How to get a thread to continue after write() has written less bytes than requested? - c++

I'm using the following code to write data through a named pipe from one application to another. The thread where the writing is taken place should never be exited. But if r_write() returns less than it should, the thread/program stops for some reason. How can I make the thread continue once write has returned less than it should?
ssize_t r_write(int fd, char *buf, size_t size)
char *bufp;
size_t bytestowrite;
ssize_t byteswritten;
size_t totalbytes;
for (bufp = buf, bytestowrite = size, totalbytes = 0;
bytestowrite > 0;
bufp += byteswritten, bytestowrite -= byteswritten) {
byteswritten = write(fd, bufp, bytestowrite);
if ((byteswritten) == -1 && (errno != EINTR))
return -1;
if (byteswritten == -1)
byteswritten = 0;
totalbytes += byteswritten;
return totalbytes;
void* sendData(void *thread_arg)
int fd, ret_val, count, numread;
string word;
char bufpipe[5];
ret_val = mkfifo(pipe, 0777); //make the sprout pipe
if (( ret_val == -1) && (errno != EEXIST))
perror("Error creating named pipe");
string s;
s = sproutFeed.front();
int sizeOfData = s.length();
snprintf(bufpipe, 5, "%04d", sizeOfData);
char stringToSend[strlen(bufpipe) + sizeOfData +1];
bzero(stringToSend, sizeof(stringToSend));
strncpy(stringToSend,bufpipe, strlen(bufpipe));
strncat(stringToSend, "\0", strlen("\0"));
int fullSize = strlen(stringToSend);
cout << "sending string" << stringToSend << endl;
fd = open(pipe,O_WRONLY);
int numWrite = r_write(fd, stringToSend, strlen(stringToSend) );
if(numWrite != fullSize)
bzero(bufpipe, strlen(bufpipe));
bzero(stringToSend, strlen(stringToSend));
cout << "NOT FULL SIZE WRITE " << endl; //program ends here??
bzero(bufpipe, strlen(bufpipe));
bzero(stringToSend, strlen(stringToSend));

If the write() returns a positive (non-zero, non-negative) value for the number of bytes written, it was successful, but there wasn't room for all the data. Try again, writing the remainder of the data from the buffer (and repeat as necessary). Don't forget, a FIFO has a limited capacity - and writers will be held up if necessary.
If the write() returns a negative value, the write failed. The chances are that you won't be able to recover, but check errno for the reason why.
I think the only circumstance where write() can return zero is if you have the file descriptor open with O_NONBLOCK and the attempt to write would block. You might need to scrutinize the manual page for write() to check for any other possibilities.
What your thread does then depends on why it experienced a short write, and what you want to do about it.

The write to the FIFO failed. Investigate the value of errno to find out why. Look in errno.h on your system to decipher the value of errno. If the program is ending upon trying to write to the console, the reason may be related.
Also, your loop doesn't appear to be closing the file descriptor for the FIFO (close(fd)).
Finally, you mention multithreading. The standard library stream cout on your system may not (and probably isn't) thread-safe. In that case, writing to the console concurrently from multiple threads will cause unpredictable errors.

You need to make the file descriptor non-blocking. You can do it like this:
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
This is how fcntl works (not a complete description - look at man fcntl for that). First of all, the includes:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
reading the file descriptor's flags
Use F_GETFL to get the file descriptor's flags. From man fcntl:
Read the file descriptor's flags.
For a successful call, the return value depends on the operation:
F_GETFL Value of flags.
and this is how it's used:
int fd_flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
writing the file descriptor's flags
Use F_SETFL to set the O_NONBLOCK flag. Again, quoting from man fcntl:
Set the file status flags part of the descriptor's flags to the
value specified by arg. Remaining bits (access mode, file cre?
ation flags) in arg are ignored. On Linux this command can
only change the O_APPEND, O_NONBLOCK, O_ASYNC, and O_DIRECT
and this is how it's used:
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fd_flags | O_NONBLOCK);


linux pseudo terminal (open select read)

