I'm dealing with a script and I won't be able to create it without your help.
This is what I need: I have two .txt files, one contains variables (between two #) like these:
The other .txt have variables that need to be completed from the previous file
I need to get every variable in the first file (I guess I have to use regular expression) and replace its value in the second file if the variable exits.
I would really appreciate if anyone has a similar script to get an idea. I'm trying to do it with VBS.
Thanks a lot.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
This was my original script:
'ReplaceScript "c:\Variables_INT.txt" "C:\AR_INT.tailoring.properties"
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
strTxtFile = Wscript.Arguments(0)
strTailoringFile = Wscript.Arguments(1)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShl = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFileVariablesTXT = objFSO.OpenTextFile (strTxtFile, ForReading) 'Variables_INT.txt
Set objFileTailoring = objFSO.OpenTextFile (strTailoringFile, ForReading) 'AR_INT.tailoring.properties
Dim strQuartz, strPickupfFolder, strUrl, strDbPwd, strDbUser, strDbDestTable
strSearchString = objFileVariablesTXT.ReadAll
vQuartz = InStr(strSearchString, "#QuartzJars#=")
vPickupFolder = InStr(strSearchString, "#PickupFolder#=")
vDbUrl = InStr(strSearchString, "#Db1Url#=")
vDbPwd = InStr(strSearchString, "#Db1Pwd#=")
vDbUser = InStr(strSearchString, "#Db1User#=")
vDbDestTable = InStr(strSearchString, "#DestinationTable#=")
If vQuartz <> 0 Then
'vQuartz = vQuartz + 13
strQuartz = Mid(strSearchString, vQuartz, 304)
' WScript.Echo strQuartz
End If
If vPickupFolder <> 0 Then
'vPickupFolder = vPickupFolder + 15
strPickupfFolder = Mid(strSearchString, vPickupFolder, 50)
' WScript.Echo strPickupfFolder
End If
If vDbUrl <> 0 Then
'vDbUrl = vDbUrl + 9
strUrl = Mid(strSearchString, vDbUrl, 65)
' WScript.Echo strUrl
End If
If vDbPwd <> 0 Then
'vDbPwd = vDbPwd + 9
strDbPwd = Mid(strSearchString, vDbPwd, 17)
'WScript.Echo strDbPwd
End If
If vDbUser <> 0 Then
'vDbUser = vDbUser + 10
strDbUser = Mid(strSearchString, vDbUser, 25)
'WScript.Echo strDbUser
End If
If vDbDestTable <> 0 Then
'vDbDestTable = vDbDestTable + 19
strDbDestTable = Mid(strSearchString, vDbDestTable, 29)
'WScript.Echo strDbDestTable
End If
strReplaceString = objFileTailoring.ReadAll
arrReplacements = Array("#QuartzJars#=Ç" & strQuartz , "#PickupFolder#=Ç" & strPickupfFolder, "#Db1Url#=Ç" & strUrl, "#Db1Pwd#=Ç" & strDbPwd, "#Db1User#=Ç" &strDbUser, "#DestinationTable#=Ç" & strDbDestTable)
Set objFileTailoring = Nothing
For Each strReplacement In arrReplacements
strReplaceWhat = Split(strReplacement, "Ç")(0)
'WScript.Echo strReplaceWhat
strReplaceWith = Split(strReplacement, "Ç")(1)
'WScript.Echo strReplaceWith
strReplaceString = Replace(strReplaceString, strReplaceWhat, strReplaceWith)
'wScript.Echo strReplaceString
Set objFileTailoring = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTailoringFile, 2, true)
objFileTailoring.Write strReplaceString
Quick and Dirty:
Dim sFSpec1 : sFSpec1 = "..\data\frs.txt"
Dim sFSpec2 : sFSpec2 = "..\data\sec.txt"
Dim dicRpl : Set dicRpl = CreateObject( "Scripting.Dictionary" )
Dim reCut : Set reCut = New RegExp
reCut.Global = True
reCut.Pattern = "(#[^#]+#)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$"
Dim sAll : sAll = goFS.OpenTextFile( sFSpec1 ).ReadAll
WScript.Echo sAll
WScript.Echo "---------------"
Dim oMTS : Set oMTS = reCut.Execute( sAll )
Dim oMT
For Each oMT In oMTS
dicRpl( oMT.SubMatches( 0 ) ) = oMT.SubMatches( 1 )
sAll = goFS.OpenTextFile( sFSpec2 ).ReadAll
WScript.Echo sAll
WScript.Echo "---------------"
Dim sKey
For Each sKey In dicRpl.Keys
sAll = Replace( sAll, sKey, dicRpl( sKey ) )
WScript.Echo sAll
If that solves your problem in principle, we can nail down details.
