stat not working - c++

I am writing a file watcher and stat for some reason cant get a hold of file information, why?
struct stat info;
int fd = open(path, O_EVTONLY);
if (fd <= 0){
int result = fstat(fd, &info);
if (!result){
exit(-1); //This happens! Errno says "No such file or directory" but that cant be because open would've failed

int result = fstat(fd, &info);
if (!result){
Check fstat man page, on success 0 is returned.

stat returns zero on success, as do most standard libc functions.
This is designed as such, so you can easily check for errors in a chain of library calls:
if (stat(fd, &info)) {
//stat succeeded.
if (...) {

From your usage, I assume you want fstat(). fstat() takes a fd as argument, stat() a string.


How to open a file with append mode only if it exist

The function fopen("file-name",a); will return a pointer to the end of the file. If the file exist it is opened, otherwise a new file is created.
Is it possible to use the append mode and open the file only if it already exist? (and return a NULL pointer otherwise).
Thanks in advance
To avoid race conditions, opening and checking for existence should be done in one system call. In POSIX this can be done with open as it will not create the file if the flag O_CREAT is not provided.
int fd;
FILE *fp = NULL;
fd = open ("file-name", O_APPEND);
if (fd >= 0) {
/* successfully opened the file, now get a FILE datastructure */
fp = fdopen (fd, "a")
open may fail for other reasons too. If you do not want to ignore all of them, you will have to check errno.
int fd;
FILE *fp = NULL;
do {
fd = open ("file-name", O_APPEND);
/* retry if open was interrupted by a signal */
} while (fd < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (fd >= 0) {
/* successfully opened the file, now get a FILE datastructure */
fp = fdopen (fd, "a")
} else if (errno != ENOENT) { /* ignore if the file does not exist */
perror ("open file-name"); /* report any other error */
First check if the file already exists. A simple code to do that might be like this:
int exists(const char *fname)
FILE *file;
if ((file = fopen(fname, "r")))
return 1;
return 0;
It will return 0 if file doesn't exist...
and use it like this:

Why does this write() operation just write a single line

I have a small problem with my code in the following. I call it in my class from within a state machine this->write_file(this->d_filename);. The case in the loop gets hit a couple of times, however I only have one line of entries in the CSV file I want to produce.
I'm not sure why this is. I open the file with this->open(filename) in my write function. It returns the file-descriptor. The file is opened with O_TRUNK, and if ((d_new_fp = fdopen(fd, d_is_binary ? "wba" : "w")) == NULL). While the aba refers to write, binary and append. Therefore I expect more than one line.
The fprintf statement writes my data. It also has a \n.
fprintf(d_new_fp, "%s, %d %d\n", this->d_packet, this->d_lqi, this->d_lqi_sample_count);
I simply can't figure out why my file doesn't grow.
inline bool
cogra_ieee_802_15_4_sink::open(const char *filename)
gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_mutex); // hold mutex for duration of this function
// we use the open system call to get access to the O_LARGEFILE flag.
int fd;
if ((fd = ::open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | OUR_O_LARGEFILE,
0664)) < 0)
return false;
if (d_new_fp)
{ // if we've already got a new one open, close it
d_new_fp = 0;
if ((d_new_fp = fdopen(fd, d_is_binary ? "wba" : "w")) == NULL)
d_updated = true;
return d_new_fp != 0;
inline void
gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_mutex); // hold mutex for duration of this function
if (d_new_fp)
d_new_fp = 0;
d_updated = true;
inline void
cogra_ieee_802_15_4_sink::write_file(const char* filename)
if (this->open(filename))
fprintf(d_new_fp, "%s, %d %d\n", this->d_packet, this->d_lqi,
if (true)
fprintf(stderr, "Writing file %x\n", this->d_packet);
Description for O_TRUNC from man open:
If the file already exists and is a regular file and the open mode allows writing (i.e., is O_RDWR or O_WRONLY) it will be truncated to length 0. If the file is a FIFO or terminal device file, the O_TRUNC flag is ignored. Otherwise the effect of O_TRUNC is unspecified.
The file is opened in each call to write_file(), removing anything that was previously written. Replace O_TRUNC with O_APPEND.

