Library for C++ File Upload/Download? [closed] - c++

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there a C++ library that provides functions for uploading/downloading files over http without having to deal with sockets etc?

Not quite C++, but libcurl is a very popular and widely used HTTP client library.

Try cURLpp (formerly cURL++), the official C++ binding to libcurl. Here's an example of downloading from a URL and outputting to standard out.

Please have a look at, it has lovely REST-full support for uploading single/multiple files. An example can be found at

Yes, cURL:

Look at SFML. It is very easy to use and it has support for both HTTP and FTP connections.
It's mainly intended for game development, but it can be used for other things as well.


Native C++ HTTPS REST call with certificate validation [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What library is the best to use for the purpose? Target platform is Linux.
Difficult to tell the best, but i used Qt (QNetworkAccessManager) and a Qt JSON Parser with success.
I picked up libcurl thus it is enforced with SSL certificate validation. Regarding to REST, I am able to send GET and POST requests also. However it is C but not C++ library. But it does not make a big difference for me because the syntax is pretty clear and there are lot of examples.

network packet creation/parsing library? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library that helps with network packet creation/parsing. Something as Python dpkg library. I need to change IP addresses, to check ports and to analyze payload of TCP/UDP packets which I have as Ethernet frames.
I know this can be done manually, e.g. as is presented in WinPcap docs or libpcap docs. Are there any library for this?
C++ on Windows.
Take a look to libcrafter. It's a library for creation and decoding of network packets very similar to Scapy. Not sure if it can work on Windows but you can try.
I know it's been a while this answer but you should try libtins. It is a really versatile, object-oriented and efficient library.
Disclaimer: I was one of the creators of the library and it is actively maintained by Matias Fontanini.
Have a look at the plugins and API for for Wireshark.

Best cross-platform solution for network server? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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im starting a new project and for the first time i want to be cross-platform. But the tricky is my project would involve listen server, cryptos etc., etc. So i was wondering what is the best solution for cross-platform development (OpenSSL, instead of MSCrypto etc.) that would be easy to write with VS2010 (yeah the RC). The language is still not specified (depends on witch we would be easier) but im leaning to Visual C++.
In Cross-Platform i mean windows/generic unix compilation.
Qt4 is a complete crossplatform framework, including a very strong socket library.
also Boost.Asio
The Poco C++ library may be what you are looking for.

Easy to use SNMP client library for c++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What's an easy to use SNMP client library for c++?
SNMP++ is also a nice and open source library for C++ developers.
Probably the best choice is net-snmp. Note that the library has "C" linkage but will work just fine with C++.
I have found that Net-SNMP does not support multi-threading with v3 type queries. So if you are writing an SNMP monitoring tool that will be polling multiple hosts then you will need to take this into consideration.
OpenSNMP contains a complete multi-threaded implementation of SNMPv3 that is done in C++ (complete with classes, etc). It's not heavily used and maintained though.
Net-SNMP with v3 over TLS/DTLS is likely to be threadsafe as it's really SNMPv3/USM that contains threading issues. I think.

Non-GPL JSON-RPC library for C++ [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What non-GPL libraries are available for writing JSON-RPC servers and clients in native C++?
According to, there seems to only exist one implementation of JSON-RPC for C++, namely JsonRpc-Cpp, but that only available under GPL. Unfortunately we cannot use GPL code in our software.
The JSON RPC C Library from, could be an alternative. They call it "a free lightweight implementation C library to handle JSON-RPC requests easier", but they do not mention the licensing.
Anyone who knows of other options?
JsonRpc-Cpp is available as LGPLv3 since version 0.3 release 2011-05-06.
I honestly know nothing about this, but came across it whilst searching for other serialization tools: