Add SugarCRM REST services to NetBeans - web-services

I'm trying to use NetBeans "Add Web Service" wizard to see SugarCRM REST web services. But when I insert url 'http://ip/sugarcrm/service/v2/rest.php' (or 'http://ip/sugarcrm/service/v2/rest.php?wadl') I receive the error message:
"cannot determine if the service is of type wsdl or wadl".
I have already included JAX-RPC plugin, as mentioned in '', but this not helped. In fact, I think NetBeans doesn't need RPC plugins to connecto to REST services...
Any help?

As far as I know, Sugar uses the same methods and types for both SOAP and Rest. Can Netbeans interpret a soap wsdl for rest purposes?

I don't think you're using the correct URLs.
One of the URLs in your post: http://ip/sugarcrm/service/v2/rest.php -> is trying to go to a host called "ip". Is that a host in your network? If not, then its going nowhere.


Grails lagan Integration

I have a grails project where I need to place a report in a CRM called Lagan. I am using grails cxf client for accessing SOAP web services of Lagan. By following the example given in
I am not able to correctly set the configuration parameters in conf file. I got a user name and password and url for accessing the lagan server which is part of a website.
Does anybody have experience in integraing with Lagan?
Starting with new web service is always hard part. I found useful to first figure out correct SOAP envelope. For example using this plugin. When you have envelope that is working fine you can start troubleshooting your library. Review SOAP differences.

Creating and using SOAP based web service in Laravel framework

In Laravel 4 framework, how to create a SOAP based web service. I would like to build a SOA based web application in laravel. Please clarify with an example how to use web service with some step by step examples or links as i am completely new to laravel
Thanks in advance..
You can use "php-wsdl-creator" (also supports SOAP). They have a great tutorial and many demo php files to get you started. It can also easily be implemented in laravel or any other framework for that matter. :)
You can find more information on Google Code:
Also note that SOAP requires an extension to be loaded in PHP.
For more recent needs, you should use a Project such as wsdl2phpgenerator or PackageGenerator from WsdlToPhp. This sort of projects, requirable with composer, use an OOP approach and allows to build a SOAP request easily with PHP objects then handle the response just as the request with PHP objects.

Can I generate a wsdl file without binding and service information?

I came across an issue where a customer is able to open a SAP wsdl using net-beans as well as in .Net but not in soap UI.
When i checked the wsdl i found that service as well as binding tags are not defined or no such tags included. wsdl ends with port-type information.
In soap UI i got an error like no content in the file and when i try to open it in eclipse i am able to open it using web explorer window, but service as well binding information fields are empty. I could see ws-policy elements in customers wsdl.
How he might have produced a wsdl without binding and service information ?
What would be the reason he is telling it is working in .Net?
I am not sure about .Net tools.
Is there any web service client tool which can open the operations without endpoint /service information and send request/response ?..
please help
thank you for your time.
I only know a bit about the first question, can't help you with the other ones...
You can request two "flavors" of WSDL from a NW/ABAP system. This is related to the fact that the implementation (programming) of the service is usually performed on a different system and by different people than the configuration of the service.
After the service (or rather a service definition) has been implemented, you can get what's called a "design-time WSDL document". This document does not include the endpoint information - it cannot, because that would require technical information about the target system landscape and its configuration that is simply not available yet.
From the service definition, an administrator can create a configuration. This includes the binding information as well as stuff like base URL, security settings, transport layer settings and so on. With this configuration, you can generate a second WSDL document that contains the actual endpoint configuration.

WebServices client in java?

I would like have a solution for creating a WebServices client and it needs to consume the Services which already existed.
I have code this from Netbeans ide but my requirement is the wsdl url must be a dynamic one and more specific it needs to fetch from .xml,please suggest me to do that dynamic..cheers
If you are building a Java EE application you can create a web service client in Netbeans. Otherwise you need to code it on your own or use a external tool or library.
You need to parse the XML and read the WSDL URL from it, you can find in the net for how to read the data from the XML
Once done,using the URL you got from the XML you can call the service endpoint (The code you have already)

Create SOAP message from WSDL using axiom

I'm a starting a project which consist in sending a request to a web-service (which is already available) and parsing the response. I have the WSDL and URL endpoints. Does anyone have a startup tutorial on how to build something from there?
I would like to use Axis2 + Axiom to send the service request and receive and process the response. I'm using eclipse as dev env. I've been search for a tut on how to do this but with no success.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
this might help you
creating a webservice client using eclipse
I don't know about Axiom, but SOAP UI is a terrific tool for testing web services in just the manner you describe.
I don't know if Eclipse has a plug-in for it. (They do for everything else.) IntelliJ supports it, so that's how I use it.
Well in conclusion, I did find two very useful links for the Apache axis2 project, got it working in no time!
A deep explanation Invoking Web Services using Apache Axis2:
For code generation from WSDL: