Native dll built with /CLR flag containing a managed class - c++

I have a old native MFC/c++ dll I have managed to get it compiled with /CLR flag.
Now I have added a managed C++/CLI class to the dll within a namaspace.
The header file is below, and the cpp file only has #include for the header file.
The native dll is a huge dll project with lot of un managed code, but it has only one managed c++ class like below.
When I add that dll as a reference to a .net winforms project I don't see that namespace / class, in the object browser,
and I get compile error for not finding the namespace "ShashiTest"
I am using Visual studio 2008.
Native dlls in mixed mode can not be added as reference to a managed project ?
Or am I missing something
Please help.
#pragma once
// Class derived from Forms
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
namespace ShashiTest {
/// <summary>
/// Summary for test
/// </summary>
public ref class test
void ShowMessage()
MessageBox::Show("Hello World");
When I simplified my problem..I created a fresh MFC dll and added a manged C++ class to it (same class as above) . Compiled with /CLR flag.
When I add this dll to winforms project and run it i get
System.BadImageFormatException. Any clue ?
However I see the class and the name space and winform project compiles fine unlike the problem I have the above.

System.BadImageFormatException is usually caused by having an AnyCPU .NET application reference a DLL containing 32-bit native code. You get an error when running on a 64-bit platform, because the AnyCPU application runs as 64-bit, and can't load the DLL. The fix for this is (easy) to mark the application as x86-only or (hard) to provide both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of all DLLs containing native code.
Of course, you could have some other problem. Checking your DLL with Red Gate Reflector as suggested by #cdleonard in the comments is a great next step. Or ILSpy, which is free.


Using x86 DLL in an unreal engine Win64 C++ class

I have written code in a .NET Framework C++ file. The code uses the Articares DLL to connect with the device through an IP address. Where instance is simply creating an instance of the classes I want to use from the DLL. instance.EstablishConnection() is the function i want to call from the class.
The below code works perfectly in x86.
#include "pch.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "Complex.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace Articares;
using namespace NLog;
int main(array<System::String^>^ args)
//Creating instances of the classes ----------------------------------------------------
Articares::Core::ArticaresComm instance;
Articares::Core::HMANData instance2;
Articares::Core::TargetParams instance3;
//Connecting to HMan -------------------------------------------------------------------
instance.EstablishConnection("", 3000);
std::cout << "Connection with HMan established\n";
return 0;
However, i want to be able to use the DLLs in the unreal engine C++ file to replicate this code i have written.
But the error name must be a namespace name appears when i try to declare the DLLs in the unreal engine C++ file.
Could anybody tell me how to fix this problem to be able to use my x86 DLLs in the unreal engine C++ code?
Are you using C++ DLL or . NET DLL?
For C++ DLL, you need to add dependencies. Walkthrough: Create and use your own Dynamic Link Library (C++)
For .NET DLL, You are calling managed code in unmanaged C++.
Use Exposing .NET components to COM
For your reference: using c# dll in project c++

Using Powershell class in C++ application

The CLR option(compile with /clr) is necessary to use the managed code(ie. Powershell class) in unmanaged C++ code.
A sample code is as follows:
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::ObjectModel;
using namespace System::Management::Automation;
int main() {
PowerShell^ ps = PowerShell::Create();
ps->AddScript("Get-ChildItem C:\\");
return 0;
After writing a code, I noticed that the compile option /MT and /CLR are incompatible. Then, I knew that the redistributable package is necessary to support the various executing environment.
Is there any solution not using redistributable package?
Is there any solution which enables to embed Powershell script in C++ application?

