Profiling Doctrine 2.0 in Codeigniter - doctrine-orm

What's a good way to profile doctrine queries when Doctrine 2.0 has been integrated into codeigniter?
Using the usual CI profiler does not how the queries executed because it's using Doctrine and not the native, active record.
e.g. when you add this code $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); it should also show the queries executed.

You can add a profiler in the doctrine package
namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Logging;
class Profiler implements SQLLogger
public $start = null;
private $ci;
public function __construct()
$this->ci =& get_instance();
* {#inheritdoc}
public function startQuery($sql, array $params = null, array $types = null)
$this->start = microtime(true);
$this->ci->db->queries[] = "/* doctrine */ \n".$sql;
* {#inheritdoc}
public function stopQuery()
$this->ci->db->query_times[] = microtime(true) - $this->start;
Then load the profiler as a logger in your main doctrine library (doctrine.php for me)
$logger = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\Profiler;
And the normal profiling will work fine.

Compatible with CodeIgniter..


Symfony 4 Mock service in functional test

I am testing a service which essentially is mostly serializing an object and sending it via a service to an external system.
If I create the typical unittest I would mock the response of the serializer and of the service, which contacts the external system. In fact there would be not much left to test except calling a bunch of setter Methods in my object.
The alternative would be using a KernelTestCase and creating a functional test, which would be fine except I don't want to contact the external system, but to use a mock only for this "external" service.
Is there any possibility to achieve this in Symfony 4?
Or is there another approach to this?
What I am doing now is the following:
namespace App\Tests\Service;
use App\Service\MyClassService;
use App\Service\ExternalClient\ExternalClient;
use JMS\Serializer\Serializer;
use JMS\Serializer\SerializerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class MyClassServiceTest extends KernelTestCase
/** #var LoggerInterface */
private $logger;
/** #var Serializer */
private $serializer;
/** #var ExternalClient */
private $externalClient;
/** #var RequestInterface */
private $request;
/** #var MyClassService */
private $myClassService;
public function setUp()
$kernel = self::bootKernel();
$this->logger = $kernel->getContainer()->get(LoggerInterface::class);
$this->serializer = $kernel->getContainer()->get(SerializerInterface::class);
$this->externalClient = $this->createMock(ExternalClient::class);
public function testPassRegistrationData()
$getParams = [
'amount' => '21.56',
'product_id' => 867,
'order_id' => '47t34g',
'order_item_id' => 2,
'email' => '',
$userInformation = $this->myClassService->passRegistrationData();
* generateMyClassService
* #param $getParams
* #return MyClass
private function generateMyClassService($getParams)
$this->request = new Request($getParams, [], [], [], [], [], null);
$this->myClassService = new MyClassService(
Give back this error:
Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\RuntimeException: Cannot autowire service "App\Service\MyClassConfirmationService": argument "$request" of method "__construct()" references class "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request" but no such service exists.
You shouldn't inject Request into your services. You should use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack instead of Request. Also, you should check if $requestStack->getCurrentRequest() doesn't return null. I suppose you get such error in process of container's initialization but you execute just a script (test) and of course, you don't have Request on it.
Since the whole thing needed some more tweak here I post my solution to which Nikita's answer lead me:
As he suggested I replaced "request in my service with RequestStack which worked out fine:
* #param LoggerInterface $logger
* #param SerializerInterface $serializer
* #param ExternalClient $externalClient
* #param RequestStack $requestStack
public function __construct(
LoggerInterface $logger,
SerializerInterface $serializer,
ExternalClient $externalClient,
RequestStack $requestStack
) {
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->serializer = $serializer;
$this->externalClient = $externalClient;
$this->request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
$this->params = $this->request->query;
In my test I faked the request like this:
$this->request = new Request($getParams, [], [], [], [], [], null);
$this->requestStack = new RequestStack();
However with that having fixed my next problems arised, since my class also asks for the logger and the serializer.
For the Logger I used a general Loggerclass I created especially for this test situations. But that leaves me to get the serializer and I wanted the real one or else I could have stuck to a mostly useless UnitTest.
That is what I did:
public function setUp()
$kernel = self::bootKernel();
$container = self::$container;
$this->serializer = $container->get('jms_serializer.serializer');
This then gave me the real serializer from the container.
Now I can let my mocked external client give me mocked answers and I can test my service for reaction without bothering an external service.

