Enable new permission dialog - facebook-graph-api

How to enable the new oauth permission/install dialog? Any actual url will be helpful.

Apps Dashboard > Edit your App > Settings > Advanced > Migrations section > Enable "Enhanced Auth Dialog"

It may be because you're testing with a Facebook account that isn't logged as a developer or test user of the app. If you're using a Facebook user not associated with your app the old dialogs will still display to you.
Go to the roles section of your app, create a test user, switch to that user and start testing again.


My website have only login with facebook feature, can I submit it for app review?

I made a website using Django.
The only way to log into it is the facebook login.
When I had to submit my app for review in the facebook developer console. They are asking me testing id and password. Since the only way to login is facebook, and it won't work till they test.
And they are asking how to open this website for testing. It's kind of a loop.
Is there another way out?
I don't want to use other ways of logging in (is in accordance with my idea)
I believe you can test your app with your own login credentials according to Facebook:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used in
Development Mode by you or someone with a role on your app. Any
account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins,
developers, and testers, can use all permissions but will only be able
to access their own data, that of test users, and test pages belonging
to them.
You can use any of these accounts to test your app and create a
See this similar answer.

Embed Power BI content into an application for your organization users - Need Admin Approval Error

We are trying to embed PowerBI report in the website and we have followed the step from below link.
We have download the User Owns Data sample from GitHub to get started. Now, We are getting below error while running the application.
SAT Report 5 app created on Azure --> App Registration and It's having following permissions.
As we got an error of need admin approval, Do we need to set up the app using Admin login?
On portal.azure.com, got to App Registrations and select your application. Under Manage click the API Permissions link. On the bottom of this page there is a Grant Admin Consent button. If you dont see the button you dont have permission and will have to connect with whoever manages your tenant.

Facebook Login for Web in Flask

While using Facebook api in my website for logging in. There is an error "App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions."
kindly help error
First make sure you are logged in Facebook developers.
Select your app and make sure you have admin rights.
In Settings -> Basic -> Contact Email.
And in 'App Review' Tab : change
Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?
Then, your app will be live..

Facebook Page a Mandatory Step for Entry Submission

I want to make my facebook page like mandatory for submission same as below article but I am not getting where
"Promotion Builder under Application > Integration > Facebook Like Box" is located.
I will find it in Facebook apps settings or page where apps are shown?
Any solution?
The setting you are referring to is part of Strutta's web app, not Facebook. Assuming you have an Strutta PRO account, you must login to your account to activate the setting:

Can I create a facebook app automatically(from a java program) using any api from a java program or servlet?

I am searching for an automated mechanism to create a facebook app from my java program/servlet.
Usually, I have to go to developers.facebok.com, then click the "Apps" link at the top, then hit the "Create new App" button and create an app by providing the site url etc.
I am having a requirement where a user enters his facebook id in my site and hits the "Create App" button. My site will authenticate with facebook using OAuth 2.0 and will have to create an app in the users account. The app generally points to the user's profile page of my site.
Is it possible to do this? Can any one help me?
Thank you all in advance.
In short, no you can't. You have to verify that you are a human when you create an app, and facebook intentionally do not provide a way to programmatically create apps.