How to create a VTK project in Windows Form Project (VisualC++ 2012 )

I'm trying to embed scene created with Visualization ToolKit (VTK)library into VisualC++ 2012 created windows form so I can design my Windows native GUI interface.
I'd like to underline that, all examples with console app are configured with (Cmake), compiled with VC++2012 and works flawlessly, as instructed by the official VTK wiki page.
The issue is, if I try to call those VTK functions and class initializations inside of Win Form application I get the Error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2E0 D:\.....\VTK_61_BUILD_VS2012\bin\Debug\vtkViewsCore-6.1.dll even if I add everything normally as expected, include headers and external library dependencies.
This makes me think that I'm originating from wrong Visual C++ 2012 project template or something obvious that I'm completely missing, otherwise compiler would arise many not found files or syntax error.
This is the first lines where I'm trying to invoke the VTK library, even the intellisense suggest the vtk..... named proc,functions and structures, but application fails to compile.
#pragma once
#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <vtkTriangle.h>
#include <vtkCellArray.h>
#include <vtkPolyData.h>
#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
namespace CLR_Project1 {
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> points = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
What is the problem here ?
The following link (in particular the answer of Mr. bnsteel) helped me very much, when I had the same problem ==>
You can use Swig as it is suggested under the link. But it is not necessary. Using the similar way (passing the windows form panel handle) you can create a C++/CLI wrapper as jalal sadeghi proposed. You will pass the panel handle through the wrapper to your C++ library that does all the "VTK work". This way you don't have to create individual wrappers for all VTK classes, all the "VTK work" and dependencies on VTK stay hidden in your C++ layer.
Something like this ==>
C++ side
setImageRenderWindowParentID(void *theID){
... (init your vtk render window)
C++/CLI side
void setRenderWindowParentID(IntPtr parentID, .. also pass the panel size .. ){
void* p = parentID.ToPointer();
myCPPVTK->setRenderWindowParentID(p, .. also pass the panel size ..);
C# side
VTKWrapper.setRenderWindowParentID(m_panel.Handle, .. also pass the panel size ..);

LibTiff.NET - No access to TiffCP Namespace?? (General build issue)

Using Visual Studio 2012
I'm writing an adapter class library to make access to LibTiff.Net's TiffCP utility a little cleaner and less dependent on strings (this utility allows, among other things, a user to extract single pages from multipage tiff images).
I've tried using both pre-built LibTiff and building from source, but once I add the BitMiracle.LibTiff.Net reference to my adapter project, I don't have access to the TiffCP namespace. It seems that, of the five projects in the LibTiff solution, only the LibTiff namespace is being built, and the same BitMiracle.LibTiff.Net dll is being placed in all of the five project's bin/debug folder. I have checked the configuration of the LibTiff solution and all projects are set to build... What am I missing here? Am I going to have to add the actual LibTiff and TiffCP project to my class library to access TiffCP, or is there some way to get a dll that will allow me to access the methods of TiffCP?
Here is a sample from LibTiffs website of how to use the TiffCP tool, but again, it simply isn't working for me given the dlls output from the LibTiff build.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using BitMiracle;
namespace BitMiracle.LibTiff.Samples
public static class SplitTiffImage
public static void Main()
string[] arguments =
#"Sample Data\multipage.tif,1",
TiffCP.Program.Main(arguments); //TiffCP reference not recognized
You have to add a reference to TiffCP.exe into your project, and it works, TiffCP.exe is in the zip file at

LoadLibrary fails with error 203: The system could not find the environment option that was entered

I created a c# class library. I want to load this .dll in my win32 console application, because I have exported one function from the c# class library to unmanaged code and I don't know of any other way to call that function now.
But LoadLibraryA is giving me that error, what can it mean? Googling didn't help me at all.
Used this to export the function to unmanaged:
EDIT: Here is the code, sorry I didn't include it at first because it's as barebones as it gets:
using System;
using RGiesecke.DllExport;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ManagedLibrary
public class Test
[DllExport(CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static void test()
Looks like the unmanaged exports nuget tool doesn't work for me, the .dll loading errors were mostly obscure and unrelated as it seems (although I did switch to my home computer now)
After I have manually added the exports IL statement as described here:How do you export a method in a CIL DLL so that a native program can call it? I was able to call the C# code just fine.