How to get large photo URL in one API call? - facebook-graph-api

I want to display large photos in my Facebook app's feed view immediately. Is it possible to get the large photo src URL from a stream/feed using one API call? The photo id is returned in the stream/feed and one can of course then supply this photo id in an additional FQL or graph API call to retrieve all the information about that photo. However, is there a way using multi-query or batch calls to get a larger photo src url using one API roundtrip?

I haven't tried this with stream/feed photos, but the generally accepted way of doing this is:{ID of object}/picture
If you want the "large" version, you would do:{ID of object}/picture?type=large
I'm not 100% sure if this would work for an actual photo (instead of a user profile picture or page profile pic), but I have a hunch it will - the only caveat is that you obviously must have a logged in user that is authorized to view the photo (unless it's public).

If anybody is looking to this and type large is not enough, I found other solutions.
Type large is kind of small anyway (close to 200px). You can get larger image by adding i.e. ?width=1000 or ?height=1000. Facebook will return picture closest to given dimension and preserve aspect ratio. When passing both dimenstions like ?width=1000&height=1000, facebook will cut image to given dimensions (in this case square).

Use Facebook UserId (Oject ID) to get the picture.
which returns JSON data with picture URL.
"data": {
"is_silhouette": false,
"url": ""

A good trick with the new api is to get the pic_cover field from the event table and to process it according to the size you want to use

I found when I was having this trouble that it turned out to be the picture I was downloading rather than the size I was setting it.
If for example I downloaded all my photos with a request of
[FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:#"/me/photos?fields=created_time,name,picture&type=tagged" parameters:nil HTTPMethod:#"GET" completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection * connection, id result, NSError *error) {
NSDictionary * userData = (NSDictionary *)result;
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:userData[#"data"]];
for (NSDictionary * dict in eventsToAdd) {
UIImage * image = dict[#"picture"]
I am using the dictionary key search "picture" as I want the picture.
This though will get me a lower quality picture than if I searched for "source" in this search:
[FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:#"/me/photos?fields=created_time,name,source&type=tagged" parameters:nil HTTPMethod:#"GET" completionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection * connection, id result, NSError *error) {
NSDictionary * userData = (NSDictionary *)result;
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:userData[#"data"]];
for (NSDictionary * dict in eventsToAdd) {
UIImage * image = dict[#"source"]
If you go on the Facebook API explorer and search for photos and then click on the picture and source jpg links you can see the difference in size and quality.
Since changing this method I have managed to get rid of using the type parameters as it doesn't seem to make a different.
Note: I am using iPhone and not iPad or a larger screen so I don't know how this affects bigger screens.

The answer by #streetlogics works fine but only on pictures that have {object_id}.{object_id}/picture
But I also wanted large pictures for the feed's shared links, which sometimes don't have {object_id}. I finally realized that the {picture} thumbnail URL contains the encoded URL for the original site's large image:
--> contains -->
So I made a loop that checks for {object_id} and if not present then extracts the URL from {picture}:
if(isset($post['object_id'])) {
echo "".$post['object_id']."/picture";
elseif(isset($post['picture'])) {
echo urldecode(preg_replace('/&cfs.*/', '', preg_replace('/.*url=/', '', $post['picture'])));
else {
echo "no_large_image";


Postman accessing the stored results in the database leveldb

So I have a set of results in Postman from a runner on a collection using some data file for iterations - I have the stored data from the runner in the Postman app on Linux, but I want to know how I can get hold of the data. There seems to be a database hidden away in the ~/.config directory (/Desktop/file__0.indexeddb.leveldb) - that looks like it has the data from the results there.
Is there anyway that I can get hold of the raw data - I want to be able to save the results from the database and not faff around with running newman or hacking a server to post the results and then save, I already have 20000 results in a collection. I want to be able to get the responseData from each post and save it to a file - I will not execute the posts again, I need to just work out a way
I've tried KeyLord, FastNoSQL (this crashes), levelDBViewer(Jar), but not having any luck here.
Any suggestions?
inline 25024 of runner.js a simple yet hack for small numbers of results I can do the following
RunnerResultsRequestListItem = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_pure_render_decorator___default()(_class = class RunnerResultsRequestListItem extends __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__["Component"] {
constructor(props) {
var text = props.request.response.body,
blob = new Blob([text], { type: 'text/plain' }),
anchor = document.createElement('a'); = props.request.ref + ".txt";
anchor.href = (window.webkitURL || window.URL).createObjectURL(blob);
anchor.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/plain',, anchor.href].join(':');;
it allows me to save but obviously I have to click save for now, anyone know how to automate the saving part - please add something here! or .posttaskasync() with .net sdk returns invalid parameter when trying to post a link

