how to cut Faces after detection - c++

I have been working on a college project using OpenCV. I made a simple program which detects faces, by passing frames captured by a webcam in a function which detects faces.
On detection it draws black boxes on the faces when detected. However my project does not end here, i would like to be able to clip out those faces which get detected as soon as possible and save it in an image and then apply different image processing techniques [as per my need]. If this is too problematic i could use a simple image instead of using frames captured by a webcam.
I am just clueless about how to go about clipping those faces out that get detected.

For C++ version you can check this tutorial from OpenCV documentation.
In the function detectAndDisplay you can see the line
Mat faceROI = frame_gray( faces[i] );
where faceROI is clipped face and you can save it to file with imwrite function:
imwrite("face.jpg", faceROI);
Check this link, you can crop the image using the dimensions of the black box, resize it and save as a new file.

Could you grab the frame and crop the photo with the X,Y coordinates of each corner?


How do you get rid of the blank gap left after cropping an image in opencv c++?

I am writing a program to analyze pictures and crop them around an object in the picture. The program crops the images well, but it leaves a weird gap on the side.
I copied the code from the approved answer on this question:
Opencv c++ detect and crop white region on image
The image I start with looks like this on a larger canvas. I get this result, but I want to get rid of the extra white space on the left side in order to crop super close to the phone case. It can be seen better if you open the image in a new tab.
Please help. I am using opencv and c++ in Visual Studio 2015.
This picture is not correctly cropped because of salt-and-pepper noise. To get rid of it you'd use median blur. You can use blurred image to fill nonBlackList and use this list to correctly crop original image. Since it appears the image was slightly magnified after the noise appeared, you should probably try aperture size at least 5 to get rid of it completly.
cv::Mat in = cv::imread("CropWhite.jpg");
cv::Mat blurred;
cv::medianBlur(in, blurred, 5);
if(<cv::Vec3b>(j,i) != cv::Vec3b(255,255,255))

Cannot load and overlay transparent image in OpenCV

I have transparentGUI.png image with transparent background - in GIMP it looks like that:
When I load it in OpenCV by Mat imgColorPanel = imread("transparentGUI.png", -1); and then display it by imshow("widok", imgColorPanel);, i can see this image with white background (which is wrong, because it should be transparent):
Eventually I want to overlay this image (with it's transparent background) on camera captured image. If I do it using other image, which has background (so it's not transparent) - then it's correctly overlayed.
However, when I want to overlay transparentGUI.png image on captured camera image by addWeighted(imgColorPanel, 0.8, imgOriginal, 0.6, 0, imgOriginal);, program crashes with console error:
as well as Debugging error:
Everything works unless I want to load and display image with transparent background. I assume it may be a conflict with imgOriginal, because it's in HSV - I am building program for object detection by HSV colors, so i cannot change it. Is it ok with overlaing HSV image with BGRA image (the transparent one)? Default color range of OpenCV is BGR, so even camera capture image is converted to HSV, then I can overlay it by other image which is BGR - so, I think that something else must be a problem.
imgColorPanel and imgOriginal should have the same size. From your statement, imgColorPanel has 4 channels (RGBA). To make "addWeighted" work, imgOriginal should also have 4 channels, instead of 3 HSV channels.
For "imshow", I think it is just display issue, and you may print out the size of imgColorPanel to check if it has 4 channels.
You are having two different problems:
i can see this image with white background (which is wrong, because it
should be transparent)
well, it's not wrong because you can't see transparency anyway and there's no standard consensus on how it should be rendered independent of context. In the case of GIMP you do see something - the background of the context-window containing the image. In the case of HighGui you probably get a white-background simply because that's the nominal background in this case. The only way around this is to tell the program what exactly seeing transparency means in the context of your program. This might require using another GUI-system, depends on what you want to do.
program crashes with console error
as the error message says, the problem is that the images you are trying to overlay have a different size. A solution would be to first create a transparent base image of the desired size, e.g. like this:
cv::Mat imgColorPanel {imgOriginal.rows, imgOriginal.cols, CV_8UC4, cv::Scalar{0,0,0,0}};
and then load the panel from your image in the desired part of the base using a ROI (the image has to be smaller than the base of course..) e.g.:
cv::Mat panel {cv::imread("PATH/TO/FILE")};
cv::Rect roi {0,0,panel.rows,panel.cols}; // x,y,width,height
cv::Mat imRoi {imgColorPanel(roi)};
imRoi = panel.clone();

