Random access to hash map values - c++

What's the best way to design such a container, which can support randomized value access? but the container has to support other operations, such as insert key/value pairs and remove by key, with the best possible time performance.
One way to do this is to combine hash map with array, but if hash map is used, what's the best way to do random access of hash map values, i.e., without generating a key.

If you're talking about data structures, and not existing language support - then you just have to design a data structure to support that.
You can do that, for example, by implementing a hash map which will hold, in addition, an array of pointers to its members. You can then translate random access operators to that array, and maintain it with every insertion or removal (that is of course a general idea, some implementation details omitted).
Some languages support traversing the data structures through iterators. Although looping on an iterator for a random amount of times is not really random access (performance-wise), it will give you the same result in more time.
I would say your question sounds like some algorithms' coursework homework. Why would you want to do it in the real life? What is the problem you're trying to solve?
In the comments you phrased the problem as:
what's the best way to design such a container, which can support
randomized value access? but the container has to support other
operations, such as insert key/value pairs and remove by key, with the
best possible performance.
My suggestions above hold, but the question is what is the trade-off. If the "best performance" is time-wise, then my suggestion with the array gives you that. If the best performance is memory-wise then the iterating over the tree would give you that, that's my other suggestion.
In general, when you come to a need to design a new data structure, you need to answer the following questions:
What are the operations required?
What is the time complexity required, for each operation?
What is the memory complexity required for the structure?
Which is more important, memory or time?
Sometimes you just can't do in O(1) without additional memory. Sometimes you can do in O(1) with additional O(n) memory, but you can make it with O(lg n) memory if you compromise on O(lg n) time. There are trade offs that you have to make your decision about, I don't know them.
So my first suggestion (combining a BST or hash with an array of pointers to its nodes) does all the operations of the BST (map) or hash with the standard complexity of BST/hash operations, and all the read operations of array with the standard complexity (i.e.: random access in O(1) time). Write operations of the array will be with complexity of map/hash, and additional memory footprint is O(n).
My second suggestion has no additional memory footprint, but the "random" access is pseudo random: you can just iterate to the point you want instead of directly accessing it. That would make your random access in O(n) while zero additional coding, or wasting memory.
Name of the game? Trade-offs.

If you simply want to inspect the key portion of a unorederd_map, use it's iterators.

If you mean "without inserting a new element", then find() is the preferred method over []:
if (auto it = mymap.find("joe") != mymap.end())
This is particular to ordered and unordered maps, which are unique among the associative containers for providing the intrusive []-operator.
For unordered maps, the lookup time is constant on average.


Storing in std::map/std::set vs sorting a vector after storing all data

Language: C++
One thing I can do is allocate a vector of size n and store all data
and then sort it using sort(begin(),end()). Else, I can keep putting
the data in a map or set which are ordered itself so I don't have to
sort afterwards. But in this case inserting an element may be more
costly due to rearrangements(I guess).
So which is the optimal choice for minimal time for a wide range of n(no. of objects)
It depends on the situation.
map and set are usually red-black trees, they should do a lot of work to be balanced, or the operation on it will be very slow. And it doesn't support random access. so if you only want to sort one time, you shouldn't use them.
However, if you want to continue insert elements into the container and keep order, map and set will take O(logN) time, while the sorted vector is O(N). The latter is much slower, so if you want frequently insert and delete, you should use map or set.
The difference between the 2 is noticable!
Using a set, you get O(log(N)) complexity for each element you insert. So by result you get O(N log(N)), which is the complexity of an insertion sort.
Adding everything in a vector is of complexity O(1), and sorting it will be O(N log(N)) since C++11 (before it, std::sort have O(N log(N)) on average.).
Once sorted, you could use binary_search to have the same complexity as in a set.
The API of using a vector as set ain't the friendly, although it does give nice performance benefits. This off course is only useful when you can do a bulk insert of data or when the amount of lookups is much larger than the manipulations of the content. Algorithmsable to sort on partially sorted vector, when you have to extend later on.
Finally, one has to remark that you don't have the same guarantees of iterator invalidation.
So, why are vectors better? Cache locality!
A vector has all data in a single memory block, hence the processor can do prefetching while for a set, the memory is scattered around the place requireing the data to find the next address. This makes vector a better set implementation than std::set for large data when you can live with the limitations.
To give you an idea, on the codebase I'm working on, we have several set and map implementations based on vectors which have their own narratives to function in. (For example: no erase or no operator[])

