How to check in the next 'head' in OCaml is empty? - list

I'm new at OCaml (and still a novice in learning programming in general) and I have a quick question about checking what kind of string the next element in the string list is.
I want it to put a separator between each element of the string (except for the last one), but I can't figure out how to make the program 'know' that the last element is the last element.
Here is my code as it is now:
let rec join (separator: string) (l : string list) : string =
begin match l with
| []->""
| head::head2::list-> if head2=[] then head^(join separator list) else head^separator^(join separator list)
let test () : bool =
(join "," ["a";"b";"c"]) = "a,b,c"
;; run_test "test_join1" test
Thanks in advance!

You're almost there. The idea is breaking down the list in three cases where it has 0, 1 or at least 2 elements. When the list has more than one element, you're safe to insert separator into the output string:
let rec join (separator: string) (l : string list) : string =
begin match l with
| [] -> ""
| head::[] -> head
| head::list-> head^separator^(join separator list)
I have several comments about your function:
Type annotation is redundant. Because (^) is string concatenation operator, the type checker can infer types of separator, l and the output of the function easily.
No need to use begin/and pair. Since you have only one level of pattern matching, there is no confusion to the compiler.
You could use function to eliminate match l with part.
Therefore, your code could be shortened as:
let rec join sep l =
match l with
| [] -> ""
| x::[] -> x
| x::xs -> x ^ sep ^ join sep xs
or even more concise:
let rec join sep = function
| [] -> ""
| x::[] -> x
| x::xs -> x ^ sep ^ join sep xs

The empty list is [], the list with one element is [h] and the list with at least one element is h::t. So your function can be written as:
let rec join separator = function
| [] -> ""
| [h] -> h
| h::t -> h ^ separator ^ join separator t


F# match pattern discriminator not defined issue

im in the process of writing a transposing recursive function and i have stopped at a problem. So i want to have a check using match by calling isTable function to verify that the input M is a valid table, however it errors and im not sure how to fix it
let isTable list =
match List.length list |> List.distinct |> List.length with
| 1 -> true
| _ -> false
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| (isTable M) -> [] // i want to check here if M is a valid table
| _ -> ( List.head M::transpose( List.tail M))
error FS0039: The pattern discriminator 'isTable' is not defined.
Active patterns are one approach, but the overhead of adding one just for a single use is not worth it. An easy and uncluttered solution would be to use a when clause:
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| _ when isTable M -> []
| _ -> ( List.head M::transpose( List.tail M))
None of the answers yet show how to turn your case into an Active Pattern. This is particularly useful for (1) readability and (2) reusability of code. Assuming you'd need isTable more than once, this can be beneficial.
/// Active pattern, must start with capital letter.
let (|IsTable|_|) list =
match List.length list |> List.distinct with
| [_] -> Some list
| _ -> None
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| IsTable M -> [] // using the active pattern
| _ -> List.head M::transpose( List.tail M)
As an aside, your isTable function matched over List.length result. A List.length iterates over the whole list and is O(n). Since we're only interested if the result is one item, the above approach will be more efficient, removing at least one iteration from the code.
Try something like
let rec transpose M =
match M with
| []::_ -> []
| _ -> match (isTable M) with
| true - > [] // i want to check here if M is a valid table
| _ -> ( List.head M::transpose( List.tail M))
As a matter of programming style I'd recommend adding a data constructor like Table so that you can match on it but this should get things working.

Create a list with data extracted from a list of tuples - type issue

My data is ordered like this:
([(x1,y1,z1);(x2,y2,z2);(x3,y3,z3);........;(xn,yn,zn)], e:int)
Example: I try to create a list [x1;x2;x3;....;xn;e] where a value is found only once.
I began the following code but I encounter an issue with type.
let rec verifie_doublons_liste i liste = match liste with
| [] -> false
| head::tail -> i = head || verifie_doublons_liste i tail
let rec existence_doublon liste = match liste with
| [] -> false
| head::tail -> (verifie_doublons_liste head tail) ||
existence_doublon tail
let premier_du_triplet (x,y,z) = x
let deuxieme_du_triplet (x,y,z) = y
let troisieme_du_triplet (x,y,z) = z
let rec extract_donnees l = match l with
| [] -> []
| (x,y,z)::r -> (extract_donnees r)##(x::z::[])
let arrange donnees = match donnees with
| [],i -> i::[]
| (x,y,z)::[],i -> x::z::i::[]
| (x,y,z)::r,i -> (extract_donnees r)##(x::z::i::[])
Basically, you want to extract first elements in a list of tuples, and add the e elemnent at the end.
The easiest way is to use a to extract the first elements premier_du_triplet
is a function that will take a list of 3-tuples and extract the first element of each.
then you can add the e element at the end using the "#" operator.
The more efficient and informative way would be to directly write a recursive function, say f that does just what you want.
When writing a recursive function, you need to ask yourself two things
what does it do in the simplest case (here, what does f [] do ?)
when you have a list in format head::tail, and you can already use f on the tail, what should you do to head and tail to obtain (f (head::tail)) ?
With this information, you should be able to write a recursive function that does what you want using pattern matching
here the simplest case is
| [] -> [e]
(you just add e at the end)
and the general case is
| h::t -> (premier_de_triplet h)::(f t)

F# : need help reversing order of ilist

I must use the following data type:
type ilist = E | L of int * ilist
I can't seem to find much help on working with lists outside of the standard type online ( [1;2;3] )
I am to write a function that takes a lists and reverses the order
for example: reverse (L(1, L(2, L(3, E)))) would output (L(3, L(2, L(1, E))))
So far here is my code:
let rec reverse l =
match l with
| E -> failwith "Empty List"
| L(h, E) -> h
| L(h, t) -> // append tail and recursive call with rest of list?
let list = reverse (L(1, L(2, L(3, E))))
printfn "reversed list: %A" list
Thanks for any help!
What you are lacking is a convenient way to append an int to an ilist:
let rec append x l =
match l with
| E -> L (x,E)
| L (h,t) -> L (h,append x t)
printfn "%A" (append 4 list)
Now use this function in your last match case to append h to the reversed t:
let rec reverse l =
match l with
| E -> E
| L (h,t) -> append h (reverse t)
Note that it's probably better to just return an empty list when the input list is empty (| E -> E), because failwith is something very ugly you should only use in the rarest cases.
Also note that your second match case | L(h, E) -> h is wrong, because it returns an int instead of an ilist. But it is not needed anyway, so just remove it. The singleton list L (h,E) will be matched with | L (h,t) -> ... instead, which in turn recursively matches t with | E -> E.
Here is a working example:

OCaml pattern match arbitrarily many list elements

Say I have lists like [1;2;3;4;5;6;9] and [1;2;3;9] and I want to write a pattern which captures lists which begin with 1 and end with 9, and also capture the values of the middle of the list. Is this possible to do with OCaml's pattern matching?
I've tried to write something like
match l with
| 1::middle::9
match l with
| 1::middle::9::[]
but I'm not sure that these are doing what I want, and are probably instead only matching 3 element lists. Is there an approach I can take to match things like this? Should I be using nested pattern matches?
There's no pattern that matches the end of a list, so there's no pattern like what you want. You can do two matches:
match l with
| 1 :: _ -> (
match List.rev l with
| 9 :: _ -> true
| _ -> false
| _ -> false
Finding the end of a list is a linear time operation. If your lists can be long, you might want to use a different data structure.
If you're just making checks on the first and last elements of a list, you may want to use conditional statements instead of pattern matching:
let is_valid l =
let open List in
let hd' = hd l in (* Get the first element of the list *)
let tl' = rev l |> hd in (* Get the last element of the list *)
if hd' = 1 && tl' = 9 then true else false
is_valid [1;2;3;4;5;6;9] (* bool = true *)
However, if you are trying to extract that middle pattern it may be worthwhile to use pattern matching. We can do something similar to what Jeffery suggested because of the reason he pointed out (pattern matching can't match the end of a list):
let is_valid l =
let open List in
match l with
| 1 :: mid -> (* `mid` holds list without the `1` *)
(match rev mid with (* `rev_mid` holds list without the 9 but reversed *)
| 9 :: rev_mid -> Some (rev rev_mid) (* reverse to get correct order *)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
is_valid [1;2;3;4;5;6;9] (* int list option = Some [2; 3; 4; 5; 6] *)
Then with this function, you can use it with simple pattern matching to look for the middle of valid lists:
match is_valid l with
| Some middle -> middle (* the middle of the list *)
| None -> [] (* nothing — list was invalid *)

match case unused in OCaml

I want to build a list of type (char, 'a list) list where each char is an upper case letter of the alphabet. I'am getting a warning Warning 11: this match case is unused. for the second match case on get_list. I did some prints on the first case and found out len get's there with value 0, so it never uses the second case. What's happening?
let rec get_list abc i len =
match i with
| len -> []
| _ -> ((String.get abc i), [])::get_list abc (i + 1) len
let rec print_list l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| h::t -> print_char(fst h);print_list t
let abc_l = get_list abc 0 (String.length abc) in
print_list abc_l;;
The reason it doesn't work
When you write
match i with
| len -> []
| _ -> ["..."]
len is a generic pattern, which hasn't anything to do with the len define above. In a pattern matching you define only how the variable should look like, you describe it's general "structure", the variable names are used to name the differents parts of the pattern matching, and are new variables. For example with lists you can do:
match my_list with
| [x,y,z] -> x+y+z
| x :: r -> x + (List.length r)
| anything_else -> List.length anything_else
When you put '_' it's only a convention to say "I don't mind which value it is, I don't need it". Here is another example with tuples:
match my_tuple with
| (a,b) -> a+b
A solution : conditionnal pattern matching
If you want to put condition in a pattern matching you can use the when keyword :
match i with
| n when n = len -> []
| _ -> ["..."]
Another example that "sort" a tuple:
match my_tuple with
| (a,b) when a>b -> (a,b)
| (a,b) -> (b,a)
Or just use conditions with integers :
if i = len then []
else ["..."]
You can also note that you can do pattern matching within functions :
let f (a,b) = a+b
The len in your pattern is a new variable introduced by the pattern. As a pattern, its meaning is that it will match anything at all. Thus, the next pattern _ will never match.
As #AlexanderRevyakin says, this new variable len is hiding the parameter that's also named len.
It is not the case that the len in your pattern represents the value of the parameter len. OCaml patterns contain only new variables (to which pieces of the matched value are bound) and constants. They don't contain expressions that are evaluated at run time. For that you want to use if/then/else (as #AntonTrunov points out).