How to create a file only if it doesn't exist?

I wrote a UNIX daemon (targeting Debian, but it shouldn't matter) and I wanted to provide some way of creating a ".pid" file, (a file which contains the process identifier of the daemon).
I searched for a way of opening a file only if it doesn't exist, but couldn't find one.
Basically, I could do something like:
if (fileexists())
//create it with fopen() or similar
But as it stands, this code does not perform the task in a atomic fashion, and doing so would be dangerous, because another process might create the file during my test, and the file creation.
Do you guys have any idea on how to do that?
Thank you.
P.S: Bonus point for a solution which only involves std::streams.
man 2 open:
O_EXCL Ensure that this call creates the file: if this flag is specified in conjunction with O_CREAT, and pathname already exists, then open()
will fail. The behavior of O_EXCL is undefined if O_CREAT is not specified.
so, you could call fd = open(name, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644); /* Open() is atomic. (for a reason) */
UPDATE: and you should of course OR one of the O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR flags into the flags argument.
I learned about proper daemonizing here (back in the day):
It is a good read. I have since improved the locking code to eliminate race conditions on platforms that allow advisory file locking with specific regions specified.
Here is a relevant snippet from a project that I was involved in:
static int zfsfuse_do_locking(int in_child)
/* Ignores errors since the directory might already exist */
mkdir(LOCKDIR, 0700);
if (!in_child)
ASSERT(lock_fd == -1);
* before the fork, we create the file, truncating it, and locking the
* first byte
lock_fd = creat(LOCKFILE, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
if(lock_fd == -1)
return -1;
* only if we /could/ lock all of the file,
* we shall lock just the first byte; this way
* we can let the daemon child process lock the
* remainder of the file after forking
if (0==lockf(lock_fd, F_TEST, 0))
return lockf(lock_fd, F_TLOCK, 1);
return -1;
} else
ASSERT(lock_fd != -1);
* after the fork, we instead try to lock only the region /after/ the
* first byte; the file /must/ already exist. Only in this way can we
* prevent races with locking before or after the daemonization
lock_fd = open(LOCKFILE, O_WRONLY);
if(lock_fd == -1)
return -1;
ASSERT(-1 == lockf(lock_fd, F_TEST, 0)); /* assert that parent still has the lock on the first byte */
if (-1 == lseek(lock_fd, 1, SEEK_SET))
return -1;
return lockf(lock_fd, F_TLOCK, 0);
void do_daemon(const char *pidfile)
if (pidfile) {
struct stat dummy;
if (0 == stat(pidfile, &dummy)) {
cmn_err(CE_WARN, "%s already exists; aborting.", pidfile);
* info gleaned from the web, notably
* and
int forkres, devnull;
return; /* already a daemon */
if (forkres<0)
{ /* fork error */
cmn_err(CE_WARN, "Cannot fork (%s)", strerror(errno));
if (forkres>0)
int i;
/* parent */
for (i=getdtablesize();i>=0;--i)
if ((lock_fd!=i) && (ioctl_fd!=i)) /* except for the lockfile and the comm socket */
close(i); /* close all descriptors */
/* allow for airtight lockfile semantics... */
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 200000; /* 0.2 seconds */
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
VERIFY(0 == close(lock_fd));
lock_fd == -1;
/* child (daemon) continues */
setsid(); /* obtain a new process group */
VERIFY(0 == chdir("/")); /* change working directory */
umask(027); /* set newly created file permissions */
devnull=open("/dev/null",O_RDWR); /* handle standard I/O */
ASSERT(-1 != devnull);
dup2(devnull, 0); /* stdin */
dup2(devnull, 1); /* stdout */
dup2(devnull, 2); /* stderr */
if (devnull>2)
* contrary to recommendation, do _not_ ignore SIGCHLD:
* it will break exec-ing subprocesses, e.g. for kstat mount and
* (presumably) nfs sharing!
* this will lead to really bad performance too
signal(SIGTSTP,SIG_IGN); /* ignore tty signals */
if (0 != zfsfuse_do_locking(1))
cmn_err(CE_WARN, "Unexpected locking conflict (%s: %s)", strerror(errno), LOCKFILE);
if (pidfile) {
FILE *f = fopen(pidfile, "w");
if (!f) {
cmn_err(CE_WARN, "Error opening %s.", pidfile);
if (fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid()) < 0) {
if (fclose(f) != 0) {
See also;a=blob;f=src/zfs-fuse/util.c;h=7c9816cc895db4f65b94592eebf96d05cd2c369a;hb=refs/heads/maint
The only way I can think of is to use system level locks. See this: C++ how to check if file is in use - multi-threaded multi-process system
One way to approach this problem is to open the file for appending. If the function succeeds and the position is at 0 then you can be fairly certain this is a new file. Could still be an empty file but that scenario may not be important.
FILE* pFile = fopen(theFilePath, "a+");
if (pFile && gfetpos(pFile) == 0) {
// Either file didn't previously exist or it did and was empty
} else if (pFile) {
It would appear that there's no way to do it strictly using streams.
You can, instead, use open (as mentioned above by wildplasser) and if that succeeds, proceed to open the same file as a stream. Of course, if all you're writing to the file is a PID, it is unclear why you wouldn't just write it using C-style write().
O_EXCL only excludes other processes that are attempting to open the same file using O_EXCL. This, of course, means that you never have a perfect guarantee, but if the file name/location is somewhere nobody else is likely to be opening (other than folks you know are using O_EXCL) you should be OK.