Laravel 5.5 Service Provider

I am trying to have a custom service provider with common methods that I am using throughout my application. However I am getting an error target not instantiable. I have the same working fine in Laravel 5.3 but now its not working in Laravel 5.5. Here is my code:
In the app\Helpers folder, I have created a folder Contracts with an interface FrontendContracts.
namespace App\Helpers\Contracts;
Interface FrontendContracts{
public function randomString($len);
In app\Helpers I have a class FrontendMethods which implements the interface
namespace App\Helpers;
use App\Helpers\Contracts\FrontendContracts;
class FrontendMethods implements FrontendContracts{
public function randomString($len){
$chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz";
$result = "";
$charArray = str_split($chars);
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){
$randItem = array_rand($charArray);
$result .= "".$charArray[$randItem];
$result .= time();
return $result;
In the app\Providers I have FrontendServiceProvider class with:
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Helpers\FrontendMethods;
class FrontendServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
protected $defer = true;
* Bootstrap the application services.
* #return void
public function boot(){
* Register the application services.
* #return void
public function register(){
$this->app->bind('App\Helpers\Contracts\FrontendContracts', function(){
return new FrontendMethods();
* Get the services provided by the provider.
* #return array
public function provides(){
return ['App\Helpers\Contracts\FrontendContracts'];
I have registered the provider in the providers array as:
I am getting the error message Unresolvable dependency resolving [$parameter] in class {$parameter->getDeclaringClass()->getName()}
and Target [App\Helpers\Contracts\FrontendContracts] is not instantiable.
Can someone kindly point at to me what I am doing wrong?
I don't think you need the provides() method in your FrontendServiceProvider class. Try removing this.

PHPunit: testing a Repository

I am testing my repository in Laravel and I came across a few issues, most probably with regards to the structure of my methods.
So, my repository looks like:
namespace Repositories\User;
use App\Test\Models\Entities\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class UserRepository implements UserInterface
* #var Model $userModel
protected $userModel;
* Setting our class $userModel to the injected model
* #param Model $userModel
* #return UserRepository
public function __construct(Model $userModel)
$this->userModel = $userModel;
* Returns the User object associated with the userEmail
* #param string $userEmail
* #return User | null
public function getUserByEmail($userEmail)
// Search by email
$user = $this->userModel
->where('email', '=', strtolower($userEmail))
if ($user) {
return $user->first();
return null;
* #param $id
* #param $email
* #param $source
* #dataProvider usersDataProvider
public function testGetUserByEmail($id, $email, $source)
$user = new User();
$user->id = $id;
$user->email = $email;
$user->user_source_id = $source;
I am quite new working with Mockery and am just wondering whether I am following the correct approach in order to test my getUserByEmail($email) method. Please bare in mind that (as expected) getUserByEmail($email) makes a call to the Database.
Also, this is the message that I receive:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function connection() on null in /private/var/www/ff-php-prelaunch/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php, which probably implies that there is no initialized connection to the DB.
Btw, my setUp() is as follows:
public function setUp()
$this->user = Mockery::mock('App\Test\Models\Entities\User');
You probably don't extend the default TestCase class provided by Laravel in the tests directory. Your environment is not correct and you have no connection to the database.
If you don't want to actually query the database you should use Mockery to create a mock of your dependencies (here $userModel). You basically create a Mock the following way, I didn't test this code but the general idea is here.
protected function setUp() {
$userModelMockedMethods = [
'where' => 'some return'
// This is our dependency mock
$userModelMock = Mockery::mock(Model::class, $userModelMockedMethods);
// this mock now will return 'some return' if you call the `where` method
// on it. If you wish the where method to return something callable, you
// should return another mock instead of a string
// This replaces the mock in the dependency manager.
$this->app->instance(Model::class, $UserModelMock);

