What is the difference between installing WampServer versus components - wamp

What are the differences between installing an Open Source package that I found called WampServer versus installing each component separately (Apache, PHP, MySQL)?
I will be installing this on a Windows 7 laptop which is for development purposes. The production machine is Linux although I've never had problems in the past just picking up my php code from a Windows machine and putting it on a linux machine.
Thanks ahead of time for the replies.

Wamp is for quick setup of a developement enviroment. Wamp is also configured on a low security level. If you have an other production system, there is no need to install all the components separately.


Why Ubuntu is highly recommended for uWSGI and Nginx installation?

I am new to Django integration with uWSGI and Nginx. Most of the tutorials in internet requires Ubuntu to test it.
I am on Windows, Does they work in Windows ?
If not should I install Ubuntu / Linux OS to work with it ?
There are a couple of reasons why Ubuntu/Linux is recommended:
NGINX itself has some known issues if running on Windows. It is generally recommended to run it on *NIX systems
Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution
You can easily install/run NGINX without issues on virtually any Linux distro, but the number of tutorials for Ubuntu specifically will be prevalent due to its popularity.
That said, I personally choose CentOS/RHEL as it's more targeted towards enterprise/security, which sounds like something quite needed for web hosting.

Visual Studio 2017 remote code synchronization

I've been developing a c++ project on linux remote server these days, however, I'd like to do all the coding things on my windows machine using VS2017. So I need some kind of synchronization tool to synchronize the codes such that whenever I save the file in VS2017 the changes can be synchronized to the linux server immediately. Is there any tool or VS2017 extension can help me?
I don't want to use git as it may cause a lot meaningless commits.
Several ideas:
Cygwin. Compile your code on the emulated Linux/Unix environment for local testing and use Visual Studio as your IDE. Do final testing on the Linux box with less frequency. Can be combined with any of the ideas below.
Git, but with a different branch for commits. Do a squashed merged for all meaningful commits or pull requests to master.
Samba. Mount your Linux file system on your Windows PC or vice versa. Copy files between Windows and Linux as if was a network drive.
Local VM. Run Linux in a local Virtual Machine with VMWare or VirtualBox. Drag and drop files between Windows host and Linux guest OS using the host/guest extensions stuff. Then you can dink around with deploying to the real Linux machine later.
Personally, for my open source projects where I'm too lazy to boot into Linux locally to test code before deploying to AWS, I basically do some combination with the above.
And #5 of course is: Dropbox. :( I use OneDrive and a Python script on Linux to pull down files.

Deploying a C++ application developed on Mac OS in a Ubuntu environment

I have developed a small web server based on Crow, link.
I'm pretty new to developing in C++ so all advices are greatly appreciated.
I'm developing the application on my Mac and intend to deploy it to a Ubuntu server.
I use Make to build the application so that I can run it on the Mac. The application is depending on two libraries, pqxx and png++. None of those are installed on the server.
I'd like to know how to run this application on the Ubuntu server. Mainly I guess the issue is, can I make a specific build on the Mac that is targeted for running on the Ubuntu server? Or do I have to build the application on the server?
Easiest way is to install Ubuntu on a VM on your Mac and deploy there your application.
Less easy solution: move source files on server, deploy the application, delete the sources from server.
Theoretically, both system are linux, so as long as you are using standard c++ libraries the code should run anyway.
In any case, the dependencies on Linux and Mac for Crown are different, so (most probabily) you have to install some libraries on your server.

Can One Run Selenium Tests on Debian Virtual Machine?

I'm trying to wrap my head around this and figure out if it's possible. I've been doing Django development on a Mac running OS X 10.10. My production machine is a Debian server running on AWS. Recently, I decide to move my development to a Debian virtual machine built with Vagrant that runs on my Mac because I'm tired of having to maintain two different runtime environments. The problem is that I have a number of Selenium functional tests that I've been running on my Mac that I'd like to keep using. Is it possible to install Firefox and Selenium on the Debian VM and run my tests on that box and see them running in the browser as I do now on my Mac? Also, would it be possible to run them on my AWS production server? It seems to me that these tests won't run once I start running things outside of my current OS X environment.
Works great for me, for years. Same, much better when running the same OS. I use Ubuntu on VMWare Fusion, running selenium on Chrome with Chrome driver (doesn't work with Chromium, works great with Chrome).
Just make sure you have the correct driver https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads

Can you install vmware server 2 on the Windows 8 preview?

Apologies if this has been asked already, searching the web reveals lots and lots of threads about installing the Win8 beta on VMware but not the other way around.
I am trying to install VMware Server 2.0.2 on a Windows 8 Preview machine. It appears to install correctly but I cannot then reach the web based homepage to configure virtual machines, i.e.
gives the error that the "connection attempt to localhost was rejected. The website may be down or your network may not be properly configured".
Has anyone had any success running VMware Server 2.0.2 on Windows 8 Preview? If so were there any gotchas you needed to avoid?
I don't think it will ever be resolved. VMware Server was declared End Of Availability in January 2010; There will be no support for Windows 8.
Your best try would be trying launching the services in compatibility mode, but why would you do that? Why not use the much more advanced VMware Player or VMware Workstation products?
I've found a way to run it on Windows 8.
On my PC with a x64 version of Windows 8, when I installed VMware Server 2, I found there was a service called VMware Host Agent that cannot be run. When I opened the system Service Manager and clicked to launch this service, it gave me the error.
My solution is to create a service with the same command string and set it to start automatically by using the "sc create" command in cmd.exe. And it worked for me!