What is a good way to handle multithreading with Poco SocketReactor? - c++

So I'm starting to do some research on alternatives for implementing a high volume client/server system, and I'm currently looking at Poco's Reactor framework since I'm using Poco for so much of my application frameworks now.
The incoming packet sizes are going to be pretty small, so I think it will work fine from the perspective of reading the data from the clients. But the operations that will be performed based on the client input will be relatively expensive and may need to be offloaded to another process or even another server. And the responses sent back to the client will sometimes be fairly large. So obviously I can't block the reactor thread while that is taking place.
So I'm thinking if I just read the data in the reactor event handler and then pass it to another thread(pool) that processes the data, it would work out better.
What I'm not too sure about is the process for sending the responses back to the client when the operations are complete.
I can't find too much information about the best ways to use the framework. But I've done some testing and it looks like the reactor will fire the WritableNotification event repeatedly while the socket is writable. So would the optimal process be to queue up the data that needs to be sent in the object that receives the WritableNotification events and send small chunks each time the event is received?
Update: So when I started testing this I was horrified to discover that server CPU usage went up to 100% on the CPU the server app was running on with a single connection. But after some digging I found what I was doing wrong. I discovered that I don't need to register for WritableNotification events when the service handler is created, I only need to register when I have data to send. Then once all of the data is sent, I should unregister the event handler. This way the reactor doesn't have to keep calling the event handlers over and over when there is nothing to send. Now my CPU usage stays close to 0 even with 100 connections. Whew!

i have wrote a class ServerConnector that copied from SocketConnector, but do not call the connect for socket, because the socket was connected already, if a reactor was started with a ServiceHandler for notifications in the run() function of TcpServerConnection, the class TcpServer would start a new thread. so, i got multithread of reactor-partten, but i do not konw it's best way or not.
class ServerConnector
template <class ServiceHandler>
class ServerConnector
explicit ServerConnector(StreamSocket& ss):
/// Creates a ServerConnector, using the given Socket.
ServerConnector(StreamSocket& ss, SocketReactor& reactor):
/// Creates an acceptor, using the given ServerSocket.
/// The ServerConnector registers itself with the given SocketReactor.
virtual ~ServerConnector()
/// Destroys the ServerConnector.
// this part is same with SocketConnector
ServerConnector(const ServerConnector&);
ServerConnector& operator = (const ServerConnector&);
StreamSocket& _socket;
SocketReactor* _pReactor;
the Echo-Service is a common ServiceHander
class EchoServiceHandler
EchoServiceHandler(StreamSocket& socket, SocketReactor& reactor):
_reactor.addEventHandler(_socket, Observer<EchoServiceHandler, ReadableNotification>(*this, &EchoServiceHandler::onReadable));
_reactor.addEventHandler(_socket, Observer<EchoServiceHandler, ErrorNotification>(*this, &EchoServiceHandler::onError));
_reactor.removeEventHandler(_socket, Observer<EchoServiceHandler, ErrorNotification>(*this, &EchoServiceHandler::onError));
_reactor.removeEventHandler(_socket, Observer<EchoServiceHandler, ReadableNotification>(*this, &EchoServiceHandler::onReadable));
void onReadable(ReadableNotification* pNf)
char buffer[4096];
try {
int n = _socket.receiveBytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (n > 0)
_socket.sendBytes(buffer, n);
} else
} catch( ... ) {
void onError(ErrorNotification* pNf)
void onError()
delete this;
StreamSocket _socket;
SocketReactor& _reactor;
The EchoReactorConnection works with class TcpServer to run reactor as a thread
class EchoReactorConnection: public TCPServerConnection
EchoReactorConnection(const StreamSocket& s): TCPServerConnection(s)
void run()
StreamSocket& ss = socket();
SocketReactor reactor;
ServerConnector<EchoServiceHandler> sc(ss, reactor);
std::cout << "exit EchoReactorConnection thread" << std::endl;
cppunit test case is same with TCPServerTest::testMultiConnections, but using EchoReactorConnection for multi-thread.
void TCPServerTest::testMultithreadReactor()
ServerSocket svs(0);
TCPServerParams* pParams = new TCPServerParams;
TCPServer srv(new TCPServerConnectionFactoryImpl<EchoReactorConnection>(), svs, pParams);
assert (srv.currentConnections() == 0);
assert (srv.currentThreads() == 0);
assert (srv.queuedConnections() == 0);
assert (srv.totalConnections() == 0);
// same with TCPServerTest::testMultiConnections()
// ....


