Efficient way to count number of swaps to insertion sort an array of integers in increasing order - c++

Given an array of values of length n, is there a way to count the number of swaps that would be performed by insertion sort to sort that array in time better than O(n2)?
For example :
arr[]={2 ,1, 3, 1, 2}; // Answer is 4.
for i <- 2 to N
j <- i
while j > 1 and a[j] < a[j - 1]
swap a[j] and a[j - 1] //I want to count this swaps?
j <- j - 1

If you want to count the number of swaps needed in insertion sort, then you want to find the following number: for each element, how many previous elements inn the array are smaller than it? The sum of these values is then the total number of swaps performed.
To find the number, you can use an order statistic tree, a balanced binary search tree that can efficiently tell you how many elements in the tree are smaller then some given element. Specifically, an orde statistic tree supports O(log n) insertion, deletion, lookup, and count of how many elements in the tree are less than some value. You can then count how many swaps will be performed as follows:
Initialize a new, empty order statistic tree.
Set count = 0
For each array element, in order:
Add the element to the order statistic tree.
Add to count the number of elements in the tree less than the value added.
Return count,
This does O(n) iterations of a loop that takes O(log n) time, so the total work done is O(n log n), which is faster than the brute-force approach.
If you want to count the number of swaps in selection sort, then you can use the fact that insertion sort will only perform a swap on the kth pass if, after processing the first k-1 elements of the list, the element in position k is not the kth smallest element. If you can do this efficiently, then we have the following basic sketch of an algorithm:
Set total = 0
For k = 1 to n:
If the element at index k isn't the kth largest element:
Swap it with the kth largest element.
Increment total
Return total
So how do we implement this efficiently? We need to efficiently be able to check whether the element at a given index is the correct element, and also need to efficiently find the position of the element that really does belong at a given index otherwise. To do this, begin by creating a balanced binary search tree that maps each element to its position in the original array. This takes time O(n log n). Now that you have the balanced tree, we can augment the structure by assigning to each element in the tree the position in the sorted sequence that this element belongs. One way to do this is with an order statistic tree, and another would be to iterate over the tree with an inorder traversal, annotating each value in the tree with its position.
Using this structure, we can check in O(log n) time whether or not an element is in the right position by looking the element up in the tree (time O(log n)), then looking at the position in the sorted sequence at which it should be and at which position it's currently located (remember that we set this up when creating the tree). If it disagrees with our expected position, then it's in the wrong place, and otherwise it's in the right place. Also, we can efficiently simulate a swap of two elements by looking up those two elements in the tree (O(log n) time total) and then swapping their positions in O(1).
As a result, we can implement the above algorithm in time O(n log n) - O(n log n) time to build the tree, then n iterations of doing O(log n) work to determine whether or not to swap.
Hope this helps!

The number of interchanges of consecutive elements necessary to arrange them in their natural order is equal to the number of inversions in the given permutation.
So the solution to this problem is to find the number of inversions in the given array of numbers.
This can be solved in O(n log n) using merge sort.
In the merge step, if you copy an element from the right array, increment a global counter (that counts inversions) by the number of items remaining in the left array. This is done because the element from the right array that just got copied is involved in an inversion with all the elements in present in the left array.

I'm not sure, but I suspect finding the minimum number is a difficult problem. Unless there's a shortcut, you'll just be searching for optimal sorting networks, which you should be able to find good resources on with your favorite search engine (or Wikipedia).
If you only care about the big-O complexity, the answer is O(n log n), and you can probably get more concrete bounds (some actual constants in there) if you look at the analysis of some efficient in-place sorting algorithms like heapsort or smoothsort.