Merging rgb and depth images from a kinect

I'm creating a vision algorithm that is implemented in a Simulink S-function( which is c++ code). I accomplished every thing wanted except the alignment of the color and depth image.
My question is how can i make the 2 images correspond to each other. in other words how can i make a 3d image with opencv.
I know my question might be a little vague so i will include my code which will explain the question
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// reading in the color and depth image
Mat color = imread("whitepaint_col.PNG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
Mat depth = imread("whitepaint_dep.PNG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
// show bouth the color and depth image
namedWindow("color", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("color", color);
namedWindow("depth", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("depth", depth);
// thershold the color image for the color white
Mat onlywhite;
inRange(color, Scalar(200, 200, 200), Scalar(255, 255, 255), onlywhite);
//display the mask
namedWindow("onlywhite", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("onlywhite", onlywhite);
// apply the mask to the depth image
Mat nocalibration;
depth.copyTo(nocalibration, onlywhite);
//show the result
namedWindow("nocalibration", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("nocalibration", nocalibration);
return 0;
output of the program:
As can be seen in the output of my program when i apply the onlywhite mask to the depth image the quad copter body does not consist out of 1 color. The reason for this is that there is a miss match between the 2 images.
I know that i need calibration parameters of my camera and i got these from the last person who worked with this setup. Did the calibration in Matlab and this resulted in the following.
Matlab calibration esults:
I have spent allot of time reading the following opencv page about Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction ( cannot include the link because of stack exchange lvl)
But i cannot for the life of me figure out how i could accomplish my goal of adding the correct depth value to each colored pixel.
I tried using reprojectImageTo3D() but i cannot figure out the Q matrix.
i also tried allot of other functions from that page but i cannot seem to get my inputs correct.
As far as I know, Matlab has very good support for Kinect (especially for v1). You may use a function named alignColorToDepth, as follows:
[alignedFlippedImage,flippedDepthImage] = alignColorToDepth(depthImage,colorImage,depthDevice)
The returned values are alignedFlippedImage (the RGB registrated image) and flippedDepthImage (the registrated depth image). These two images are aligned and ready for you to process them.
You can find more at this MathWorks documentation page.
Hope it's what you need :)
As far as I can tell, you are missing the transformation between camera coordinate frames. The Kinect (v1 and v2) uses two separate camera systems to capture the depth and RGB data, and so there is a translation and rotation between them. You may be able to assume no rotation, but you will have to account for the translation to fix the misalignment you are seeing.
Try starting with this thread.

How to detect and draw a circle around the iris region of an eye?

I have been trying to detect the iris region of an eye and thereafter draw a circle around the detected area. I have managed to obtain a clear black and white eye image containing just the pupil, upper eyelid line and eyebrow using threshold function.
Once this is achieved HoughCircles is applied to detect if there are circles appearing in the image. However, it never detects any circular regions. After reading up on HoughCircles, it states that
the Hough gradient method works as follows:
First the image needs to be passed through an edge detection phase (in this case, cvCanny()).
I then added a canny detector after the threshold function. This still produced zero circles detected. If I remove the threshold function, the eye image becomes busy with unnecessary lines; hence I included it in.
cv::equalizeHist(gray, img);
medianBlur(img, img, 1);
IplImage img1 = img;
cvAddS(&img1, cvScalar(70,70,70), &img1);
//converting IplImage to cv::Mat
Mat imgg = cvarrToMat(&img1);
medianBlur(imgg, imgg, 1);
cv::threshold(imgg, imgg, 120, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
cv::Canny(img, img, 0, 20);
medianBlur(imgg, imgg, 1);
vector<Vec3f> circles;
/// Apply the Hough Transform to find the circles
HoughCircles(imgg, circles, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, imgg.rows/8, 100, 30, 1, 5);
How can I overcome this problem?
Would hough circle method work?
Is there a better solution to detecting the iris region?
Are the parameters chosen correct?
Also note that the image is directly obtained from the webcam.
Try using Daugman's Integro differential operator. It calculates the centre of the iris and pupil and draws an accurate circle on the iris and pupil boundaries. The MATLAB code is available here iris boundary detection using Daugman's method. Since I'm not familiar with OpenCV you could convert it.
The binary eye image contained three different aspects eyelashes ,the eye and the eyebrow.The main aim is to get to the region of interest which is the eye/iris, excluding eyebrows and eyelashes.I followed these steps:-
Step 1: Discard the upper half of the eye image ,therefore we are left with eyelashes,eye region and small shadow regions .
Step 2:Find the contours
Step 3:Find largest contour so that we have just the eye region
Step 4:Use bounding box to create a rectangle around the eye area
Now we have the region of interest.From this point I am now exacting these images and using neural network to train the system to emulate properties of a mouse. Im currently learning about the neural network link1 and how to use it in opencv.
Using the previous methods which included detecting the iris point,creating an eye vector,tracking it and calculating the graze on the screen is time consuming .Also there is light reflected on the iris making it difficult to detect.

openCV combining an image to another image on given coordinates

i wrote a face & eye detection code
next step is put an image to the coordinates of the detected eye (for ex: eye
patch, eye glasses)
i couldn't find the function to combine the source frame and the image I want to add
any suggestions
You can use cvCopy with a mask to do this. If the the images do not have the same height and width set the ROI of the destination image before using cvCopy.
See OpenCV documentation: