I have a class with a member which is not changed by the methods of the class, so I marked it as const. My problem is that I was using the default assignment operator just like a copy constructor in order to avoid multiple declarations. But in this case the assignment operator is not automatically generated, so I get some compiler errors:
'operator =' function is unavailable. This seems like that there is no real life scenario where const class members can be actually used (e.g. have you seen any const member in the STL code?).
Is there any way to fix this, beside removing the const?
EDIT: some code
class A
public :
const int size;
A(const char* str) : size(strlen(str)) {}
A() : size(0) {}
A create(const char* param)
return A(param);
void myMethod()
A a;
a = create("abcdef");
// do something
a = create("xyz");
// do something
Here's your misconception which is causing this issue:
[..] which is not changed by the methods of the class
The member variable is changed by a method of your class, the assignment operator. Including the one synthesized by the compiler. If you mark a member variable as const, this expresses that this variable will (should not!) change its value during the lifetime of the object. So clearly, assigning a new value to the object violates this statement. So if you indeed don't want the member to change, just don't make it const.
const members are ideal in many, many cases. of course, there is the obvious case where a value should not or must not change, but it's also an important restriction for optimization and concurrency -- not every type needs or should have an assignment operator.
if the member needs the behavior of assignment, then the variable must not be const.
when the value/member must not mutate or be mutated by this, it's clearer to provide a separate interface for the variable members (or even a subtype->composition in more complex cases):
class t_text {
// ...
void setString(const std::string& p);
const t_text_attributes d_attributes;
std::string d_string;
therefore, my suggestion is to hide the assignment operator, and to make the 'mutable chunk' or member set-able for clarity:
text.setString("TEXT"); // << Good: What you read is what happens.
text = otherText; // << Bad: Surprise - attributes don't actually change!
You cannot have a const member and support assignment, at least not
assignment with the expected semantics. const is, logically, a
promiss that the member will never change, and assignment is
(implicitly, in the minds of most people) a promiss that all data
members will take the values of the members of the right hand side
(which normally means changing). There's a very definite conflict
between these two promisses.
Of course, a lot of types shouldn't support assignment to begin with;
for types that don't support assignment, there's no problem declaring a
data member const. On the whole, however, I've found const a lot
less useful here; const is part of a contract, and data members are
not usually part of the external contract of the class. (But a lot
depends—if the data member is public or protected, then the fact
that it is immutable could be part of the external contract. And of
course, there's nothing wrong with expressing internal class invariants
in language constructs, either.)
Yes, you can override the assignment operator.
Because you're using the default one, the compiler will try to copy the const members also. Which is illegal, since it's const.
class A
const int a;
public :
A() : a(0) {}
A& operator = (const A& other) {return *this;}
int main()
A a;
A b;
a = b; //this is legal if operator = is declared
I have a unusual situation,
Say I have a class like the following,
template <typename T>
class C
public :
C (int size) : value_(size), some_other_member_(size) {}
T &value () {return value_;}
const T &value() const {return value_;}
private :
T value_;
SomeOtherType some_other_member_;
The class designed such that the client can have full access to the member value_, just like std::vector's operator[] will return a reference, this class also have to give client the full access through returning a reference. A setter/getter pair will not do.
However, unlike std::vector, I don't want to allow the client to be able to replace the member entirely. That is, the client shall be able to call const or non-const members of value_, but the following shall not be allowed,
C<SomeType> c(10);
SomeType another_value(5);
c.value() = another_value; // This shall not be allowed
Is there any possible way that I can give client the full access to value_. In some sense, the class C shall be like a container, but once the thing it contained is initialized (through the constructor, there are requirements to T, but that is not relevant here), client can only modify value_ through T's member functions, not replace value_ by assignment.
However, requires T be un-copyable is not an option to me. Because the class C can be copied. At the core of the problem, is that as seen in the class C, C has a few members, they all have a size property, when constructed, they are all constructed with the same size, if value_ is allowed to be replaced through assignment, then it allows the data structure being corrupt in the sense that members may no longer have the same size property.