How to read the failure log message displayed when a system call failed in C++?

I have a C++ code that calls a test. I am doing a system call to execute this test. When this test fails, it will display something like this " ERROR: One or more devices of following component type(s) could not be discovered:"
I have a C++ code that runs on Linux redhat and it is capable of detecting if the system call pass or failed. But it can not capture the error message (ERROR: One or more devices of following component type(s) could not be discovered:) and append into the log file or print it.
Can someone please tell me how to capture the error message (ERROR: One or more devices of following component type(s) could not be discovered:)?
PS: I am an intern, any help would be really nice.
int main ()
int i;
if (system(NULL))
puts ("Ok");
exit (1);
i=system("hpsp --discover -verbose --user Admin --oapasswd password");
printf ("The value returned was: %d.\n",i);
return false;
Instead of using system() use popen(). This will open a pipe capturing the standard output of the test program so that your program can read it via the pipe.
Example EDITED:
#define _BSD_SOURCE 1
#define BUFFSIZE 400
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *cmd = "hpsp --discover -verbose --user Admin --oapasswd password";
char buf[BUFFSIZE];
char* searchResult;
int testPassed = 0;
FILE *ptr;
if ((ptr = popen(cmd, "r")) != NULL)
while (fgets(buf, BUFFSIZE, ptr) != NULL)
if ((searchResult = strstr(buf, "The test passed")) != NULL )
testPassed = 1;
if (testPassed)
return 0;
You can use dup and dup2 to backup/store the stderr file descriptor to redirect to your log file. Well, I'm guessing that errors go to stderr anyways.
Here's an example if you just want to write to a log file.
//open log file, choose whatever flags you need
int logfd = open("whateveryourlogfileis", O_APPEND);
//back up stderr file descriptor
int stderr_copy = dup(STDERR_FILENO);
//redirect stderr to your opened log file
dup2(logfd, STDERR_FILENO);
//close the original file descriptor for the log file
//system call here
//restore stderr
dup2(stderr_copy, STDERR_FILENO);
//close stderr copy
Note: dup2 closes the target file descriptor before dup2ing to it. dup just duplicates the file descriptor and returns to you the new file descriptor.

