Alternate URL router for Django - django

How would you go about using django models and templates, but not the URL routing system? I'd like to swap out the system for something like PHP where the URL tells you exactly where the code is that's running. Or maybe something more automagic like rails uses -- where the URL always includes the same components like app name, model name and view name.
I just disagree with the line from the django philosophy statement that "Tying URLs to Python function names is a Bad And Ugly Thing." Pretty URLs just aren't all that important to me, and IMVHO not worth the complexity of climbing through a maze of indirection in multiple files and dozens of regexes to find out what code runs behind a particular URL. It's a personal choice, right? Django is generally pretty modular allowing you to swap out the major components for other ones. So, how would I swap out the part which takes the request URL and decides which view to run?
Are there any alternate URL routers for django out there?

All you need is one line in your that matches everything, and then just write your handler/dispatcher as a view. That handler does whatever you want based on the parts of the URL....

I've never heard of anyone successfully swapping out Django's URL routing system. There's certainly no hook for it - core.handlers.base.BaseHandler.get_response calls urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver directly. Conceivably, you could add a middleware at the bottom of the stack that dispatches to your own URL resolution system and returns the response, thus bypassing the Django system, but it's a bit kludgy.
If you're after something more like Rails, you might want to try one of the other frameworks - Pyramid, for example, uses a system of Routes very similar to Rails'. Pyramid is much more pluggable than Django, so you should be able to plug in the Jinja2 templating system, which is based on Django's. However, there's no way to use Django's ORM seperately, so you'd need to use SQLAlchemy (which can be used in a way that's not massively different).


Determine which templates are used by which views/ URLs in django

I have a fairly large django project consisting of several individual apps. I am farming out some of the front-end work (CSS, HTML tweaks) to people who aren't over-familiar with django. To that end I'd like to generate a list of templates for each URL pattern any given engineer is working on. This will save much time that would otherwise be spent manually tracking down the templates used during a view's render phase.
For example, if Bob is working on URLs beginning with /accounts/ then I'd like to generate a list of all the templates used by any view that handles requests to those URLs.
My initial thought is to use something in the test framework since that has access to the templates rendered during a request. However, I can't guarantee that all URLs or views will be exercised (sadly I don't have 100% test coverage), and a missed template is unlikely to be noticed. I don't mind writing a set of tests that simply exercise each view, but don't want to duplicate existing efforts. Also certain views require POSTed data or authentication to function correctly - although I suspect that's an issue I'll have to face no matter what approach is used.
Are there any utilities or snippets that will do what I need?
django-debug-toolbar is a must for developing with Django, It includes a panel detailing all templates used during a request.
I've found the SQL panel is the most helpful for improving page load times as it details slow and duplicate queries.
It can slow down requests when enabled, disabling all panels but those that you use helps.

Django how to make every view accept a kwarg?

I have a lot of apps running on my site and I was wanting to make all the views accept a certain kwarg without having to go in and edit them all manually? Is there a way to do this?
I suppose I should add it into the django base view class somewhere, but I am unsure exactly where to add it to in that?
Any ideas?
What I am trying to do is have translations set in my db under a certain model and then have the site default text areas be displayed in a certain language based on the url...
those two urls would display different languages, but I have to capture the variable and put it into each and every view which is quite cumbersome
Django already has some i18n support in urls, check it out. You need to activate django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware by adding it to your settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and to tune your urlconf a bit by wrapping your urls with i18n_patterns.
The complete example is given in the docs, I see no sense copying it here.

Simple static breadcrumb in Django

How to create something like this:
If user is in: then in my base.html I have:
You are here: <li>Home</li>
Is there a simple way?
This can get tricky, depending on what you mean by "breadcrumbs".
Django's URL routing system has no inherent hierarchy since any URL can map to any view.
So the "hierarchy" has to be completely specified by you.
…and passed by you to the template in either your view, or in a context processor.
You'll want to assign both a URL AND a name for the URL (so you know /about/ is "Home").
There are a bajillion ways to do this, and it all sort of depends on how flexible you want it, how complicated your URL patterns get, whether you want to support nesting, etc.
Normally, I just use Django Breadcrumbs. This project handles all of the weirdness of breadcrumbs, has a very easy to use API, and handles even weird cases.
While a full code sample would probably be helpful, it's a long and thorny problem, so you're better off reading the documentation for django-breadcrumbs, and then returning here with questions.

how to make interaction between different django apps in a single site?

I have just learnt about Django apps. I want to know that within one site, if I make different apps. like, users, profiles, polls, blogs,comments, jobs , applications then how can I manage them to make them intereactive? And is it how the concept of app should be? I want to have things loosely coupled that's why asking? Rails work on the way of REST, so do Django support that also with the use of apps? May be my questions seems a bit ambiguous because I am new to django and some of my concepts are still messed up.
Please tell what ever you know.
The general idea is that apps should be as loosely coupled as possible. The goal is to have completely self-contained functionality. Now, of course, that's not always possible and many times it even makes sense to bring in functionality from another app. To do that, you simply import whatever you need. For example, if your "blogs" app needed to work with your Comment model in your "comments" app you'd simply add the following to the top of the python file you're working in:
from comments.models import Comment
You can then use Comment as if it were defined right in the same file.
As far as REST goes, Django's views are much more fluid. You can name your view whatever you like; you need only hook it up to the right urlpattern in Django views can return any content type, you just prepare the response and tell it what mimetype to serve it as (the default is HTML).

Django - Static content display based on URL

I'm working on a Django site with a basic three column design. Left column navigation, center column content and right column URL specific content blocks.
My question is about the best method of controlling the URL specific content blocks in the right column.
I am thinking of something along the lines of the Flatpages app that will make the content available to the template context if the URL matches a pre-determined pattern (perhaps regex?).
Does anyone know if such an app already exists?
If not, I am looking for some advice about the best way to implement it. Particularly in relation to the matching of patterns to the current URL. Is there any good way to re-use parts of the Django URL dispatcher for this use?
Django CMS is a good suggestion, it depends on how deep you want to go. If this is just the beginning of different sorts of dynamic content you want then you should go that way for sure.
A simple one-off solution would be something like this:
You would just need to write a view and add some variables on the end of the URL that would define what showed up there. Depending on how fancy you need to get, you could just create a simple models, and just map the view to the model key
so if "jokes" was your block of variable sidecontent (one of many in your sides model instances) the entry for that would be
and then in your sides app you have a view with a
def showsides(request, side):
For something like this I personally would use Django CMS. It's like flatpages on steroids.
Django CMS has a concept of Pages, Templates, and Plugins. Each page has an associated template. Templates have placeholders where you can insert different plugins. Plugins are like mini-applications that can have dynamic model-based content.
Although Django-CMS is an interesting suggestion, there are quite a few projects that do specifically what you've requested - render blocks of content based on a URL. The main one that I know about is django-flatblocks.