Requiring T to only allow copy or assignment when the size is the same is also not an option. Because, when copy a C object, the size can be different between the source and the destination. For example,
C c1(10);
C c2(20);
c1 = c2;
is perfectly reasonable. The size of c1 is changed, but all of its members are also changed to the same new size, so it is OK.
I hope I have stated the problem clear. I summary, I want C does not pose much restriction on T, T can be basically any type with a required constructor. T can be copied and assigned. The only thin I don't want client to do is assignment to value_ through C::value().
If you want the user to be able to call non-const member functions on the object and you want to return a reference to the actualy object, you can't completely prohibit assignment, since the assignment operator is basically just that (you can rewrite a = b as a.operator=(b)). Therefore you either need to return only a const reference to your object, make the contained object non_copyable or live with the fact, that it can be assigned to.
Personally I would suggesting rethinking the design. Even if you could disallow assignment, there are really no guarantees that the object doesn't have a member function, which does basically the same think (.swap(...) is a typical candidate), so you haven't really won anything as long as you allow calling non const memberfunctions.
However if you are only concerned with disallowing accidential assignments, you can make it harder to make such an assignment. If your T isn't a builtin, you could create a derived class, which doesn't expose a public assignment operator and return a reference to that:
template <typename T>
class C{
public :
class Derived: public T {
Derived(int size):T(size) {}
Derived& operator=(const Derived&) = default; //used C++11 syntax for brevity, for C++03 code it has to be implemented here
Derived(const Derived&) = default; //don't want this class to be copyied outside of C
~Derived() = default;
friend class C;
C (int size) : value_(size), some_other_member_(size) {}
Derived& value () {return value_;}
const Derived& value() const {return value_;}
private :
Derived value_;
SomeOtherType some_other_member_;
This will give access to all public members by inheritence, but hide assignment operator (and constructors). Of course if you use c++11, this code could be enhanced by using/defining move constructors/assignments and using perfect forwarding, to allow different constructors. Note that the T-part of Derived can still be assigned to using static_cast<T&>(C.value()) = foo;
To support types you can't derive from (builtins...), you'd need to create a proxy, which exposes all functionality except assignments.
As to your getter/setter problem, I would write
const T& value() const; // as getter
void value(const T&); // as setter
Returning const T& (const-reference) is exactly against situations like c.value() = 10 (see eg. Effective C++ by Scott Meyers, item 23).
I think this also solves the copy problem: your class remains copyable.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What’s the point in defaulting functions in C++11?
C++11 introduced defaulted methods (e.g. void myMethod() = default;).
What does it do to methods (how do methods behave after being defaulted). How do I use them properly (what are its uses)?
There are a number of class members that are considered "special member functions" by the C++ standard. These are:
The default constructor (a constructor that can be called with no parameters).
The copy constructor (a constructor that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as an lvalue reference).
The copy assignment operator (an operator= overload that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as either an lvalue reference or a value).
The move constructor (a constructor that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as an rvalue reference).
The move assignment operator (an operator= overload that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as either an rvalue reference or a value).
The destructor.
These member functions are special in that the language does special things with them on types. Another thing that makes them special is that the compiler can provide definitions for them if you do not. These are the only functions that you can use the = default; syntax on.
The issue is that the compiler will only provide a definition under certain conditions. That is, there are conditions under which a definition will not be provided.
I won't go over the entire list, but one example is what others have mentioned. If you provide a constructor for a type that is not a special constructor (ie: not one of the constructors mentioned above), a default constructor will not be automatically generated. Therefore, this type:
struct NoDefault
NoDefault(float f);
NoDefault cannot be default constructed. Therefore, it cannot be used in any context where default construction is needed. You can't do NoDefault() to create a temporary. You can't create arrays of NoDefault (since those are default constructed). You cannot create a std::vector<NoDefault> and call the sizing constructor without providing a value to copy from, or any other operation that requires that the type be DefaultConstructible.
