How to use regex OR in grep in Cygwin? - regex

I need to return results for two different matches from a single file.
grep "string1" my.file
correctly returns the single instance of string1 in my.file
grep "string2" my.file
correctly returns the single instance of string2 in my.file
grep "string1|string2" my.file
returns nothing
in regex test apps that syntax is correct, so why does it not work for grep in cygwin ?

Using the | character without escaping it in a basic regular expression will only match the | literal. For instance, if you have a file with contents
Using grep "string1|string2" my.file will only match the last line
$ grep "string1|string2" my.file
In order to use the alternation operator |, you could:
Use a basic regular expression (just grep) and escape the | character in the regular expression
grep "string1\|string2" my.file
Use an extended regular expression with egrep or grep -E, as Julian already pointed out in his answer
grep -E "string1|string2" my.file
If it is two different patterns that you want to match, you could also specify them separately in -e options:
grep -e "string1" -e "string2" my.file
You might find the following sections of the grep reference useful:
Basic vs Extended Regular Expressions
Matching Control, where it explains -e

You may need to either use egrep or grep -E. The pipe OR symbol is part of 'extended' grep and may not be supported by the basic Cygwin grep.
Also, you probably need to escape the pipe symbol.

The best and most clear way I've found is:
grep -e REG1 -e REG2 -e REG3 _FILETOGREP_
I never use pipe as it's less evident and very awkward to get working.

You can find this information by reading the fine manual: grep(1), which you can find by running 'man grep'. It describes the difference between grep and egrep, and basic and regular expressions, along with a lot of other useful information about grep.


Extracting a match from a string with sed and a regular expression in bash

In bash, I want to get the name of the last folder in a folder path.
For instance, given ../parent/child/, I want "child" as the output.
In a language other than bash, this regex works .*\/(.*)\/$ works.
Here's one of my attempts in bash:
echo "../parent/child/" | sed "s_.*/\(.*?\)/$_\1_p"
This gives me the error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 17: unterminated `s' command
What have I failed to understand?
One problem with your script is that inside the "s_.*/\(.*?\)/$_\1_p" the $_ is interpreted by the shell as a variable name.
You could either replace the double-quotes with single-quotes or escape the $.
Once that's fixed, the .*? may or may not work with your implementation of sed. It will be more robust to write something roughly equivalent that's more widely supported, for example:
sed -e 's_.*/\([^/]*\)/$_\1_'
Note that I dropped the p flag of sed to avoid printing the result twice.
Finally, a much simpler solution will be to use the basedir command.
$ basename ../parent/child/
Finally, a native Bash solution is also possible using parameter expansion:
You can use cut too
echo '../parent/child/' | cut -d/ -f3

sed regexp, number reformatting: how to escape for bash

I have a working (in macOS app Patterns) RegExp that reformats GeoJSON MultiPolygon coordinates, but don't know how to escape it for sed.
The file I'm working on is over 90 Mb in size, so bash terminal looks like the ideal place and sed the perfect tool for the job.
Search Text Example:
Desired outcome:
My current RegExp:
and reformatting:
The command should be something along these lines:
sed -i -e 's/ The RegExp escaped /$1\.$2$4,$6.$7$9/g' large_file.geojson
But what should be escaped in the RegExp to make it work?
My attempts always complain of being unbalanced.
I'm sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find even after extensive searching.
Edit: 2017-01-07: I didn't make it clear that the file contains properties other than just the GPS-points. One of the other example values picked from GeoJSON Feature properties is "35.642.1.001_001", which should be left unchanged. The braces check in my original regex is there for this reason.
That regex is not legal in sed; since it uses Perl syntax, my recommendation would be to use perl instead. The regular expression works exactly as-is, and even the command line is almost the same; you just need to add the -p option to get perl to operate in filter mode (which sed does by default). I would also recommend adding an argument suffix to the -i option (whether using sed or perl), so that you have a backup of the original file in case something goes horribly wrong. As for quoting, all you need to do is put the substitution command in single quotation marks:
perl -p -i.bak -e \
's/((?:\[)[0-9]{2})([0-9]+)(\.)([0-9]+)(,)([0-9]{2})([0-9]+)(\.)([0-9]+(?:\]))/$1\.$2$4,$6.$7$9/g' \
If your data is just like you showed, you needn't worry about the brackets. You may use a POSIX ERE enabled with -E (or -r in some other distributions) like this:
sed -i -E 's/([0-9]{2})([0-9]*)\.([0-9]+)/\1.\2\3/g' large_file.geojson
sed -i 's/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]\+\)/\1.\2\3/g' large_file.geojson
See an online demo.
You may see how this regex works here (just a demo, not proof).
Note that in POSIX BRE you need to escape { and } in limiting / range quantifiers and ( and ) in grouping constructs, and the + quantifier, else they denote literal symbols. In POSIX ERE, you do not need to escape the special chars to make them special, this POSIX flavor is closer to the modern regexes.
Also, you need to use \n notation inside the replacement pattern, not $n.
A simple sed will do it:
$ echo "$var"
$ echo "$var" | sed 's/\([0-9]\{3\}\)\./.\1/g'