iterate ordered versus unordered containers

I want to know which data-structures are more efficient for iterating through their elements between std::set, std::map and std::unordered_set, std::unordered_map.
I searched through SO and I found this question. The answers either propose to copy the elements in a std::vector or to use Boost.Container, which IMHO don't answer my question.
My purpose is to keep in a container a big number of unique elements, that most of the time I want to iterate through them. Insertions and extractions are more rare. I want to avoid std::vector in combination with std::unique.
Lets consider set vs unordered_set.
The main difference here is the 'nature' of the iteration, that is the traversal of the set will give you the elements in order while traversing a range in an unordered set will give you a bunch of values in no particular order.
Suppose you want to traverse a range [it1, it2]. If we exclude the lookup time that's needed to find elements it1 and it2 there can be no direct mapping from one case to another since the elements in between are not guarrandeed to be the same even if you've used the same elements to construct the container.
There are cases however where something like this has meaning when e.g. you want to traverse a fixed number of elements (regardless of what they are) or when you need to traverse the whole container. In such cases you need to consider implementation mechanics :
Sets are usually implemented like Red–black trees (a form of binary search trees). Like all binary search trees allow efficient in-order traversal (LRR: left root right) of their elements. That is to traverse you pay the cost of pointer chasing (just like traversing a list).
Unordered sets on the other hand are hash tables and to my knowledge the STL implementation uses hashing with chaining. That means (in a very very high level) that what's used for the structure is a (contiguous) buffer where each element is the head of a chain (list) that contains the elements. The way the elements are layed out across those chains (buckets) and across the buffer will affect the traversal time, however you'll be chasing pointers once again jumping through differents lists as well this time. I don't think it'll vary significantly from the tree case but won't be any better for sure.
In any case micro tuning and benchmarking will give you the answer for your particular application.
The difference does not lie between the ordering or lack of one but in the backing container. If it's a contiguous memory it should be fast to iterate over, due to simple implementation of iterator and cache friendliness.
Unordered containers are usually stored as a vector of vectors (or a similar thing), while ordered containers are implemented using trees, but it is left for implementation after all. This would suggest that iterating over unordered version should be waster. However this is left for implementation after all, and I saw implementations (which bent rules a little to be fair) with different behaviour.
Generally speaking, container performance is quite a complex topic and usually has to be tested in actual application to get reliable answer. There is plenty on implemention-defined stuff that might affect the performance. I'd go with hash_set if I had to go in blind. Copying into a vector might also turn out a good option.
EDIT: As #TonyD said in it's comment, there is a rule, that disallows invalidating iterators during addition of element when the max_load_factor() is not exceeded, this practically rules out backing containers which are contiguous in memory.
Thus, copying everything into a vector seems like even more reasonable option. If you need to remove duplicates, a feasible option might be to use http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/sort and have dupes easily ignored. I have heard that using vector and sort to have a sorted array (or vector) is quite often a used option in case of need for a container that needs to be sorter and is being iterated over more often than modified.
iterate from fastest to slowest should be : set > map > unordered_set > unordered_map;
set is a little lighter than map, and they are ordered with binary tree rule, so should be faster than unordered_ containers.

C++ Data Structure that would be best to hold a large list of names

Can you share your thoughts on what the best STL data structure would be for storing a large list of names and perform searches on these names?
The names are not unique and the list can grow as new names can continuously added to it. And by large I am talking of from 1 million to 10 million names.
Since you want to search names, you want a structure that support fast random access. That means vector, deque and list are all out of the question. Also, vector/array are slow on random adds/inserts for sorted sets because they have to shift items to make room for each inserted item. Adding to end is very fast, though.
Consider std::map, std::unordered_map or std::unordered_multimap (or their siblings std::set, std::unordered_set and std::unordered_multiset if you are only storing keys).
If you are purely going to do unique, random access, I'd start with one of the unordered_* containers.
If you need to store an ordered list of names, and need to do range searches/iteration and sorted operations, a tree based container like std::map or std::set should do better with the iteration operation than a hash based container because the former will store items adjacent to their logical predecessors and successors. For random access, it is O(log N) which is still decent.
Prior to std::unordered_*, I used std::map to hold large numbers of objects for an object cache and though there are faster random access containers, it scaled well enough for our uses. The newer unordered_map has O(1) access time so it is a hashed structure and should give you the near best access times.
You can consider the possibility of using concatenation of those names using a delimiter but the searching might take a hit. You would need to come up with a adjusted binary searching.
But you should try the obvious solution first which is a hashmap which is called unordered_map in stl. See if that meets your needs. Searching should be plenty fast there but at a cost of memory.

