Handling url reverse function for django view with multiple kwargs - django

I'm building a database application using django. Much of the data recorded requires supporting documentation (this documentation is scanned in and uploaded). Many of my django views include links to my scanning view, and arguments are passed into that view. In fact the view that handles the scanning takes 9 optional kwargs. I can't work out how to set up my urls.py so as to handle the following:
HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('general_doc_upload', kwargs = doc_parameters))
I'm sure there must be a nicer way of handling this than trying to write Regex for every possible combination of kwargs.
Unfortunately the I don't have a lot of leeway with the underlying database structure, this has been specified by the client, the django models (and corresponding views) have been written to fit this structure.

This sort of thing is where putting the parameters in the URL breaks down. Instead, you should pass them as GET parameters - /my/url/upload/?param1=foo&param2=bar etc.
In your urlconf, just match the basic pattern with r'upload/$', and get the parameters in your view with request.GET['param1'] etc.


Django how to make every view accept a kwarg?

I have a lot of apps running on my site and I was wanting to make all the views accept a certain kwarg without having to go in and edit them all manually? Is there a way to do this?
I suppose I should add it into the django base view class somewhere, but I am unsure exactly where to add it to in that?
Any ideas?
What I am trying to do is have translations set in my db under a certain model and then have the site default text areas be displayed in a certain language based on the url...
those two urls would display different languages, but I have to capture the variable and put it into each and every view which is quite cumbersome
Django already has some i18n support in urls, check it out. You need to activate django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware by adding it to your settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and to tune your urlconf a bit by wrapping your urls with i18n_patterns.
The complete example is given in the docs, I see no sense copying it here.

Django: Since it is not strictly MVC, but MTV, what is "view"? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
MVC pattern in django
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm new to Django and I read two somewhat contradictory things about it. One source says that it is based on MVC (Model-view-controller) style, other argues that it is MTV (Model-template-view). I understand it as MTV. Am I correct in my view? No pun intended.
If it is, I'm still confused by the two notions of "view", since they are different in two contexts.
Django documentaion says:
A view is a “type” of Web page in your Django application that generally serves a specific function and has a specific template.
To me this sounds like the view is a function-with-template.
Does anyone have a clear understanding of the situation? And a good, the simpler the better, explanation. Maybe some analogies?
I think you are getting confused by patterns and styles and analogies and acronyms.
Django has a file named urls.py, that maps incoming requests to views. A view is a function (or class implementing some methods) of which the return value (a HTTPResponse, usually) is sent back to the browser. Often, but not necessarily always, views use templates to make that return value.
Django also has an ORM layer (a mapping between Python classes and database tables), and such classes representing database tables are called "models". Views often need information from the database, and they call functions on the models to get it.
Another core part of Django is the form handling. Views often need to get parameters from the request (like from submitted forms) and they use forms for that.
And that's Django. If that is obviously some acronym pattern to you, feel free to consider it that...
Views are the places where we use to write the Business Logic. Business Logic can be written anywhere in the project but it is suggested to write it in the views.
A view function, or view for short, is simply a Python function that takes a Web request and returns a Web response. This response can be the HTML contents of a Web page, or a redirect, or a 404 error, or an XML document, or an image . . . or anything, really. The view itself contains whatever arbitrary logic is necessary to return that response. This code can live anywhere you want, as long as it’s on your Python path. There’s no other requirement–no “magic,” so to speak. For the sake of putting the code somewhere, the convention is to put views in a file called views.py, placed in your project or application directory.
Go through the docs for a much clear idea.

Django Registration and content from other views

My situation is as follows.
I have a django app that is a CMS, and this one app generates page content and menus.
There is 'default' view that generates all the page content. One of the fields of the main model is designed to limit the visibility of pages depending on the setting:
'internal' (limited to users on our network),
'worldwide' (viewable by the www) and now, I would like to add an extra value
'secure', which would limit viewing only to those who are logged in to the site.
I dont think #login_required would work, as it only works on whole functions.
We want the author or editor to be able to set this flag, rather than code a special function; and there will be instances where a page migrates from 'internal' to 'secure' then to 'worldwide' - so ideally the urls should stay the same.
What is the best way to go about this?
thanks in advance... patrick
As you want the flag set on your object, I'm assuming that flag can't be read until you're already within the view (i.e. you won't be storing it in something accessible by the request object, like a session), so that precludes custom decorators. You could choose to go with something a bit crude but workable like this:
if (val=="internal" and inrange(request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])) or (val=="secure" and request.user.is_authenticated()) or val=="worldwide":
return render_to_response .... etc.
return HttpResponseForbidden()
Substituting your model values, and writing the inrange function, naturally.
The more sophisticated approach, though, would be to write custom middleware and use the process_view() function. See the docs for more details.

