Connecting C++ and Node JS - c++

I have been working on a project where I am interacting with a 3D camera(on a single machine) through its SDK written in C++. The extent of my knowledge in that language is just as good as what a basic crash course could teach. I need to provide an interface(web) which shows the camera preview from the SDK and when the capture image is clicked, I need to capture an Image using the SDK with a specified filename and path.
The approaches I thought of are:
Using NodeJS exec to capture images the compiled version(exe) of my program in C++. I am communicating the filepath and using json.
I could learn and use C++ CGI to simply control C++ SDK stuff.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You can use one of the C++ CGI libraries out there but, as easy as they are to use, just calling an executable seems easier and cleaner. I think the scanner should come with a bundled tool to drive it, doesn’t it?


Using networks in c++

I have started learning c++ quite a while ago, and I am now starting to develop a program which uses a Chat file like this:
filename: (identity):(date)
contents: (identity):(message)
But the only problem I have is that I need to access and send this file over a network(A LAN created using Hamachi).
Do I need several libraries or something for this?
Can anyone give
tips on how to achieve this?
There is a lot of libraries which can help you:
very powerful from boost:
one from QTNetwork (ofc if you are using QT).
I recommend you to do not use Winsock etc you will be limited to a one platform only.

Find a simple speech engine

I'm doing a project on text recognition. One of the main points here is text-to-speech translation after the recognition. Could you help me find a very simple, plain speech engine for C++ Builder project? All that I've found were not only very complicated, but also they were suitable for MFC.
So, the problem is that I'd like to convert text to speech. No recognizing, just simple convertion. Please share some info about this problem, maybe I should look it up somewhere?
Basically, I do not even know, if I'm calling it right, so I'm sorry for misunderstanding if it happens.
Microsoft's Speech API (SAPI) is implemented as a set of COM objects, and thus is usable in C++Builder projects with minimal effort.
Flite is a small text to speech engine written in portable C, with no specific OS dependencies and with a permissive open source license. You will need to create a C++ Builder project to build it, but other than that it should work just fine.

OpenCv and Ruby on Rails

Can I use OpenCV with Ruby on Rails? If so, how can I do that? Or, what resources do you recommend for that?
There is also an open CV gem, fwiw --
Sure you can!
It just depends on what do you need as there is no "one" silver bullet.
If you want to create an online home surveillance, for example, then you would probably have least effort by writing:
C++ image-processing command-line application on top of OpenCV that would write the surveillance events and/or images to SQLite database.
Read the database directly from Rails.
For anything more complex, you'd need a more complex architecture.
Whatever you do, pick the best tools for the purpose:
Let OpenCV do what it is best at (image processing)
Let Rails to it's magic (simple, less demanding online access to some resources)
In order to link OpenCV and Ruby together, you could create a dedicated Ruby-to-C++ bridge because none of the existing ones can match diverse needs and most frameworks will do for a few specialized (i.e. designed by you) function-calls through your bridge.
This link would be a good start to pick a framework for a bridge - just go for one and see what comes out.
You could write a program using OpenCV in C++, and then just process your data with it, by using CGI (Common Gateway Interface I don't think you can bind native code to Ruby like you can do in Java (JNI)

Look for ways to enable printing from my C++/MFC application

Since time immemorial I've been trying to avoid printing from my Windows-based applications due to the lack of native support for it. Whenever absolutely necessary I was resorting to dynamically making a simple HTML layout and then opening it in a web browser with a short Java Script in it to pop up a printing dialog for a user. Now I need to find something more substantial.
Let me explain. I have a project that deals with medical charts and it has to be able to print into those charts (at specific locations) as well as print on to a Letter/A4 size page in general. It also has to provide a preview of what is being printed in a paged-view environment.
In light of that I was wondering what is available from MFC/C++ environment (not C#) in regarding to printing?
PS. I was thinking to look into the RTF format but that seems like quite a daunting task, so I was also wondering, is there any libraries/already written code that can allow to compose/view/print RTFs? If not, what else is out there that can provide printing support like I explained above?
"lack of native support"? It's been covered by Petzold since forever, and it's integrated straight into GDI. Compared to UNIX, it's a complete breeze. And MFC makes it even easier.
Anyway, here's how you do print preview with MFC, and here's how you subsequently print. Lots of links from there, and it's all straightforward. Printers are just another Device Context on which you can draw.
I always found it very convenient to generate PDF files from my MFC/C++ application, There are many libraries out there which enable easy creation of PDF files, preview functionality and so on (also open source). I'm using this (also handles RTF):
PDF Library
There is no support like you call a framework method with some parameters and the framework prints a document or the content of a window for you. You need to manually draw everything on the printing device context. So as already said, you might find it more convenient to use a PDF generator, but of course that depends on your application requirements.
Please try , it's a free report builder solution that easily integrates into a C/C++ application.

script for actionscript/flash and c++

I havent used flash or action script much. I am planning a small project that i'd like to be online via flash but i'd like to reuse the code in my c/c++ projects
Is there a script language i can use? i am thinking lua or python. After googling i found flua which is incomplete and jython. Can i use java in flash? would it be a good idea to use python in java which is ran with flash?
Have you taken a look at Alchemy?
With Alchemy, Web application developers can now reuse hundreds of millions of lines of existing open source C and C++ client or server-side code on the Flash Platform. Alchemy brings the power of high performance C and C++ libraries to Web applications with minimal degradation on AVM2. The C/C++ code is compiled to ActionScript 3.0 as a SWF or SWC that runs on Adobe Flash Player 10 or Adobe AIR 1.5.
Have you looked at Haxe?
The Haxe compiler can produce swf files, JavaScripts and other, with a language that resembles ActionScript or JavaScript more or less, depending on what language details you care about.
Here's this nice teaser from the haxe site: "Currently in testing, with the right build of Haxe from Hugh Sanderson, you can now output your Haxe applications to pure C++ source code, complete with makefiles."
But no, I don't know about using Java inside a Flash. You mean the Flash app executing Java while it's running? or using Java to create a Flash app?
There's no way to embed Java within a Flash movie. If you're creating a SWF that will display in a browser then you're restricted to Actionscript. You could create a Java applet, load it in the same page, and use javascript to communicate between the two, though I wouldn't recommend that.
If you're using a projector to create an EXE then you may be able to load and use C++ dlls, though I've never attempted this.