Why are Faultstrings different? - web-services

I have a web service and I throw a soap exception. If I host it on Azure I got a different faultstring , if I host on dev fabric I got a different fault string. Why are they different and how can I control them?

The Visual Studio Development Web Server is different from the IIS 7.5 web servers that are used in staging and production, I'm guessing that this may cause your SOAP faultstring to differ in your scenario. More info here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/58wxa9w5.aspx


How to host a Wcf service in Windows server 2008 R2?

I am toothily new to server side and I want host a web service in my newly created windows server 2008 r2 virtual machine. however i cannot get it up there. I am getting errors after such as MIME type, sometimes files get downloaded, Permission errors, protocol mapping.
Therefore, I would like to know how to host a WCf Application from the begining. Thanks in advance
Here are excellent guides you can refer to host a WCF service in Windows Server 2008 R2:

Invoking https web services from Glassfish 4 returns HTTPS 403 Error

I am developing a web service client with NetBeans 7.4 in Glassfish 4.0; The host server runs https (secured). I could access the WSDL in NetBeans successfully and generated the required classes. The problem is that I get a error:
com.sun.xml.ws.client.ClientTransportException: The server sent HTTP status code 403: Forbidden
when I deploy my application into Glassfish 4.0. Interestingly, this problem does not occur when I deploy into Tomcat or when I develop, build and run as a Java Desktop application.
Is there some setup I need to do on Glassfish? I noticed the host server I am accessing uses a Verisign Certificate.
Any help will be very much appreciated!
Well, after searching everywhere for a solution; I got the hint from My application on Glassfish 3.1 won't perform client authentication by removing -Dcom.sun.enterprise.security.httpsOutboundKeyAlias=s1as from the default glassfish domain's jvm option

SOAP client in IIS cannot access web services in Tomcat

I have IIS (localhost:443) and Tomcat (localhost:8080) both running on my local machine. The Tomcat contains Java web services and I can remotely debug it in Eclipse IDE. I have an application installed in my IIS and when I access the page of that application, it requests a web service in Tomcat.
The problem is that when I try to load the page (the one deployed in IIS), my Eclipse won't go to the break point, meaning no request was retrieved on the Tomcat side.
But when I try to execute a request using SoapUI, Tomcat receives it and it enters my breakpoint in Eclipse. (meaning that the web services are accessible)
I cannot debug the application in IIS so I cannot determine why it can't call the web service.
Do I need to setup Windows Firewall for it? I'm just running those apps in my local machine.
Any ideas?
I got it working. My problem was permission issues in c:\windows\temp directory. I found my answer here http://nishantrana.wordpress.com/2008/02/06/unable-to-generate-a-temporary-class-result1-error-cs2001-source-file-cwindowstempfilenamecs-could-not-be-found-error-cs2008-no-inputs-specified/

GlassFish Server (open source) ColdFusion "requested resource is not available" error

We are in the process of moving a website coded in ColdFusion and Fusebox framework to a new host (from GoDaddy who is ceasing to support CF to HostMySite).
Our url structure is currently setup like /index.cfm/home.register redirecting through a cfscript to the "full" url of /index.cfm?fuseaction=home.register
We are receiving the following error message:
HTTP Status 404 -
type Status report
descriptionThe requested resource () is not available.
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1
I am not a CF or Windows guy, this is an old site and we are just trying to get it to run on another server to bide us some time until we can rewrite it.
Any clue as to how to what is wrong and how to get it to work? HostMySite support has been completely unresponsive thus far.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Brandon, just for the sake of correctness; Glassfish is Oracle's java server and comes in an open source flavour. http://glassfish.java.net/
Glassfish is not a ColdFusion server.
It is possible to deploy j2ee versions of Adobe ColdFusion, Railo or OpenBD using glassfish.
JRun is the only Java server that comes with the SES rewriting built in. However, it is possible to rewrite urls using most Java servers or at the least by fronting the java server with a web server such as IIS, Apache or nginx.
After several discussion with tech support, we confirmed that "GlassFish Server" is an open source ColdFusion server, and it does not support the search engine friendly URL code we were using. We had to switch hosts to a host that used actual CF server.

The request failed with HTTP Status 403: Forbidden when calling a web service

I have a problem when calling a method from an external web service.
The error returned is as follows:
The request failed with HTTP Status 403
My application is deployed using ClickOnce technology. The strange thing is that when I call service (test the code) on my development machine and additionally in test environment (IIS 6, Windows 2003 Server) everything is fine.
Unfortunately when application is in production environment (Windows 2003 Server, IIS 6) the error is returned.
I don't use a service reference to call a web service, instead I use a proxy class generated from wsdl.exe application. Can someone please help me.
I noticed that I can't even access wsdl file using web browser from that production server. This production server is also in different domain.
I found the solution of my problem. It seems that the company that owns the external web service has some kind of access list with IP addresses allowed to access this web service