package insertoinSortAnalysis;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Solution {
private int[] originalArray;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc;
try {
sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int TestCases = sc.nextInt();
for (int i = 0; i < TestCases; i++) {
int sizeofarray = sc.nextInt();
Solution s = new Solution();
s.originalArray = new int[sizeofarray];
for (int j = 0; j < sizeofarray; j++)
s.originalArray[j] = sc.nextInt();
s.devide(s.originalArray, 0, sizeofarray - 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public int[] devide(int[] originalArray, int low, int high) {
if (low < high) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
int[] result1 = devide(originalArray, low, mid);
int[] result2 = devide(originalArray, mid + 1, high);
return merge(result1, result2);
int[] result = { originalArray[low] };
return result;
private long count = 0;
private int[] merge(int[] array1, int[] array2) {
int lowIndex1 = 0;
int lowIndex2 = 0;
int highIndex1 = array1.length - 1;
int highIndex2 = array2.length - 1;
int result[] = new int[array1.length + array2.length];
int i = 0;
while (lowIndex2 <= highIndex2 && lowIndex1 <= highIndex1) {
int element = array1[lowIndex1];
while (lowIndex2 <= highIndex2 && element > array2[lowIndex2]) {
result[i++] = array2[lowIndex2++];
count += ((highIndex1 - lowIndex1) + 1);
result[i++] = element;
while (lowIndex2 <= highIndex2 && lowIndex1 > highIndex1) {
result[i++] = array2[lowIndex2++];
while (lowIndex1 <= highIndex1 && lowIndex2 > highIndex2) {
result[i++] = array1[lowIndex1++];
return result;

Each swap in the insertion sort moves two adjacent elements - one up by one, one down by one - and `corrects' a single crossing by doing so. So:
Annotate each item, X, with its initial array index, Xi.
Sort the items using a stable sort (you can use quicksort if you treat the `initial position' annotation as a minor key)
Return half the sum of the absolute differences between each element's annotated initial position and its final position (i.e. just loop through the annotations summing abs(Xi - i)).
Just like most of the other answers, this is O(n) space and O(n*log n) time. If an in-place merge could be modified to count the crossings, that'd be better. I'm not sure it can though.

using namespace std;
int a[200001];
int te[200001];
unsigned long long merge(int arr[],int temp[],int left,int mid,int right)
int i=left;
int j=mid;
int k=left;
unsigned long long int icount=0;
while((i<=mid-1) && (j<=right))
for(int i=left;i<=right;i++)
return icount;
unsigned long long int mergesort(int arr[],int temp[],int left,int right)
unsigned long long int i=0;
int mid=(left+right)/2;
return i;
int main()
int t,n;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
return 0;


Sort array of n elements which has k sorted sections

What is the best way to sort an section-wise sorted array as depicted in the second image?
The problem is performing a quick-sort using Message Passing Interface. The solution is performing quick-sort on array sections obtained by using MPI_Scatter() then joining the sorted
pieces using MPI_Gather().
Problem is that the array as a whole is unsorted but sections of it are.
Merging the sub-sections similarly to this solution seems like the best way of sorting the array, but considering that the sub-arrays are already within a single array other sorting algorithms may prove better.
The inputs for a sort function would be the array, it's length and the number of equally sorted sub-sections.
A signature would look something like int* sort(int* array, int length, int sections);
The sections parameter can have any value between 1 and 25. The length parameter value is greater than 0, a multiple of sections and smaller than 2^32.
This is what I am currently using:
int* merge(int* input, int length, int sections)
int* sub_sections_indices = new int[sections];
int* result = new int[length];
int section_size = length / sections;
for (int i = 0; i < sections; i++) //initialisation
sub_sections_indices[i] = 0;
int min, min_index, current_index;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) //merging
min_index = 0;
min = INT_MAX;
for (int j = 0; j < sections; j++)
if (sub_sections_indices[j] < section_size)
current_index = j * section_size + sub_sections_indices[j];
if (input[current_index] < min)
min = input[current_index];
min_index = j;
result[i] = min;
return result;
Optimizing for performance
I think this answer that maintains a min-heap of the smallest item of each sub-array is the best way to handle arbitrary input. However, for small values of k, think somewhere between 10 and 100, it might be faster to implement the more naive solutions given in the question you linked to; while maintaining the min-heap is only O(log n) for each step, it might have a higher overhead for small values of n than the simple linear scan from the naive solutions.
All these solutions create a copy of the input, and they maintain O(k) state.
Optimizing for space
The only way to save space I see is to sort in-place. This will be a problem for the algorithms mentioned above. An in-place algorithm will have two swap elements, but any swaps will likely destroy the property that each sub-array is sorted, unless the larger of the swapped pair is re-sorted into the sub-array it is being swapped to, which will result in an O(n²) algorithm. So if you really do need to conserve memory, I think a regular in-place sorting algorithm would have to be used, which defeats your purpose.