Why do my results appear to differ between ag and grep?

I'm having trouble correctly (and safely) executing the right regex searches with grep. I seem to be able to do what I want using ag
What I want to do in plain english:
Search my current directory (recursively?) for files that have lines containing both the words "nested" and "merge"
Successful attempt with ag:
$ ag --depth=2 -l "nested.*merge|merge.*nested" .
Unsuccessful attempt with grep:
$ grep -elr 'nested.*merge|merge.*nested' .
grep: nested.*merge|merge.*nested: No such file or directory
grep: .: Is a directory
What am I missing? Also, could either approach be improved?
You probably want -E not -e, or just egrep.
A man grep will make you understand why -e gave you that error.
You can use grep -lr 'nested.*merge\|merge.*nested' or grep -Elr 'nested.*merge|merge.*nested' for your case.
Besides, for the latter one, E mean using ERE regular expression syntax, since grep will use BRE by default, where | will match character | and \| mean or.
For more detail about ERE and BRE, you can read this article

Which characters must be masked when using grep and sed?

I have learned that whene I use the command grep then I must mask those characters {,},(,) and |
But I have found now an example, where / was masked!
Which characters must be masked when using grep and sed command?
When writing regexes in a shell script, it is normally sensible to enclose the regex in single quotes. Then you don't have to worry about anything except single quotes that appear in the regex itself. Occasionally, it may make sense to enclose the regex in double quotes (if it involves matching single quotes and not matching double quotes), but then you have to be careful about $, the back-quote  ` , and backslashes \.
grep -e '^.*([a-z]*)[[:space:]]*{[^}]*}$'
With sed, you need to worry about s/// operations when the search or replacement pattern itself contains slashes /. The simplest technique is to use an alternative character such as %:
sed -e 's%/where/it/was/%/it/goes/here/now/%'
There are three or four dialects of grep:
Plain grep
Extended grep (grep -E, once upon a time known as egrep)
Fixed grep (grep -F, once upon a time known as fgrep)
Sometimes you get grep with PCRE (Perl-compatible Regular Expression) support: grep -P.
Even within 'plain grep', you can find there is some variability between implementations.
Similarly, there are two main dialects of sed:
Plain sed
Extended sed (sed -E or sed -r; sed -E is more widely available)
You need to read about POSIX BRE (basic regular expressions), supported by plain grep and plain sed, and POSIX ERE (extended regular expressions), supported by grep -E and sed -E (when EREs are supported by sed at all).
See also the POSIX specifications for grep and sed.

Use grep to find strings at the beginning of a line or after a delimiter in Git Bash for Windows

I have such file:
I want to use grep to find anything containg blue| at the beginning of line or |blue| anywhere, but not any darkblue| or |darkblue| or |blueberry|
I tried to use grep [^|\|]blue\| but Git Bash gives me error:
$ grep [^|\|]blue\| *.*
grep: Unmatched [ or [^
sh.exe": |]blue|: command not found
What did I do wrong? What's the proper way to do it?
Here's a quick & dirty one:
grep -E '(^|\|)blue\|' *
Matches start of line or |, followed by blue|. The important note is that you need extended regular expressions (via egrep or the -E flag) to use the | (or) construct.
Also, note the single quotes around the regular expression.
So, in answer to the OP's "What did I do wrong?",
You forgot to put the regexp in single quotes;
You chose the wrong type of brackets to enclose the alternate expressions; and finally
You forgot to use egrep or the -E flag
It's always easier to see other people's errors; I wish I was a quick to spot my own :-|