I have a following scenario: Someone creates a pseudo terminal via opening /dev/ptmx. New terminal is created and named for example /dev/pts/2. Then, in my program I open /dev/pts/2 for reading. But I also open other devices for reading and use select() function to wait for any incoming data. The select have also some timeout specified for performing other stuff when no data arrives for too long. After successful select i read data using read() function and then print it on the screen.
I encountered an issue if the pseudo terminal is closed by the one who created it. In this case select function ends immediately indicating success as well as read ends indicating "no data" by returning zero. The issue imho is that neither select nor read returns error in such case. How should I handle this to detect that the terminal is no longer existing?
Status processData()
fd_set readFileDescriptorSet; // defined somewhere else
int maxFileDescriptor; // defined somewhere else
struct timeval timeout; // defined somewhere else
int ret = select(maxFileDescriptor + 1, &readFileDescriptorSet, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout);
if (!ret) // timeout
return Status::success();
if (ret < 0) // error from select()
return Status::error("select error");
ssize_t rd;
char buff[10];
do {
rd = read(interfaces.serialPort.getFileDescriptor(), buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
if (rd > 0) { // some data has been read
buff[rd] = '\0';
std::cout << buff;
} while (rd > 0);
if (rd < 0) // error from read()
return Status::error("read error");
return Status::success();
While the way I open the pseudo terminal is following:
Status internalOpen(std::string fileName)
fileDescriptor = ::open(fileName.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fileDescriptor == -1)
return Status::error("Terminal::internalOpen::open('" + fileName + "')");
struct termios attributes;
if (tcgetattr(fileDescriptor, &attributes))
return Status::error("Terminal::internalOpen::tcgetattr()");
if (tcsetattr(fileDescriptor, TCSANOW, &attributes))
return Status::error("Terminal::internalOpen::tcsetattr()");
return Status::success();
void setAttributes(struct termios &attributes)
cfsetspeed(&attributes, Config::baudRate);
attributes.c_iflag &= ~(IXOFF | IXANY);
attributes.c_oflag &= ~(ONLCR);
attributes.c_lflag &= ~(ECHOE);
attributes.c_cflag &= ~(CSTOPB | CRTSCTS);
attributes.c_cflag |= CREAD | CLOCAL;
attributes.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
attributes.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
After select() returns indicating that there's something to be read, the shown code loops repeatedly trying to read() from the non-blocking file descriptor until it is 0:
do {
rd = read( ...
} while (rd > 0);
That's certainly reasonable. Except that the closed connection results in the very first read() returning 0, which the shown logic cannot discriminate.
All that's really needed here is to keep track of whether anything has been read, prior read() returning 0. But if read() returned 0 right off the bat, your goose is cooked.
Additionally, there a few other improvements will make things more robust.
After select() returns, actually check if the file descriptor's bit remains set in the readFileDescriptorSet. The shown logic simply assumes that it is, by checking for all other possibilities. Still, this is somewhat fragile. It's easy to forget this assumption if something tangentially related gets modified (i.e., another fle descriptor gets thrown into the mix).
Use poll() instead of select(), and explicitly check for POLLHUP|POLLRDHUP in revents. The file descriptor closure condition is more explicitly called out, in the poll() interface.

Check if there's incoming data in serial port linux (cbInQue for linux)

I'm having a trouble with managing data coming into a linux serial port from an Arduino unit.
Basically, I have a working code to read and print out (or just store) but it is written for windows platform:
status is of type COMSTAT
int SerialPort::readSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesRead;
unsigned int toRead = 0;
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
if (this->status.cbInQue > 0) { //if there's something to read
if (this->status.cbInQue > buf_size) {//if there's something to read&bigger than buffer size
toRead = buf_size; //read as much as buffer alows
else toRead = this->status.cbInQue; //else just read as much as there is
if (ReadFile(this->handler, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL))
return bytesRead; //return read data
return 0;//return 0 if nothing is there.
apart from Sleep() that is windows function, I was wondering if there is an equivalent linux function for status.cbInQue to understand if there is any data that is ready to be read in the port.
Right now I just go ahead and read, without checking, and often I get nothing printed later in the program.
TLDR: is there cbInQue equivalent for linux?
Yes, you will need your file descriptor and then use FIONREAD to see if anything is available.
Something like the following should work:
int available;
if( ioctl( fd, FIONREAD, &available ) < 0 ) {
// Error handling here