However, you could do this:
struct UserDefault
UserDefault() {}
UserDefault(float f);
That would fix everything, right?
That is not the same thing as this:
struct StdDefault
StdDefault() = default;
StdDefault(float f);
Why? Because StdDefault is a trivial type. What does that mean? I won't explain the whole thing, but go here for the details. Making types trivial is often a useful feature to have, when you can do it.
One of the requirements of a trivial type is that it does not have a user-provided default constructor. UserDefault has a provided one, even though it does the exact same thing as the compiler-generated one would. Therefore, UserDefault is not trivial. StdDefault is a trivial type because = default syntax means that the compiler will generate it. So it's not user-provided.
The = default syntax tells the compiler, "generate this function anyway, even if you normally wouldn't." This is important to ensure that a class is a trivial type, since you cannot actually implement special members the way the compiler can. It allows you to force the compiler to generate the function even when it wouldn't.
This is very useful in many circumstances. For example:
class UniqueThing
UniqueThing() : m_ptr(new SomeType()) {}
UniqueThing(const UniqueThing &ptr) : m_ptr(new SomeType(*ptr)) {}
UniqueThing &operator =(const UniqueThing &ptr)
m_ptr.reset(new SomeType(*ptr)); return *this;
std::unique_ptr<SomeType> m_ptr;
We must write every one of these functions to make the class copy the contents of the unique_ptr; there's no way to avoid that. But we also want this to be moveable, and the move constructor/assignment operators won't automatically be generated for us. It'd silly to re-implement them (and error-prone if we add more members), so we can use the = default syntax:
class UniqueThing
UniqueThing() : m_ptr(new SomeType()) {}
UniqueThing(const UniqueThing &ptr) : m_ptr(new SomeType(*ptr)) {}
UniqueThing(UniqueThing &&ptr) = default;
UniqueThing &operator =(const UniqueThing &ptr)
m_ptr.reset(new SomeType(*ptr)); return *this;
UniqueThing &operator =(UniqueThing &&ptr) = default;
std::unique_ptr<SomeType> m_ptr;
Actually, default can only apply to special methods - i.e. constructors, destructors, assignment operator:
8.4.2 Explicitly-defaulted functions [dcl.fct.def.default]
1 A function definition of the form:
attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seqopt declarator = default ;
is called an explicitly-defaulted definition. A function that is explicitly defaulted shall
— be a special member function,
— have the same declared function type (except for possibly differing ref-qualifiers and except that in
the case of a copy constructor or copy assignment operator, the parameter type may be “reference to
non-const T”, where T is the name of the member function’s class) as if it had been implicitly declared,
— not have default arguments.
They behave the same as if the compiler generated them and are useful for cases like:
class Foo{
Foo(int) {}
here, the default constructor doesn't exist, so Foo f; wouldn't be valid. However, you can tell the compiler that you want a default constructor without the need to implement it yourself:
class Foo{
Foo() = default;
Foo(int) {}
EDIT: Pointed out by #Nicol Bolas in the comments, this truly doesn't explain why you'd prefer this over Foo() {}. What I'm guessing is: if you have a class w/ implementations separated in an implementation file, your class definition (if you don't use =default) would look like:
class Foo{
What I'm assuming is that the =default is meant to provide an idiomatic way of telling you "we're not doing anything special in the constructor". With the above class definition, the default constructor could very well not value-initialize the class members. With the =default you have that guarantee just by looking at the header.
Using = default on a constructor or copy-constructor means that the compiler will generate that function for you during compile-time. This happens normally when you exclude the respective functions from your class/struct. And in the case where you define your own constructor, this new syntax allows you to explicitly tell the compiler to default-construct the constructor where it normally won't. Take for instance:
struct S {
int main() {
S s1; // 1
S s2(s1); // 2
The compiler will generate both a copy-constructor and a default-constructor, thus allowing us to instantiate an S object like we did (1) and copy s2 into s1 (2). But if we define our own constructor, we find that we are unable to instantiate in the same way:
struct S {
int main() {
S s; // illegal
S s(5); // legal
This fails because S has been given a custom-defined constructor, and the compiler won't generate the default one. But if we still want the compiler to give us one, we can explicitly convey this using default:
struct S {
S() = default;
S(const S &) = default;
int main() {
S s; // legal
S s(5); // legal
S s2(s); // legal
Note, however, that only certain functions with certain function-signatures can be overloaded. It follows that this will fail because it is neither a copy-constructor nor a default-constructor or a move or assignment operator:
struct S {
S(int) = default; // error
We are also able to explicitly define the assignment operator (just like the default/copy-constructor, a default one is generated for us when we do not write out our own). So take for example:
struct S {
int operator=(int) {
// do our own stuff
int main() {
S s;
s = 4;
This compiles, but it won't work for us in the general case where we want to assign another S object into s. This is because since we wrote our own, the compiler doesn't provide one for us. This is where default comes into play:
struct S {
int operator=(int) {
// do our own stuff
S & operator=(const S &) = default;
int main() {
S s1, s2;
s1 = s2; // legal
But technically it's superfluous to define the assignment operator, copy, or move constructor as default when there is no other function "overriding" it as the compiler will provide one for you in that case anyway. The only case in which it won't provide you one is where you define your own one (or variation thereof). But as a matter of preference, asking the compiler to provide a default function using the new aforementioned syntax is more explicit and easier to see and understand if intentionally left out for the compiler.
I'm new to C++, and the whole idea of classes - I'm still reading a book to try and learn. The book I'm reading says that when I construct a class, I can assign default values by doing this:
class foo {
foo(char c, int i);
char exampleChar;
int exampleInt;
foo::foo(char c, int i):
This code (to me) looks very messy, and doesn't follow rules that I'm used to in other languages. My question is, what's the difference between doing the above, and this (below, which I personally think looks a lot cleaner)?
foo::foo(char c, int i) {
exampleChar = c;
exampleInt = i;
Sort of things I'm thinking about are: are there performance/efficiency issues if done on a large scale - or is it exactly the same?
The first way, by doing : exampleChar(c), exampleInt(i) is called an initializer list.
If you do it the second way, the two variables are default constructed first1, then you assign them a value. (When the actual body of the constructor is entered, anything that hasn't been initialized by the initializer list is default constructed.) This is a waste of time because you're just overwriting the values anyway. For small types like int or char this isn't a big deal, but when those member variables are large types that would take lots of cycles to construct, you definitely want to use the initializer list.
The second way won't waste time giving them a default value and then overwriting it - it will set their values directly to that value you give it (or call the right constructor if the member is an object).
You can see what we mean by doing this:
class MyClass {
int _i; // our data
// default constructor
MyClass() : _i(0) { cout << "default constructor"; }
// constructor that takes an int
MyClass(int i) : _i(i) { cout << "int constructor"; }
// assignment operator
void operator=(int i) { _i = i; cout << "assignment operator"; }
class OtherClass {
MyClass c;
OtherClass() {
c = 54;
OtherClass oc;
You'll see that
default constructor
assignment operator
is printed. That's two function calls which, for other classes, could be expensive.
If you change the constructor of OtherClass to
OtherClass() : c(54) { }
You'll see that
int constructor
is printed. Just one call compared to two. This is the most efficient way.
Initializer lists are also a must when you
have types that have no default constructor. You have to call the right constructor in the initializer list.
have a const member that you want to give some value (rather than just have permantently the default value
have a reference member. You must use initializer lists on these.
tl;dr: do it because it's at least as fast but never slower than the other way, and sometimes far faster.