map vs unordered_map for few elements

I am trying to choose between map and unordered_map for the following use case:
The key of the map is a pointer.
The most common use case is that there will be a single element in the map.
In general, the max number of elements in the map less than 10.
The map is accessed very often and speed is the most important factor. Changes to the map are infrequent.
While measuring the speed is obviously the correct approach here, this code will be used on several platforms so I'm trying to create a general rule of thumb for choosing between a map and unordered_map based on number of elements. I've seen some posts here that hint that std::map may be faster for a small number elements, but no definition of "small" was given.
Is there a rule of thumb for when to choose between a map and unordered_map based on number of elements? Is another data structure (such as linear search through a vector) even better?
Under the premise that you always need to measure in order to figure out what's more appropriate in terms of performance, if all these things are true:
Changes to the map are not frequent;
The map contains a maximum of 10 elements;
Lookups will be frequent;
You care a lot about performance;
Then I would say you would be better off putting your elements in an std::vector and performing a plain iteration over all your elements to find the one you're looking for.
An std::vector will allocate its elements in a contiguous region of memory, so cache locality is likely to grant you a greater performance - the time required to fetch a cache line from main memory after a cache miss is at least one order of magnitude higher than the time required to access the CPU cache.
Quite interestingly, it seems like Boost's flat_map is ideal for your use case (courtesy of Praetorian):
flat_map is similar to std::map but it's implemented like an ordered vector. (from the online documentation)
So if using Boost is an option for you, you may want to try this one.
I believe for your case of 10 elements or less and usually only one a linear search of an unsorted vector will work best. However, depending on the hash algorithm used the unordered_map may be faster instead.
It should be easy enough for you to benchmark.

c++ container for checking whether ordered data is in a collection

I have data that is a set of ordered ints
[0] = 12345
[1] = 12346
[2] = 12454
I need to check whether a value is in the collection in C++, what container will have the lowest complexity upon retrieval? In this case, the data does not grow after initiailization. In C# I would use a dictionary, in c++, I could either use a hash_map or set. If the data were unordered, I would use boost's unordered collections. However, do I have better options since the data is ordered? Thanks
EDIT: The size of the collection is a couple of hundred items
Just to detail a bit over what have already been said.
Sorted Containers
The immutability is extremely important here: std::map and std::set are usually implemented in terms of binary trees (red-black trees for my few versions of the STL) because of the requirements on insertion, retrieval and deletion operation (and notably because of the invalidation of iterators requirements).
However, because of immutability, as you suspected there are other candidates, not the least of them being array-like containers. They have here a few advantages:
minimal overhead (in term of memory)
contiguity of memory, and thus cache locality
Several "Random Access Containers" are available here:
So the only thing you actually need to do can be broken done in 2 steps:
push all your values in the container of your choice, then (after all have been inserted) use std::sort on it.
search for the value using std::binary_search, which has O(log(n)) complexity
Because of cache locality, the search will in fact be faster even though the asymptotic behavior is similar.
If you don't want to reinvent the wheel, you can also check Alexandrescu's [AssocVector][1]. Alexandrescu basically ported the std::set and std::map interfaces over a std::vector:
because it's faster for small datasets
because it can be faster for frozen datasets
Unsorted Containers
Actually, if you really don't care about order and your collection is kind of big, then a unordered_set will be faster, especially because integers are so trivial to hash size_t hash_method(int i) { return i; }.
This could work very well... unless you're faced with a collection that somehow causes a lot of collisions, because then unsorted containers will search over the "collisions" list of a given hash in linear time.
Just try the sorted std::vector approach and the boost::unordered_set approach with a "real" dataset (and all optimizations on) and pick whichever gives you the best result.
Unfortunately we can't really help more there, because it heavily depends on the size of the dataset and the repartition of its elements
If the data is in an ordered random-access container (e.g. std::vector, std::deque, or a plain array), then std::binary_search will find whether a value exists in logarithmic time. If you need to find where it is, use std::lower_bound (also logarithmic).
Use a sorted std::vector, and use a std::binary_search to search it.
Your other options would be a hash_map (not in the C++ standard yet but there are other options, e.g. SGI's hash_map and boost::unordered_map), or an std::map.
If you're never adding to your collection, a sorted vector with binary_search will most likely have better performance than a map.
I'd suggest using a std::vector<int> to store them and a std::binary_search or std::lower_bound to retrieve them.
Both std::unordered_set and std::set add significant memory overhead - and even though the unordered_set provides O(1) lookup, the O(logn) binary search will probably outperform it given that the data is stored contiguously (no pointer following, less chance of a page fault etc.) and you don't need to calculate a hash function.
If you already have an ordered array or std::vector<int> or similar container of the data, you can just use std::binary_search to probe each value. No setup time, but each probe will take O(log n) time, where n is the number of ordered ints you've got.
Alternately, you can use some sort of hash, such as boost::unordered_set<int>. This will require some time to set up, and probably more space, but each probe will take O(1) time on the average. (For small n, this O(1) could be more than the previous O(log n). Of course, for small n, the time is negligible anyway.)
There is no point in looking at anything like std::set or std::map, since those offer no advantage over binary search, given that the list of numbers to match will not change after being initialized.
So, the questions are the approximate value of n, and how many times you intend to probe the table. If you aren't going to check many values to see if they're in the ints provided, then setup time is very important, and std::binary_search on the sorted container is the way to go. If you're going to check a lot of values, it may be worth setting up a hash table. If n is large, the hash table will be faster for probing than binary search, and if there's a lot of probes this is the main cost.
So, if the number of ints to compare is reasonably small, or the number of probe values is small, go with the binary search. If the number of ints is large, and the number of probes is large, use the hash table.