Drawing text in Cinder - cinder

I was wondering if there is a way to draw a gl::texture file with out having to use the gl::draw command every loop. Is there a way I can draw it once, and then not worry about it.
Drawing the image on every loop of draw() is slowing down my application, so I'd like to only draw things once on the screen and then update them if need be.

Quoting from Cinder's tutorials:
"When you create a new Cinder project, you will notice there are a few functions declared for you. Every Cinder project is made up of three main functions. You initialize your variables in the setup() method which is called once when your program begins. You make changes to those variables in the update() method. And finally, you draw() content in your program window. Update and draw are the heartbeat of any Cinder project. UpdateSetup, then update and draw, update and draw, update and draw, on and on until you quit the application."
There's a way though to draw objects permanently in OpenGL and concequently in Cinder but I wouldn't recommend it. Is to disable gl::clear() in your draw function. You can't though selectively delete any unneeded object. You will have to render your scene from scratch. Think of OpenGL's frame-buffer more of a canvas. Everytime you call gl::clear() you take the brush and you paint your canvas black or what ever color you specify with gl::clear(). After that the frame-buffer is "tabula rasa" you have to draw everything you want to display from scratch. If you don't state any gl::clear() command when you draw a new object is like your canvas stays intact and you draw your object on top of the already drawn.


how can i draw a sprite by left clicking?

i've tried to make a project, but i can't draw a sprite as i want. I mean that everything works when i just draw a sprite, but it stop working when i am trying to draw the sprite by clicking left mouse button. There's code i tried:
if(zdarzenie.type == Event::MouseButtonPressed && zdarzenie.mouseButton.button == Mouse::Left)
pocisk.setPosition(10, 10);
Btw, I am writing in Polish as if it would change something.
And yes, i have everything good besides that.
(and i am using 2.4.1 version of SFML)
I don't know what you are doing now because you didn't provide enough of your code and I actually don't understand your if statement but, it can just be :
if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left))
By the way I strongly suggest that you do not use the draw function here but organize your code to have a draw method called in a render loop, because depending on where your code is in your program, the sprite could be drawn for only one frame and then erased since it's not updated.
From what I understand in your code in Polish, you have the right code to do what you want, but the problem comes from the fact that you draw the sprite only once.
The draw method is called every frame and it will erase everything on screen and then redraw them. Doing it only once, like in your code, will only draw it a single time then delete it the very next frame.
At that point multiple solution can be used. If its a GameObject clicking can activate the object to then draw it or a simple bool could be used has a switch in your draw to make it appear.

Drawing a line with open GL

I am a newbie with OpenGL. I need to draw a line with it. I browsed the web and found this code:
However, I don't see any line. The consoler appears only for some milliseconds. I need a program that will draw a line and at least visible for some moments.
Thanks in advance.
Bevor you can draw something, you first need some canvas to draw upon. That's be a window with a pixel framebuffer; without doing extra effort you don't have such.
So first step is to create a window which you can draw into, that gives you the canvas.
Next you need the actual pens to draw with. That would be a OpenGL context you have to create and connect with the window.
Only after you did that you can actually ask OpenGL to draw some line. If you just call the drawing commands, there's nothing going to happen, because you neither have the canvas to draw to, nor the pen to draw with.

3d object wont update in for loop

I am trying to rotate a 3d object but it doesnt update when applying transforms in a for loop.
The object jumps to the last position.
How does one update a 3d object's position in a sequence of updates if it wont update in a for loop?
Just calling glTranslate, glRotate or such won't change things on the screen. Why? Because OpenGL is a plain drawing API, not a scene graph. All it knows about are points, lines and triangles that draws to a pixel framebuffer. That's it. You want to change something on the screen, you must redraw it, i.e. clear the picture, and draw it again, with the changes.
BTW: You should not use a dedicated loop to implement animations (neither for, nor while, nor do while). Instead perform animation in the idle handler and issue a redraw event.
I reckon you have a wrong understanding what OpenGL does for you.
I'll try to outline:
- Send vertex data to the GPU (once)
(this does only specify the (standard) shape of the object)
- Create matrices to rotate, translate or transform the object (per update)
- Send the matrices to the shader (per update)
(The shader then calculates the screen position using the original
vertex position and the transformation matrix)
- Tell OpenGL to draw the bound vertices (per update)
Imagine programming with OpenGL like being a web client - only specifying the request (changing the matrix and binding stuff) is not enough, you need to explicitly send the request (send the transformation data and tell OpenGL to draw) to receive the answer (having objects on the screen.)
It is possible to draw an animation from a loop.
for ( ...) {
glFlush(); // maybe glutSwapBuffers() if you use GLUT
usleep(100); // not standard C, bad
You draw, you flush/swap to make sure that what you just drew is sent to the screen, and you sleep.
However, it is not recommended to do this in an interactive application. The main reason is that while you are in this loop, nothing else can run. Your application will be unresponsive.
That's why window systems are event-based. Every few miliseconds, the window system pings your app so you can update your state, for example do animation. This is the idle function. When the state of your program changed, you tell the window system that you would like to draw again. It is then up the the window system to call your display function. You do your OpenGL calls when the system tells you to.
If you use GLUT for communicating with the window system, this looks like the code below. Other libraries like GLFW have equivalent functions.
int main() {
... // Create window, set everything up.
glutIdleFunc(update); // Register idle function
glutDisplayFunc(display); // Register display function
glutMainLoop(); // The window system is in charge from here on.
void update() {
edit_transformation(); // Update your models
glutPostRedisplay(); // Tell the window system that something changed.
void display() {
draw(); // Your OpenGL code here.
glFlush(); // or glutSwapBuffers();

