Using iframe for an application in external websites - django

I have a website built in Django. One feature of this website is booking hotels. Now, my client has many agents who have websites. We want to give the facility of booking on these websites. So, I am thinking to use iframe on these websites( with the consent of the respective agent owners), which will point to the booking page of our website. Once booking is done, we will return success message and email the user. IS this a viable solution? Or, are there any other options?

One way of doing this it's creating a rest api using a helper that works with django like django-piston so your agents could work with them to perform booking.
Should be easy to add a form to any agents site with this way. Or even using ajax if the uri returns a json.

Iframes is not the way you should go I think... I also think that you need to define the API on your website and then you just do requests from the client website to your backend.


Using Firebase to make a simple group chat app, alongside an already existing django-react app

I have a basic project which uses django as backend and reactJS as frontend. Basically, it just shows a home page when a user logs in, and that's it. The sign up of new users is handled through the django.admin panel.
Now, I want to create a group chat for my users who are currently logged in using firebase. Here's the problem since I can't really understand the workflow on how I should proceed. My basic idea is that,
frontend gets the username and password from backend,
frontend posts them to firebase
firebase sends a unique id token to the frontend,
now frontend is logged in with both django and firebase,
users who are logged in joins in the group chat
Is there any guidelines on how I should proceed with this? I have read the docs but I can't really understand what I should be doing to go through with this.
You want to look at the docs for firebase.database().ref().on(<event here>) where <event here> is one of the firebase database events such as on, child_added, value
basically what you'll be doing is rendering a database ref, say: firebase.database().ref('livechat').on('value', snap => {render the snapshot}) to every client (to view the chat). Then, a user posts to the 'livechat' ref. You can add as much additional info to the users posted data (like uid) so that you can later filter the 'livechat' node by uid (or the like). Make sense?
Where it gets a bit trickier is when you want to have 1 on 1 chats. You can accomplish this in much the same way - maybe use one of the users uid as the ref. Like: firebase.database().ref(`chat/${user.uid}`).push(message_here so that when you render the chat in the client you have individual conversations.

Send a post request to server

I am fairly new in web development and I decided to handle a user's availability to send a POST request to server. However, I do not know even whether it is possible or not but when a user close my Django site without using logout button (For example close the browser or tab), in order to understand the user is offline or online, I want to send a request to server. As a result, when the server does not get an answer from the user for a while, it automatically logout the user.
Can you tell me is it a good way to handle a user's availability and first of all is it a realistic solution? If it is, can you suggest me a document or example that helps me please.
I agree to to the answer of #Mounir. That's not related to django, if you want to know when a user is "disconnected"(close the tab or window) you need to use javascript, in concrete you need to use Sockets.
I recommend you this ones:
I'm using centrifugo for one project right now. In concrete, for chat and inbox messaging. It's very simple to make it run with Django.
For logging out user you can use the Session expiration, but for all other staff you want to achieve I don't see any thin really related to Django itself, everything depend on your requirements and is more Browser/javascript related than Django.

Survey App Django-Survey Monkey

I am creating a django application for my company, and one of the things that still needs doing is a survey.
At the moment we use SurveyMonkey, but I can't manage to send via api invitations to the surveys(personalized ones like the web page allows, so we know who answered with which answers).
Does anybody know if it's possible to do this with SurveyMonekey api, or if not, any other django app that what I need, or another way to do this?
SurveyMonkey's API is currently read-only and does not allow adding users to email collectors. And option you might consider is pairing SurveyMonkey with MailChimp. MailChimp currently has docs on how to use it with SurveyMonkey here:
You could also create something like the MailChimp API in your own application by adding a unique ID to links you send to your respondents by appending ?c=UNIQUEID to the end of a web link collector URI. Then, in your application, you can send any email invitation you like to potential respondents and use the unique ID to correlate users with responses.
You'll need to request the "custom_id" by adding it to the "fields" array in your request to get_respondent_list in order to that unique ID back from SurveyMonkey using the API.

Django paypal checkout for WHOLE cart

I made a Django online-store site and I need to include paypal checkout system for the cart, but solutions I found online either just for one item only(Buy Now buttons) or something like django-paypal-cart, which is not well-documented and I can't figure out how to make it to the checkout.
Please, give me some hint, maybe good article about how to make your cart items go to the checkout, anything will be highly appreciated, I don't know what else to google now
There are numerous options for tying PayPal into your website or app. Depending on exactly what you're doing or how good you are with web service API's you may choose one or another.
If you want to keep things simple, you can stick with Payments Standard. This is basically what you're referring to about the one item only buy now button, but you can use the cart upload command method to build a form that includes multiple items and pass it all over to PayPal at once.
If you prefer web service API's I'd recommend using Express Checkout. This consists of SetExpressCheckout, GetExpressCheckoutDetails, and DoExpressCheckoutPayment. Read through that general EC documentation to get familiar with the calls and how it all flows.
Another thing I would highly recommend utilizing is Instant Payment Notification (IPN). This is a feature where PayPal will POST transaction data to a listener script that you have sitting on your server any time a transaction occurs on your PayPal account. This includes payments, refunds, disputes, cleared payments that were pending, etc. This allows you to automate tasks like updating your database, sending out custom email notifications, hitting 3rd party web services, etc. and it happens in real-time, so it's very powerful.

Is QtWebkit needed to fetch data from websites that need login?

As the title implies,
I need to fetch data from certain website which need logins to use.
The login procedure might need cookies, or sessions.
Do I need QtWebkit, or can I get away with just QNetworkAccessManager?
I have no experience at both, and will start learning as I go.
So please save me a bit of time of comparing both ^^
Thank you in advance,
Edit: Having read some related answers,
I'll add some clarifications:
The website in concern does not have an API. So I will need to scrape web elements for the data myself.
Can I do that with just QNetworkAccessManager?
No, in most cases you don't need a full simulated web browser. In most cases, just performing the same web requests like a web browser would do is enough.
Try to record the web requests in your browser, using a plugin like "HTTP Live Headers" or "Firebug" in Firefox. I think Chrome provides a similar tool out of the box. These tools record the GET and POST requests done by the website when you send a form in the webpage.
Another option is to inspect the HTML code of the login page. Find the <form> tag and its fields. Put them together in a GET / POST request in your application to simulate the same form.
Remember that some pages use randomized "tokens" in their forms, some set the tokens as cookies. In such cases, you need to request the login page itself in your application first (before sending the filled in form). Both QWebView and QNetworkAccessManager have cookie support.
To sum things up, I think QWebView provides a far more elegant way to simulate user interaction with a web page. The manual way is, however, more "lightweight", as you don't need Webkit and your application might be faster (because only the HTML page is loaded, without any linked resources like images, CSS, javascript files).
QWebView as class name states is a view, so it views something (in this case web pages). If you don't need to display loaded page, then you don't need a view. QNetworkAccessManager may do the work, but you need some knowledge about HTTP protocol, and also anything about target site: how does it hande logins, what type of request you have to send to login etc.