How to use grpc c++ ClientAsyncReader<Message> for server side streams

I am using a very simple proto where the Message contains only 1 string field. Like so:
service LongLivedConnection {
// Starts a grpc connection
rpc Connect(Connection) returns (stream Message) {}
message Connection{
string userId = 1;
message Message{
string serverMessage = 1;
The use case is that the client should connect to the server, and the server will use this grpc for push messages.
Now, for the client code, assuming that I am already in a worker thread, how do I properly set it up so that I can continuously receive messages that come from server at random times?
void StartConnection(const std::string& user) {
Connection request;
Message message;
ClientContext context;
stub_->Connect(&context, request, &reply);
// What should I do from now on?
// notify(serverMessage);
void notify(std::string message) {
// generate message events and pass to main event loop
I figured out how to used the api. Looks like it is pretty flexible, but still a little bit weird given that I typically just expect the async api to receive some kind of lambda callback.
The code below is blocking, you'll have to run this in a different thread so it doesn't block your application.
I believe you can have multiple thread accessing the CompletionQueue, but in my case I just had one single thread handling this grpc connection.
GrpcConnection.h file:
void StartGrpcConnection();
std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> m_channel;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<push_notifications::Message>> m_reader;
std::unique_ptr<push_notifications::PushNotificationService::Stub> m_stub;
GrpcConnection.cpp files:
void GrpcConnectionService::StartGrpcConnection()
m_channel = grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051",grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
LongLiveConnection::Connect request;
m_stub = LongLiveConnection::LongLiveConnectionService::NewStub(m_channel);
grpc::ClientContext context;
grpc::CompletionQueue cq;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReader<LongLiveConnection::Message>> reader =
m_stub->PrepareAsyncConnect(&context, request, &cq);
void* got_tag;
bool ok = false;
LongLiveConnection::Message reply;
cq.Next(&got_tag, &ok);
if (ok && got_tag == (void*)1)
// startCall() is successful if ok is true, and got_tag is void*1
// start the first read message with a different hardcoded tag
reader->Read(&reply, (void*)2);
while (true)
ok = false;
cq.Next(&got_tag, &ok);
if (got_tag == (void*)2)
// this is the message from server
std::string body = reply.server_message();
// do whatever you want with body, in my case i push it to my applications' event stream to be processed by other components
// lastly, initialize another read
reader->Read(&reply, (void*)2);
else if (got_tag == (void*)3)
// if you do something else, such as listening to GRPC channel state change, in your call, you can pass a different hardcoded tag, then, in here, you will be notified when the result is received from that call.