Unable to receive data from serial port

Currently I try to write a serial port communication in VC++ to transfer data from PC and robot via XBee transmitter. But after I wrote some commands to poll data from robot, I didn't receive anything from the robot (the output of filesize is 0 in the code.). Because my MATLAB interface works, so the problem should happen in the code not the hardware or communication. Would you please give me help?
01/03/2014 Updated: I have updated my codes. It still can not receive any data from my robot (the output of read is 0). When I use "cout<<&read" in the while loop, I obtain "0041F01C1". I also don't know how to define the size of buffer, because I don't know the size of data I will receive. In the codes, I just give it a random size like 103. Please help me.
// This is the main DLL file.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <iostream>
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //for GetCommState command
#include "Windows.h"
#include <WinBase.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char init[]="";
HANDLE serialHandle;
// Open serial port
// Do some basic settings
DCB serialParams;
DWORD read, written;
serialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(serialParams);
if((GetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams)==0))
printf("Get configuration port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
GetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams);
serialParams.BaudRate = CBR_57600;
serialParams.ByteSize = 8;
serialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
serialParams.Parity = NOPARITY;
//set flow control="hardware"
if (!SetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams))
printf("Set configuration port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
GetCommState(serialHandle, &serialParams);
// Set timeouts
COMMTIMEOUTS timeout = { 0 };
timeout.ReadIntervalTimeout = 30;
timeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 30;
timeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 30;
timeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 30;
timeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 30;
SetCommTimeouts(serialHandle, &timeout);
if (!SetCommTimeouts(serialHandle, &timeout))
printf("Set configuration port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
//write packet to poll data from robot
//check whether the data can be received
char buffer[103];
do {
ReadFile (serialHandle,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&read,NULL);
cout << read;
} while (read!=0);
return 0;
GetFileSize is documented not to be valid when used with a serial port handle. Use the ReadFile function to receive serial port data.
You should use strlen instead of sizeof here:
You would be even better off creating a function like this:
function write_to_robot (const char * msg)
DWORD written;
BOOL ok = WriteFile(serialHandle, msg, strlen(msg), &written, NULL)
&& (written == strlen(msg));
if (!ok) printf ("Could not send message '%s' to robot\n", msg);
But that's only the appetizer. The main trouble is, as MDN says:
You cannot use the GetFileSize function with a handle of a nonseeking device such as a pipe or a communications device.
If you want to read from the port, you can simply use ReadFile until it returns zero bytes.
If you already know the max size of your robot's response, try reading that many characters.
Continue reading until the read reports an actual number of bytes read inferior to the size of the buffer. For instance:
#define MAX_ROBOT_ANSWER_LENGTH 1000 /* bytes */
const char * read_robot_response ()
static char buffer[MAX_ROBOT_ANSWER_LENGTH];
DWORD read;
if (!ReadFile (serialHandle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read, NULL))
printf ("something wrong with the com port handle");
exit (-1);
if (read == sizeof(buffer))
// the robot response is bigger than it should
printf ("this robot is overly talkative. Flushing input\n");
// read the rest of the input so that the next answer will not be
// polluted by leftovers of the previous one.
do {
ReadFile (serialHandle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read, NULL);
} while (read != 0);
// report error
return "error: robot response exceeds maximal length";
// add a terminator to string in case Mr Robot forgot to provide one
buffer[read] = '\0';
printf ("Mr Robot said '%s'\n", buffer);
return buffer;
This simplistic function returns a static variable, which will be overwritten each time you call read_robot_response.
Of course the proper way of doing things would be to use blocking I/Os instead of waiting one second and praying for the robot to answer in time, but that would require a lot more effort.
If you feel adventurous, you can use overlapped I/O, as this lenghty MDN article thoroughly explores.
EDIT: after looking at your code
// this reads at most 103 bytes of the answer, and does not display them
if (!ReadFile(serialHandle,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&read,NULL))
printf("Reading data to port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
// this could display the length of the remaining of the answer,
// provided it is more than 103 bytes long
do {
ReadFile (serialHandle,buffer,sizeof(buffer),&read,NULL);
cout << read;
while (read!=0);
You are displaying nothing but the length of the response beyond the first 103 characters received.
This should do the trick:
#define BUFFER_LEN 1000
DWORD read;
char buffer [BUFFER_LEN];
do {
if (!ReadFile(
serialHandle, // handle
buffer, // where to put your characters
sizeof(buffer) // max nr of chars to read
-1, // leave space for terminator character
&read, // get the number of bytes actually read
NULL)) // Yet another blody stupid Microsoft parameter
// die if something went wrong
printf("Reading data to port has a problem.");
return FALSE;
// add a terminator after last character read,
// so as to have a null terminated C string to display
buffer[read] = '\0';
// display what you actually read
cout << buffer;
while (read!=0);
I advised you to wrap the actual calls to serial port accesses inside simpler functions for a reason.
As I said before, Microsoft interfaces are a disaster. They are verbose, cumbersome and only moderately consistent. Using them directly leads to awkward and obfuscated code.
Here, for instance, you seem to have gotten confused between read and buffer
read holds the number of bytes actually read from the serial port
buffer holds the actual data.
buffer is what you will want to display to see what the robot answered you
Also, you should have a documentation for your robot stating which kind of answers you are supposed to expect. It would help to know how they are formatted, for instance whether they are null-terminated strings or not. That could dispense to add the string terminator.