Please tell me the efficient algorithm of Range Mex Query

I have a question about this problem.
You are given a sequence a[0], a 1],..., a[N-1], and set of range (l[i], r[i]) (0 <= i <= Q - 1).
Calculate mex(a[l[i]], a[l[i] + 1],..., a[r[i] - 1]) for all (l[i], r[i]).
The function mex is minimum excluded value.
Wikipedia Page of mex function
You can assume that N <= 100000, Q <= 100000, and a[i] <= 100000.
O(N * (r[i] - l[i]) log(r[i] - l[i]) ) algorithm is obvious, but it is not efficient.
My Current Approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int N, Q, a[100009], l, r;
int main() {
cin >> N >> Q;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) cin >> a[i];
for(int i = 0; i < Q; i++) {
cin >> l >> r;
set<int> s;
for(int j = l; j < r; j++) s.insert(a[i]);
int ret = 0;
while(s.count(ret)) ret++;
cout << ret << endl;
return 0;
Please tell me how to solve.
EDIT: O(N^2) is slow. Please tell me more fast algorithm.
Here's an O((Q + N) log N) solution:
Let's iterate over all positions in the array from left to right and store the last occurrences for each value in a segment tree (the segment tree should store the minimum in each node).
After adding the i-th number, we can answer all queries with the right border equal to i.
The answer is the smallest value x such that last[x] < l. We can find by going down the segment tree starting from the root (if the minimum in the left child is smaller than l, we go there. Otherwise, we go to the right child).
That's it.
Here is some pseudocode:
tree = new SegmentTree() // A minimum segment tree with -1 in each position
for i = 0 .. n - 1
tree.put(a[i], i)
for all queries with r = i
ans for this query = tree.findFirstSmaller(l)
The find smaller function goes like this:
int findFirstSmaller(node, value)
if node.isLeaf()
return node.position()
if node.leftChild.minimum < value
return findFirstSmaller(node.leftChild, value)
return findFirstSmaller(node.rightChild)
This solution is rather easy to code (all you need is a point update and the findFisrtSmaller function shown above and I'm sure that it's fast enough for the given constraints.
Let's process both our queries and our elements in a left-to-right manner, something like
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
// 1. Add a[i] to all internal data structures
// 2. Calculate answers for all queries q such that r[q] == i
Here we have O(N) iterations of this loop and we want to do both update of the data structure and query the answer for suffix of currently processed part in o(N) time.
Let's use the array contains[i][j] which has 1 if suffix starting at the position i contains number j and 0 otherwise. Consider also that we have calculated prefix sums for each contains[i] separately. In this case we could answer each particular suffix query in O(log N) time using binary search: we should just find the first zero in the corresponding contains[l[i]] array which is exactly the first position where the partial sum is equal to index, and not to index + 1. Unfortunately, such arrays would take O(N^2) space and need O(N^2) time for each update.
So, we have to optimize. Let's build a 2-dimensional range tree with "sum query" and "assignment" range operations. In such tree we can query sum on any sub-rectangle and assign the same value to all the elements of any sub-rectangle in O(log^2 N) time, which allows us to do the update in O(log^2 N) time and queries in O(log^3 N) time, giving the time complexity O(Nlog^2 N + Qlog^3 N). The space complexity O((N + Q)log^2 N) (and the same time for initialization of the arrays) is achieved using lazy initialization.
UP: Let's revise how the query works in range trees with "sum". For 1-dimensional tree (to not make this answer too long), it's something like this:
class Tree
int l, r; // begin and end of the interval represented by this vertex
int sum; // already calculated sum
int overriden; // value of override or special constant
Tree *left, *right; // pointers to children
// returns sum of the part of this subtree that lies between from and to
int Tree::get(int from, int to)
if (from > r || to < l) // no intersection
return 0;
if (l <= from && to <= r) // whole subtree lies within the interval
return sum;
if (overriden != NO_OVERRIDE) // should push override to children
left->overriden = right->overriden = overriden;
left->sum = right->sum = (r - l) / 2 * overriden;
overriden = NO_OVERRIDE;
return left->get(from, to) + right->get(from, to); // split to 2 queries
Given that in our particular case all queries to the tree are prefix sum queries, from is always equal to 0, so, one of the calls to children always return a trivial answer (0 or already computed sum). So, instead of doing O(log N) queries to the 2-dimensional tree in the binary search algorithm, we could implement an ad-hoc procedure for search, very similar to this get query. It should first get the value of the left child (which takes O(1) since it's already calculated), then check if the node we're looking for is to the left (this sum is less than number of leafs in the left subtree) and go to the left or to the right based on this information. This approach will further optimize the query to O(log^2 N) time (since it's one tree operation now), giving the resulting complexity of O((N + Q)log^2 N)) both time and space.
Not sure this solution is fast enough for both Q and N up to 10^5, but it may probably be further optimized.

