Why can't I see my python.django.templates bundle in TextMate? - django

I have just installed both the python.django bundle and the python.django.templates bundles for TextMate. If I click on the Bundles menu item from the Mac menu bar at the top of my screen, I see them both in the drop-down menu. However, at the bottom of my TextMate window I only see the Python Django option and not the Python Django Templates option. Since I would like to declare that the file I am working on is a Django Templates file, this is annoying me. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening?

The type for Python Django templates is listed under HTML (Django).


WebStorm: no autocomplete for React

On WebStorm website they have screenshot for React autocomplete:
However, it doesn't work on my WebStorm:
I have switched my JavaScript language version to React JSX in Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript.
In the file, I right click then selected react-DefinitelyTyped and react-dom-DefinitelyTyped from User JavaScript Library, and it is still not working, neither.
Any advice?
Try typing
instead of
The auto-complete is looking for the start of a tag.

No plist file available in Xcode C++ App

I'm new to Xcode. I am using version 8.3.3 on MacOS 10.12.5 (Sierra) to develop an experimental command line application. I want to set up a version number for the application. According to instructions in Apple documentation and many other places I should be able to do this under the General tab for the project. However, under the General tab Xcode does not seem to be able to find a plist file and instead
displays a 'Choose info.plist File' button.
When I click the click the button Xcode displays a selection dialog containing a project icon, but no sign of an info.plist file and no obvious way to navigate to or create one.
I have tried the technique described at Youtube (v=gYh4_80jHDk: sorry -- can't post it as a link as I'm also new to Stack Overflow!) but to no avail. It just gives me another 'Choose info.plist File' button.
I expect I'm missing something obvious, but it's not obvious to me. I'd be grateful for any help!
Many thanks

Can't find "Set as Django Project" or Django actions in Eclipse with Pydev

MacOSX10.9.5, EclipseMars.1(4.5.1), Pydev3.0.0, Python3.4.3, Django1.9
I can't find "Set as Django Project" or Django actions in Eclipse though I could use it until yesterday.
I reinstalled the same versions of Python, Django, Eclipse and AptanaStudio3, and added Python and Django PATH to PYTHONPATH of Pydev Python Interpreter in Preferences again but the problem is not solved. I can't also create a new Pydev project. Maybe I deleted some important dotfile by mistake when I emptied the trash but I'm not sure if I did or if it's the cause or not. How can I fix the problem or what should I check to figure out what is the cause? Thank you in advance.
I solved the problem by myself. I just didn't notice the Pydev perspective was closed.
Window --> Perspective --> Open Perspective --> Other... and choose Pydev.
That's all. Now I can see Set as Django and Django actions with the Django logo. I had overlooked such a basic. Thank you!

Sublime Text - Set project type as Django

A little confused. Trying to create a Django project in Sublime Text.
I have followed this netuts guide
So I have added a folder and set a project as django.sublime-project
I installed Djaniero plugin. So my question is how do I now turn this into a django project?
Djaniero is just a collection of snippets for Django.
If you're looking for a plugin that will give you autocompletion for Python, etc, take a look at SublimeCodeIntel or SublimeRope.

Komodo Code Completion for Django

Sorry to repeat old questions, but I didn't quite understand the answer.
The question was: How to enable auto-complete in Komodo Edit 5.2 for Django
Komodo Edit - code-completion for Django?
"It was already on my python path (could import django stuff via plain old python shell), however,komodo didn't know about it. Manually adding the dist-packages folder fixes it though"
In particular I don't understand the part in bold.
Can you give me a simple step by step recipe for that, please?
Using OSX Snow Leopard.
Go to File -> Preferences -> Languages -> Python. There you have the field Additional Python Import Directories where you can add the Django folder (actually the folder that contains the Django folder).