As Jean-François Corbett surely is right, use the pattern
reCut.Pattern = "(#[^#]+#=)(.*?)\s*$"
and the final replacement
sAll = Replace( sAll, sKey, sKey & dicRpl( sKey ) )
This version assumes a strict #x#=[y] format in both files.
Tested this brute force approach, it works for me...
Dim FSO, txs, all, sourceLines, i, targetLines, j, delimiterPosition
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set txs = FSO.OpenTextFile(".\source.txt", 1)
set txs = FSO.OpenTextFile(".\target.txt", 1)
for i = 0 to ubound(sourceLines)
If sourceLines(i)<>"" Then
delimiterPosition = InStr(2, sourceLines(i), "#")
sourceVarName = Mid(sourceLines(i), 2, delimiterPosition - 2)
sourceVarValue = Mid(sourceLines(i), delimiterPosition + 2)
for j = 0 to ubound(targetLines)
If targetLines(j)<>"" Then
delimiterPosition = InStr(2, targetLines(j), "#")
targetVarName = Mid(targetLines(j), 2, delimiterPosition - 2)
If targetVarName = sourceVarName Then
targetLines(j) = targetLines(j) & sourceVarValue
End If
End If
End If
set txs = FSO.OpenTextFile(".\target.txt", 2)
for j = 0 to ubound(targetLines)
txs.WriteLine targetLines(j)
Target file is now:
I can't find where I'm going wrong to make the structuring for the levels.
As the attached image is made with a file below it opens until the end. (file basically has single cascade)
The image on the right, on the other hand, contains a level above that has files contained in 3 different levels..
I believe I'm going around a lot to be able to structure according to the files.
Public Class Form1
Public list As New List(Of Linha)
Public Lid As Integer = 0
Dim iPathDoc As String
Private MainSub()
Dim strDocName As String
strDocName = oApprenticeApp.FileManager.GetFullDocumentName(txtFileName.Text, 'Master')
oApprenticeServerDoc = oApprenticeApp.Open(strDocName)
iPathDoc = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(oApprenticeServerDoc.FullFileName, InStrRev(oApprenticeServerDoc.FullFileName, '\'))
'Build child nodes
End Sub
Sub SubNivel()
Dim Final As Boolean = False
'run while finish all list,
'bug ( some times where add a new item at list, its not include on final.. so list is not in sort(how create)
If list.Count <> 0 Then
Do While Final = False
For n = 0 To list.Count - 1
'search each line from list if there reg=false
If list(n).reg = False Then
'if false put = False
Final = False
'if false open
BuildTreeViewRef(list(n).pai, list(n).filho)
'case the item = True
Final = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BuildTreeView()
'set main node
Dim conj As TreeNode = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(oApprenticeServerDoc.FullFileName, oApprenticeServerDoc.DisplayName)
Dim oRefFileDesc As ReferencedFileDescriptor
For Each oRefFileDesc In oApprenticeServerDoc.ReferencedFileDescriptors
If oRefFileDesc.DocumentType = Inventor.DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
conj.Nodes.Add(oRefFileDesc.FullFileName, oRefFileDesc.DisplayName, 0, 0)
'add on list each new assy
'creates in order to list = Lid
Lid = Lid + 1
list.Add(New Linha(Lid, oApprenticeServerDoc.FullFileName, oRefFileDesc.FullFileName, False))
conj.Nodes.Add(oRefFileDesc.FullFileName, oRefFileDesc.DisplayName, 1, 1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BuildTreeViewRef(Painode As String, refDocName As String)
'open refdoc and local
Dim oRefDoc As String
oRefDoc = oApprenticeApp.FileManager.GetFullDocumentName(refDocName, 'Master')
Dim oAssyDoc As Inventor.ApprenticeServerDocument
oAssyDoc = oApprenticeApp.Open(refDocName)
'set node where include the refDocname, = painode
Dim Root() As TreeNode
Root = TreeView1.Nodes.Find(Painode, True) 'TreeView1.SelectedNode
Dim SubCj() As TreeNode
'check all roots from pai
'If Root.Length > 1 Then
For i = 0 To Root.Length - 1
SubCj = Root(i).Nodes.Find(refDocName, True) 'TreeView1.SelectedNode
Dim oRefFileDesc As ReferencedFileDescriptor
For Each oRefFileDesc In oAssyDoc.ReferencedFileDescriptors
If oRefFileDesc.DocumentType = Inventor.DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
SubCj(0).Nodes.Add(oRefFileDesc.FullFileName, oRefFileDesc.DisplayName, 0, 0)
Lid = Lid + 1
list.Add(New Linha(Lid, refDocName, oRefFileDesc.FullFileName, False))
SubCj(0).Nodes.Add(oRefFileDesc.FullFileName, oRefFileDesc.DisplayName, 1, 1)
End If
'check if really the item goes to treeview
For n = 0 To list.Count - 1
If list(n).pai = Painode And list(n).filho = refDocName Then
list(n).reg = True
End If
End Sub
Public Class Linha
Public Property Id() As Integer
Public Property pai() As String
Public Property filho() As String
Public Property reg As Boolean
Public Sub New(ByVal _id As Integer, ByVal _pai As String, ByVal _filho As String, ByVal _reg As Boolean)
Me.Id = _id
Me.pai = _pai
Me.filho = _filho
Me.reg = _reg
End Sub
End Class
I have a VBScript that is working but I would like to improve the efficiency of it through regex, for example, in an environment I look for several versions of SQL Server through of RTM:
10.5.1720.0 SQL Server 2008 R2 CU2
10.5.1702.0 SQL Server 2008 R2 CU1
9.00.4305 SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU10
9.00.4294 SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU9
8.00.2039 SQL Server 2000 SP4
8.00.760 SQL Server 2000 SP3
I would like the script to recognize if the string is "^10.*" Then it should write SQL Server 2008 if not "^9.*" Write SQL Server 2005 and so on
So here's my script:
Dim mts, objShell, PV
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments
PV = "$(PV)"
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
regEx.MultiLine = True
regEx.Pattern = "^10\.*"
If PV = "7.0.623" Then
WScript.Echo "7.0"
ElseIf PV = "7.0.699" Then
WScript.Echo "7.0"
ElseIf PV = "7.0.842" Then
WScript.Echo "7.0"
ElseIf PV = "7.0.961" Then
WScript.Echo "7.0"
ElseIf PV = "7.0.1063" Then
WScript.Echo "7.0"
ElseIf PV = "8.0.194" Then
WScript.Echo "2000"
ElseIf PV = "8.0.384" Then
WScript.Echo "2000"
ElseIf PV = "8.0.532" Then
WScript.Echo "2000"
ElseIf PV = "8.0.760" Then
WScript.Echo "2000"
ElseIf PV = "8.0.2039" Then
WScript.Echo "2000"
ElseIf PV = "13.1.4001.0" Then
WScript.Echo "2016"
WScript.Echo "DTP"
End If
Is there any way I can reduce through Regex in VB?
I'd recommend combining a regular expression with a Select Case statement.
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "^(\d+)\."