Handling multiple connections using QThreadPool

Consider a situation where you need to maintain 256 tcp connections with devices just for ocassionally sending commands. I want to do this in parallel(It needs to block until it gets the response), I'm trying to use QThreadPool for this purpose but I have some doubts if it is possible.
I tried to use QRunnable but I'm not sure how sockets will behave between threads (sockets should be used only in thread that they were created in?)
I'm also worried about efficiency of this solution, I would be glad if somebody could propose some alternatives, not necessarily using QT.
Below I'm posting some snippets of the code.
class Task : public QRunnable {
//creating TaskSubclass instance and socket in it
TaskSubclass *sub;
void run() override {
//some debug info and variable setting...
sub->doSomething( args );
class TaskSubclass {
Socket *sock; // socket instance
void doSomething( args )
//writing to socket here
class MainProgram : public QObject{
QThreadPool *pool;
Task *tasks;
pool = new QThreadPool(this);
//create tasks here
void run(){
//decide which task to start
My favorite solution for this problem is by multiplexing your sockets using select(). That way you don't need to create additional threads, and it is a "very POSIX" way to do it.
See for example see this tutorial:
Or a related question in:
Using select(..) on client
As OMD_AT has allready pointed out the best solution is to use Select() and let the kernel do the job for you :-)
here you have an example of an Async approach and an Syncron multi thread approach.
In this example we create 10 connection to a google webservice and make a simple get request to the server, we measure how long all connections in each approach needed to receive the response from the google server.
Be aware that you should use a more faster webserver to make a real test, like the localhost because the network latency has a big impact on the result.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>
#include <QElapsedTimer>
#include <QAtomicInt>
class Task : public QRunnable
Task() : QRunnable() {}
static QAtomicInt counter;
static QElapsedTimer timer;
virtual void run() override
QTcpSocket* socket = new QTcpSocket();
socket->connectToHost("www.google.com", 80);
socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.google.com\r\n\r\n");
if(!--counter) {
qDebug("Multiple Threads elapsed: %lld nanoseconds", timer.nsecsElapsed());
QAtomicInt Task::counter;
QElapsedTimer Task::timer;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// init
int connections = 10;
Task::counter = connections;
QElapsedTimer timer;
/// Async via One Thread (Select)
// handle the data
auto dataHandler = [&timer,&connections](QByteArray data) {
if(!--connections) qDebug(" Single Threads elapsed: %lld nanoseconds", timer.nsecsElapsed());
// create 10 connection to google.com and send an http get request
for(int i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
QTcpSocket* socket = new QTcpSocket();
socket->connectToHost("www.google.com", 80);
socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.google.com\r\n\r\n");
QObject::connect(socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, [dataHandler,socket]() {
/// Async via Multiple Threads
for(int i = 0; i < connections; i++) {
QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(new Task());
return app.exec();
Multiple Threads elapsed: 62324598 nanoseconds
Single Threads elapsed: 63613967 nanoseconds
Although, the answer is already accepted, I would like to share my)
What I understood from your question: Having 256 currently active connections, from time to time you send a request ("command" as you named it) to one of them and wait for the response. Meanwhile, you want to make this process multithreaded and, though you said "It needs to block until it gets the response", I assume you implied blocking a thread which handles request-response process, but not the main thread.
If I indeed understand the question right, here is how I suggest to do it using Qt:
#include <functional>
#include <QObject> // need to add "QT += core" in .pro
#include <QTcpSocket> // QT += network
#include <QtConcurrent> // QT += concurrent
#include <QFuture>
#include <QFutureWatcher>
class CommandSender : public QObject
// Sends a command via connection and blocks
// until the response arrives or timeout occurs
// then passes the response to a handler
// when the handler is done - unblocks
void SendCommand(
QTcpSocket* connection,
const Command& command,
const int timeout = 1000; // milliseconds, set it to -1 if you want no timeouts
// Sending a command (blocking)
connection.write(command.ToByteArray()); // Look QByteArray for more details
if (connection.waitForBytesWritten(timeout) {
qDebug() << connection.errorString() << endl;
emit error(connection);
// Waiting for a response (blocking)
QDataStream in{ connection, QIODevice::ReadOnly };
QString message;
do {
if (!connection.waitForReadyRead(timeout)) {
qDebug() << connection.errorString() << endl;
emit error(connection);
in >> message;
} while (!in.commitTransaction());
responseHandler(Response{ message }); // Translate message to a response and handle it
// Non-blocking version of SendCommand
void SendCommandAsync(
QTcpSocket* connection,
const Command& command,
void(*responseHandler) (Response&&))
QFutureWatcher<void>* watcher = new QFutureWatcher<void>{ this };
connect(watcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, [connection, watcher] ()
emit done(connection);
// Does not block,
// emits "done" when finished
QFuture<void> future
= QtConcurrent::run(this, &CommandSender::SendCommand, connection, command, responseHandler);
void done(QTcpSocket* connection);
void error(QTcpSocket* connection);
Now you can send a command to a socket using a separate thread taken from a thread pool: under the hood QtConcurrent::run() uses the global instance of QThreadPool provided by Qt for you. That thread blocks until it gets a response back and than handles it with responseHandler . Meanwhile, your main thread managing all your commands and sockets stays unblocked. Just catch done() signal which tells that response was received and handled successfully.
One thing to note: asynchronous version sends request only when there is a free thread in the thread pool and waits for it otherwise. Of course, that is the behavior for any thread pool (that is exactly the point of such pattern) but just do not forget about that.
Also I was writing code without Qt in handy so may contain some errors.
Edit: As it turned out, this is not thread safe as sockets are not reentrant in Qt.
What you can do about it is to associate a mutex with a socket and lock it each time you execute its function. This can be done easily creating a wrapper around QTcpSocket class. Please, correct me if I wrong.