How to reduce the time complexity to find the longest zigzag sequence?

I was trying to solve the problem zig zag sequences on top coder.The time complexity of my code is O(n*n). How can I reduce it to O(n) or O(nlog (n))
Pseudo code or explanation of the algorithm will be really helpful to me
Here is the problem statement.
Problem Statement
A sequence of numbers is called a zig-zag sequence if the differences between successive numbers strictly alternate between positive and negative. The first difference (if one exists) may be either positive or negative. A sequence with fewer than two elements is trivially a zig-zag sequence.
For example, 1,7,4,9,2,5 is a zig-zag sequence because the differences (6,-3,5,-7,3) are alternately positive and negative. In contrast, 1,4,7,2,5 and 1,7,4,5,5 are not zig-zag sequences, the first because its first two differences are positive and the second because its last difference is zero.
Given a sequence of integers, sequence, return the length of the longest subsequence of sequence that is a zig-zag sequence. A subsequence is obtained by deleting some number of elements (possibly zero) from the original sequence, leaving the remaining elements in their original order.
And here is my code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class ZigZag
int dp[200][2];
void print(int n)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
int longestZigZag(vector<int> a)
int n=a.size();
//int dp[n][2];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
cout<<a[i]<<" "<<"\t";
for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
for(int j=0;j<i;j++)
cout<<dp[i][1]<<"\t"<<dp[i][0]<<" "<<i<<endl;
return max(dp[n-1][0],dp[n-1][1]);
U can do it in O(n) using a greedy approach. Take the first non-repeating number - this is the first number of your zigzag subsequence. Check whether the next number in the array is lesser than or greater than the first number.
Case 1: If lesser, check the next element to that and keep going till you find the least element (ie) the element after that would be greater than the previous element. This would be your second element.
Case 2: If greater, check the next element to that and keep going till you find the greatest element (ie) the element after that would be lesser than the previous element. This would be your second element.
If u have used Case 1 to find the second element, use Case 2 to find the third element or vice-versa. Keep alternating between these two cases till u have no more elements in the original sequence. The resultant numbers u get would form the longest zigzag subsequence.
Eg: { 1, 17, 5, 10, 13, 15, 10, 5, 16, 8 }
The resulting subsequence:
1 -> 1,17 (Case 2) -> 1,17,5 (Case 1) -> 1,17,5,15 (Case 2) -> 1,17,5,15,5 (Case 1) -> 1,17,5,15,5,16 (Case 2) -> 1,17,5,15,5,16,8 (Case 1)
Hence the length of the longest zigzag subsequence is 7.
U can refer to sjelkjd's solution for an implementation of this idea.
As the subsequence should not be necessarily contiguous you can't make it O(n). In a worst case the complexity is O(2^n). Howewer, I did some checks to cut off subtrees as soon as possible.
int maxLenght;
void test(vector<int>& a, int sign, int last, int pos, int currentLenght) {
if (maxLenght < currentLenght) maxLenght = currentLenght;
if (pos >= a.size() || pos >= a.size() + currentLenght - maxLenght) return;
if (last != a[pos] && (last - a[pos] >= 0) != sign)
int longestZigZag(vector<int>& a) {
maxLenght = 0;
return maxLenght;