For Each m In re.Execute(PV)
Select Case m.Submatches(0)
Case "7" : version = "7.0"
Case "8" : version = "2000"
Case "9" : version = "2005"
Case "10" : version = "2008"
Case "13" : version = "2016"
Case Else : version = "DTP"
End Select
WScript.Echo version
Different approach: Using Split to get the leading number and a dictionary (data) instead of Case (code):
Option Explicit
Function makeDict(sK, sV)
Dim d : Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim aK : aK = Split(sK)
Dim aV : aV = Split(sV)
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(aK)
d(aK(i)) = aV(i)
d(Null) = aV(i)
Set makeDict = d
End Function
Dim d : Set d = makeDict("10 7", "2008 7.0 DTP")
Dim ts : Set ts = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("data.txt")
Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream
Dim s : s = ts.ReadLine()
Dim k : k = Split(s, ".")(0)
Dim r
If d.Exists(k) Then
r = d(k)
r = d(Null)
End If
WScript.Echo s, "=>", r
cscript 46691612-2.vbs
10.5.1720.0 SQL Server 2008 R2 CU2 => 2008
10.5.1702.0 SQL Server 2008 R2 CU1 => 2008
9.00.4305 SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU10 => DTP
9.00.4294 SQL Server 2005 SP3 CU9 => DTP
8.00.2039 SQL Server 2000 SP4 => DTP
8.00.760 SQL Server 2000 SP3 => DTP
7.00.760 SQL Server sieben => 7.0
My friend helped me and made this script that worked well:
Dim mts, objShell, Version
set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments
Version ="$(Version)"
IF uBound(a) > 0 Then
VersionInt = CInt(a(0))
IF VersionInt = 7 or VersionInt = 6 Then
saida = VersionInt
End If
IF VersionInt = 8 Then
saida = "2000"
End If
IF VersionInt = 9 Then
saida = "2005"
End If
IF VersionInt = 10 Then
saida = "2008"
IF uBound(a) > 1 Then
ReleaseVersionInt = CInt(a(1))
If ReleaseVersionInt > 49 then
saida = "2008 R2"
End If
End If
End If
IF VersionInt = 11 Then
saida = "2012"
End If
IF VersionInt = 12 Then
saida = "2014"
End If
IF VersionInt = 13 Then
saida = "2016"
End If
IF VersionInt = 14 Then
saida = "2017"
End If
If saida="" Then
Wscript.echo erro
Wscript.echo saida
End IF
Wscript.echo erro
End IF
The below code will split 1 cell into 3 or 4 column based on a pattern of 6chr,5chr,4chr,5+chr. The below also needs to be available on all open workbooks and work from the user selection.
How to fix a bug that after the first splitting of the cell is done and by mistake you run it again will override the data?
Class Module
Option Explicit
'Rename this Class Module cFabric
Private pStyle As String
Private pFabric As String
Private pColour As String
Private pSize As String
Public Property Get Style() As String
Style = pStyle
End Property
Public Property Let Style(Value As String)
pStyle = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Fabric() As String
Fabric = pFabric
End Property
Public Property Let Fabric(Value As String)
pFabric = UCase(Value)
End Property
Public Property Get Colour() As String
Colour = pColour
End Property
Public Property Let Colour(Value As String)
pColour = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Size() As String
Size = pSize
End Property
Public Property Let Size(Value As String)
pSize = Value
End Property
Regular Module
Option Explicit
Sub Fabrics()
Dim wsSrc As Workbook, wsRes As Workbook
Dim vSrc As Variant, vRes As Variant, rRes As Range
Dim RE As Object, MC As Object
Const sPat As String = "^(.{6})\s*(.{5})\s*(.{4})(?:.*1/(\S+))?"
