Stitching Panoramic Images - c++

Today I came up with an interesting project from Germany: Throwable PanoramicBall Camera 36 images are captured in a small ball, then they are showed panoramically. The author declares to use OpenCV
Can you give me some idea about creating a model for cameras at fixed position/orientation and stitching images with OpenCV?

Look into Image rectification:
This book also has some good explanations and code examples on how to do it in OpenCV in the later chapters:

The author was probably using the new samples available in OpenCV.
Here are links to the samples currently available in OpenCV...
You may want to start with these samples if you're trying to do image stitching in OpenCV.


Stitching images can't detect common feature points

I wish to stitch two or more images using OpenCV and C++. The images have regions of overlap but they are not being detected. I tried using homography detector. Can someone please suggest as to what other methods I should use. Also, I wish to use the ORB algorithm, and not SIFT or SURF.
The images can be found at-
This a very common problem. Because images like this, they actually do not have much in common. The overlap region is not rich in feature. What you can do is dig into opencv stitcher code and there they use confidence factor for feature matching, you can play with that confidence factor to get matches in this case. But this will only work if your feature detector is able to detect some features in overlapping resion.
You can also look at this post:
Related Question
It might be helpful for you.
"OpenCV stitching code"
This is full pipleline of OPencv Stitching code. You can see that there are lot of parameters you can change to make your code give some good stitching result. Also I would suggest using a small image (640 X480) for the feature detection step. Using small images is better than using very large images

How to stitch 4 images using opencv in c++

I have images of 4 different positions of a road and I want to stitch them together using OpenCV. The problem is that the changes between the pictures is not "smooth", the color and the texture of the images is not the same so it doesn't seem like this is actually 1 big picture.
You could try out the sticher class of opencv. Specially the examples examples opencv brings in the source code at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/stitching.cpp and at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/stitching_detailed.cpp.
If the result of executing the stiching example in your images is what you want you can explore the code to see how it was done.

Opencv Images Orthorectification

I'm writing a program in opencv that stitches aerial images taken by a drone. The problem is that the stitch,after a certain point, start to "curving", so my homography matrix will be messed up and I can't stitch anything more.
There's a way in openv to do images orthorectivication without gps or DEM parameters? If not in opencv, there's a library easily integrable with opencv?
PS: I'm programming in C++

Night Vision Video: Occupancy Detection using OpenCV C++

Using Raspberry Pi NoIR camera, I am trying to do occupancy detection using OpenCV for shared office space.
In order to identify vacant spots, I am using image of empty office space as a background model. Once we have the background model, I subtract the live video frame from the background image model(using cvAbsDiff) and identify the changes.
I am getting the images using a webcam mounted on the roof. The problem is to identify a person from this angle. When I work with live video, there are subtle variations (changes in chair position, physical objects or variations of camera) which act as noise. I tried using BackgroundSubtractorMOG, MOG2 but MOG and MOG2 can only do differences from a video stream but not using an image reference model.
Any inputs on possible directions will be greatly appreciated. I will be happy to share the technique with you guys that works once I have a working solution. Thanks!

Comparing two face opencv

I am new in opencv. I am trying to make a program which capture video from webcam and show the face on the video is exist in the directory or not. I already complete face detect from webcam. Now i jast need to compare the similarity of detected face with the directory image face. Please help me some one...
I am using
MSVC 2010
OpenCV 2.1
You can use OpenCV's face detection methods. They have a very good tutorial in their website.
You can see to libface. It can detect and recognise faces.