Django’s filter() method joins parameters using an AND statement. Is there an alternative that uses OR? - django

I’m trying to write a Django query that returns objects that match either of two parameters.
If I do this:
MyModel.objects.filter(parameter1=True, parameter2=True)
Then I only get objects that match both parameters.
What query can I use to select objects that match either parameter?

It's very simple. You just need to use special Q object.
As it is described here:


Apply Q object to one object

I have a complicated query in a Django model and I want to do two things:
Get all objects that satisify the query
Check if one object satisfies the query
To do (1), I have a Q object encoding the query, and I just do
The query is something like
THE_QUERY = Q(field_1__isnull=False) & Q(field_2__gte=2) & Q(field3=0)
But I don't know how to reuse the query in THE_QUERY for (2). I want to have the predicate of the query in just one place and use that information to do (1) and (2), so that, if I ever have to change the query, both actions would do as expected.
Is there a way to put the query in just one place?
Model.objects.filter(THE_QUERY) returns an unevaluated queryset. You can extend this with extra conditions - in this case, you can add a filter to a specific ID and then an exists() call.

In django, can one use F() objects to see if a constant contains strings from a field?

I'm trying to basically do keyword notifications, so whenever an object with a name is created, anyone who wants to be notified of any of the words in this name will be.
keyword: Hello
keyword: World
New Name: "Hello World"
Returns both records
I've created a query that correctly works for this in sqlite, and I know how to translate it across databases.
SELECT * FROM table t
WHERE "a constant string" LIKE "%" || t.field || "%";
I've determined that within django, one can use F() objects to compare one field to another field, like so:
Now anyone know how to replace the first field with a constant string? Like so:
Entry.objects.filter("constant string"__icontains=F('n_pingbacks'))
Or am I going about this backwards?
It doesn't look particularly pretty but it can be done all with standard filters.
from django.db.models import ExpressionWrapper, CharField, Value
my_const=ExpressionWrapper(Value("a constant string"),
You can do this by providing a dict of arguments, e.g.:
Entry.objects.filter(**{("%s__icontains" % constant_string):F('n_pingbacks')})
Try using '.extra' to select your const as field, than using myconst__contains, like:
queryset.extra(select={'myconst': "'this superstring is myconst value'"}).filter(myconst__contains=F('myfield'))
Do not forget to put constant value in apostrophes inside double qoutation marks.
But, will somebody help me put it into Q object? =)
Suddenly, it fails because of the following issue:
Maybe, they will fix it.
UPD: You can filter by fields that added with '.annotate', but I don't know, how to put constant here instead of aggregation. Maybe, with creation of custom aggreation function, like here:
UPD: I made custom aggregator, this logic seems to be correct, because the query I got from queryset is quite similar to I wanted it to be, but, unfortunately, there is another issue: 16731 (sorry not providing full url, not enough rep, see another ticket above).
UPD(last): I have managed to do this using monkeypatching of the following:
Just defined custom lookup 'starts', which has reverse logic of 'startswith'
You should not try to fight with django ORM. It covers the most often things but your case is not the one. Just use extra to get what you need (or even raw).

Is there any acceptable way to chop/recombine Django querysets without using the API?

I was to forced to use a models.CharField to store some additional flags in one of my models. So I'm abusing each letter of the field as a flag. As an example, 'MM5' would mean "man, married, age above 50" and 'FS2' "female, single, age above 20".
I'm using methods to query/access these flags. Of course I cannot use these methods with the queryset API. I'm using list comprehensions calling the methods to filter an initial queryset and transform them into a plain list, which is good enough for most template feeding:
people = People.objects.filter(name__startswith='J')
people_i_want = [p for p in people if p.myflags_ismale() and p.myflags_isolderthan(30)]
So, is there any ok'ish way to retransform these lists back into a queryset? Or to chop/filter a queryset based on the output of my methods without transforming it to a normal list in the first place?
It would probably be needlessly complicated as well as bad practice to try and "re-transform" your list back into a QuerySet, the best thing to do is to use cleverer QuerySet filtering.
You should use the queryset filter by regex syntax to get the functionality you need. Documentation here.
For instance the equivalent to ismale() using regex would be something like...
People.objects.filter(myflags__regex=r'.M.') # <-- For matching something like 'MM5'
# Please note I haven't tested this regex expression, but the principal is sound
Also, while I'm admittedly not a database guru, I'm fairly certain using this sort of "flags" in a charfield is a rather inefficient way of doing things.
If you must convert a list back into a queryset, then the idiom I use is:
People.objects.filter(pk__in=[ for x in list_of_objects])
Obviously, this hits the database again. But if you really need it.

Filtered annotations without removing results

Consider a model and a query using annotations, for example the following example from the Django documentation:
The result of this query will only contain objects matching the filter (i.e. has a book_rating greater than 3.0), and these objects has been annotated. But what if I want the query to contain all objects, but only annotate objects which matches a filter (or for example annotate them with 0)? Or is this even possible?
No, you can't do that - because that's not how the underlying SQL works.
The only thing I can think of is to do two queries, one with the filter/annotation and one without, then iterate through them in Python, appending the annotation to the matching objects from the non-filtered list.

Django filter vs exclude

Is there a difference between filter and exclude in django? If I have
and I want to add another criteria, is there a meaningful difference between to following two lines of code?
self.get_query_set().filter(user__isnull=False, modelField=x)
is one considered better practice or are they the same in both function and performance?
Both are lazily evaluated, so I would expect them to perform equivalently. The SQL is likely different, but with no real distinction.
It depends what you want to achieve. With boolean values it is easy to switch between .exclude() and .filter() but what about e.g. if you want to get all articles except those from March? You can write the query as
With .filter() it would be (but I not sure whether this actually works):
or you would have to use a Q object.
As the function name already suggest, .exclude() is used to exclude datasets from the resultset. For boolean values you can easily invert this and use .filter() instead, but for other values this can be more tricky.
In general exclude is opposite of filter. In this case both examples works the same.
self.get_query_set().filter(user__isnull=False, modelField=x)
You select entries that field user is not null and modelField has value x
In this case:
First you select entries that modelField has value x(both user in null and user is not null), then you exclude entries that have field user null.
I think that in this case it would be better use first option, it looks more cleaner. But both work the same.