C++ member function pointer, boost::signals - c++

I have the following situation, (better in code)
class Foo
typedef boost::signal<void ()> Signal;
Signal signal;
void Register_SignalFunction(const Signal::slot_type& slot);
void Unregister_SignalFunction(const Signal::slog_type& slot);
class OtherFoo
Foo foo;
foo.Register_SignalFunction(&OnSignal) //I know I can't do this that is precisely my question.
void OnSignal(); //what to do when signal fires
So the question is, how i pass a 'member-function' pointer to the Register method. Also, is this ok? What I want/need, is some sort of delegate registration system, so if anynone could point my in the right direction I'll appreciate it. Thanx in advance.

You would typically use boost bind:
foo.Register_SignalFunction(boost::bind(&OtherFoo::OnSignal, this));
What's going on here? :-)
The connect method of the signal takes a functor. That is an object that implements the () operator. bind takes function pointers (either to free functions or member functions) and returns a functor with the right signature.
Also see here:
Complete example using Boost::Signals for C++ Eventing
and here:
how boost::function and boost::bind work
To disconnect a signal store the return value from connect into a:
And then call the disconnect method on that.

Typically you'll either do:
void Register_SignalFunction(const boost::function<void()> &slot) {
signal += slot;
Or, as an inline function:
template<typename T>
void Register_SignalFunction(T &slot) {
signal += slot;
The latter may be slightly more efficient by removing the layer of indirection boost::function has - but only assuming boost::signal doesn't use boost::function internally (which it is likely to). So use whichever one you prefer, really.

I got it working after trying a lot, here's the code:
typedef boost::signal<void ()> DeviceLost;
DeviceLost deviceLost;
Register_DeviceLostHandler(const boost::function<void ()> &handler)
Unregister_DeviceLostHandler(const boost::function<void ()> &handler)
class GameBase
GraphicsDeviceManager* graphics;
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager();
graphics->Register_DeviceLostHandler(boost::bind(&GameBase::OnDeviceLost, this));
void OnDeviceLost()
//do some stuff
well this code works as it should be, with one exception, if I unccomment the deviceLost.disconnect(handler) statement, I receive compilation errors like:
error C266 "boost::operator ==": 4 overloads have similar conversions.
So, why is this happening? Do you know any other way to accomplish what I'm trying?

In case anyone wants a full example:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/signals2/signal.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
#define registerEvent_(A) registerEvent(boost::bind(A, this, _1, _2))
struct A
typedef boost::signals2::signal<int (int &, int &)> EventSignal;
typedef EventSignal::slot_type SlotType;
void registerEvent(const SlotType & slot);
void triggerAll(int& a1, int& a2);
EventSignal signal_;
void A::registerEvent(const SlotType & slot) { signal_.connect(slot); }
void A::triggerAll(int& a1, int& a2) {std::cout << signal_(a1, a2) << "\n";}
struct B : public A
int myFunc(int& a1, int& a2);
B::B() {
registerEvent(boost::bind(&B::myFunc, this, _1, _2));
int B::myFunc(int& a1, int& a2) { return a1 + a2 + 1; }
int main()
int a1 = 2;
int a2 = 3;
B b;
b.triggerAll(a1, a2);


Keeping reference to member function from other another class

I have an instance of a class A which should register a member callback in another instance of class B. I'm trying to keep the reference to the function of class A inside class B but I get a Segfault.
std::shared_ptr<classB> mB;
void toBeRegisteredCallback(const uint8_t val);
classA::classA(std::shared_ptr<classB> b) :
mB(std::move(b)) {
b->registerCallback(std::bind(&classB::toBeRegisteredCallback, this,
void classB::toBeRegisteredCallback(const uint8_t val) {
LOG(INFO) << "Received a value callback!";
Here is the code for classB.h:
void registerCallback(std::function<void(const uint8_t val)> callback);
std::function<void(const uint8_t)> _callback;
Here is code for classB.cpp:
void classB::registerCallback(std::function<void(const uint8_t val)> callback) {
_callback = callback;
When I try to call the callback directly without assignment, it works fine:
However, if I try to assign it, I get a segfault at functionswap
Consider your classA constructor...
classA::classA(std::shared_ptr<classB> b)
: mB(std::move(b))
b->registerCallback(std::bind(&classB::toBeRegisteredCallback, this,
The initialization of mB will invoke (from here(item 10))...
shared_ptr( shared_ptr&& r ) noexcept;
Move-constructs a shared_ptr from r. After the construction, *this
contains a copy of the previous state of r, r is empty and its
stored pointer is null.
Hence, in the following statement...
b->registerCallback(std::bind(&classB::toBeRegisteredCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1));
b is effectively a null pointer resulting in undefined behaviour.
I am not quite sure what you want to do, but I created a working example below.
You may give me feedback if that helps you, or if you need more explanation.
(As already mentioned by john you should be careful with the std::move command)
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
class classB
classB() {}
~classB() {}
void registerCallback(std::function<void(const uint8_t val)> callback)
_callback = callback;
void callCallback()
std::function<void(const uint8_t)> _callback;
class classA
classA(std::shared_ptr<classB> b)
: mB(b)
b->registerCallback(std::bind(&classA::toBeRegisteredCallback, this, std::placeholders::_1));
void toBeRegisteredCallback(const uint8_t /*val*/)
std::cout << "Received a value callback!" << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<classB> mB;
int main(int, char *[])
std::shared_ptr<classB> b = std::make_shared<classB>();
classA localClassA = classA(b);