Using select() and fgets() to access information from a serial port

This is a followup to this question: How to wait for input from the serial port in the middle of a program
I am writing a program to control an Iridium modem that needs to wait for a response from the serial port in the middle of the program in order to verify that the correct response was given. In order to accomplish this, a user recommended I use the select() command to wait for this input.
However, I have run into some difficulty with this approach. Initially, select() would return the value indicated a timeout on the response every time (even though the modem was sending back the correct responses, which I verified with another program running at the same time). Now, the program stops after one iteration, even with the correct response sent back from the modem.
//setting the file descriptor to the port
int fd = open(portName.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
if (fd == -1)
* Could not open the port.
perror("open_port: Unable to open /dev/ttyS0 - ");
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0);
FILE *out = fopen(portName.c_str(), "w");//sets the serial port
FILE *in = fopen(portName.c_str(), "r");
fd_set fds;
FD_SET(fd, &fds);
struct timeval timeout = { 10, 0 }; /* 10 seconds */
//int ret = select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
/* ret == 0 means timeout, ret == 1 means descriptor is ready for reading,
ret == -1 means error (check errno) */
char buf[100];
int i =0;
//creates a string with the AT command that writes to the module
std::string line1("AT+SBDWT=");
line1+=convertInt( messageArray[i].numChar);
line1+=" ";
line1+=" ";
//creates a string with the AT command that initiates the SBD session
std::string line2("AT+SBDI");
fputs(line1.c_str(), out); //sends to serial port
int ret =select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
/* ret == 0 means timeout, ret == 1 means descriptor is ready for reading,
ret == -1 means error (check errno) */
if (ret ==1){
fgets (buf ,sizeof(buf), in);
//add code to check if response is correct
else if(ret == 0) {
perror("timeout error ");
else if (ret ==-1) {
perror("some other error");
fputs(line2.c_str(), out); //sends to serial port
//usleep(7000000); //Pauses between the addition of each packet.
int ret2 = select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
/* ret == 0 means timeout, ret == 1 means descriptor is ready for reading,
ret == -1 means error (check errno) */
if(ret2 == 0) {
perror("timeout error ");
else if (ret2 ==-1) {
perror("some other error");
You aren't using the same file handle for read/write/select, which is somewhat strange.
You are not resetting your fd_sets, which are modified by select and would have all of your fds unset in the case of a timeout, making the next call timeout by default (as you are asking for no fds).
you are also using buffered IO, which is bound to create headaches in this case. eg. fgets waits for either EOF (which won't occur), or a newline, reading all the while. It will block until it gets its newline, so may keep you hanging indefinitely if that never occurs.
It may also read more than it needs into the buffer, messing up your select read signal (you have data in the buffer, but select will time out, since there's nothing to read on the filehandle).
Bottom line is this:
use FD_SET in the loop to set/reset your fd sets, also reset your timeout, as select may modify it.
use a single handle for read/write/select, instead of multiple handles, eg. open file with fopen(..., "w+") or open(..., O_RDWR)
if still using fopen, try disabling buffering using setvbuf with the _IONBF buffering option.
otherwise, use open/read/write instead of fopen etc.
I will note that part of this was mentioned in this answer to your previous question.
You should perhaps use fflush() on your output file stream.

