Parameterized JUnit tests with non-primitive parameters? - unit-testing

There is a nice possibility to run JUnit test with parameters where the same test method is executed multiple times with different data as described here:
Unfortunately, it only seems possible to use primitive parameters or Strings, but not objects. Is there any workaround known for this?

The type of the data() method in the use of the #Parameters annotation is List<Object[]>, so you can put in any object.
To pass in, e.g., a Money object, your array to be converted to a list would be:
{ { new Money(26, "CHF") },
{ new Money(12, "USD") } }
The constructor of the test class should take a Money object as argument then.

recently i started zohhak project. it lets you write:
"25 USD, 7",
"38 GBP, 2",
"null, 0"
public void testMethod(Money money, int anotherParameter) {

Using object is also possible using Junit #Parameters.
public class TestParameter {
public int expected;
public int first;
public int second;
private Calculator myCalculator;
#Parameters(name = "Test : {index} : add({1}+{2})= Expecting {0}")//name will be shared among all tests
public static Collection addNumbers() {
return Arrays.asList(new Integer[][] { { 3, 2, 1 }, { 5, 2, 3 }, { 9, 8, 1 }, { 200, 50, 150 } });
public void testAddWithParameters() {
myCalculator = new Calculator();
System.out.println(first + " & " + second + " Expected = " + expected);
assertEquals(expected, myCalculator.Add(first, second));


JustMock Arranging a method that returns an object whose value needs to be propagated into the SUT

I feel like I have to be missing something that is obvious, or I am overcomplication what I am doing. I am attempting to test a method that contains several other methods. One method is passed an object to write data to a database, in which the ID will be updated. This ID is then set to a local variable and used in other methods and the return. I can't get my Assert.AreEqual to work because the ID out is always 0 when I expect it to be 12. I have not had a lot of experience with UnitTesting and less with JuskMock. I assume I am doing something wrong.
This simplified pseudo code demonstrates my issue.
public class MyObj: IMyObject
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name {get;set;}
public int Query(string Name)
int ID = 0;
ID = _setID.FindPerson(Name);
if(ID = 0)
IMyObject myObj = new MyObj(0, Name);
ID = myObj.ID;
return ID;
public delegate void SetIDDelegate<T1, T2>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
public void TestQuery_ReturnID()
IMyObject UTobj = new MyObj {
ID = 12,
msg = string.Empty
Mock.Arrange(() => _mockSetID.WritePerson(
.DoInstead(new SetIDDelegate<IMyObject, string>
((IMyObject a, string b) =>
a = UTobj;
int IDout = _objProcessObj.Query();
Assert.AreEqual(UTobj.ID, IDout);
I was able to figure out my issue with my UT. I needed to update the object in the delegate, not replace it.
.DoInstead(new SetIDDelegate<IMyObject, string>
((IMyObject a, string b) =>
a.ID = UTobj.ID;

JUnit5 ParameterizedTest - Differentiate CsvSource Parameter Sets

PROBLEM: The same test method is used for different data. Depending on input data, test method body should expect 'equals' or 'not equal' in asserts.
RESEARCH: #ParameterizedTest allows using #CsvSource as test method input data:
#CsvSource({ "foo, 1", "bar, 2", "'baz, qux', 3" })
void testWithCsvSource(String first, int second) {
assertNotEquals(0, second);
This could be achieved by two opposite test methods, but their code would be much similar.
QUESTION: How to identify in the method body, which set of CsvSource input parameters is currently used?
You can create two test methods with different CsvSource and then delegate to a common test method.
#CsvSource({ "foo, 1", "bar, 2", "'baz, qux', 3" })
void testWithCsvSource(String first, int second) {
internalTest(first, second);
#CsvSource({ "foo2, 1", "bar2, 2", "'baz2, qux2', 3" })
void testWithCsvSource2(String first, int second) {
internalTest(first, second);
private void internalTest(String first, int second) {
assertNotEquals(0, second);
An optimal solution so far is adding index as first parameter for each set:
"0, foo, 11", // Expected to be valid.
"1, bar, 22", // Expected to be invalid.
"2, 'baz, qux', 33" }) // Expected to be invalid.
void testWithCsvSource(
int parametersIndex,
String first,
int second) {
parametersIndex == 0); // Expected true for 0 index parameters only.