pass userData from callback-begin to callback-end

How to appropriately cache userData that is generated from user's callbackBegin() and send it to user's callbackEnd().
Simple version (No userData - demo)
I want to create a complex database that support callback. For MCVE, let's say it is MyArray.
Here is a simple array class that supports callback but no userData.
#include <iostream>
template<class Derived>class MyArray{ //library - I design it.
public: void push_back(int s){
//do something about array
//other fields / functions
class Callback : public MyArray<Callback>{ //user's class
public: void callbackBegin(int s){
public: void callbackEnd(int s){
int main() {
Callback c;
c.push_back(5); //print: callbackBegin callbackEnd
return 0;
It works correctly.
The next step : I want to pass some userData from Callback::callbackBegin() to Callback::callbackEnd().
For example, userData is a clock time when Callback::callbackBegin() is called.
My poor solution (void*& userdata : demo)
Here is my attempt to implement it :-
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
template<class Derived>class MyArray{
public: void push_back(int s){
void* userData=nullptr; //#
static_cast<Derived*>(this)->callbackBegin(s,userData); //# ugly
//do something about array
static_cast<Derived*>(this)->callbackEnd(s,userData); //# ugly
class Callback : public MyArray<Callback>{
public: void callbackBegin(int s,void*& userData){ //#
userData=new clock_t(clock()); //# danger
public: void callbackEnd(int s,void*& userData){ //#
clock_t* userDataTyped=static_cast<clock_t*>(userData);
clock_t clock2=clock();
clock_t different=clock2 - (*userDataTyped);
std::cout<<"callbackEnd time(second)="
delete userDataTyped; //# danger
int main() {
Callback c;
c.push_back(5); //print: callbackBegin callbackEnd time(second)=8.5e-05
return 0;
It also works correctly, but I believe it is a bad design (at various #) :-
new/delete in 2 places : potential memory leaking.
Strong pointer is preferred, but I don't know how to.
static_cast<clock_t*>(userData) is code-smell, at least for me.
(minor issue) an extra ugly parameter void*&
Question: What are design patterns / C++ magic to avoid such issues, while make MyArray concise, easy to use, maintainable (i.e. not much worse than the Simple version)?
Other notes:
In real cases, <5% of user's callback classes need userData.
Thus, I feel very reluctant to add void&* as an extra parameter.
Clarify: (edited) The minority cases usually need different types of userData e.g. Callback1 need clock_t, Callback2 need std::string, etc.
Proposed solution should restrain from using std::function<> or virtual function, because the performance is a major concern here.
Pass data through a void pointer is a good C solution but (IMHO) not a C++ (specially: not a C++11/c++14/C++17, with auto and std::tuple) good one.
So I suggest to return a value from callbackBegin() and pass the value as first argument to `callbackEnd(); something like
auto r = static_cast<Derived*>(this)->callbackBegin(s);
static_cast<Derived*>(this)->callbackEnd(r, s);
Observe (C++11 and newer magic) that using auto as type of the value returned by callbackBegin(), you can return different types from different `callbackBegin().
Bonus suggestion: be more generic in MyArray::push_back(): using variadic templates, there is no need of fix the number and the types of arguments received by callbackBack() and callbackEnd().
Using variadic templates you can modify push_back() as follows
template <typename ... Args>
void push_back (Args const & ... args)
auto r = static_cast<Derived*>(this)->callbackBegin(args...);
static_cast<Derived*>(this)->callbackEnd(r, args...);
The following is a full working example with two different callback classes (with different number of arguments and different return types)
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
template <typename derT>
struct myA
template <typename ... Args>
void push_back (Args const & ... args)
auto r = static_cast<derT*>(this)->callbackBegin(args...);
static_cast<derT*>(this)->callbackEnd(r, args...);
struct cb1 : public myA<cb1>
int callbackBegin (int s)
{ std::cout << "cb1 b" << std::endl; return s+5; }
void callbackEnd (int r, int s)
{ std::cout << "cb1 e -" << r << ", " << s << std::endl; }
struct cb2 : public myA<cb2>
std::tuple<std::string, int> callbackBegin (std::string const & name,
int num)
{ std::cout << "cb2 b" << std::endl; return {name+";", num+1}; }
void callbackEnd (std::tuple<std::string, int> const &,
std::string const & name, int num)
{ std::cout << "cb2 e -" << name << ", " << num << std::endl; }
int main ()
cb1 c1;
cb2 c2;
c2.push_back("string arg", 7);
return 0;
std::any would allow you to hold clock_t (or any other) object and do away with the void* pointers, however that's a C++17 concept and not yet widely available (although there are implementations such as boost::any).
In the meantime, your code may benefit from a little composition over inheritance, as array and callback are conceptually pretty different and don't seem to belong in the same inheritance hierarchy. So, preferring composition, the code might look something like:
template<class T> struct ICallback
virtual void callbackBegin(int s, std::unique_ptr<T>& p) = 0;
virtual void callbackEnd(int s, std::unique_ptr<T>& p) = 0;
template<class T> class MyArray
MyArray(std::shared_ptr<ICallback<T>> cb) { callback = cb; }
void push_back(int s)
callback->callbackBegin(s, usrDataPtr);
//do something about array
callback->callbackEnd(s, usrDataPtr);
std::shared_ptr<ICallback<T>> callback;
std::unique_ptr<T> usrDataPtr;
class ClockCallback : public ICallback<clock_t>
void callbackBegin(int s, std::unique_ptr<clock_t>& c){
c = std::make_unique<clock_t>(clock());
std::cout << "callbackBegin" << std::endl;
void callbackEnd(int s, std::unique_ptr<clock_t>& c){
clock_t clock2 = clock();
clock_t different = clock2 - (*c);
std::cout << "callbackEnd time(second)="
<< ((float)different) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;
int main() {
std::shared_ptr<ClockCallback> c = std::make_shared<ClockCallback>();
MyArray<clock_t> ma(c);
return 0;
You can use a smart pointer to avoid manually deleting your userData
std::unique_ptr<clock_t> userData;
pass it as a reference to your callbacks
void callbackBegin(int s, std::unique_ptr<clock_t> &userData)
and initialize it this way
userData = std::make_unique<clock_t>(clock())
The C++ magic you're asking about is a known as a virtual method. Virtual method is one of the C++ native ways to implement the callback:
class MyArray{
void push_back(int s) {
const auto userData = callbackBegin(s); //# beautiful
//do something about array
callbackEnd(s, userData); //# beautiful
virtual clock_t callbackBegin(int) const = 0;
virtual void callbackEnd(int, const clock_t&) const = 0;
class Callback : public MyArray{
clock_t callbackBegin(int s) const final {
return clock(); //# safe
void callbackEnd(int s,const clock_t& userData) const final { //#
const auto different = clock() - userDataTyped;
std::cout << "callbackEnd time(second)=";
std::cout << different/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;
//# safe
Another way is to pass two callable objects to the MyArray ctor and using those objects in the push_back method. The callable objects shall store calls to the relevant class Callback methods. Use std::function to implement those callable objects.