C++(Serial Communicatio using the <windows.h>) - How can i find out before hand, how many characters will be read by the ReadFile() method

ReadFile( hSerial , buffer , 25, &dwBytesRead , 0);
Hey ppl
My question is how do i find out how many characters my ReadFile statement will return before calling the ReadFile?. The device i am communicating with, returns different data based on what was sent. Concerning the above ReadFile, in that instance i knew that the returned data would be 25 characters long, but what if i dont know the answer, how can i substitute 25 with a variable that will be enough for any amount of data received.
In my code you will see i have 2 Readfile statements, in both cases i knew the amount of data i would receive, to i sent a fixed number, what happens when i dont know that amount?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
BOOL SetCommDefaults(HANDLE hSerial);
void StripCRLFandPrint(char *command);
char buffer[1000];
HANDLE hSerial;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
char trash;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
hSerial = CreateFile("COM1", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0 , 0 , OPEN_EXISTING , 0 , 0);
if (hSerial == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError();
SetCommDefaults(hSerial);//Initializing the Device Control Block
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts={0};
char szRxChar[3];//varialble holds characters that will be sent
szRxChar[0] = '?';
DWORD y =0, z =0;
char buf[327];// will hold the data received
memset(buf,0,327);//initializing the buf[]
WriteFile( hSerial , &szRxChar , 1, &dwBytesWritten ,0);
ReadFile( hSerial , buf , sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead , 0);
printf("Retrieving data...\n\n");
//Displaying the buffer
printf( "%s",buf);
printf("\nData Read: %i\n",dwBytesRead);
printf("Enter an option:");
scanf("%c%c",&szRxChar,&trash);//Reading the next command to be sent
while(szRxChar[0] != '1')//Press one to exit
WriteFile( hSerial , &szRxChar, 1, &dwBytesWritten ,0);
ReadFile( hSerial , buffer , 25, &dwBytesRead , 0);
printf("\nData Read: %i\n",dwBytesRead);
printf("Enter an Option:");
CloseHandle(hSerial);// Closing the handle
return 0;
You can't know what you are asking for, because no software can make predictions regarding the behaviour of a remote end. For this reason, the reading should take place in a different thread. In the reading thread you can instruct ReadFile to read one byte at a time. You can choose to read more bytes at the same time, but then you are running the risk of having received a full message from the other part and still do not get a notification, because ReadFile is blocked waiting for more data.
It may be challenging to create the threading code yourself. I recommend that you search for a library that already handles this for you.
You won't ever know exactly what was sent, but instead of putting 25, use sizeof(buffer) instead.
Keep in mind that ReadFile() isn't perfect. I have experienced issues on slower hardware whereas ReadFile() does not always read in the complete message sent over the COM port. Therefore, it may be beneficial to read in byte-by-byte, albeit slower, to ensure you get the entire message:
int c;
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
if (!(pcState[readerPort] & PORT_OPEN)) {
RecvIndex = 0;
ReadFile(hComm[readerPort], buff, 1, &dwBytesRead, NULL); // array of handles used here
c = buff[0];
if (dwBytesRead == 0) { // possible end of transmission
if (RecvTimer++ > 3) {
RecvTimer = 0;
if (RecvIndex) { // have receive some data prior
keyBuf[RecvIndex] = 0;
RecvIndex = 0;
memset(keyBuf, 0, sizeof(keyBuf));
} else {
RecvTimer = 0; //Restart timer
if (RecvIndex == 0) { // first character
memset(keyBuf, 0, sizeof(keyBuf));
keyBuf[0] = (unsigned char)c;
RecvIndex = 1;
} else { // get remaining characters
if (RecvIndex < sizeof(keyBuf))
keyBuf[RecvIndex++] = (unsigned char)c;
in the example above, keyBuf is a private class variable and the above code is part of a function that is called in a while loop.