Doctrine DTO with native SQL queries

I currently have a fairly complex native SQL query which is used for reporting purposes. Given the amount of data it processes this is the only efficient way to handle it is with native SQL.
This works fine and returns an array of arrays from the scalar results.
What I'd like to do, to keep the results consistent with every other result set in the project is use a Data Transfer Object (DTO). Returning an array of simple DTO objects.
These work really well with DQL but I can't see anyway of using them with native SQL. Is this at all possible?
Doctrine can map the results of a raw SQL query to an entity, as shown here:
I cannot see support for DTOs unless you are willing to use DQL as well, so a direct solution does not exist. I tried my hand at a simple workaround that works well enough, so here are the DQL and non-DQL ways to achieve your goal.
The examples were built using Laravel and the Laravel Doctrine extension.
The below DTO supports both DQL binding and custom mapping so the constructor must be able to work with and without parameters.
<?php namespace App\Dto;
* Date with corresponding statistics for the date.
class DateTotal
public $taskLogDate;
public $totalHours;
* DateTotal constructor.
* #param $taskLogDate The date for which to return totals
* #param $totalHours The total hours worked on the given date
public function __construct($taskLogDate = null, $totalHours = null)
$this->taskLogDate = $taskLogDate;
$this->totalHours = $totalHours;
Using DQL to fetch results
Here is the standard version, using DQL.
public function findRecentDateTotals($taskId)
$fromDate = new DateTime('6 days ago');
$fromDate->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder();
$queryBuilder->select('NEW App\Dto\DateTotal(taskLog.taskLogDate, SUM(taskLog.taskLogHours))')
->from('App\Entities\TaskLog', 'taskLog')
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('taskLog.taskLogTask', ':taskId'),
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq(0, ':taskId')
$queryBuilder->expr()->gt('taskLog.taskLogDate', ':fromDate')
->orderBy('taskLog.taskLogDate', 'DESC')
->setParameter(':fromDate', $fromDate)
->setParameter(':taskId', $taskId);
$result = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();
return $result;
Support for DTOs with native SQL
Here is a simple helper that can marshal the array results of a raw SQL query into objects. It can be extended to do other stuff as well, perhaps custom updates and so on.
<?php namespace App\Dto;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
* Helper class to run raw SQL.
* #package App\Dto
class RawSql
* Run a raw SQL query.
* #param string $sql The raw SQL
* #param array $parameters Array of parameter names mapped to values
* #param string $className The class to pack the results into
* #return Object[] Array of objects mapped from the array results
* #throws \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException
public static function query($sql, $parameters, $className)
/** #var EntityManager $em */
$em = app('em');
$statement = $em->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
$results = $statement->fetchAll();
$return = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$resultObject = new $className();
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
$resultObject->$key = $value;
$return[] = $resultObject;
return $return;
Running the raw SQL version
The function is used and called in the same way as other repository methods, and just calls on the above helper to automate the conversion of data to objects.
public function findRecentDateTotals2($taskId)
$fromDate = new DateTime('6 days ago');
$sql = "
task_log.task_log_date AS taskLogDate,
SUM(task_log.task_log_hours) AS totalHours
FROM task_log task_log
WHERE (task_log.task_log_task = :taskId OR :taskId = 0) AND task_log.task_log_date > :fromDate
GROUP BY task_log_date
ORDER BY task_log_date DESC
$return = RawSql::query(
'taskId' => $taskId,
'fromDate' => $fromDate->format('Y-m-d')
return $return;
I would not dismiss DQL too quickly as it can perform most kinds of SQL. I have however also recently been involved in building management reports, and in the world of management information the SQL queries can be as large as whole PHP files. In that case I would join you and abandon Doctrine (or any other ORM) as well.

phpunit mock web service(not WSDL)

I have a small problem which I think is quite simple to solve for experienced PHPUnit users.
I'm working with ZF2.
I'm working with a web service that returns plain text(CSV). I'd like to unit test the service that I've created.
I currently have a working configuration which is not the right way to do it I think.. I'm using mocks now when I'm unit testing my models and I have seen that PHPUnit has a special mock for web services, but that only supports WSDL.
Beneath you'll find my code and I hope someone can help me out with some explanation about the best practice for this situation.
The docs and the topics out here did not help me out (yet).
Thanks in advance!
The test itself:
public function testCanSearchSteeringWheels()
// Create the entry and fill it with the data that should be retrieved from the web service
$steeringWheelEntity = new SteeringWheelEntity();
->setName('Nice steering wheel one')
// Setup the http client which whill make the final call to the web service
$httpClient = new Client();
'maxredirects' => 5,
'timeout' => 60,
->setAuth($this->config['supplier_name']['api']['username'], $this->config['supplier_name']['api']['password'])
$steeringWheelService = new SteeringWheelService($httpClient, new Request(), $this->config['supplier_name']);
// Search for a steering wheel by id code
$searchResult = $steeringWheelService->search('ID=5221552658987');
$this->assertEquals($steeringWheelEntity, $searchResult[0]);
The SteeringWheelEntity
namespace SupplierName\Entity;
class SteeringWheelEntity
// vars
// exchange array method
// getters methods
// setters methods
The SteeringWheelService
namespace SupplierName\Service;
use SupplierName\Entity\SteeringWheelEntity;
class SteeringWheelService extends AbstractWebService
* search()
* #param string $param
* #return array
public function search($param)
$this->appendUrl('ww0800?3,' . $param);
$response = $this->dispatch();
$parsedBody = $this->parse($response->getBody());
$entities = array();
foreach ($parsedBody as $data)
$steeringWheel = new SteeringWheelEntity();
// Fill SteeringWheelEntity with data
$entities[] = $steeringWheel;
return $entities;
The AbstractWebService
use \Zend\Http\Client;
use \Zend\Http\Request;
class AbstractWebService
private $httpClient;
private $request;
private $response;
protected $config;
private $url;
public function __construct(Client $httpClient, Request $request, Array $config)
$this->url = $config['api']['url'];
$this->httpClient = $httpClient;
$this->request = $request;
$this->config = $config;
protected function setUrl($url)
$this->url = $url;
return $this->url;
protected function appendUrl($string)
$this->url .= $string;
protected function getUrl()
return $this->url;
public function dispatch()
$this->response = $this->httpClient->dispatch($this->request);
if (!$this->response->isSuccess()) {
throw new \Exception('HTTP error #' . $this->response->getStatusCode() . ' when connecting to ' . $this->getUrl() . '.');
return $this->response;
public function parse()
// Parse the content
Rather than using a mock for a web service. Could you just mock the \Zend\Http\Request and \Zend\Http\Client objects as they are doing the work for you? This way you have control over what the Zend objects return to you versus having to try to mock the web service.
That would be how I would go about testing the services.