'Group 1 = style
'Group 2 = fabric
'Group 3 = colour
'Group 4 = size
Dim colF As Collection, cF As cFabric
Dim I As Long
Dim S As String
Dim V As Variant
'Set source and results worksheets and ranges
Set wsSrc = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsRes = ActiveWorkbook
Set rRes = wsRes.Application.Selection
'Read source data into array
vSrc = Application.Selection
'Initialize the Collection object
Set colF = New Collection
'Initialize the Regex Object
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
.Global = False
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = sPat
'Test for single cell
If Not IsArray(vSrc) Then
V = vSrc
ReDim vSrc(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
vSrc(1, 1) = V
End If
'iterate through the list
For I = 1 To UBound(vSrc, 1)
S = vSrc(I, 1)
Set cF = New cFabric
If .test(S) = True Then
Set MC = .Execute(S)
With MC(0)
cF.Style = .submatches(0)
cF.Fabric = .submatches(1)
cF.Colour = .submatches(2)
cF.Size = .submatches(3)
End With
cF.Style = S
End If
colF.Add cF
Next I
End With
'create results array
'Exit if no results
If colF.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim vRes(1 To colF.Count, 1 To 4)
'Populate the rest
I = 0
For Each V In colF
I = I + 1
With V
vRes(I, 1) = .Style
vRes(I, 2) = .Fabric
vRes(I, 3) = .Colour
vRes(I, 4) = .Size
End With
Next V
'Write the results
Set rRes = rRes.Resize(UBound(vRes, 1), UBound(vRes, 2))
rRes.Value = vRes
End Sub
Credits for the above goes to #Ron Rosenfeld for the project!
One way to tell if the entry has been previously split is as follows
If the regex.test fails, then
If the results line passes, then the item has been previously split
if not, then it is a blank, or a malformed entry
Note that a lot of this could be avoided if you were not overwriting your original data. I would recommend against overwriting your data both for audit and debugging purposes, but the below should help in case you cannot change that.
You just need to make some small changes in the logic where we checked for the malformed entry originally. As well as reading in the "possible" results array into vSrc so that we have the potentially split data to compare:
Option Explicit
Sub Fabrics()
'assume data is in column A
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet, wsRes As Worksheet
Dim vSrc As Variant, vRes As Variant, rRes As Range
Dim RE As Object, MC As Object
Const sPat As String = "^(.{6})\s*(.{5})\s*(.{4})(?:.*1/(\S+))?"
'Group 1 = style
'Group 2 = fabric
'Group 3 = colour
'Group 4 = size
Dim colF As Collection, cF As cFabric
Dim I As Long
Dim S As String
Dim V As Variant
'Set source and results worksheets and ranges
Set wsSrc = ActiveSheet
Set wsRes = ActiveSheet
Set rRes = Selection
'Read source data into array
vSrc = Selection.Resize(columnsize:=4)
'Initialize the Collection object
Set colF = New Collection
'Initialize the Regex Object
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
.Global = False
.MultiLine = True
.Pattern = sPat
'iterate through the list
'Test for single cell
If Not IsArray(vSrc) Then
V = vSrc
ReDim vSrc(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
vSrc(1, 1) = V
End If
For I = 1 To UBound(vSrc, 1)
S = vSrc(I, 1)
Set cF = New cFabric
If .test(S) = True Then
Set MC = .Execute(S)
With MC(0)
cF.Style = .submatches(0)
cF.Fabric = .submatches(1)
cF.Colour = .submatches(2)
cF.Size = .submatches(3)
End With
ElseIf .test(vSrc(I, 1) & vSrc(I, 2) & vSrc(I, 3)) = False Then
cF.Style = S
cF.Style = vSrc(I, 1)
cF.Fabric = vSrc(I, 2)
cF.Colour = vSrc(I, 3)
cF.Size = vSrc(I, 4)
End If
colF.Add cF
Next I
End With
'create results array
'Exit if not results
If colF.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim vRes(1 To colF.Count, 1 To 4)
I = 0
For Each V In colF
I = I + 1
With V
vRes(I, 1) = .Style
vRes(I, 2) = .Fabric
vRes(I, 3) = .Colour
vRes(I, 4) = .Size
End With
Next V
'Write the results
Set rRes = rRes.Resize(UBound(vRes, 1), UBound(vRes, 2))
With rRes
.NumberFormat = "#"
.Value = vRes
End With
End Sub
Disregarding the previous regex/class method,
Option Explicit
Sub Fabrics_part_Deux()
Dim a As Long, b As Long
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
If .AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilterMode = False
