Fltk Window wait - c++

C++ fltk: I have a window with an in_box and an out_box, how do I make it so that the user can type into the in_box hit enter, then proceed with the rest of the event. Right now the window just shows up and goes away.
Window w(Point(100,100),200,200, "Category Sales");
In_box cat_in(Point(75,75),100,20,"Category:");
Out_box cat_out(Point(75,115),100,20,"Sales:");
category = cat_in.get_string();

I'm not sure exactly if this will fix your problem, but to keep the window open, return Fl::run().

I have never seen In_box and Out_box before, so I will assume those are your own classes or structures...
As pointed before - the easiest way to start the FLTK event loop is to use Fl::run() or (FLTK2) fltk::run().
So, here your code should look something like (FLTK2):
#include <fltk/Window.h>
#include <fltk/Widget.h>
#include <fltk/run.h>
using namespace fltk;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// your code begins
Window w(Point(100,100),200,200, "Category Sales");
In_box cat_in(Point(75,75),100,20,"Category:");
Out_box cat_out(Point(75,115),100,20,"Sales:");
category = cat_in.get_string();
// your code ends
w->show(argc, argv);
return run(); // this line is the most important, here we start the FLTK event-loop


gtkmm entry missing keys on signal_key_press_event

So I have been experimenting with the Gtkmm, as I want to migrate some of my code to C++ and I figured it would be easier.
I used to be able to use something that looks like so in C:
g_signal_connect(entry, "key-release-event", G_CALLBACK(receiveKeyPressed), NULL);
But it seems when I try to use the similar system in Gtkmm:
entry->signal_key_pressed().connect( sigc::ptr_fun(*receiveKeyPressed) );
It entirely misses all keyboard presses except for the shift keys and tab, etc.
Can anyone please explain why?
Connect your handler as first:
Flags: Run Last
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
auto app = Gtk::Application::create();
Gtk::Window window;
Gtk::Entry entry;
entry.signal_key_press_event().connect([&](GdkEventKey* event)->bool{
std::cout<<"pressed: "<<std::hex<<event->keyval<<" "<<std::hex<<event->state<<std::endl;
return false; //to propagate the event further
}, false); //run before other handlers (from entry)
return app->run(window);

c++ gui button output

i have a few questions regarding the gui of cplusplus using Qt creator
well i output an array using a forloop when user's choice is for example "1"
so in qt i created a button for that and i linked it with another window
so when i press on the button it opens another window
now i want to add the output of the forloop into this window
should i include iostream in the new window's .cpp file?
or what should i enter exactly?
in the mainwindow.cpp file here is the code i used to open a new window
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
movies movies;
You should add a QTextEdit to your window (can be done via Qdesigner). And give this object a name e.g. Textout. Then in the code you should get a pointer to this object through your ui object. And you can use one of many methods to set the text of this object. setText is one option
Your can use QTextStream to format your text if necessary. Formating can be done with QString as well.
#include <sstream>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto s: {"first line", "second line"})
ss << s << std::endl;
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QLabel l;
return a.exec();

How to change windows system time in Qt?

I want to change my system time ,How can I change the Windows system time in Qt?
I used this way,but failed!
#include <QApplication>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
using namespace std;
bool setDate(int,int,int);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
qDebug()<<QDateTime::currentDateTime()<<endl; //before change time
if(setDate(2015,1,1)) //set time
qDebug()<<QDateTime::currentDateTime()<<endl; //if succeed,output time
return a.exec();
bool setDate(int year,int mon,int day)
GetSystemTime(&st); // Win32 API get time
st.wYear=year; //set year
st.wMonth=mon; //set month
st.wDay=day; //set day
return SetSystemTime(&st); //Win32 API set time
Thank you in advance.
Changing the system time requires admin rights. That means you need to:
Add the requireAdministrator option to your manifest so that the program always has admin rights. That's a bad idea and you won't enjoy the UAC dialog every time you start.
Or, change the time by starting a separate process that runs as administrator. Another executable with the appropriate manifest, a process started with the runas shell verb, or one started with the COM elevation moniker.
If this is gobbledygook to you, you need to read up on UAC. Start here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742497(v=vs.85).aspx