C++ asio provide async execution of thread

I got a simple server app. When new client connecting, it handles request from client and send data back to it. My problem is to provide a async execution of handle thread. Now, when began a handle thread it stops acceptor loop and wait for return of corresponding function.
The question is how to organize the continuation of acceptor loop (to be able to simultaneously handle other connection) after starting a handle thread?
class Server
boost::asio::io_service service;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor* acceptor;
boost::mutex mtx;
void acceptorLoop();
void HandleRequest(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* clientSock);
void Server::acceptorLoop()
std::cout << "Waiting for clients..." << std::endl;
while (TRUE)
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket clientSock (service);
acceptor->accept(clientSock); //new socket accepted
std::cout << "New client joined! ";
boost::thread request_thread (&Server::HandleRequest, this, &clientSock); //create a thread
request_thread.join(); //here I start thread, but I want to continue acceptor loop and not wait until function return.
void Server::HandleRequest(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket* clientSock)
if (clientSock->available())
//Works with socket
acceptor = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor(service, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 8001));
acceptorLoop(); //loop started
You have two main problems here:
Thread joining - you are waiting for thread finish before accept new connection
Using pointer to a socket created on a stack
I recommend you this changes:
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket clientSock (service);
acceptor->accept(clientSock); //new socket accepted
std::cout << "New client joined! ";
std::thread{std::bind(&Server::HandleRequest, this, std::placeholders::_1), std::move(clientSock)}.detach();
And HandleRequest will change to this:
void Server::HandleRequest(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket&& clientSock)
if (clientSock.available())
//Works with socket
You can also store thread somewhere and join it later instead of detaching.
So why do you call join? Join is about waiting for a thread to finish, and you say you don't want to wait for the thread, so, well... just don't call join?

