C++ ofstream is changing output format randomly? - c++

I have a function that is writing to a .txt file.
ofstream fichier("C:\\users\\me\\Desktop\\test.txt", ios::app);
then :
fichier << "some text here";
The text i'm writing is a log file containing the history of my application changes.
As i'm french, i'm writing characters (latin ?) like "ê" or "ë". This works randomly...At first i get the correct format in notepad then when i append some others characters, it switches to another format so "ê" becomes "ê" and i don't understand why.
(In fact i can't even get "¨" to be compiled by code::blocks because it is a "multi characters constant")
What should i do ?
Thanks by advance.


Why is this not working? (Trying to convert a text file into a binary file)

#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
const string binaryfile = ".../binaryfile.dat";
void to_binary(const string& filename)
ifstream ist(filename);
ofstream ost(binaryfile, ios::binary);
char ch;
while (ist.get(ch))
ost.write((char*)&ch, sizeof(char));
int main()
cout << "Enter input file name:\n";
string ifile;
cin >> ifile;
This seems like it should be working to me but it doesn't? I give input a path to some file on my desktop and then call the function but it's just writing the normal text?
The file I'm giving as input contains this:
test file idk what to put here but yeah
Then I run this and binaryfile.dat gets the exact same text just normal text
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I open ost in binary mode, then get the address of each character I extract from ist, get 1 byte from it and write it to the binary file what's making this output normal text to it..?
Edit : Tried this with an int and it worked I got what I expected: This is what I expected
A file that obviously a human can't read why does it work with ints and not chars?
This is the code I used:
int main()
int a = 5;
ofstream out("ItemData.dat", ios::binary);
out.write((char*)&a, sizeof(int));
What exactly were you expecting to happen?
There is no such thing as a binary file. It's just a file.
A file is a series of bytes. Nothing more, nothing less.
A text file is a file where each byte "means" a character. For example, the byte value 01000001 means the capital letter A. When you open a file in Notepad, Notepad reads the bytes and displays the corresponding letters. If it sees the byte value 01000001 it displays the capital letter A.
Notepad has no idea whether the file "is a text file" or not. It just looks at the bytes and displays the letters. You can open any file in Notepad, such as an EXE file or a JPEG file, and whenever it happens to contain the byte value 01000001 it will display the capital letter A.
Your code reads bytes from a file in text mode and writes them in binary mode. So it makes a copy of the same file... except for the difference between text mode and binary mode.
So what is that difference? Well, the only difference is that text mode tries to "normalize" line endings. Windows has a tradition that the end of a line of text consists of bytes 00001101 and 00001010 in that order. C has a tradition that the end of a line of text is just the byte 00001010. Text mode does that conversion, so that you can read Windows text files in C.
If the file has the byte value 00001010 without a 00001101 before it, most text editors still display it as a line ending, but until Windows 10, Notepad didn't display it as a line ending. Now Notepad does that too. So you won't see the difference in a text editor. You can see the difference in a hex editor program, which directly shows you the bytes in a file (in hexadecimal). I recommend HxD if you are using Windows.
The main reason for opening binary files in binary mode is because if you open a binary file in text mode, the operating system will add or delete 00001101 bytes which will mess up your binary data. Opening the file in binary mode tells it to please not mess up your binary data.

C++ - Missing end of line characters in file read

I am using the C++ streams to read in a bunch of files in a directory and then write them to another directory. Since these files may be of different types, I am using a the generic ios::binary flag when reading/writing these files.
Example code below:
std::fstream inf( "ex.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
char c;
while( inf >> c ) {
// writing to another file in binary format
The issue I have is that in the case of files containing text, the end of line characters in these text files are not being written to the output file.
Edit: Or at least they do not appear to be as when the newly written file is opened, there is only a single continuous line of characters.
Edit again: The problem (of the continuous string) appears to persist even when the read / write is made in text mode.
Thus, I was wondering if there was a way to check if a file has text or binary and then read/write it appropriately. Else, is there any way to preserve the end of line characters even when opening the file in binary format?
Edit: I am using the g++ 4.8.2 compiler
When you want to manipulate bytes, you need to use read and write methods, not >> << operators.
You can get the intended behavior with inp.flags(inp.flags() & ~std::ios_base::skipws);, though.