Using auto specifier in std::function and lambdas

I have a class named Handler wich stores some lambdas. What I want to do is to have a std::vector of std::function that stores all my events, for exemple. I really can't figure out why lambdas doesn't work as I expected.
Here's the handler.h:
class Handler
void Register(const char* outcome, std::function<auto()> lambda);
void Trigger(const char* outcome);
std::vector<int> identifier;
std::vector<char*> outcome;
std::vector<std::function<auto()>> func;
And handler.cpp:
//ctor stuff here
void Handler::Register(const char* outcome, std::function<auto()> lambda)
static int identifier = 0;
//Sort outcome
void Handler::Trigger(const char * outcome)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < this->identifier.size(); i++)
if (!strcmp(outcome, this->outcome.at(i)))
However, if I specify lambdas in a Handler::Register it wont let me throwing no suitable user-defined conversion from "lambda []void ()->void" to "std::function<auto()> exists. In this example I use void return type but other types also error, I don't understant why can't the template from std::function deduce it out, if it is what's happening.
Handler* events = new Handler();
events->Register("Up", [=]() -> void { //Error here!
//do stuff
//return something?
Is there any other way to do this, like without overloading Handler::Register?
auto is not a type, so std::function<auto()> is not a type either. From how you are using it, std::function<void()> is probably what you want.
There are other problems with your code, as noted in the comments, so I would change Handler to this
class Handler
// default ~Handler is fine
void Register(std::string outcome, std::function<void()> lambda);
void Trigger(const std::string & outcome outcome) const;
void Trigger(std::size_t index) const;
using Outcomes = std::map<std::string, std::function<void()>/*, custom string comparator ?*/>;
std::vector<Outcomes::iterator> identifier;
Outcomes outcomes;
void Handler::Register(std::string outcome, std::function<void()> func)
auto emplaced = outcomes.emplace(std::move(outcome), std::move(func));
void Handler::Trigger(const std::string & outcome) const
void Handler::Trigger(std::size_t index) const

C++11 observer pattern (signals, slots, events, change broadcaster/listener, or whatever you want to call it)

With the changes made in C++11 (such as the inclusion of std::bind), is there a recommended way to implement a simple single-threaded observer pattern without dependence on anything external to the core language or standard library (like boost::signal)?
If someone could post some code showing how dependence on boost::signal could be reduced using new language features, that would still be very useful.
I think that bind makes it easier to create slots (cfr. the 'preferred' syntax vs. the 'portable' syntax - that's all going away). The observer management, however, is not becoming less complex.
But as #R. Martinho Fernandes mentions: an std::vector<std::function< r(a1) > > is now easily created without the hassle for an (artificial) 'pure virtual' interface class.
Upon request: an idea on connection management - probably full of bugs, but you'll get the idea:
// note that the Func parameter is something
// like std::function< void(int,int) > or whatever, greatly simplified
// by the C++11 standard
template<typename Func>
struct signal {
typedef int Key; //
Key nextKey;
std::map<Key,Func> connections;
// note that connection management is the same in C++03 or C++11
// (until a better idea arises)
template<typename FuncLike>
Key connect( FuncLike f ) {
Key k=nextKey++;
return k;
void disconnect(Key k){
// note: variadic template syntax to be reviewed
// (not the main focus of this post)
template<typename Args...>
typename Func::return_value call(Args... args){
// supposing no subcription changes within call:
for(auto &connection: connections){
signal<function<void(int,int)>> xychanged;
void dump(int x, int y) { cout << x << ", " << y << endl; }
struct XY { int x, y; } xy;
auto dumpkey=xychanged.connect(dump);
auto lambdakey=xychanged.connect([&xy](int x, int y){ xy.x=x; xy.y=y; });
Since you're asking for code, my blog entry Performance of a C++11 Signal System contains a single-file implementation of a fully functional signal system based on C++11 features without further dependencies (albeit single-threaded, which was a performance requirement).
Here is a brief usage example:
Signal<void (std::string, int)> sig2;
sig2() += [] (std::string msg, int d) { /* handler logic */ };
sig2.emit ("string arg", 17);
More examples can be found in this unit test.
I wrote my own light weight Signal/Slot classes which return connection handles. The existing answer's key system is pretty fragile in the face of exceptions. You have to be exceptionally careful about deleting things with an explicit call. I much prefer using RAII for open/close pairs.
One notable lack of support in my library is the ability to get a return value from your calls. I believe boost::signal has methods of calculating the aggregate return values. In practice usually you don't need this and I just find it cluttering, but I may come up with such a return method for fun as an exercise in the future.
One cool thing about my classes is the Slot and SlotRegister classes. SlotRegister provides a public interface which you can safely link to a private Slot. This protects against external objects calling your observer methods. It's simple, but nice encapsulation.
I do not believe my code is thread safe, however.
//"MIT License + do not delete this comment" - M2tM : http://michaelhamilton.com
#ifndef __MV_SIGNAL_H__
#define __MV_SIGNAL_H__
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include "Utility/scopeGuard.hpp"
namespace MV {
template <typename T>
class Signal {
typedef std::function<T> FunctionType;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> SharedType;
static std::shared_ptr< Signal<T> > make(std::function<T> a_callback){
return std::shared_ptr< Signal<T> >(new Signal<T>(a_callback, ++uniqueId));
template <class ...Arg>
void notify(Arg... a_parameters){
template <class ...Arg>
void operator()(Arg... a_parameters){
void block(){
isBlocked = true;
void unblock(){
isBlocked = false;
bool blocked() const{
return isBlocked;
//For sorting and comparison (removal/avoiding duplicates)
bool operator<(const Signal<T>& a_rhs){
return id < a_rhs.id;
bool operator>(const Signal<T>& a_rhs){
return id > a_rhs.id;
bool operator==(const Signal<T>& a_rhs){
return id == a_rhs.id;
bool operator!=(const Signal<T>& a_rhs){
return id != a_rhs.id;
Signal(std::function<T> a_callback, long long a_id):
bool isBlocked;
std::function< T > callback;
long long id;
static long long uniqueId;
template <typename T>
long long Signal<T>::uniqueId = 0;
template <typename T>
class Slot {
typedef std::function<T> FunctionType;
typedef Signal<T> SignalType;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> SharedSignalType;
//No protection against duplicates.
std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> connect(std::function<T> a_callback){
if(observerLimit == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() || cullDeadObservers() < observerLimit){
auto signal = Signal<T>::make(a_callback);
return signal;
} else{
return nullptr;
//Duplicate Signals will not be added. If std::function ever becomes comparable this can all be much safer.
bool connect(std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> a_value){
if(observerLimit == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() || cullDeadObservers() < observerLimit){
return true;
return false;
