Why is the Java library source code so strangely indented? - indentation

I often rely on the JDK source code to understand how I should implement an interface, and I often find some very strange indentation style at use. For instance, in DefaultCellEditor.java:
public DefaultCellEditor(final JTextField textField) {
editorComponent = textField;
this.clickCountToStart = 2;
delegate = new EditorDelegate() {
public void setValue(Object value) {
textField.setText((value != null) ? value.toString() : "");
public Object getCellEditorValue() {
return textField.getText();
I'm wondering if this is due to my IDE or not, since I find this kind of indentation quite strange and difficult to read.

Sounds like a tab vs spaces issue. Try setting the tab width to 4 spaces (or 8 if it is 4).
Here is what I see when browsing the OpenJDK code for DefaultCellEditor online.

If the indentation is consistent across different methods, then there's probably some (unwritten) reason why it's that way.
If there's no rhyme or reason, then (a) the coder(s) didn't care about indentation, or (b) the coder(s) did care, and something happened en route to your computer. The likely culprit is that not enough attention was given to how tabs and spaces were used to structure the code, and your IDE's indentation settings for tabs are different than those of the last person's who touched the code.
If you can make the whitespace characters visible in your text editor, that should show you if a mix of tabs and spaces was used.

I suspect your IDE is ignoring or otherwise misinterpreting tab characters.

It seems that NetBeans formats the code of the Java Source Code (src.jar). I extracted the jar manually and I opened javax/swing/DefaultCellEditor.java using a plain text editor and the indentation is really that bad. So, it is not the IDE.
But why the indentation is that bad; sorry, I don't know.

One possibility is IDE/editor problem on author's side.
Back in my PHP days I used PSPad editor which does something very similar to this - in PSPad indentation looks OK but in other viewers/editors indentation is mangled. AFAIK it has something to do with mixing spaces with tabulators and different tab width.


Change indentation with Emacs minor mode

I have a CS class that requires (or at least strongly suggests) 8 spaces for C++ indentation. I normally use 2, so this is quite different for me.
I have until recently been just toggling the indent code in my .emacs and running eval-buffer, but that seems like a poor solution with a programmable editor.
So I am wondering: how might I go about creating a minor Mode (or is there a better function for this?)? I'd like to be able to enable it with M-x comp-mode or something similar.
I have seen minor modes, but they seem to instead focus on key mappings. Perhaps I am looking at the wrong Emacs feature.
Perhaps I can extend the C++ mode to create a comp-mode with different indentation settings?
You could probably do this with a minor mode, but an easier solution is to use directory variables. Create a file called .dir-locals.el in the directory containing your coursework and put something like this in it:
((c++-mode . ((indent-tabs-mode . nil)
(c-basic-offset . 8))))

Visual Studio 2012: Syntax Highlighting is turning off and on

I'm using VS2012 and I'm quite happy with it. But the problem is, whem I'm coding in C++, that the syntax highlighting is turning off an on all over again. Sometimes, the highlighting is off and I have to reload the file. Also, it highlighting is quite slow.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
I know this is a while ago but I have had this same problem appearing randomly until just now.
It would disable when the last line in a file was a single line comment. (// blah blah). As soon as i removed that the text highlighting worked again!
Edit: In this answer I assume that your problem description is correct. In other words, I'm assuming that occasionally C++ highlighting is working, and the other times the text appears as plain text: completely black and white.
My guess is you are using an extension which modifies or replaces the way Visual Studio highlights C++ code. Try temporarily disabling all of your extensions and checking again if the editor is working. Some extensions might have the Disable button disabled; in that case you'll need to uninstall the extension for this test (possibly through Control Panel → Programs and Features).
As an example of one common extension that completely replaces the C++ highlighter is Visual Assist. However, I do not personally use that product and I haven't heard of any specific problems with it of this nature. I am merely mentioning it as an example of an extension that completely changes the behavior of Visual Studio in regards to syntax highlighting of C++ code.
For me, highlighting always stops working when the first visible line in the editor begins with the characters '//' and I trigger reparsing somehow (CTRL + S for instance).
Highlighting always works fine when the first visible line in the editor begins with anything else, even with a whitespace, and I trigger reparsing somehow.
I could indent all my comments and never experience this problem, but now that I know about it, it's not so annoying anymore, so I let it be.
This is a bug in Visual Studio 2012:
If you're using only Intellisense, you may go to Edit->Intellisense->Toggle Completion Mode (or hit Ctrl + Alt + Space), play with it and see if it works (maybe you've pressed this combination of keys by accident).
I've also installed Update 3 and haven't had any problems since. Who knows..
I had the same problem. Disabling the extentions sadly did not work for me.
After searching around and realizing that it only happened on larger files,
I got it to work by turning harware acceleration off.
*Automatically adjust [...] (off)
*Use hardware graphics acceleration (off)
In my case, it turned out that a large block of code (a 200+ line method) was commented out with // starting in the first column, and this was causing the syntax coloring not to work. I changed the commenting delineation to /* ... */ for that method and all of the syntax coloring was fixed.
Personally, I found that things like:
#if 0// bla-bla
mess up syntax highlighting badly. The solution that works for is to put a space before a comment, like so:
#if 0 // bla-bla
I installed Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 yesterday and started experiencing the exact same behavior described in the original post. Based on some suggestions in this thread, I took at look at my extensions, and disabling AllMargins fixed the issue. I've since re-enabled AllMargins and everything appears to be working as it should.
Try disabling and re-enabling any of your extensions; hopefully that will fix the issue for you.