Extra character when reading a file. C++

I'm writing two programs that communicate by reading files which the other one writes.
My problem is that when the other program is reading a file created by the first program it outputs a weird character at the end of the last data. This only happens seemingly at random, as adding data to the textfile can result in a normal output.
I'm utilizing C++ and Qt4. This is the part of program 1:
std::ofstream idxfile_new;
QString idxtext;
std::string fname2="some_textfile.txt"; //Imported from a file browser in the real code.
idxfile_new.open (fname2.c_str(), std::ios::out);
idxtext = ui->indexBrowser->toPlainText(); //Grabs data from a dialog of the GUI.
//See 'some_textfile.txt' below
3714.1 3715.1 3716.1 3717.1 3719.1 3739.1 3734.1 3738.1 3562.1 3563.1 3623.1
part of program 2:
std::string indexfile = "some_textfile.txt"; //Imported from file browser in the real code
std::ifstream file;
std::string sub;
file.open(indexfile.c_str(), std::ios::in);
cerr<<sub<<"\n"; //Stores values in an array in the real code
This outputs:
If I add more data it works at times. Sometimes it can output data such as
at the end. So it is not consistent in reading the whole data either. At first I figured it wasn't reading the eof properly, and I have read and tried many solutions to similar problems but can't get it to work correctly.
Thank you guys for the help!
I managed to solve the problem by myself this morning.
For anyone with the same problem I will post my solution.
The problem was the UTF-8 encoding when creating the file. Here's my solution:
Part of program 1:
std::ofstream idxfile_new;
QString idxtext;
std::string fname2="some_textfile.txt";
idxfile_new.open (fname2.c_str(), std::ios::out);
idxtext = ui->indexBrowser->toPlainText();
QByteArray qstr = idxtext.toUtf8(); //Enables Utf8 encoding
The other program is left unchanged.
A hex converter displayed the extra character as 'ef bf bd', which is due to the replacement character U+FFFD that replace invalid bytes when encoding to Utf8.

Mismatch between characters put and read

I'm trying to write a Huffman encoder but I'm getting some compression errors. I identified the problem as mismatches between characters that were put() to the ofstream and the characters read() from the same file.
One specific instance of this problem :
The put() writes ASCII character 10 (Line feed)
The read() reads ASCII character 13 (Carriage return)
I thought read and put read and write raw data ( no character translations ) I'm not sure why this is happening. Can someone help me out?
Here is the ofstream instance for writing the compressed file:
std::ofstream compressedFileStream(getCompressedFileName(),std::ios::binary||std::ios::ate);
and the ifstream instance for reading the same
std::ifstream fileInput(getFileName()+".huf",std::ios::binary);
The code is running on Windows 7 and all streams in the program are opened in binary mode.
Not opening in binary mode due to a typo:
std::ofstream compressedFileStream(getCompressedFileName(),std::ios::binary||std::ios::ate)
should be:
std::ofstream compressedFileStream(getCompressedFileName(),std::ios::binary|std::ios::ate)
// ^
|, not ||.
The symptoms show that you are creating the ofsteam with text mode or you are creating it using a filedesc that is opened in text mode.
You will want to pass ios::binary to it at construction time or it may run in text mode on Windows.
After you added the code, the reason proves to be a typo;
should be
On Windows, if you are writing binary data, you need to open the file with the appropriate attributes.
Similarly, if you are reading binary data, you need to open the file with the appropriate attributes.

Problem with iostream, my output endl are littles squares

I have a problem with with my output when I write to I file I get squares when I put endl to change lines.
std::ofstream outfile (a_szFilename, std::ofstream::binary);
I get something like this in my file plus the other outputs don't write on the next line but on the same one.
apparently I can't write the square here, but is it something about the ofstream being binary or something?
You don't really want to open the file in binary mode in this case.
Try this instead:
std::ofstream outfile (a_szFilename);
You're opening the file in binary mode. in this case the endl is written as \n while a newline on windows is supposed to be \r\n
To open you file in text mode just don't include the binary flag the translation will be done automatically
std::ofstream outfile(a_szFilename);
It's probably because you're in binary mode and the line endings are wrong. std::endl will place '\n' on the stream before flushing. In text mode, this will be converted to the correct line ending for your platform. In binary mode, no such conversions take place.
If you're on Windows, your code will have a line feed (LF), but Windows also requires a carriage return (CF) first, which is '\r'. That is, it wants "\r\n", not just a newline.
Your fix is to open the file in text mode. Binary files are not suppose to be outputting newlines or formatted output, which is why you don't want to use the extraction and insertion operators.
If you really want to use binary, then treat your file like a binary file and don't expect it to display properly. Binary and formatted output do not go hand in hand. From your usage, it seems you should be opening in text mode.