How to get a thread to continue after write() has written less bytes than requested?

I'm using the following code to write data through a named pipe from one application to another. The thread where the writing is taken place should never be exited. But if r_write() returns less than it should, the thread/program stops for some reason. How can I make the thread continue once write has returned less than it should?
ssize_t r_write(int fd, char *buf, size_t size)
char *bufp;
size_t bytestowrite;
ssize_t byteswritten;
size_t totalbytes;
for (bufp = buf, bytestowrite = size, totalbytes = 0;
bytestowrite > 0;
bufp += byteswritten, bytestowrite -= byteswritten) {
byteswritten = write(fd, bufp, bytestowrite);
if ((byteswritten) == -1 && (errno != EINTR))
return -1;
if (byteswritten == -1)
byteswritten = 0;
totalbytes += byteswritten;
return totalbytes;
void* sendData(void *thread_arg)
int fd, ret_val, count, numread;
string word;
char bufpipe[5];
ret_val = mkfifo(pipe, 0777); //make the sprout pipe
if (( ret_val == -1) && (errno != EEXIST))
perror("Error creating named pipe");
string s;
s = sproutFeed.front();
int sizeOfData = s.length();
snprintf(bufpipe, 5, "%04d", sizeOfData);
char stringToSend[strlen(bufpipe) + sizeOfData +1];
bzero(stringToSend, sizeof(stringToSend));
strncpy(stringToSend,bufpipe, strlen(bufpipe));
strncat(stringToSend, "\0", strlen("\0"));
int fullSize = strlen(stringToSend);
cout << "sending string" << stringToSend << endl;
fd = open(pipe,O_WRONLY);
int numWrite = r_write(fd, stringToSend, strlen(stringToSend) );
if(numWrite != fullSize)
bzero(bufpipe, strlen(bufpipe));
bzero(stringToSend, strlen(stringToSend));
cout << "NOT FULL SIZE WRITE " << endl; //program ends here??
bzero(bufpipe, strlen(bufpipe));
bzero(stringToSend, strlen(stringToSend));
If the write() returns a positive (non-zero, non-negative) value for the number of bytes written, it was successful, but there wasn't room for all the data. Try again, writing the remainder of the data from the buffer (and repeat as necessary). Don't forget, a FIFO has a limited capacity - and writers will be held up if necessary.
If the write() returns a negative value, the write failed. The chances are that you won't be able to recover, but check errno for the reason why.
I think the only circumstance where write() can return zero is if you have the file descriptor open with O_NONBLOCK and the attempt to write would block. You might need to scrutinize the manual page for write() to check for any other possibilities.
What your thread does then depends on why it experienced a short write, and what you want to do about it.
The write to the FIFO failed. Investigate the value of errno to find out why. Look in errno.h on your system to decipher the value of errno. If the program is ending upon trying to write to the console, the reason may be related.
Also, your loop doesn't appear to be closing the file descriptor for the FIFO (close(fd)).
Finally, you mention multithreading. The standard library stream cout on your system may not (and probably isn't) thread-safe. In that case, writing to the console concurrently from multiple threads will cause unpredictable errors.
You need to make the file descriptor non-blocking. You can do it like this:
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
This is how fcntl works (not a complete description - look at man fcntl for that). First of all, the includes:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
reading the file descriptor's flags
Use F_GETFL to get the file descriptor's flags. From man fcntl:
Read the file descriptor's flags.
For a successful call, the return value depends on the operation:
F_GETFL Value of flags.
and this is how it's used:
int fd_flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
writing the file descriptor's flags
Use F_SETFL to set the O_NONBLOCK flag. Again, quoting from man fcntl:
Set the file status flags part of the descriptor's flags to the
value specified by arg. Remaining bits (access mode, file cre?
ation flags) in arg are ignored. On Linux this command can
only change the O_APPEND, O_NONBLOCK, O_ASYNC, and O_DIRECT
and this is how it's used:
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fd_flags | O_NONBLOCK);