WebStorm: no autocomplete for React - webstorm

On WebStorm website they have screenshot for React autocomplete:
However, it doesn't work on my WebStorm:
I have switched my JavaScript language version to React JSX in Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript.
In the file, I right click then selected react-DefinitelyTyped and react-dom-DefinitelyTyped from User JavaScript Library, and it is still not working, neither.
Any advice?

Try typing
instead of
The auto-complete is looking for the start of a tag.


How to add downloaded fontawesome pro icons to react native?

I am no longer a fontawesome pro customer but I still am able to download the pro icon set for web and desktop (svg / css / webfonts / sprites...) and I want to add some duotone and light pro icons to my project. But I've tried to add it to my expo project in multiple ways and it does not seem to work.
I tried using react-native-svg and it didn't work as fontawesome svg can't be translated to svgr for some reason.
I tried using react-native-fontawesome but it only seems to work for regular solid and brands icons.
I can't use the fortAwesome library as my npm token has expired and therefore been revoked.
Please help, how can I use the downloaded icons in my react native expo project ?
Thank you in advance
I found out how to do it.
I added the fontawesome pro fonts to my assets. Loaded the fonts using Font.loadAsync().
Then I created a component and an array containing the names and the unicode values of each icon. (found at this link : font-awesome unicode and names
My component is simply a component with a fontFamily corresponding to the fontFamily I want to use (in my case the fa-light-300, fa-duotone-900 and fa-brands-400). And the unicode value written like so :
<Text style={{ fontFamily: "fa-light-300" }}>{"\uf164"}</Text>
I hope this helps if anyone comes across the same problem.

Setting up Nodejs for WebStorm

I've been trying all say to get syntax and autocomplete working in WebStorm. I've installed WebStorm 7 EAP. Right now, I'm trying to get this simple script to highlight properly:
How do I get WebStorm to accept app.listen(3000)?
I think the best solution which became available in one of the recent EAPs is to download library via Setting | JavaScript | Libraries | Download. Select TypeScript community stubs there and add express.js. TypeScript library file will improve completion and highlighting in pure JavaScript project. Also please see WEB-8801.

Why can't I see my python.django.templates bundle in TextMate?

I have just installed both the python.django bundle and the python.django.templates bundles for TextMate. If I click on the Bundles menu item from the Mac menu bar at the top of my screen, I see them both in the drop-down menu. However, at the bottom of my TextMate window I only see the Python Django option and not the Python Django Templates option. Since I would like to declare that the file I am working on is a Django Templates file, this is annoying me. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening?
The type for Python Django templates is listed under HTML (Django).

Netbeans 7 and XSLT support

Does anyone knows how to enable XSLT support, auto-complete in particular, in Netbeans 7?
Every time I'm opening a new tag within my style, the auto-complete pop-up appears, and shows "downloading...". After few seconds it disappears and that's all.
Answer from here:
Go to Tools | Plugins in NetBeans IDE 7.0.1. In the Settings tab, register this update center:
Now go to the Available Plugins tab and search for XML Tools. Install that plugin.
Go to the New File dialog and pick an XML schema file

Implementing Chrome style menu items in Qt

If you take a look at Google Chrome's configuration menu you will see several neat UI features. Specifically the edit and zoom menu items. How can I implement a similar version of Chromes zoom menu item inside Qt 4.7.1.
Since Chrome is based on the open source project Chromium you can download the source code and see exactly how Google have done it.
Chromium is made on VC++
link here -> http://cotsog.wordpress.com/2009/11/08/how-to-compile-google-chrome-with-visual-c-2008-express-edition/