Qt - Dialog in a DLL

In my company, we are developing with Embarcadero-C++-IDE (which is very uncomfortable). To start moving away, we port individual dialogs in a dll to Qt. My qt-dll-code Looks like this for example
if( ! QApplication::instance() )
int argc = 1;
char *argv[] = {"Design polyline"};
QApplication app(argc, argv);
RoboTechPolyline dialog;
RoboTechPolyline Dialog;
Trying to start the Dialog from another thread like here Starting Qt GUI from dll (in DLLStart function) did make my Dialog unresponsive, but I don't think the question and mine relate too much.
I'm loading this Dll dynamically from the main-application and it works fine. However, when I make the Dialog Pop up a second time I get an "Access Violation at address .. in module MSVCR110D.dll" and on the third time, I get "ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication , there should be only one application object". So I always Need to Close the whole application in order to make the Dialog appear a second time, which greaty slows down work.
If I add at the bottom the line
the Dialog appears a second time, but the Programm crashes on closing this second Dialog.
The code to load the dll is as follows
HINSTANCE lib = ::LoadLibrary(L"RoboTechPolylineDialog.dll");
ShowMessage("Unable to load RoboTechPolylineDialog.dll");
typedef void ( *POPUP_ROBO_TECH_DIALOG )();
POPUP_ROBO_TECH_DIALOG fp = (POPUP_ROBO_TECH_DIALOG) ::GetProcAddress(lib, "popupRoboTechDialog");
ShowMessage("Unable to load function popupRoboTechDialog from RoboTechPolylineDialog.dll");
(*fp)( );
So why am I constructing more than one QApplication at a time? I can in above code replace the line
and the Dialog appears twice and everything works greatly. But how can the call to ::FreeLibrary(lib) make things fail.
Can anyone help me? Any help, Workarounds, etc.. is appreciated.
This should work:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QString>
#include <QDialog>
class App {
QApplication *_app;
App(int argc = 0, char** argv = NULL)
: _app(new QApplication(argc, argv))
~App() {
delete _app;
void dialog()
static int argc = 1;
static char *argv[] = {"Design polyline"};
static App(argc, argv);
QDialog dlg;
void main()
Another advice: load Qt libs from as subpath since you could find dll conflict with other apps using it on the same folder (personal experience)

Using SDL2 with wxWidgets 3.0

My goal is to build a Game Boy emulator. In order to do this, I would like to embed an SDL2 surface into a wxWidgets window.
I found this tutorial: http://code.technoplaza.net/wx-sdl/part1/, but my program crashes as soon as I run it. However I suspect this was intended for SDL1.2. Part of the program is shown below.
It seems that if I call SDL_Init() and also attempt to show a wxFrame (which, in this case, is MainWindow), it shows the window for a second and then the program crashes. I commented all other calls to SDL in my program so far, so it seems the problem lies with calling Show() on a wxFrame and initing SDL2 in the same program.
So the question is: can SDL2 and wxWidgets 3 work together? If not, could you guys suggest to me good alternatives a GUI of a Game Boy emulator? Does wxWidgets have its own graphics frame like Qt does (I'd rather avoid Qt)?
Thanks very much!
#include "MainApp.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace GBEmu {
static void initSDL() {
//This and SDL_Quit() are the only calls to the SDL library in my code
throw std::runtime_error("Fatal Error: Could not init SDL");
bool MainApp::OnInit()
try {
//If I comment out this line, the MainWindow wxFrame shows up fine.
//If I leave both uncommented, the window shows up quickly and then
//If I comment out this line and leave initSDL() uncommented,
//the program will not crash, but just run forever.
(new MainWindow("GBEmu", {50,50}, {640,480}))->Show();
} catch(std::exception &e) {
wxLogMessage(_("Fatal Error: " + std::string(e.what())));
return true;
int MainApp::OnExit() {
return wxApp::OnExit();
EDIT: Here is more information on how it crashes: It crashes with a Segfault in what seems to be the pthread_mutex_lock disassembly file. This is the output in the console with stack trace:
Starting /home/dan/Documents/devStuff/GBEmuWx-build/GBEmuWx...
The program has unexpectedly finished.
/home/dan/Documents/devStuff/GBEmuWx-build/GBEmuWx crashed
Stack trace:
Error: signal 11:
This is a screenshot of where it seems to fail (line 7):
Update: In my MainWindow class, I attach a menu bar to the window. However, it seems when I comment out the setting of the menu bar, the window will show up fine even with initing of SDL. The menu bar will show up fine if I have initSDL() commented out but not the setting of the menu bar. Here is where I set the menu bar:
MainWindow::MainWindow(const wxString &title, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size)
:wxFrame(nullptr, wxIDs::MainWindow, title, pos, size){
wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu;
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
menuBar->Append(fileMenu, "&File");
//commenting this line out will allow the window to showup
//and not crash the program
You are experiencing an old heisenbug.
The workaround is simple: you have to initialize SDL before wxWidgets (basically, before GTK). To achieve this, you have to change
so that wxWidgets doesn't hijack your main().
Then you have to create main() manually. In it, initialize SDL, then call wxEntry():
int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::cerr << "Could not initialize SDL.\n";
return 1;
return wxEntry(argc, argv);
More about the bug:
I have googled around a bit and found that this bug has come up in a few places over the years. There are open reports in many bug trackers that have stack traces very similar to the one you get here (with debug symbols).
The oldest report I could find is from 2005 (!!) from the cairo bug tracker (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4373).
My best guess is that the real hiding place of this bug in either in GTK, cairo, or X. Unfortunately I do not currently have the time to look into it more in depth.