1 For built in types like int and char, they are actually not constructed at all; they just have the value of whatever memory they happen to have had previously.
The difference is that the compiler will always initialize all members (in declaration order) prior to the first user-defined constructor statement. In the case of a char and an int, which are both primitive types, 'initialization' actually means 'no initialization' here. However, if you have a member with a constructor that does some actual work, this constructor will be called upfront - if you do
foo::foo() {
myComplexMember = MyComplexClass(42);
the compiler did already invoke the MyComplexClass default constructor before your code got called, which is a waste of resources (and a compiler error if the default ctor is not accessible).
By using an initialization list, you can customize the default initialization and avoid doing things for nothing. Obviously, this is the way to go.
There are things you can do like that that you couldn't otherwise.
If one of the members doesn't have a default constructor. That's the only way you could initiate the member at construction. (same goes to base class)
You can assign a value to a const member.
You can assure a defined state for the class before the constructor function starts running.
If a member is a reference it needs to be initialized in the Initialization List. Because references are immutable and can be initialized only once in the beginning (like const)
Well, this is a typical FAQ question: http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/ctors.html#faq-10.6
In your case, using char and int there are no differences.
General rule: use initialization list as possibile, there are very few cases when you can prefer assignment, for example for improve readability:
a = b = c = d = e = f = 0;
is better than
class MyClass::MyClass : a(0), b(0), c(0), d(0), e(0), f(0) { }
If the members had non-trivial constructors, in the code below first the default constructors would be called, then the assignments would be executed, while in the code above they would be initialized only one time. So yes, there may be a performance issue.
There is also a practical issue: if they are const, references, or don't have default constructors, you can't use the version below.
There is a subtle, but important difference between those two options. What you have at the top is called a member initialization list. When the object is created, the members in this list are initialized to whatever you put in the parenthesis.
When you do assignment in the constructor body, the values are being first initialized, and then assigned. I'll post a short example below.
Example 1: Member initialization
class foo
foo(char c, int i);
char exampleChar;
int exampleInt;
Bar exampleBar;
foo::foo(char c, int i):
exampleBar() //Here, a bar is being default constructed
Example 2: Constructor Assignment
class foo
foo(char c, int i, Bar b);
char exampleChar;
int exampleInt;
Bar exampleBar;
foo::foo(char c, int i, Bar b):
exampleChar = c;
exampleInt = i;
exampleBar = someOtherBar; //Here, a bar is being assigned
This is where it gets interesting. Note that exampleBar is being assigned. Behind the scenes, a Bar is actually first being default constructed, even though you did not specify that. Furthermore, if your Bar is more complicated then a simple struct, you will need to be sure to implement the assignment operator in order for you to initialize it in this way. Even furthermore, in order to initialize the Bar from another Bar from the member initialization list, you must implement the copy constructor!
Example 3: Copy constructor used in member init
class foo
foo(char c, int i, Bar b);
char exampleChar;
int exampleInt;
Bar exampleBar;
foo::foo(char c, int i, Bar b):
exampleBar(b) //Here, a bar is being constructed using the copy constructor of Bar
exampleChar = c;
exampleInt = i;
I would get into the habit of using initialisation lists. They will not suffer from problems when somebody changes a char to some object where the default constructor is called first, and also for const correctness for the const values!
foo::foo(char c, int i):exampleChar(c),exampleInt(i){}
This construct is called a Member Initializer List in C++.
It initializes your member exampleChar to a value c & exampleInt to i.
What is the difference between Initializing And Assignment inside constructor? &
What is the advantage?
There is a difference between Initializing a member using initializer list and assigning it an value inside the constructor body.
When you initialize fields via initializer list the constructors will be called once.
If you use the assignment then the fields will be first initialized with default constructors and then reassigned (via assignment operator) with actual values.
As you see there is an additional overhead of creation & assignment in the latter, which might be considerable for user defined classes.
