I'm trying to use the likebox plugin on my website with the "iframe" option and it's not working - facebook-like

I coped and pasted the code that is supplied, and the i frame is displaying with a "page cannot be found". Does anyone know if this is just a bug? Or if they're not maintaining the "iframe" option anymore?

Facebook is still using the iframe option. Did you put in the link to your Facebook page? You might try using the tool again. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/


Deploy through GitHub Pages returns 404 Not Found Page

Here is my github:
i am able to successfully publish using ngh --dir dist/ng-fundamentals
It returns successfully published and I am seeing a branch ghPages..
when i open the url https://changan1111.github.io/DeployGHPage/ i am seeing empty page.
What is the wrong in this? can any please help on this?
You should open https://changan1111.github.io/DeployGHPage/ instead. Your app is working here. Note that it can take some time (10-15min) between the enabling of GitHub Pages and the URL working.

Drupal 8 Generate all images for all styles

I'm working on a Drupal 8.6 multi site installation, where every site has it's own database, and I'm having a problem where the first time a content is shared on Facebook it uses the wrong image.
The meta tag is configured right, it is something like this:
<meta property="og:image" content="https://xxxx.com/image.jpg?itok=w8tMeCC0" />
This image problem happens only at the first share and I believe it happens because the image has not been created yet at the moment of the first share.
I would like to know what I could do to force the image to be generated as soon as the content is published and if there is a way to create all the missing images.
I found this post and I'm trying to implement in a module (I never worked on Drupal before) but I don't even know how to schedule this piece of script to be executed.
Is there an existing module or setting that does that?
Thanks for any help!
Have you tried the facebook Debugger?
Facebook usually stores the metatags in cache during shares. What I usually do is debug the webpage at least once with the right metatags configured in the debugger and ensure the page loads correctly there.
Afterwards, the share will be loading all the assets correctly.

Unable to preview in content editor - Sitecore

I have added 2 pages in the content tree - index & Home Page. It was working fine until yesterday. Unable to preview 'index' in the Content editor (CE) now.
The error message is -
The requested document was not found
However, when I do Tools > Browse > Preview, from Sitecore Rocks, it opens fine. Also, I am able to preview 'Home Page' in CE without issue.
Following Mike's Solution Here, I tried to add the user 'Everyone' and removing 'extranet/Anonymous'. But the changes never Save.
Why does it happen to this page alone. No changes made to web.config and I am using only master DB.
Here is what I have observed.
When 'index' is placed outside the 'en' folder, it can be previewed. Someone suggested that Sitecore is confused by the folder name with its languages. But renaming it to Test-en, also did not work.
I also tried this. Created 'index' outside 'en' folder. Then created a copy of the same inside the 'en' with the name 'index1'. I can preview index1 now, but if 'index' is deleted, it's the same issue again.
I have seen this happen a few times. On a new instance, I don't believe it is permissions, especially if you are using SIM to install (if you aren't - try it!)
Follow these steps and it should fix your issue. Make sure all instances of your browser are closed. They are known to keep hidden instances running. Stop all those tasks. Restart your IIS instance. Log Into your sitecore site with the magical password. Preview the page. You should be able to preview and in fact get the Experience Editor.
I do agree that Sitecore is confused as to the state of that it is logged in as, that is why it is important to close all browser instances.
If you still get this error, clear your logs. Do the above steps and send me your logs. I will look at them for any oddities.
Happy Sitecoring!

Django Online File Browser

Recently,I meet a problem when I'm using Django to devlope my site.
In my project, one requirement is to view file online.
That is to say, one can browses files of formats:pdf, jpeg,doc and so on
directly in browsers such as chrome or firefox and so on.
I know this can be done by flash,FlexPaper is one solution. But in django,
not in flash,is there any other solutions? Anyone knows that? If not, I can
only use flexpaper and maybe site can't be accessed via apple devices
Many thanks!!
I think, you can use https://github.com/NetAngels/django-webodt (documentation) with option inline=True:
render_to_response(..., inline=True)
There are plenty of non-flash file browser plugins out there: Elfinder has a Django connector, and you can probably get an integration with CKfinder.
The django packages page also has a list of django file browsers link.

google loader causing browser to change location FF or blank page in chrome

I have an issue using the google loader in an existing webpages.
When I call e.g.
If FireFox, the browser changes it's location trying to load something from google which it never finishes and in Chrome the page just goes blank.
Has anyone experienced this before?
These pages are doing a lot of jquery, javascript and asp.net AJAX too. But I can't find anyting which seems to be causing it.
I had the same issue, after a while I found this solution.
If you post your script I can probably provide more help
Same issue, same solution as suggested by Allartk: adding the "callback" options to the load() call.
Here you can find detatailed and updated documentation:
Google Loader API
function myCallback(){console.info("callback!");}
google.load("translate","1","callback": myCallback);