void disconnect(std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> a_value){
} else{
template <typename ...Arg>
void operator()(Arg... a_parameters){
inCall = true;
inCall = false;
for(auto& i : disconnectQueue){
for (auto i = observers.begin(); i != observers.end();) {
if (i->expired()) {
} else {
auto next = i;
i = next;
void setObserverLimit(size_t a_newLimit){
observerLimit = a_newLimit;
void clearObserverLimit(){
observerLimit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
int getObserverLimit(){
return observerLimit;
size_t cullDeadObservers(){
for(auto i = observers.begin(); i != observers.end();) {
if(i->expired()) {
return observers.size();
std::set< std::weak_ptr< Signal<T> >, std::owner_less<std::weak_ptr<Signal<T>>> > observers;
size_t observerLimit = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
bool inCall = false;
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> > disconnectQueue;
//Can be used as a public SlotRegister member for connecting slots to a private Slot member.
//In this way you won't have to write forwarding connect/disconnect boilerplate for your classes.
template <typename T>
class SlotRegister {
typedef std::function<T> FunctionType;
typedef Signal<T> SignalType;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> SharedSignalType;
SlotRegister(Slot<T> &a_slot) :
//no protection against duplicates
std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> connect(std::function<T> a_callback){
return slot.connect(a_callback);
//duplicate shared_ptr's will not be added
bool connect(std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> a_value){
return slot.connect(a_value);
void disconnect(std::shared_ptr<Signal<T>> a_value){
Slot<T> &slot;
Supplimental scopeGuard.hpp:
//Lifted from Alexandrescu's ScopeGuard11 talk.
namespace MV {
template <typename Fun>
class ScopeGuard {
Fun f_;
bool active_;
ScopeGuard(Fun f)
: f_(std::move(f))
, active_(true) {
~ScopeGuard() { if(active_) f_(); }
void dismiss() { active_ = false; }
ScopeGuard() = delete;
ScopeGuard(const ScopeGuard&) = delete;
ScopeGuard& operator=(const ScopeGuard&) = delete;
ScopeGuard(ScopeGuard&& rhs)
: f_(std::move(rhs.f_))
, active_(rhs.active_) {
template<typename Fun>
ScopeGuard<Fun> scopeGuard(Fun f){
return ScopeGuard<Fun>(std::move(f));
namespace ScopeMacroSupport {
enum class ScopeGuardOnExit {};
template <typename Fun>
MV::ScopeGuard<Fun> operator+(ScopeGuardOnExit, Fun&& fn) {
return MV::ScopeGuard<Fun>(std::forward<Fun>(fn));
#define SCOPE_EXIT \
= MV::ScopeMacroSupport::ScopeGuardOnExit() + [&]()
#define CONCATENATE_IMPL(s1, s2) s1##s2
#define CONCATENATE(s1, s2) CONCATENATE_IMPL(s1, s2)
#ifdef __COUNTER__
An example application making use of my library:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "signal.hpp"
class Observed {
//Note: This is private to ensure not just anyone can spawn a signal
MV::Slot<void (int)> onChangeSlot;
typedef MV::Slot<void (int)>::SharedSignalType ChangeEventSignal;
//SlotRegister is public, users can hook up signals to onChange with this value.
MV::SlotRegister<void (int)> onChange;
onChange(onChangeSlot){ //Here is where the binding occurs
void change(int newValue){
class Observer{
Observer(std::string a_name, Observed &a_observed){
connection = a_observed.onChange.connect([=](int value){
std::cout << a_name << " caught changed value: " << value << std::endl;
Observed::ChangeEventSignal connection;
int main(){
Observed observed;
Observer observer1("o[1]", observed);
Observer observer2("o[2]", observed);
Output of the above would be:
o[1] caught changed value: 1
o[2] caught changed value: 1
o[1] caught changed value: 2
As you can see, the slot disconnects dead signals automatically.
Here's what I came up with.
This assumes no need to aggregate results from the listeners of a broadcast signal.
Also, the "slot" or Signal::Listener is the owner of the callback.
This ought to live with the object that your (I'm guessing...) lambda is probably capturing so that when that object goes out of scope, so does the callback, which prevents it from being called anymore.
You could use methods described in other answers as well to store the Listener owner objects in a way you can lookup.
template <typename... FuncArgs>
class Signal
using fp = std::function<void(FuncArgs...)>;
std::forward_list<std::weak_ptr<fp> > registeredListeners;
using Listener = std::shared_ptr<fp>;
Listener add(const std::function<void(FuncArgs...)> &cb) {
// passing by address, until copy is made in the Listener as owner.
Listener result(std::make_shared<fp>(cb));
return result;
void raise(FuncArgs... args) {
registeredListeners.remove_if([&args...](std::weak_ptr<fp> e) -> bool {
if (auto f = e.lock()) {
return false;
return true;
Signal<int> bloopChanged;
// ...
Signal<int>::Listener bloopResponse = bloopChanged.add([](int i) { ... });
// or
decltype(bloopChanged)::Listener bloopResponse = ...
// let bloopResponse go out of scope.
// or re-assign it
// or reset the shared_ptr to disconnect it
I have made a gist for this too, with a more in-depth example:
I have had a go at this myself also. My efforts can be found at this gist, which will continue to evolve . . .
I use a different style, more similar to the change notifications in JUCE than BOOST signals. Connection management is done using some lambda syntax that does some capture by copy. It is working well so far.