I've had this working in a previous version of my application and I tried using the old code, but I think the new sdk has something different going on. I'm simply trying to post a link (that includes an image) to my wall and receiving an "Invalid Parameter" response.
Here is the relevant code (I've also tried PostTaskAsync()...same result):
var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
var postParams = new
name = "the name",
caption = "the caption",
description = "the description",
link = "",
picture = ""
client.Post("me/feed", postParams);
I've tried substituting the object with a Dictionary with the same result. I've tried substituting object with dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); with the same result.
If I post the object with just { message = "this is a test message" } it posts fine so I know that I have permissions to post on my wall. Something just isn't jiving when I try to post the link with the image. I also tried urlencoding the link and the image url and received a different error indicating that the "link/picture URL is not properly formatted".
I stripped out all of the parameters thinking one of them was no longer supported, but still no dice.
Here is the exact exception being thrown:
Facebook.FacebookApiException: (FacebookApiException - #100) Invalid
parameter at Facebook.FacebookClient.ProcessResponse(HttpHelper
httpHelper, String responseString, Type resultType, Boolean
containsEtag, IList`1 batchEtags) at
Facebook.FacebookClient.Api(HttpMethod httpMethod, String path, Object
parameters, Type resultType) at Facebook.FacebookClient.Post(String
path, Object parameters)
I got this sorted out. It turns out the link and the image url have to be in the same domain as the app you're using to post.
EDIT: just to clarify. The domain has to be included in your app's config section (on Facebook) in the "App domains" section at the top.

percent escapes removed in NSData writeToURL

I am trying to cache an image retrieved from Flickr. In order to create a unique filename for the cached image, I use CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes to percent escape the URL. Appending that to the cache directory, I get a URL with the embedded Flickr URL properly percent escaped; but when I try to cache the image using NSData writeToURL:options:error: I get "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory" - and it shows the file URL with the original, unescaped Flickr URL where the file name should be.
For example, I NSLog the URL as:
but the error message shows
NSFilePath=/Users/rick/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/77C4A7AA-C386-4575-AD21-B4027D080408/Library/Caches/
It's as if in the process of converting the URL to a file path, writeToURL is removing the percent escapes.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening, or do I just need to come up with another way to generate unique names based on the url?
Here's the relevant code:
NSURL *cacheDirectoryURL=[[fileManager URLsForDirectory:NSCachesDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject];
NSString *photoURLString= (NSString *) CFBridgingRelease(CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL,
(__bridge CFStringRef)([self.photoURL absoluteString]),
(CFStringRef) #"!*'();:#&=+$,/?%#[]",
if (photoURLString)
NSURL *cachedPhotoURL=[NSURL URLWithString:[[cacheDirectoryURL absoluteString] stringByAppendingString:photoURLString]];
NSData *photoData=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:cachedPhotoURL];
if (photoData)
UIImage *image=[UIImage imageWithData:photoData];
[self setupScrollView]; // new image, need to adjust scroll view
} else {
dispatch_queue_t fetchQueue=dispatch_queue_create("photo downloader", NULL);
dispatch_async(fetchQueue, ^{
NSData *photoData=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.photoURL];
NSError *error;
if ([photoData writeToURL:cachedPhotoURL options:NSDataWritingAtomic error:&error])
NSLog(#"Cached photo");
} else {
NSLog(#"Failed to cache photo");
Thanks in advance for your help!
The problem is that [NSURL URLWithString:...] parses the given string and interprets the
percent escapes. Generally, to create a URL for a file system path, fileURLWithPath:
should be used.
In your case, the following simple code should work:
NSURL *cachedPhotoURL = [cacheDirectoryURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:photoURLString]

How to re-init Facebook

I use the FB Javascript API to create Like-buttons. The button appears in the lightbox-view of an image based on lightbox2 (
I create once a div with an id
.append($('<div/>', {
"id": 'fb-image-like', "data-send" : 'false', "data-layout" : 'button_count', "data-width" : '250', "data-show-faces" : 'true', "data-colorscheme" : 'dark', "data-font":'arial'
on lightbox's "build"-event. On "updateDetails" (Show next image) I set the data-href-attribute, append the "fb-like"-class and start window.fbAsyncInit();
//FB._initialized = false;
$("#fb-image-like").attr("data-href", url).addClass("fb-like");
Facebook creates the iframe with Like-button and everything works perfectly. On next image the generated code looks good (replaced data-href) but the Like-Button appears as already liked, because the URL in like.php doesn't change. The window.fbAsyncInit(); doesn't re-init the session. If I dislike now, the last image will be disliked. What can I do, to re-init the Facebook-session completely?
The window.fbAsyncInit(); doesn't re-init the session.
Of course it does not, because that’s not it’s purpose at all.
Just call FB.XFBML.parse again (probably with a scope parameter), to have it re-parse your like button tag.

SimpleGeo and Google Maps

I'm trying to do something I thought would be simple. Query SimpleGeo, take the json and show the points on a google map.
The logic is as follows:
User views a page about a location stored in the Django DB with a simple google map. That map has one point showing the location.
User clicks show hotels
jQuery retrives json from SimpleGeo for a given lat/long
jQuery updates google map with points for hotes around that location.
Problems I'm having;
The json comes back with several entires. I've tried several looping functions but couldn't get anything but null. So then I just say json_ob[0] and I get one listing, but I can't get the cords from the json and show them on the map. Gmaps keeps compaining about the cords are not vaild. I've used alert() to check them but they seem to be the same format as the initial ones for the map.
I've also tried processing the json in my view and sending just the lat and long to the template but that doesn't seem to work either.
A link to a example or tutorial would be great.
I have here some
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON('{{ near_geo|safe }}');
cords = obj.geometry.coordinates
cords_array = cords.toString().split(',')
lng = cords_array[0];
lat = cords_array[1];
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: [lat , lng]
That produces:
Invalid value for property : 32.929272,-83.741676
If I could just get one to show up then I can loop and get the rest.
try to replace
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: [lat , lng]
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);