With .Range(.Cells(1, "A"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 3))
With .Columns("B")
.Offset(1, 0).Replace what:=Chr(32), replacement:=vbNullString, lookat:=xlPart
End With
.AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="<>"
.AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=""
With .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1).Offset(1, 1)
If CBool(Application.Subtotal(103, .Cells)) Then
With .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
For a = 1 To .Areas.Count
With .Areas(a).Cells
.TextToColumns Destination:=.Cells(1), DataType:=xlFixedWidth, _
FieldInfo:=Array(Array(0, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(15, 2))
For b = 1 To .Rows.Count
.Cells(b, 2) = UCase$(.Cells(b, 2).Value2)
If CBool(InStr(1, .Cells(b, 4).Value2, Chr(47), vbBinaryCompare)) Then
.Cells(b, 4) = Trim(Split(.Cells(b, 4), Chr(47))(1))
End If
Next b
End With
Next a
End With
End If
End With
End With
If .AutoFilterMode Then .AutoFilterMode = False
End With
End Sub
In your code to output to the spreadsheet, you need to check for empty strings
I = 0
For Each V In colF
I = I + 1
With V
vRes(I, 1) = .Style
If len(.Fabric) > 0 then
vRes(I, 2) = .Fabric
vRes(I, 3) = .Colour
vRes(I, 4) = .Size
End If
End With
Next V
I have a column where each cell has a string of digits, ?, -, and digits in parentheses/brackets/curly brackets. A good example would be something like the following:
How do I separate the string into different cells by characters, where a 'character' in this case refers to any number, ?, -, and value within the parentheses/brackets/curly brackets (including said parentheses/brackets/curly brackets)?
In essence, the string above would turn into the following (spaced apart to denote a separate cell):
3 ? ? ? ? 0 {1012} ? 1 2 1 - 2 [101] - - 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 (01) 1
The amount of numbers within the parentheses/brackets/curly brackets vary. There are no letters in any of the strings.
Here you are!
RegEx method:
Sub Test_RegEx()
Dim s, col, m
s = "3????0{1012}?121-2[101]--01221111(01)1"
Set col = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Global = True
.Pattern = "(?:\d|-|\?|\(\d+\)|\[\d+\]|\{\d+\})"
For Each m In .Execute(s)
col(col.Count) = m
End With
MsgBox Join(col.items) ' 3 ? ? ? ? 0 {1012} ? 1 2 1 - 2 [101] - - 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 (01) 1
End Sub
Loop method:
Sub Test_Loop()
Dim s, col, q, t, k, i
s = "3????0{1012}?121-2[101]--01221111(01)1"
Set col = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
q = "_"
t = True
k = 0
For i = 1 To Len(s)
t = (t Or InStr(1, ")]}", q) > 0) And InStr(1, "([{", q) = 0
q = Mid(s, i, 1)
If t Then k = k + 1
col(k) = col(k) & q
MsgBox Join(col.items) ' 3 ? ? ? ? 0 {1012} ? 1 2 1 - 2 [101] - - 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 (01) 1
End Sub
Something else to look at :)
Sub test()
'String to parse through
Dim aStr As String
'final string to print
Dim finalString As String
aStr = "3????0{1012}?121-2[101]--01221111(01)1"
'Loop through string
For i = 1 To Len(aStr)
'The character to look at
char = Mid(aStr, i, 1)
'Check if the character is an opening brace, curly brace, or parenthesis
Dim result As String
Select Case char
Case "["
result = loop_until_end(Mid(aStr, i + 1), "]")
i = i + Len(result)
result = char & result
Case "("
result = loop_until_end(Mid(aStr, i + 1), ")")
i = i + Len(result)
result = char & result
Case "{"
result = loop_until_end(Mid(aStr, i + 1), "}")
i = i + Len(result)
result = char & result
Case Else
result = Mid(aStr, i, 1)
End Select
finalString = finalString & result & " "
Debug.Print (finalString)
End Sub
'Loops through and concatenate to a final string until the end_char is found
'Returns a substring starting from the character after
Function loop_until_end(aStr, end_char)
idx = 1
If (Len(aStr) <= 1) Then
loop_until_end = aStr
char = Mid(aStr, idx, 1)
Do Until (char = end_char)
idx = idx + 1
char = Mid(aStr, idx, 1)
End If
loop_until_end = Mid(aStr, 1, idx)
End Function
Assuming the data is in column A starting in row 1 and that you want the results start in column B and going right for each row of data in column A, here is alternate method using only worksheet formulas.
