myStaticMethod( arg1 ){
return arg1 & static.appendToArgValue;
Lucee documentation: