Qt prevent controls moving when window resized - c++

I have a Qt application which has a window based on a QWdiget. Inside my window I have two QVBoxLayouts and one QHBoxLayout with controls underneath the first two Vertical layouts. When my window is resized, the QVBoxLayout move apart and the QHBoxLayout underneath also moves away. I want to prevent this from happening, what is the best way to do this?
All these layouts are inside a QGridLayout.

If I understand your question correctly, you have a window's layout like this :
The layouts is going to resize depending on the size of the objects in them. To solve your problem, you should set the alignment of your layouts within the grid layout using setAlignment method.
by the way, if nothing works, you can always write your own layout manager.


How to hide/show a QLabel and QTextEdit at the same time in my Qt application?

I am working on a hide/show feature for my console in my Qt GUI application. The console consists of 2 widgets; QLabel and QTextEdit. Do I need to add the QLabel and QTextEdit to a QWidget in order to show/hide them, or is there a better way?
So basically I am looking for a container such as 'JPanel' in Java...
Do I need to add the QLabel and QTextEdit to a QWidget in order to show/hide them, or is there a better way?
Multiple methods are possible here. You can, as you suggest, create a parent QWidget and add the QLabel and QTextEdit to a QWidget. Calling show and hide on the parent widget will affect its children.
Another method would be to have a slot function, which when an action is called, the slot calls show / hide on the 2 widgets.
Neither is right or wrong and depends upon the overall design of your application.
Ok, I think you need to use a layout (horizontal / vertical):
The simplest way to arrange objects on a form is to place them in a
horizontal or vertical layout. Horizontal layouts ensure that the
widgets within are aligned horizontally; vertical layouts ensure that
they are aligned vertically.
Horizontal and vertical layouts can be combined and nested to any
depth. However, if you need more control over the placement of
objects, consider using the grid layout.

Widget same size as it's children?

In Qt, how can I have a widget which automatically sizes itself according to the size of it's children?
For example, if I have a QGroupBox which contains a QHBoxLayout which contains some QPushButtons, I would like the QGroupBox to automatically calculate it's size so that it is no bigger and no smaller than necessary to fit all of the QPushButtons.
Ideally I would like to be able to do this in Qt Designer so that I can create a .ui file which already knows how to size the QGroupBox, however I am also opening to deriving from a class inside a .ui file and doing the resizing manually.
I have tried placing the QGroupBox inside it's own layout (with and without a spacer) but this just resizes the QGroupBox to the smallest possible size so that none of the children are visible.
There are two things to pay attention to:
Set the size policies appropriately on the children in the groupbox. You literally need to think what the buttons can do - most likely, you do not want the buttons to either grow or shrink, so setting both of their size policies to Fixed is the right thing to do. You could, possibly, let the buttons expand horizontally, so the horizontal policy of MinimumExpanding is an option.
Set the size constraint on the layout in the groupbox to act according to your objective:
Of course, the groupbox will be inside of some layout in its parent window, but that doesn't matter.
You'll probably have the most luck by sub classing QGroupBox and overriding sizeHint or other sizing functions to loop through children and calculate the minimum bounding rectangle. Depending on how dynamic the group box is, managing connections to new widgets might be a small challenge.

QWidget Transformation

I am writing an application using Qt and would like to have a "Metro Style" interface. Everything is finished except I don't know how to make the widget appear and disappear. For instance, in WPF you can animate (UIElement.RenderTransform).(TranslateTransform.Y) so that Y becomes zero or negative. How can I move the QWidget in a QGridLayout so that it can hide?
After doing some research I figured out a way to do this. Instead of letting Qt do the layout I simply handled it myself via move and set width/height functions. Overriding resizeEvent made it so I could update the values in case the window was resized. Additionally I used setMask to ensure that the widget did not leak over to unwanted locations in the UI.

Enlarge a Qt widget so it might cover other widgets

I have a complex layout of widgets in widgets in widgets in a QMainWindow. In one of them I have an image, it sits in the corner. What I would like to achieve is following: if the image is activated (e.g. clicked upon), it should be enlarged, so it might overlap other widgets, or parts of other widgets. The problem is, I still would like it to remain in the layout, but in a way that everything else remains in its original size and position.
I was thinking about having an empty but similar size widget as a "placeholder", and have the actual resizable widget float on top of it. My problem is, that it does not guarantee that it stays in its position if the main window is resized, maximized, etc. Is there a better or more efficient way to do it?
One way to do it, if the widgets to be overlapped are in the same layout than the one you want to enlarge, and the policies for that widget allow it, is just .setVisible(false) in the other widgets. The widget that remains visible should resize to cover all the available area!
If I can't find a better solution, I think I'll do the following:
The MainWindow will have no layout, just two QWidgets on top of each other. The bottom one will contain all the layouts and everything else, while the upper one will have a transparent background and the resizable widget, maybe supported with a number of spacers.

Qt window resize problem

I am having a problem redrawing a QWidget window after its size has been adjusted. I have tried update(), repaint(), adjustSize(), but all seem to suffer from the same thing: only part of the window is redrawn, resulting in the window frame on the bottom and right sides to not show. The window is also not resized entirely.
Just in case it makes a difference, the window is in a QMdiArea.
// ... some subwidget resizing and moving.
calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].layoutWidget2->move(QPoint(oldXLeft, 30 + height + 21));
calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].layoutWidget1->move(QPoint(oldXRight, 30 + height + 21));
// Set window size.
calibrationWindows[activeWindow]->setMinimumSize(calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].tabWidget->geometry().width() + 40, calibrationWindowUIs[activeWindow].tabWidget->geometry().height() + 40);
Note: I'm new to Qt; perhaps I'm doing something wrong with layouts?
Edit: I may have not given enough information. Alright, to be quite honest, I still have to delve deeper into layouts and related material. What I had tried to do here was to use Qt Designer in order to design the window. I've done what perhaps amounts to a stupid mistake: I didn't use an overall parent layout for the entire window, but hacked it with a couple of smaller layouts that I therefore have to move about and resize individually. See the Qt Designer screen (the red rectangles are the sole layouts): .
What is happening is that in the frame to the right, I am playing a video clip that can be of various resolutions. I want the frame to resize depending on this resolution, which also means that the buttons and window have to move/resize accordingly. That is where the window resize comes in. I'm sure there is a more elegant solution than what I am doing here, but I am trying to handle several other scenarios here and hence the lack of quality of code.
The result is that when I load a clip, the window attempts to resize, but does so badly; the following is the result:
If the window is dragged, it 'pops' into its correct size; in the meantime, however, it just looks ugly.
A couple further questions: do you use the Qt Designer to design your UIs? I found that programmatically you can achieve much better control of your interfaces. One thing which I could not do in the designer was to have a layout parented by the main widget, i.e. the equivalent of having the following bit of code:
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
A layout placed in the designer always seems to create this 'layoutWidget' subwidget, which the layout you placed is then parented to. Any way around that?
We use a mix of designer and code to create layouts, the Qt layout system can be very unintuitive at times. But I would probably not layout a full series of tabs in one designer ui file, i would make each tab each own widget and then assemble them either through code or in the designer by promoting to custom classes. This gives you better separation of responsibilities, by putting all the functionality of all the tabs into one file you almost guarantee a large unwieldy class.
When a widget has child widgets in designer you can assign a layout to it by adding it from the context menu. Make sure nothing is selected and click on the background of the widget in which you want to create a layout, select the layout and all of the widgets children will be assigned the layout.
What does help is creating hierarchies of layouts. Looking at your first screenshot, i would probably use a vertical layout with spacers on top and bottom for the items on the right, an horizontal layout with spacers left and right for the button bar and a grid layout for all the items together. Without the spacers your items will extend when the window grows. The spacers will let you control the behavior under resizing better.
you are calling setMinimumSize(). That's fine, but you should also call resize()