Where can I download Iron Javascript - iron

I read up a little about iron javascript but where do I go to download it?

This any good?


React Native - Swipe to Reply

I am recently working on messaging app and I was trying to implement swipe-to-reply action. I am wondering how can I archived this effects by using GestureHandler?
Is there any tutorial or guide for me?
Thanks is advanced!
There is a repo where you can take a look at the example. Pretty much what you want I guess

How to take screenshots in python?

I've an idea and want to implement it.
But I'm not sure if it's gonna work. So, wanted to get your inputs.
I would like to take screenshots of a url.
Say, when I open a web-site www.espncricinfo.com , I would like to take screenshot of that page and save locally. This saved image can be converted to GIF later on.
Can this be achieved through python ? Any suggestions/inputs to make it ?
And also is it possible to capture screenshot in headless-browser ?
Any possibilities to launch the browser in headless mode (non-GUI) and then take the screenshot of particular area of web-page ?
To take a screenshot using python:
import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab
im = ImageGrab.grab()
Yes and no, if you send a request with urllib you will get the HTML in return, which is step one to displaying a webpage. But you have to build that webpage from that with a browser engine, otherwise all you will see is a bunch of text.
There are some python libraries that can do this, such as pywebkitgtk, but those are probably not going to give you the best experience and support.
Another thing you could try is to use crod and firefox/chrome/whatever and then use python to automate the process.
Oh, and by the way, I strongly recommend upgrading to python3
I know it is a bit to late now, but just saw this question and in case anyone else is looking for a mighty tool, to do screenshots and also use headless browsers with python... I just want to recommend to look more deeply into https://www.seleniumhq.org/. There are many tutorials on youtube available. However, this is IMHO the most accurate framework to execute your task, IMHO. To make screenshots, you can then define the screen resolution etc.

Anybody know what editor MediaWiki and Wikipedia are using?

Just started a Wiki built on MediaWiki and is disappointed with the default editor. Have seen the text editor on MediaWiki and Wikipedia (when editing) and they appear to be the same. I was wondering if anybody knowns what that editor is and how can I install it on my MediaWiki. Thank you very much!
From version 1.18 it is built-in the media wiki installation. You just have to enable it.
Look at this.
Personally found my answer, it appears to be within the usability initiative.
read this

Good Site Builder

I am currently working on a website and i kinda need something like a cms/site builder to be integrated int the site, but not very complicated.
for example let's say i have a few templates and the users can modify them as they please(add a picture, some text, etc)
Please help.
Thank you!
look at N2 if you are working in .Net http://n2cms.com/
try joomla, drupal, or wordpress. There are also some basic wiki sites that are easy to setup and use like TWiki.
If you want to keep things very basic then SnippetMaster is an option. Your users can edit odd bits of text and even add pictures. It works best for sites with only a few pages to update. For a large site you may want to look at something more advanced.
You can build a site these days with WordPress. Actually I recommend this even if you have more complicated stuff. There are a lot of plugins and themes and over all support. If you want something simple you can have it in minutes.
You could use Joomla (PHP) or Windows SharePoint Services (.NET), but it depends what kind of thing you are really after...
Also, you could use something like VS Web Developer 2008 Express edition which'll create a basic template for you.
Here's an awesome link that I just happened to have someone send me yesterday:
Top 10 free content management systems for web site designers

Are there any dark themes (like Zenburn) for Coldfusion Builder?

I am looking for dark themes for Coldfusion Builder but google does not find anything?
Do you have one or know a place where i can get some?
Russ Johnson ( http://twitter.com/russ_johnson ) is working on one. Download from GitHub
I did not find luck with any of the above suggestions while using CF Builder 3.0
WHAT WORKED:So I went to http://guari.github.io/eclipse-ui-theme/
Followed the 'Update Site' method of installation.
Restart Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance;
Select MoonRise (standalone)
Voila.. its done.
I really like the "Green Chaud" one that was on the Aptana Forums here and and tweaked it for CF but it is now not accessible :( Hopefully the link will come back. If not I will post mine.
Here is a PHP variation on it that is pretty close on a blog making them work with CFB is pretty easy.