Run a repeated test reporting as different tests

I'd like to unit test a function with a set of different inputs and expected outputs.
My function is irrelevant thus I'll instead use an example function which counts english words with the following candidate implementation :
int countEnglishWords( const std::string& text )
return 5;
The following would be the set of test data. The end of the data is marked by an element with the word "END".
struct TestData {
std::string text;
int englishWords;
struct TestData data[] = // Mark end with "END"
{ "The car is very fast", 5 },
{ "El coche es muy rapido", 0 },
{ "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain", 9},
{ "Yes Si No No", 3},
{ "I have a cheerful live", 5},
{ "END", 0}
I could easily write 6 test cases and I would get the result I want. But this is not maintainable, since any further test added to the test cases would not be tested, it would require another test case to be written, which would be just boiler plate. Thus I've written a single test case which loops through all the test data like this :
#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
class cppUnit_test: public CppUnit::TestFixture
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE (cppUnit_test);
void myTest();
void cppUnit_test::myTest()
TestData* p = data;
while ( p->text != "END")
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Text=\"" << p->text << "\" Counted=" <<
countEnglishWords(p->text) << " Expected=" << p->englishWords;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( ss.str().c_str(),
countEnglishWords(p->text) == p->englishWords );
int main()
CppUnit::Test *suite =
CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
return 0;
The problem is that the previous code runs through the 1st test fine and also detects the error in the 2nd test but after that it stops testing. And the report is :
Test Results:
Run: 1 Failures: 1 Errors: 0
While the result I'd like to get is :
Test Results:
Run: 6 Failures: 4 Errors: 0
As I already mentioned in the comment cppunit 1.14.0 can support your use case.
I you want to reference an external array the quickest way is to use CPPUNIT_TEST_PARAMETERIZED. This macro expects two parameters: first similar to CPPUNIT_TEST a test method and then as a second parameter an iteratable.
Based on your code it would look like:
Now we need to adapt your myTest function a little bit.
void cppUnit_test::myTest(const TestData& data)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Text=\"" << data.text << "\" Counted=" <<
countEnglishWords(data.text) << " Expected=" << data.englishWords;
bool b = countEnglishWords(data.text) == data.englishWords;
std::string a = ss.str();
Finally as the framework needs a way to report which test failed it expects that it can print the parameter that is passed to the test function. In this case the easiest way is to add a simple operator<< overload.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& strm, const TestData& data)
strm << data.text;
return strm;
If you combine these pieces you should quickly get a generic solution that will allow you to add as much data to your data array as you want without adapting the test code.
CPPUNIT_TEST_PARAMETERIZED(testMethod, {1, 2, 3, 4});
void testMethod(int /*val*/)

c++ set value of a class with a pointer of another class

I am trying to implement the game Deal or no deal, i have two classes, Box & Player. in box is stored the vector game_box and in Player I want to store the box and the money that the player has to keep till the end of the game.
I have tried to implement it in this way. it runs correctly, without no errors, but when i try to verify if the values were stored into the setter, it just give me that the setter is empty. I really dont understand why! does anybody knows why?
class Box
vector<Box> game_box;
float pound_contained;
int box_number;
Box(int box_number, float pound_contained);
int getbox_number();
float getpound_contained();
class Player :public Box
int player_box;
float player_money;
float getplayer_money();
int getplayer_box();
void setplayer_money(float);
void setplayer_box(int);
void Player::setplayer_money(float)
player_money = player_money;
void Player::setplayer_box(int)
player_box = player_box;
float Player::getplayer_money()
return this->player_money;
int Player::getplayer_box()
return this->player_box;
int main()
vector<Box> game_box;
int n;
Player money;
Box oper;
float myArray [22][2] = { { 0.01, 0 }, { 0.10, 0 }, { 0.50, 0 },
{ 1, 0 }, { 5, 0 }, { 10, 0 },
{ 50, 0 }, { 100, 0 }, { 250, 0 },
{ 500, 0 }, { 750, 0 }, { 1000, 0 },
{ 3000, 0 }, { 5000, 0 }, { 10000, 0 },
{ 15000, 0 }, { 20000, 0 }, { 35000, 0 },
{ 50000, 0 }, { 75000, 0 }, { 100000, 0 },
{ 250000, 0 }
//random assignation of pound value to the 22 boxes
for (int e = 1; e <22; e++)
int pos;
bool op = true;
while (op)
pos = rand() % 22 + 1;
if (myArray[pos][1] == 0)
myArray[pos][1] = 1;
op = false;
Box b(e, myArray[pos][0]); //creating the class game
game_box.push_back(b); //function of the vector to insert a data in it
// random assignment of a box to the player
int i = rand() % 22 + 1;
Box* boxes = &game_box[i];
cout << "Your box is going to be the box number: "<< boxes->getbox_number()<<endl;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////setter not working
cout << money.getplayer_box() << " " << money.getplayer_money() << endl << endl;
return 0;
There are not "setters" or "getters" in C++ that are distinct from other method calls. So you write them just as you would any other method.
To elaborate on the problem pointed out by #maniek, you wrote:
void Player::setplayer_money(float)
player_money = player_money;
C and C++ have the ability to specify method and function arguments without names--just types. This might seem a little strange as there is no way to access that parameter (at least not a way that is guaranteed to work in all compilers or optimization levels, you can possibly do it by messing with the stack). So what you are doing here is just setting the member player_money to itself.
(Note: If you are wondering why it allows you to specify a method argument without a name, it has a few is that not naming it suppresses warning messages that you aren't using that parameter. So it is a way of marking something as not being used at the current time, yet still required--perhaps for legacy reasons or perhaps because you might use it in the future.)
You can give a new name to the parameter that doesn't overlap with the name of the member variable:
void Player::setplayer_money(float new_player_money)
player_money = new_player_money;
That's one way of avoiding ambiguity. Because in terms of what value is in scope, the parameter will win over the member variable. So this would be another do-nothing operation, that would assign the parameter value to itself:
void Player::setplayer_money(float player_money)
player_money = player_money;
(Note: Since player_money is passed by value and not by reference, that wouldn't change the parameter's value at the calling site. In particular, how could it change the value, if you passed in a constant like 10.20.)
What #maniek suggested is that a way to disambiguate in that case is to use this->player_money when you mean the member variable and player_money when you mean the argument to the method. Another thing some people do is name their member variables specially--like start them with m_ as in m_player_money:
void Player::setplayer_money(float player_money)
m_player_money = player_money;
(Note: You can also just use an underscore prefix with no m as long as the next character is lowercase, but some people consider that too dangerous as underscores followed by capital letters are reserved for compiler internal usages.)
As a final thought--if the class name is Player then it's already implicit whose money you are setting (the player's) so you could just call it set_money. Furthermore, I'm not a fan of underscores in names (more common in C than C++) so I'd probably call it setMoney.
How about:
void Player::setplayer_money(float player_money)
this->player_money = player_money;