POCO connection gets stuck

I am using POCO reactor pattern for handling incoming tcp connections. Connections might take from couple of seconds to minutes depending on the request type as follows:
ServerSocket serverSocket(port);
reactor = new SocketReactor();
ParallelSocketAcceptor<BFSTcpServiceHandler,SocketReactor> acceptor(serverSocket, *reactor);
//Start Reactor
LOG(ERROR)<<"ERROR in initializing TCPServer:"<<e.message();
And here is the Handler:
BFSTcpServiceHandler::BFSTcpServiceHandler(StreamSocket& _socket,
SocketReactor& _reactor): socket(_socket),reactor(_reactor) {
//Set Keeep Alive for socket
//Register Callbacks
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ReadableNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onReadable));
/*reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
WritableNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onWriteable));*/
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ShutdownNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onShutdown));
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ErrorNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onError));
reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
TimeoutNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onTimeout));
/*reactor.addEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
IdleNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onIdle));*/
BFSTcpServiceHandler::~BFSTcpServiceHandler() {
//Unregister Callbacks
reactor.removeEventHandler(socket, NObserver<BFSTcpServiceHandler,
ReadableNotification>(*this, &BFSTcpServiceHandler::onReadable));
//Close socket
try {
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onReadable(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::ReadableNotification>& pNf) {
//Read and process request
} catch(Exception &e){
LOG(ERROR)<<"Error in reading request:"<<e.message();
delete this;
//So after a connection is served just close it!
delete this;
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onShutdown(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::ShutdownNotification>& pNf) {
//Call destructor of this class
delete this;
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onWriteable(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::WritableNotification>& pNf) {
static bool once = true;
if(once) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"onWritable:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString()<<" keepAlive?"<<socket.getKeepAlive()<<" isBlocking?"<<socket.getBlocking()<<" noDeley?"<<socket.getNoDelay();
once = false;
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onTimeout(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::TimeoutNotification>& pNf) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"\nTIMEOUT! onTimeout:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString();
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onError(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::ErrorNotification>& pNf) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"\nERROR! onError:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString();
void BFSTcpServiceHandler::onIdle(
const Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Net::IdleNotification>& pNf) {
LOG(ERROR)<<"\nIDLE! onIdle:"<<socket.peerAddress().toString();
The code works fine; however, after a while it gets stuck meaning that the server does accepts connections but onReadable is not called at all anymore. For example, after it gets stuck I can telnet to the server but when I send data onReadable is not fired. Using netstat I realized some data are being kept in the RCV_QEUEUE and reactor does not fire onReadable event.
I thought it's due to hitting connection/file limits of systems but it is not actually many connections open when the system gets stuck.
Any comment or help is appreciated.
The problem was using a faulty NIC/driver. I changed the code to regular POSIX sockets and had the same issue and switching the NIC solved the issue. I am not sure if it was a driver or hardware issue.

ZMQ recv() is blocking even after the context was terminated

I did my best to follow the instructions in the ZMQ termination whitepaper, but so far I'm failing miserably.
I have a parent class, which spawns a listener thread (using win32-pthreads).
Accoring to the whitepaper, when terminating, I should set the _stopped flag, delete the context, which in turn would call zmq_term() and release the blocking recv(). Instead, what I get is either:
calling delete _zmqContext crashes the application (probably with a segmentation fault)
replacing the delete with zmq_term(_zmqContext) does not release the blocking recv()
I'm adding a partial code sample, which is long because I'm not sure which part may be important.
class AsyncZmqListener
AsyncZmqListener(const std::string uri);
bool Start();
void Stop();
static void* _threadEntryFunc(void* _this);
void _messageLoop();
bool _stopped;
pthread_t _thread;
zmq::context_t* _zmqContext;
AsyncZmqListener::AsyncZmqListener(const std::string uri) : _uri(uri)
_zmqContext = new zmq::context_t(1);
_stopped = false;
void AsyncZmqListener::Start()
int status = pthread_create(&_thread, NULL, _threadEntryFunc, this);
void AsyncZmqListener::Stop()
_stopped = true;
delete _zmqContext; // <-- Crashes the application. Changing to 'zmq_term(_zmqContext)' does not terminate recv()
pthread_join(_thread, NULL); // <-- This waits forever
void AsyncZmqListener::_messageLoop()
zmq::socket_t listener(*_zmqContext, ZMQ_PULL);
zmq::message_t message;
listener.recv(&message); // <-- blocks forever
I'm aware of this related question, but none of the answers quite match the clean exit flow described in the whitepaper. I will resolve to polling if I have to...
ZMQ recv() did unblock after its related context was terminated
I was not aware that recv() throws an ETERM exception when this happens.
Revised code that works:
void AsyncZmqListener::_messageLoop()
zmq::socket_t listener(*_zmqContext, ZMQ_PULL);
zmq::message_t message;
catch(const zmq::error_t& ex)
// recv() throws ETERM when the zmq context is destroyed,
// as when AsyncZmqListener::Stop() is called
if(ex.num() != ETERM)