Lazy rendering of Qt on OpenGL

i came about this problem and knew it could be done better.
The problem:
When overlaying a QGLWidget (Qt OpenGL contextview) with Qt widgets, Qt redraws those widgets after every Qt frame.
Qt isn’t built to redraw entire windows with >60fps constantly, so that’s enormously slow.
My idea:
Make Qt use something other to draw upon: a transparent texture. Make OpenGL use this texture whenever it redraws and draw it on top of everything else. Make Qt redirect all interaction with the OpenGL context view to the widgets drawn onto the texture.
The advantage would be that Qt only has to redraw whenever it has to (e.g. a widget is hovered or clicked, or the text cursor in a text field blinks), and can do partial redraws which are faster.
My Question:
How to approach this? how can I tell Qt to draw to a texture? how can i redirect interaction with a widget to another one (e.g. if i move the mouse above the region in the context view where a checkbox sits in the drawn-to-texture widget, Qt should register this event to the checkbox and repaint to reflect itshovered state)
I separate my 2D and 3D rendering out for my CAD-like app for the very same reasons you have, although in my case my the 2D stuff are not widgets - but it shouldn't make a difference. This is how would approach the problem:
When your widget changes render it onto a QGLFramebufferObject, do this by using the FBO as the QPaintDevice for a QPainter in your QGLWidget::paintEvent(..) and calling myWidget->render( myQPainter, ...). Repeat this for however many widgets you have, but only onto the same FBO - don't create an FBO for each one... Remember to clear it first, like a 'normal' framebuffer.
When your current OpenGL background changes, render it onto another QGLFramebufferObject using standard OpenGL calls, in the same way.
Create a pass through vertex shader (the 'camera' will just be a unit cube), and a very simple fragment shader that can layer the two textures on top of each other.
At the end of the QGLWidget::paintEvent(..), activate your shader program, bind your framebuffers as textures for it (myFBO->texture() gets the handle), and render a unit quad. Because your camera is a unit square, and the viewport size defined the FBO size, it will fill the viewport pixel perfect.
However, that's the easy part... The hard part is the widget interaction. Because you are essentially rendering a 'proxy', you going to have to relay the interaction between the 'real' and 'proxy' widget, whilst keeping the 'real' widget invisible. Here's how would I start:
Some operating systems are a bit weird about rendering widgets without ever showing them, so you may have to show and then hide the widget after instantiation - because of the clever painting queue in Qt, it's unlikely to actually make it to the screen.
Catch all mouse events in the viewport, work out which 'proxy' widget the cursor is over (if any), and then offset it to get the relative position for the 'real' hidden widget - this value will depend on what parent object the 'real' widget has, if any. Then pass the event onto the 'real' widget before redrawing the widget framebuffer.
I should state that I also had to create a 'flagging' system to handle redraws nicely. You don't want every widget event to trigger a widget FBO redraw, because there could many simultaneous events (don't just think about the mouse) - but you would only want one redraw. So I created a system where if anything in the application could change anything in the viewport visually, then it would flag the viewport as 'dirty'. Then setup a QTimer for however many fps you are aiming for (in my situation the scene could get very heavy, so I also timed how long a frame took and then used that value +10% as the timer delay for the next check, this way the system isn't bombarded when rendering gets laggy). And then check the dirty status: if it's dirty, redraw; otherwise don't. I found life got easier with two dirty flags, one for the 3D stuff and one for the 2D - but if you need to maintain a constant draw rate for the OpenGL drawing there's probably no need for two.
I imagine what I did wasn't the easiest way to do it, but it provides plenty of scope for tuning and profiling - which makes life easier in the long run. All the answers are definitely not in this post, but hopefully it will get you on the way to a strategy.

How to make sure Qt Widget.repaint has finished running?

I am currently having a problem with Qt graphics view framework namely, I want to clear my QGraphicScene background color and then run a function to take a webcam picture. So far when I use QWidget.repaint the screen only got repaint after about 1 second and by then the camera function has been called and the image captured is always off. Here is how my code currently look like.
//Scene is a QGraphicScene
//View is a QGraphicView
//Camera is a camera object
I have tried wrapping the repaint() call with another function and use signal and slot call but it still fail. I want to know if there is a way to pause the program until the screen has been refreshed.
A QGraphicsView has a bit more going on than most QWidget subclasses and I'm not familiar enough with it to say what is going on for sure but I might venture a guess that your problem is related to the fact that the scene is actually rendered onto the view port widget. Perhaps calling viewport->repaint() will give you the results you are looking for?
Also, unless you really need to be using the webcam in this scenario, you could call ::render() on your scene and pass it a QImage which you could save directly to a file.