Vim Folding with RainbowParentheses

So, I've looked everywhere for a good rainbow parentheses plugin that will give different level parentheses different colors. I really like the couple that I've found, because they both do a good job of customizability while highlighting the right thing. It supports more than parentheses; chevrons, braces and brackets all get highlighted, which I really like.
It seems like there are quite a few plugins for this!; I'm currently using oblitum's because his is optimized for dark backgrounds (I often work straight from the shell).
So, following the tip at the github for that plugin, I have the "always on" snippet in my .vimrc. But when the always on block is above "syntax enable" it doesn't show {} as being highlighted for cpp files. When the always on block is below syntax enable, folding doesn't work. I think its the nature of the plugin that makes it do this; it goes though the file and adds coloration information. I notice that if I use the command :syntax enable after I've loaded the file when its not recognizing folds, then it does recognize the folds. But at this point, it removes the coloration that rainbow parentheses put on it.
In my .vimrc, I have the follow pertinent lines:
syntax enable
set foldmethod=syntax
set foldenable
set foldlevel=100
let g:rainbow_operators=2
au FileType c,cpp,objc,objcpp call rainbow#activate()
I think that, from looking at syntax files that come with vim, such as c.vim, you can see that certain blocks are annotated as folding. I bet that if you could just write a regex based upon it, you could identify characters as syntactic groups. Then you could just define a colorscheme for it. In fact, the rainbow plugin is actually calling "syn region" commands, so I think that this route is very doable, I'm just not that knowledgable with vim scripting.
Can anybody help me modify possibly the plugin or come up with a script or something that achieves both?
Sorry the lateness, I've tried to solve it at Fix disabled folding (issue #2)
I dimly remember having had the same or a similar problem.
Also XML code highlighting was broken IIRC.
I put 'always on' off, and activated the colored parentheses only when I needed it.
So my working solution was just a shortcut to toggle the plugin on and off.

Eclipse copy code with syntax highlighting

I'm writing a document of programming guidelines for my developers team. I use MS Word. We work with Eclipse CDT (C++). I need to copy-paste C++ code with syntax highlighting from Eclipse to Word. I've tried Notepad++ and it can export text with syntax highlighting, but it's highlighting is limited to basic syntax (it doesn't know about defined class, enum etc...).
Eclipse syntax highlighting is very powerful and I wish to export directly from Eclipse to Word using it's syntax highlighting.
Is there any Eclipse plugin that achieve this purpose? Or some trick to do it (without taking a screen snapshot)?
When you copy the code to word document, you can choose the option "keep source formatting" and the highlighting will be the same as the one in eclipse.
As mentioned in the comments below, this won't work on folded code, so you can right click on the line numbers and select Folding > Expand All
Also mentioned in the comments, as of eclipse oxygen, the code is automatically copied with syntax highlighting
When I copy from Eclipse straight to PowerPoint some of the formatting is messed up. Bold and color seems to "keep going". But if I copy from Eclipse to Word -- and then from Word to PowerPoint (with the keep source formatting CNTRL-K) -- the formatting is correct. I recently upgraded Eclipse to Mars and Office to 2013. I still have to go through Word first.
I was trying it too and for some reason not every compile unit would keep the formating.
After a while I've seen that you also won't get the formating kept if there are parts of the code hidden, so for the ones that cannot make it work with the answers above, just make sure that there are no "+" signs on the left of your code (mine were where the imports at the beggining).
Copying of formatting is supported since version 3.2
Note that everything is copied: highlighting of spelling errors, marked variables/types/etc and underscoring of warnings/errors.
To avoid that, turn off spell checking, "Mark Occurrences" and "Report problems as you type" respectively.

Emacs and C++

Once again it is time to clean up my emacs setup. Before I go cleaning it up, are there any packages that you would recommend above and beyond c++-mode, cedet, ecb, speedbar etc. ? Especially stuff that's new in the last five years.
This could be helpful!
I use msf-abbrevs package for inserting code snippets as i type special code words - something like for, if, etc, but with highliting of positions, that should be filled out, and moving between them with TAB key
You might like some of the stuff I added for C programming including splint, cdecl, scons support in making projects and xcscope.