In cell B1 use this formula:
In cell C1 use this formula:
Copy the C1 formula right until it starts giving you blanks (there are no more items left to split out from the string in the A cell). In your example, need to copy it right to column AA. Then you can copy the formulas down for the rest of your Column A data.
The majority of my code works other than the 'Calculate Totals' button. I have three listboxes and need my 'Calculate Totals' button to iterate through the selected costs in the 'lstCosts' listbox. However in Option Strict On I receive an error as "List is not a member of Double" and "ListCount is not a member of Double" Can someone help rectify this? I know my code is close to working I just don't know how.
Below is my code which isn't working:
Private Sub btnAddCourse_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddCourse.Click
'Declare variables
Dim strCourse As String 'To hold the Course Values
Dim strLocation As String 'To hold the Location values
'Item Indexing
'Identifies the four Course strings
strCourse = lstCourse.Items(0).ToString()
strCourse = lstCourse.Items(1).ToString()
strCourse = lstCourse.Items(2).ToString()
strCourse = lstCourse.Items(3).ToString()
'Identifies the four Location strings
strLocation = lstLocation.Items(0).ToString()
strLocation = lstLocation.Items(1).ToString()
strLocation = lstLocation.Items(2).ToString()
strLocation = lstLocation.Items(3).ToString()
If lstCourse.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
'Error Message for no course selected
MessageBox.Show("Select a course.", "Error", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
ElseIf lstLocation.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
'Error message for no location selected
MessageBox.Show("Select a location.", "Error", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
'Essential Linux and Belfast selected = £705
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 0 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
'Essential Linux and Coleraine selected = £600
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 0 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
'Essential Linux and Jordasntown selected = £600
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 0 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
'Essential Linux and Magee selected = £630
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 0 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
'Project Management and Belfast selected £520
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 1 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
'Project Management and Coleraine selected = £450
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 1 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
'Project Management and Jordanstown selected = £450
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 1 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
'Project Management and Magee selected = £470
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 1 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
'Overview of net and Belfast selected = £705
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 2 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
'Overview of net and Coleraine selected = £575
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 2 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
'Overview of net and Jordanstown selected = £575
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 2 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
'Overview of net and Magee selected = £605
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 2 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
'PHP and Belfast selected = £780
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 3 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
'PHP and Coleraine selected = £675
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 3 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
'PHP and Jordanstown selected = £675
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 3 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
'PHP and Magee selected = £705
ElseIf lstCourse.SelectedIndex = 3 And lstLocation.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalculateTotal_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateTotal.Click
Dim lstCosts As Double
Dim lblTotalCost As Double
For lstCosts = 0 To lstCosts.ListCount - 1
lblTotalCost = lblTotalCost + CDbl(lstCosts.List(lstCosts))
Next lstCosts
lblTotalCost = lstCosts
End Sub
Private Sub btnReset_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
'Clears the fields
lblTotalCost.Text = String.Empty
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
'Closes the Program
End Sub
when I Looked before there was more code to support my solution.
I think you have 2 issues local vs global naming, and assignment.
Private Sub btnCalculateTotal_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateTotal.Click
'Declare variables
Dim lvIterate As Double '
Dim lvTotalOfCost As Double
'Calculate Total Cost
For lvIterate = 0 To lstCosts.ListCount - 1
lvTotalOfCost = lvTotalOfCost + CDbl(lstCosts.List(lvIterate))
lblTotalCost.Text = lvTotalOfCost
End Sub
Hope it solves you issue.