For an integer data type(for which you use it) or POD class members there is no practical overhead.
While learning the concept of "copying members", the book gives the following statement.
In addition, a default assignment cannot be generated if a nonstatic member is a reference, a const,or a user-defined type without a copy assignment.
I do not quite understand what does this statement really want to deliver? Or which kind of scenario does this statement refer to? Thanks.
This statement has to do with the compiler automatically generating the default assignment operator function for a class you write (i.e. user-defined type). The default assignment works by copying all the members over to a new instance. This statement covers three cases where a default assignment would not be able to be generated:
1) When a member is a reference (i.e. refers to an instance of a variable, like a pointer)
class Foop {
int& reference;
2) When a member variable is constant
class Foople {
const int someConst;
3) When some other class does not have a copy-constructor and you have a member variable of that type, obviously it cannot be copied using the default method (which uses copy-constructors)
class Uncopyable {
Uncopyable(Uncopyable const& other);
class Fleep {
Uncopyable uncopyable;
In these cases, you would need to write your own assignment operator (or possibly do without).
If you have a member in your class which is not static (shared between all instances of class), and is either
a reference (high level pointer)
a constant
a user-defined type with dynamic data (the same as the class we're talking about)
The default = operator and copy constructor is no longer valid and you should write manual versions of those.
class ClassA
int& _myReferenceMember;
const int _myConstant;
ClassB _objWhereClassBHasNoCopyConstructor;
Above are examples of the three cases you described. And as you quoted, you must write a custom copy constructor (if you want a copy constructor at all) in such a case, or change your member variables.
It refers to the distinction between:
class A { int a; };
class B { int& a; };
For class A, the compiler will generate an implicit assignment operator (=), but in the case of B, it cannot. This is because references in C++ don't have pointer semantics. i.e. you cannot change what a reference point to after it is constructed, hence, the implicit copy constructor would not be able to copy that member. The same thing goes for const members (which are explicitly marked as being immutable) and members which don't have a assignment operators (implicit or explicit).
The default assignment operator for A would essentially do this:
class A
A& operator=(A const& a_) { a = a_.a; }
int a;
The following code does not compile, saying " error C2248: 'A::getMe' : cannot access private member declared in class 'A'". Why? I am trying to call the public interface.
class B
class A
const B& getMe() const;
B& getMe();
int main()
A a;
const B& b = a.getMe();
return 0;
Part of the problem which wasn't mentioned in other answers is that accessibility and visibility are independent concepts in C++. The B& A::getMe() private member is visible in main even if it isn't accessible. So in your call a.getMe() there are two overloaded members to consider, B& A::getMe() and B const& A::getMe() const. As a is not const it is the private member which is selected. Then you get an error because it isn't accessible. If you hadn't the private non const member function, you would have the const member as the only possibility and it would have be called as a const member can be called on non const object.
Note that if visibility was conditioned to accessibility, you could have other kind of confusing behavior: you refactor a member, putting a call to a private member outside the class. Now, the private member is no more accessible and so the call is to a different member which is public. That silent change of behavior can lead to bugs hard to track.
In conclusion: whatever are the rule of your language, never overload with different accessibility, it leads to confusion.
In C++, you cannot overload on the return type. Overloading member functions based on their constness is no exception: You overload on the constness of the object the function is called on, not the return type.
To do what you want is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use const_cast to add constness:
const B& b = const_cast<const A&>(a).getMe();
Of course, while this is strange and funny, it might be easier to read if you do it this way:
const A& const_a = a;
const B& b = const_a.getMe();
a is not const in a.getMe(), so the compiler does not realise you are trying to use the const overload of the method.
A const a;
const B& b = a.getMe();
will work as you expect (except that A needs initialising).
It is because to call the const method over the non const method, a should be const to prevent the compiler selecting the non const method.
Would it not be easier to call the private memeber function something else to avoid confusion of having two functions with the same names but differing access.