Copy Dynamic Struct Array into another C++

I'm not that good in English, that's why my Question is probably wrong. But I have a problem and I don't know how to solve it or if it's even possible to do.
I have 2 Structs defined:
typedef struct
UINT16 ScriptNumber;
std::string ScriptText;
} StepStruct;
typedef struct
std::string SequenceName;
std::string DisplayName;
StepStruct SequenceSteps;
} SequenceStruct;
As you can see, the first Struct is a Member of the second struct. So I want both structs to by dynamical. So I created 2 Dynamic Arrays from the Type StepStruct and 1 dynamic Array from the Type SequenceStruct.
The two dynamical Arrays for of the Type StepStructs are defined as follows:
StepStruct gsFirstSkript[] =
{ 1 , "SkriptText One"},
{ 2 , "SkriptText Two"},
{ 45, "SkriptText Three"}
StepStruct gsSecondSkript[] =
{ 48, "SkriptText One"},
{ 2 , "SkriptText Two"},
{ 45, "SkriptText Three"}
Those to Structs are of the Type StepStruct. Now I want to do the Same with a SequenceStruct Type, but I want to assign the two Arrays I already have to it under the Struct Member SequenceSteps. I mean this as follows:
SequenceStruct gsSequenceList[] =
{ "FirstScript", "Test One", gsFirstSkript},
{ "SecondScript", "Test Two", gsSecondSkript}
If I now want to Read the Member gsSequenceList, I can not access any information under the SequenceSteps Index of it! What means, that the Data is not copied! I tried it with Pointers
but had no success.
UINT16 lTestVal = gsSequenceList[0].SequenceSteps[2].ScriptNumber;
So Can I mangage that this works, and lTestVal contains the Value 45?
typedef struct
std::string SequenceName;
std::string DisplayName;
StepStruct* SequenceSteps;
} SequenceStruct;
This will allow the code to compile and the test fragment you've shown will work.
However this will not copy the data. If you change gsFristSkript it will change in gsSequenceList as well. If you want to make a copy of the data you can either do that explicitly, have a constructor or just use vector<>.
Here's the solution with vector:
#include <vector>
typedef struct{
std::string SequenceName;
std::string DisplayName;
vector<StepStruct> SequenceSteps;
} SequenceStruct;
vector<StepStruct> gsFirstSkript =
{ 1 , "SkriptText One"},
{ 2 , "SkriptText Two"},
{ 45, "SkriptText Three"}
vector<StepStruct> gsSecondSkript =
{ 48, "SkriptText One"},
{ 2 , "SkriptText Two"},
{ 45, "SkriptText Three"}
SequenceStruct gsSequenceList[] =
{ "FirstScript", "Test One", gsFirstSkript},
{ "SecondScript", "Test Two", gsSecondSkript}