Find a simple speech engine - c++

I'm doing a project on text recognition. One of the main points here is text-to-speech translation after the recognition. Could you help me find a very simple, plain speech engine for C++ Builder project? All that I've found were not only very complicated, but also they were suitable for MFC.
So, the problem is that I'd like to convert text to speech. No recognizing, just simple convertion. Please share some info about this problem, maybe I should look it up somewhere?
Basically, I do not even know, if I'm calling it right, so I'm sorry for misunderstanding if it happens.

Microsoft's Speech API (SAPI) is implemented as a set of COM objects, and thus is usable in C++Builder projects with minimal effort.

Flite is a small text to speech engine written in portable C, with no specific OS dependencies and with a permissive open source license. You will need to create a C++ Builder project to build it, but other than that it should work just fine.


Connecting C++ and Node JS

I have been working on a project where I am interacting with a 3D camera(on a single machine) through its SDK written in C++. The extent of my knowledge in that language is just as good as what a basic crash course could teach. I need to provide an interface(web) which shows the camera preview from the SDK and when the capture image is clicked, I need to capture an Image using the SDK with a specified filename and path.
The approaches I thought of are:
Using NodeJS exec to capture images the compiled version(exe) of my program in C++. I am communicating the filepath and using json.
I could learn and use C++ CGI to simply control C++ SDK stuff.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You can use one of the C++ CGI libraries out there but, as easy as they are to use, just calling an executable seems easier and cleaner. I think the scanner should come with a bundled tool to drive it, doesn’t it?

Speech recognition library in C++ for XCode

I would like to add a Speech Recognition function to my C++ application programmed with XCode.
I did some Speech Recognition library hunting and here are the best candidates:
Nevertheless, none of these solutions are satisfying, for several reasons (that might not be a 100% true statement).
My questions are:
Did you ever try to use a Speech Recognition library in a C++ program with XCode?
Do you have an advice about which library/framework to use?
If some work has already been done, might it be possible to have a basic sample code of it? (just for the beginning...)
Note: the speech recognition function I would like to create is very simple: 10 words (in english) that increment 10 variables each time they are said and recognized, that's it.
Okay, after some searches I figured out that the apple Carbon API had a SpeechRecognition.h framework!
The bad news is that it seems quite old and that the documentation/help on internet is quite poor...
Anyone to have some experience about this framework?
Thanks for your help!

C/C++ Code Examples with HTK (Hidden Markov Toolkit)

I am trying to get started with HTK, I grabbed a copy, compiled it, grabbed the book, and all went more or less fine, little troubles here and there but nothing serious.
Now after reading the book and googling quite a while, I do not see any documentation for the essential part for me: HTKLib. Everything is described into the smallest detail for all HTK tool programs (scriptable command line interface tools) but I cannot find a single example or tutorial how to actually call the lib.
Could anyone point me into a direction?
The source code for the respective tools is included, but it would be rather cumbersome to have to extract the information for a reputable library by reading the source code... I would have expected a little more documentation , but maybe I simply overlooked it?
Any help is deeply appreciated,
I was trying to use HTK for computer vision purposes, not for NLP, and for that I required that I could link against it, and call it from within my code. Thanks for your replies.
Maybe ATK is more suitable for you. Here is the explantation from the ATK site:
"ATK is an API designed to facilitate building experimental applications for HTK. It consists of a C++ layer sitting on top of the standard HTK libraries."
In addition Microsoft Research has another research tool here for training acoustic models. This includes a set visual project for HTKlib and a set of C++ HTK wrappers, but it may only include a subset of the HTK functionality and has licence restrictions.
I have not used it but use I the language modeling toolkit. I think the main intention is to use the command line tools provided. I imagine they are very flexible tools that will enable you to build and test models. Why do you want to use the code?
Also what are you trying to do?

Double Entry Accounting in C/C++/Objective-C

I am working on a program and need to implement a double-entry accounting system. It would seem to me that there should be some open source project or code base out there already with most all of the basic accounting functions already written, but Google didn't turn anything up.
I don't want to re-invent the wheel, so is anyone aware if there is already a package out there that implements double-entry accounting in C, C++, or Objective-C?
Thank you!
Note: I am looking for a double-entry module to plug in to my existing application (it is a property management system) and I'm not re-writing a package like GNUCash. Sorry if I didn't state that clearly.
GnuCash -
GnuCash is open source and I believe large parts of the backend are in C
Ledger -
It's a pure C++ command-line engine for double-entry accounting. It follows the Unix philosophy so you don't actually even need to delve into the code--just parse the plain text output.

Stock Charts in C++

I am trying to create some charts of data (eg Is there a C++ library that can do this without a lot of extra work? I'm thinking Qt or wxWindows would have something like it, but it wasn't immediately obvious.
FLTK is a light and portable C++ toolkit for GUI. There's a chart class. Sample.
Qwt does at least some of the things you are trying to achieve (basic plots, bar charts and so on), and integrates well with Qt.
I think you need to pick your GUI framework first, then find a charting control for the given framework, since that affects what charting controls you could feasibly use. For example, must this be portable?
For the project I'm working on (a large MFC application) we use Cedric Moonen's ChartCtrl. We've had a pretty good experience with it so far.
I've done some graph plotting with gnuplot lately, which is quite powerful. Although I think it is Linux only, which may or may not be a problem.
Also, believe it or not, some amazing things can be done with LaTeX. I've used the tkz (tikz) library to produce some awesome graphs.
Both solutions plot to a file which you can include in your interface.
They aren't C++ libraries but you can easily create the datafiles and call the necessary programs from within your C++ program (Being creative with system() and possible some shell scripts).