Comparing std::tr1::function<> objects

I've been trying to implement a C#-like event system in C++ with the tr1 function templates used to store a function that handles the event.
I created a vector so that multiple listeners can be attached to this event, i.e.:
vector< function<void (int)> > listenerList;
I'd like to be able to remove a handler from the list to stop a listener receiving events.
So, how can I find the entry in this list that corresponds to a given listener? Can I test if a 'function' object in the list refers to a particular function?
EDIT: Having looked into the boost::signal approach, it seems it's probably implemented using a token system as some of you have suggested. Here's some info on this. An observer retains a "Connection" object when they attach to an event, and this connection object is used to disconnect if needed. So it looks like whether you use Boost or roll your own with tr1, the basic principle's the same. i.e. it will be a bit clumsy :)
I don't know if you're locked into std C++ and tr1, but if you aren't, it seems like your problem could be completely avoided if you just used something like boost::signal and boost::bind to solve your original problem - creating an event system - instead of trying to roll your own.
Okay, you got me working. The hard part is trying to match the exact usage pattern of C# events. If you skip that, there are MUCH easier ways to do what you're asking. (My co-worker Jason uses a Notifier object all over the place.) Anyway, here's the incredibly boring code which does what you want. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to pass parameters from the Subject to the Observer. To do that, you'd need to add even more smarts.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/tr1/functional.hpp>
#include <boost/tr1/memory.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::tr1;
template <typename T>
class ObserverHandle
typedef boost::function<void (T*)> const UnderlyingFunction;
ObserverHandle(UnderlyingFunction underlying)
: _underlying(new UnderlyingFunction(underlying))
void operator()(T* data) const
bool operator==(ObserverHandle<T> const& other) const
return (other._underlying == _underlying);
shared_ptr<UnderlyingFunction> const _underlying;
class BaseDelegate
virtual bool operator==(BaseDelegate const& other)
return false;
virtual void operator() () const = 0;
template <typename T>
class Delegate : public BaseDelegate
Delegate(T* observer, ObserverHandle<T> handle)
: _observer(observer),
virtual bool operator==(BaseDelegate const& other)
BaseDelegate const * otherPtr = &other;
Delegate<T> const * otherDT = dynamic_cast<Delegate<T> const *>(otherPtr);
return ((otherDT) &&
(otherDT->_observer == _observer) &&
(otherDT->_handle == _handle));
virtual void operator() () const
T* _observer;
ObserverHandle<T> _handle;
class Event
template <typename T>
void add(T* observer, ObserverHandle<T> handle)
_observers.push_back(shared_ptr<BaseDelegate>(new Delegate<T>(observer, handle)));
template <typename T>
void remove(T* observer, ObserverHandle<T> handle)
// I should be able to come up with a bind2nd(equals(dereference(_1))) kind of thing, but I can't figure it out now
Observers::iterator it = find_if(_observers.begin(), _observers.end(), Compare(Delegate<T>(observer, handle)));
if (it != _observers.end())
void operator()() const
for (Observers::const_iterator it = _observers.begin();
it != _observers.end();
typedef list<shared_ptr<BaseDelegate>> Observers;
Observers _observers;
class Compare
Compare(BaseDelegate const& other)
: _other(other)
bool operator() (shared_ptr<BaseDelegate> const& other) const
return (*other) == _other;
BaseDelegate const& _other;
// Example usage:
class SubjectA
Event event;
void do_event()
cout << "doing event" << endl;
cout << "done" << endl;
class ObserverA
void test(SubjectA& subject)
cout << endl;
subject.event.add(this, _observe);
subject.event.remove(this, _observe);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
subject.event.add(this, _observe);
subject.event.add(this, _observe);
subject.event.remove(this, _observe);
subject.event.remove(this, _observe);
cout << endl;
void observe()
cout << "..observed!" << endl;
static ObserverHandle<ObserverA> _observe;
// Here's the trick: make a static object for each method you might want to turn into a Delegate
ObserverHandle<ObserverA> ObserverA::_observe(boost::bind(&ObserverA::observe, _1));
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
SubjectA sa;
ObserverA oa;
return 0;
And here's the output:
doing event
doing event
doing event
doing event
doing event
FAQ #1 in the boost function documentation seems to address your question - and the easy answer is "no".
The proposal (section IIIb.) states they will not be comparable in any way. If you attach some extra information to them, you can easily identify each callback. For instance, if you simply define a struct wrapping the function pointer, you can remove them (assuming you have the same struct you inserted). You can also add some fields to the struct (like an automatically generated guid the client can hold on to) and compare against that.
If you are storing function pointers only (and not other functors that match the signature required), this is easy (see code below). But in general, the answer, like other posters have said, is no. In that case, you probably want to store your functors in a hash, as values, with keys being something the user supplies on adding and removing.
The code below demonstrates how to get the functor/pointer object that is to be called. To use it, you must know the exact type of the object to extract (i.e., the typeid of the type you specify must match the typeid of the contained functor/pointer).
#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
using std::printf;
using std::tr1::function;
int main(int, char**);
static function<int (int, char**)> main_func(&main);
main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("%p == %p\n", *main_func.target<int (*)(int, char**)>(), &main);
return 0;
What about
map<key-type, function<void (int)> > listeners;
I had a similar problem and found a solution to it. I used some C++0x features, but only for convenience, they are not an essential part. Take a look here:
> Messaging system: Callbacks can be anything