You can use RMQs to remove the inner for-loop. When you find the answer for dp[i][0] and dp[i][1], save it in two RMQ trees - say, RMQ0 and RMQ1 - just like you're doing now with the two rows of the dp array. So, when you calculate dp[i][0], you put the value dp[i][0] on position a[i] in RMQ0, meaning that there is a zig-zag sequence with length dp[i][0] ending increasingly with number a[i].
Then, in order to calculate dp[i + 1][0], you don't have to loop through all the numbers between 0 and i. Instead, you can query RMQ0 for the largest number on position > a[i + 1]. This will give you the longest zig-zag subsequence ending with a number larger than the current one - i.e. the longest one that can be continued decreasingly with the number a[i + 1]. Then you can do the same for RMQ1 for the other half of the zig-zag subsequences.
Since you can implement dynamic RMQ with query complexity of O(log N), this gives you an overall complexity of O(N log N).
You can solve this problem in O(n) time and O(n) extra space.
Algorithm goes as follows.
Store the difference of alternative term in new array of size n-1
Now traverse the new array and just check whether the product of alternative term is less then zero or not.
Increment result accordingly. If while traversing you find that array is product is more than zero in that case you store the result and again start counting for the rest of the element in difference array.
Find the maximum among them store it into result, and return (result+1)
Here is it's implementation in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
vector<int> data(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vector<int> diff(n-1);
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
diff[i-1] = data[i]-data[i-1];
int res = 1;
if( n < 2)
int temp_idx = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
if(diff[i]*diff[i-1] < 0)
res = max(res,temp_idx);
temp_idx = 1;
return 0;
This is a purely theoretical solution. This is how you would solve it if you would be asked for it in an academical environment, standing next to the chalkboard.
The solution to the problem can be created using dynamic programming:
The subproblem has the form of: if I have an element x of the sequence, what is the longest subsequence that is ending on that element?
Then you can work out your solution using recursive calls, which should look something like this (the directions of the relations might be wrong, I haven't checked it):
S - given sequence (array of integers)
P(i), Q(i) - length of the longest zigzag subsequence on elements S[0 -> i] inclusive (the longest sequence that is correct, where S[i] is the last element)
P(i) = {if i == 0 then 1
{max(Q(j) if A[i] < A[j] for every 0 <= j < i)
Q(i) = {if i == 0 then 0 #yields 0 because we are pedantic about "is zig the first relation, or is it zag?". If we aren't, then this can be a 1.
{max(P(j) if A[i] > A[j] for every 0 <= j < i)
This should be O(n) with the right memoization (storing each output of Q(i) and P(i)), because each subproblem is only computed once: n*|P| + n*|Q|.
These calls return the length of the solution - the actual result can be found by storing "parent pointer" whenever a max value is found, and then traversing backwards on these pointers.
You can avoid the recursion simply by substituting function calls with array lookups: P[i] and Q[i], and using a for loop.

How to implement a minimum heap sort to find the kth smallest element?

