What are Test Projects in Visual Studio 2010? - c++

I am moving from 2008 to 2010 to try out some of the C++0x features but I noticed that there are test projects in 2010, what are these and how can I use them in my environments?

These are projects that define the Unit Test code for the other projects in your solution.


Code Coverage for Visual Studio 2017 Community with C++

Are there any plugins for visual studio 2017 which enable to calculate unit test code coverage with C++?
I only found
but it seems to be outdated / not working.
Other than that it seems like there are only Code coverage plugins for .Net-Languages but not C++
Are there any other options (besides upgrading to MSVC Enterprise)
I recently tested CPPCoverage, an open source and free extension that works perfectly to perform code coverage of native Visual C++ unit tests.
It is a visual extension (VSIX) and provide details reports. Once installed, Right-click in solution explorer on the test or application project and click "Run code coverage".

New to C++, Visual Studios Professional 2013 can't run projects made in Visual Studios C++ Express 2010

And now, the projects that I tried to open and run (very basic projects - little more than learning programs like hello world type programs) in VS 2013 can't be opened and run in VS Express 2010 either. Everything is licensed properly.
In fact, when I open my program in VS Express 2010 now, it underlines basic things in the header like "iostream" in red, and doesn't recognize them.
If I build a new project in either, it's just fine. But I can't get projects to work across one from the other, and if I do try, it does some rebuild, and then those projects won't work in either.
What is going on?
Actually, that happened with me when I tried to use a project of gmap.net (winforms) that I made with Visual Studio 2013 into the new version of VS 2015.
Into my case, I could see all the code I had made in C#, but I couldn't change the design of the project and I think that it will be impossible so I have been working with both.
But in your case, if you want just open the code, you should find the file with .csproj or something similar to this and do not open the project by the .sln if you know what I mean.
Doing this it will work just fine. And of course, don't forget that you should import all extensions to your new VS.
I found a nice explation of your problem here at the Visual Studio website. And this was the answer:
If you allow Visual Studio to update the project automatically, you can open it in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1.

How can I get PEX to auto-generate unit tests?

How I can get PEX to auto-generate unit tests in Visual Studio 2013?
I can auto-generate unit tests with PEX in visual studio 2010 and the menu was found by right clicking in the function body.
We did not release a version for Visual Studio 2013.
The good news is that you can now do that same auto-generation of unit tests in Visual Studio 2015 using the "Smart Unit Tests" feature.
For Visual Studio 2013, they do provide PEX framework (lightweight version) named as CodeDigger.
But CodeDigger is limited that it just generates a table of all the possible combinations of inputs and output.
No options to copy that table or Save any of the test suites.
CodeDigger gives a minimal help. Not so great

Need Visual Studio 2005 Compatible C++ Unit Testing Framework

Would you please recommend a C++ unit testing framework which works on Visual Studio 2005 and has all or most of features? I cant find any.
And please give a guide\tutorial to use it.
I've used Boost.Test and UnitTest++ on VS2005 without any problems.
here I am using Google C++ Testing Framework which works well with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition. For a tutorial you can check the documentation
Visual Assert should be compatible with Visual Studio 2005.
I haven't tried it though.
I believe any FW which supports latest version of Visual Studio will will do, as Visual Studio 2005 is quite similar to the those.
Anyway, both CxxTest and GTest worked for my.

Integrate Unit test into Visual Studio Express 2008

Is it possible to integrate any unit test framework into VS2008 express?
(Google is your friend.)
Edit: A very similar question: Best way to do TDD in express versions of visual studio(eg VB Express)