Alternate URL router for Django

How would you go about using django models and templates, but not the URL routing system? I'd like to swap out the urls.py system for something like PHP where the URL tells you exactly where the code is that's running. Or maybe something more automagic like rails uses -- where the URL always includes the same components like app name, model name and view name.
I just disagree with the line from the django philosophy statement that "Tying URLs to Python function names is a Bad And Ugly Thing." Pretty URLs just aren't all that important to me, and IMVHO not worth the complexity of climbing through a maze of indirection in multiple urls.py files and dozens of regexes to find out what code runs behind a particular URL. It's a personal choice, right? Django is generally pretty modular allowing you to swap out the major components for other ones. So, how would I swap out the part which takes the request URL and decides which view to run?
Are there any alternate URL routers for django out there?
All you need is one line in your urls.py that matches everything, and then just write your handler/dispatcher as a view. That handler does whatever you want based on the parts of the URL....
I've never heard of anyone successfully swapping out Django's URL routing system. There's certainly no hook for it - core.handlers.base.BaseHandler.get_response calls urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver directly. Conceivably, you could add a middleware at the bottom of the stack that dispatches to your own URL resolution system and returns the response, thus bypassing the Django system, but it's a bit kludgy.
If you're after something more like Rails, you might want to try one of the other frameworks - Pyramid, for example, uses a system of Routes very similar to Rails'. Pyramid is much more pluggable than Django, so you should be able to plug in the Jinja2 templating system, which is based on Django's. However, there's no way to use Django's ORM seperately, so you'd need to use SQLAlchemy (which can be used in a way that's not massively different).

django: generic views + custom template tags or custom views + generic/normal template tags

This is more of a best-practices question, and given that I'm quite tired it mightn't make much sense.
I've been putting together a blog app as a learning experience and as an actual part of a website I am developing.
I've designed it like most apps so that you can list blog posts by multiple criteria i.e.
On each page above I also want to list how many entries are a part of that criteria
i.e. for "categories", I want /blog/categories/ to list all the different categories, but also mention how many blog posts are in that category, and possibly list those entries.
Django seems to give you lots of ways of doing this, but not much indication on what's best in terms of flexibility, reusability and security.
I've noticed that you can either
A: Use generic/very light views, pass a queryset to the template, and gather any remaining necessary information using custom template tags.
i.e. pass the queryset containing the categories, and for each category use a template tag to fetch the entries for that category
or B: Use custom/heavy views, pass one or more querysets + extra necessary information through the view, and use less template tags to fetch information.
i.e. pass a list of dictionaries that contains the categories + their entries.
The way I see it is that the view is there to take in HTTP requests, gather the required information (specific to what's been requested) and pass the HTTP request and Context to be rendered. Template tags should be used to fetch superflous information that isn't particularly related to the current template, (i.e. get the latest entries in a blog, or the most popular entries, but they can really do whatever you like.)
This lack of definition (or ignorance on my part) is starting to get to me, and I'd like to be consistent in my design and implementation, so any input is welcome!
I'd say that your understanding is quite right. The main method of gathering information and rendering it via a template is always the view. Template tags are there for any extra information and processing you might need to do, perhaps across multiple views, that is not directly related to the view you're rendering.
You shouldn't worry about making your views generic. That's what the built-in generic views are for, after all. Once you need to start stepping outside what they provide, then you should definitely make them specific to your use cases. You might of course find some common functionality that is used in multiple views, in which case you can factor that out into a separate function or even a context processor, but on the whole a view is a standalone bit of code for a particular specific use.