I've been implementing selection sort problems for class and one of the assignments is to find the kth smallest element in the array using a minimum heap. I know the procedure is:
heapify the array
delete the minimum (root) k times
return kth smallest element in the group
I don't have any problems creating a minimum heap. I'm just not sure how to go about properly deleting the minimum k times and successfully return the kth smallest element in the group. Here's what I have so far:
bool Example::min_heap_select(long k, long & kth_smallest) const {
//duplicate test group (thanks, const!)
Example test = Example(*this);
//variable delcaration and initlization
int n = test._total ;
int i;
//Heapifying stage (THIS WORKS CORRECTLY)
for (i = n/2; i >= 0; i--) {
//allows for heap construction
test.percolate_down_protected(i, n);
//Delete min phase (THIS DOESN'T WORK)
for(i = n-1; i >= (n-k+1); i--) {
//deletes the min by swapping elements
int tmp = test._group[0];
test._group[0] = test._group[i];
test._group[i] = tmp;
//resumes perc down
test.percolate_down_protected(0, i);
kth_smallest = test._group[0];
void Example::percolate_down_protected(long i, long n) {
//variable declaration and initlization:
int currPos, child, r_child, tmp;
currPos = i;
tmp = _group[i];
child = left_child(i);
//set a sentinel and begin loop (no recursion allowed)
while (child < n) {
//calculates the right child's position
r_child = child + 1;
//we'll set the child to index of greater than right and left children
if ((r_child > n ) && (_group[r_child] >= _group[child])) {
child = r_child;
//find the correct spot
if (tmp <= _group [child]) {
//make sure the smaller child is beneath the parent
_group[currPos] = _group[child];
//shift the tree down
currPos = child;
child = left_child(currPos);
//put tmp where it belongs
_group[currPos] = tmp;
As I stated before, the minimum heap part works correctly. I understand what I what to do- it seems easy to delete the root k times but then after that what index in the array do I return... 0? This almost works- it doesn't worth with k = n or k = 1.Would the kth smallest element be in the Any help would be much appreciated!
The only array index which is meaningful to the user is zero, which is the minimum element. So, after removing k elements, the k'th smallest element will be at zero.
Probably you should destroy the heap and return the value rather than asking the user to concern themself with the heap itself… but I don't know the details of the assignment.
Note that the C++ Standard Library has algorithms to help with this: make_heap, pop_heap, and nth_element.
I am not providing a detailed answer, just explaining the key points in getting k smallest elements in a min-heap ordered tree. The approach uses skip lists.
First form a skip list of nodes of the tree with just one element the node corresponding to the root of the heap. the 1st minimum element is just the value stored at this node.
Now delete this node and insert its child nodes in the right position such that to maintain the order of values. This steps takes O(logk) time.
The second minimum value is just then the value at first node in this skip list.
Repeat the above steps until you get all the k minimum elements. The overall time complexity will be log(2)+log(3)+log(4)+... log(k) = O(k.logk). Forming a heap takes time n, so overall time complexity is O(n+klogk).
There is one more approach without making a heap that is Quickselect, which has an average time complexity of O(n) but worst case as O(n^2).
The striking difference between the two approaches is that the first approach gives all the k elements the minimum upto the kth minimum, while quickSelect gives only the kth minimum element.
Memory wise the former approach uses O(n) extra space which quickSelect uses O(1).

Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

There are N values in the array, and one of them is the smallest value. How can I find the smallest value most efficiently?
If they are unsorted, you can't do much but look at each one, which is O(N), and when you're done you'll know the minimum.
small = <biggest value> // such as std::numerical_limits<int>::max
for each element in array:
if (element < small)
small = element
A better way reminded by Ben to me was to just initialize small with the first element:
small = element[0]
for each element in array, starting from 1 (not 0):
if (element < small)
small = element
The above is wrapped in the algorithm header as std::min_element.
If you can keep your array sorted as items are added, then finding it will be O(1), since you can keep the smallest at front.
That's as good as it gets with arrays.
You need too loop through the array, remembering the smallest value you've seen so far. Like this:
int smallest = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
if (array[i] < smallest) {
smallest = array[i];
The stl contains a bunch of methods that should be used dependent to the problem.
Now it contains on your data what algorithm to use.
This Artikel contains a perfect table to help choosing the right algorithm.
In the special case where min max should be determined and you are using std::vector or ???* array
can be used.
If you want to be really efficient and you have enough time to spent, use SIMD instruction.
You can compare several pairs in one instruction:
r0 := min(a0, b0)
r1 := min(a1, b1)
r2 := min(a2, b2)
r3 := min(a3, b3)
__m64 _mm_min_pu8(__m64 a , __m64 b );
Today every computer supports it. Other already have written min function for you:
or use already ready library.
If the array is sorted in ascending or descending order then you can find it with complexity O(1).
For an array of ascending order the first element is the smallest element, you can get it by arr[0] (0 based indexing).
If the array is sorted in descending order then the last element is the smallest element,you can get it by arr[sizeOfArray-1].
If the array is not sorted then you have to iterate over the array to get the smallest element.In this case time complexity is O(n), here n is the size of array.
int arr[] = {5,7,9,0,-3,2,3,4,56,-7};
int smallest_element=arr[0] //let, first element is the smallest one
for(int i =1;i<sizeOfArray;i++)
You can calculate it in input section (when you have to find smallest element from a given array)
int smallest_element;
int arr[100],n;
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++)
smallest_element=arr[i]; //smallest_element=arr[0];
else if(arr[i]<smallest_element)
smallest_element = arr[i];
Also you can get smallest element by built in function
int smallest_element = *min_element(arr,arr+n); //here n is the size of array
You can get smallest element of any range by using this function
such as,
int arr[] = {3,2,1,-1,-2,-3};
cout<<*min_element(arr,arr+3); //this will print 1,smallest element of first three element
cout<<*min_element(arr+2,arr+5); // -2, smallest element between third and fifth element (inclusive)
I have used asterisk (*), before min_element() function. Because it returns pointer of smallest element.
All codes are in c++.
You can find the maximum element in opposite way.
Richie's answer is close. It depends upon the language. Here is a good solution for java:
int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int array[]; // Assume it is filled.
int array_length = array.length;
for (int i = array_length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (array[i] < smallest) {
smallest = array[i];
I go through the array in reverse order, because comparing "i" to "array_length" in the loop comparison requires a fetch and a comparison (two operations), whereas comparing "i" to "0" is a single JVM bytecode operation. If the work being done in the loop is negligible, then the loop comparison consumes a sizable fraction of the time.
Of course, others pointed out that encapsulating the array and controlling inserts will help. If getting the minimum was ALL you needed, keeping the list in sorted order is not necessary. Just keep an instance variable that holds the smallest inserted so far, and compare it to each value as it is added to the array. (Of course, this fails if you remove elements. In that case, if you remove the current lowest value, you need to do a scan of the entire array to find the new lowest value.)
An O(1) sollution might be to just guess: The smallest number in your array will often be 0. 0 crops up everywhere. Given that you are only looking at unsigned numbers. But even then: 0 is good enough. Also, looking through all elements for the smallest number is a real pain. Why not just use 0? It could actually be the correct result!
If the interviewer/your teacher doesn't like that answer, try 1, 2 or 3. They also end up being in most homework/interview-scenario numeric arrays...
On a more serious side: How often will you need to perform this operation on the array? Because the sollutions above are all O(n). If you want to do that m times to a list you will be adding new elements to all the time, why not pay some time up front and create a heap? Then finding the smallest element can really be done in O(1), without resulting to cheating.
If finding the minimum is a one time thing, just iterate through the list and find the minimum.
If finding the minimum is a very common thing and you only need to operate on the minimum, use a Heap data structure.
A heap will be faster than doing a sort on the list but the tradeoff is you can only find the minimum.
If you're developing some kind of your own array abstraction, you can get O(1) if you store smallest added value in additional attribute and compare it every time a new item is put into array.
It should look something like this:
class MyArray
MyArray() : m_minValue(INT_MAX) {}
void add(int newValue)
if (newValue < m_minValue) m_minValue = newValue;
list.push_back( newValue );
int min()
return m_minValue;
int m_minValue;
std::list m_list;
//find the min in an array list of #s
$array = array(45,545,134,6735,545,23,434);
$smallest = $array[0];
for($i=1; $i<count($array); $i++){
if($array[$i] < $smallest){
echo $array[$i];
//smalest number in the array//
double small = x[0];
printf("\nThe smallest number is %0.2lf \n",small);
We can use min_element(array, array+size) function . But it iterator
that return the address of minimum element . If we use *min_element(array, array+size) then it will return the minimum value of array.
C++ implementation
using namespace std;
int main()
int num;
int arr[10];
for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
return 0;
int small=a[0];
for (int x: a.length)
C++ code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n = 5;
int arr[n] = {12,4,15,6,2};
int min = arr[0];
for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
if (min>arr[i]){
min = arr[i];
cout << min;
return 0;