Can i build up some wiki/ google doc type editor by php??? - wiki

it seems that the google doc/wiki is difficult if i code it from the zero
So, are there any kinds of api/plugin already have those code for php.
Also, how can wiki handle the parallel editing?? Say, one have update the content when the other one is updating. How can the latter one get the most updated information ????
Otherwise the updated content will be erase once the latter one submit update .

I'm not sure about the first part of your question, but as for the parallel editing:
It seems to me that you're basically coding a CMS system. As with most CMSs (CMSii?), you're going to want every article to have two possible states: checked in or checked out. That way, you eliminate the possibility of 2 people working on the same article simultaneously.
So basically, in your database table that holds your article entries, you'd want a row called something like checked_out, which defaults to 0.
When an editor clicks to edit an article, your code first checks to make sure checked_out == 0. That way it knows you're the only one working on that particular article. Then, if it does allow you to work on the article, set checked_out to 1. When you click to save/update/whatever the article, make sure it sets checked_out back to 0.
Seems like the simplest solution to me.


Update a template in my Template Gallery externally

I have a template in my template gallery that I have been working on and have hit something of a snag with what I am wanting to do. Basically, I want to have my invoice numbers increment when I click on the graphic button in Column H. I have a script tied to the drawing and it works exactly how I want it to--at least locally.
So, here is my question: I would like to have this script update the data sheet on my template--either in addition to or instead of--I don't really care either way on that.
EtA: I neglected to include a link to an example sheet. Here is that:
Honestly, I haven't really attempted anything. The sum total of my looking into this has been looking via Google and in the forums, but everything I'm finding talks about being able to pull data from an external spreadsheet, but nothing about pushing data there. Given that this is a template. An alternative (in my mind) would be to have the invoice number automatically increment/set each time the template is used, but I have no idea where to even start on something like that.
Any advice--even telling me that I am out of my gourd and nothing like this is possible using Google Sheets--is appreciated.

Sitecore doesn't render any field types anymore

After a deploy to our Acceptance environment, templates in sitecore seem to be broken. We have installed them back with an item package from a working environment and did a revert on the /sitecore/templates/system tree.
We didn't notice any difficulties here, but when we try to edit with a rich text editor, we see the raw values. Even a tree list is rendered as a single line text field.
Next to that, the /sitecore/templates/system/templates/template item does not contain any fields.
Since we are on an acceptance environment, we cannot revert the entire database in case of data loss.
Do not think I entirely understand your issue, can you please be more specific and give us more details? You say templates are broken, but in what way exactly?Can you try reproducing that to ensure it happens again?
If you see everything as a text value, that happens because of you have Raw values in View tab switch on.

Performance issue when typing into search input when retrieving objects from store

I have a search field, which lets the user search books (filters records, which are retrieved with ember-data).
I have found that any access the store from the results computed property within my component (see jsbin) makes the typing into the search field very slow (noticeable on my PC, and terrible on smartphone).
Here is a screenshot of the Timeline pane when typing a search query. The displayed part show that every keypress causes A LOT of layout (the search field seems to rerendered on every keypress). I also provide the exported timeline which you can load into your dev tools as explained here
I have tried to recreate the issue in a jsfiddle, but it seems to work just fine. The difference might be that in the jsbin I am using fixtures, while in my app I retrieve data from a real API.
I don't understand what is causing this behavior. It may be hard to come to any conclusion from the data I can provide, but does anyone have any ideas? Has anyone experienced similar performance issues?
Update 2014-03-01
I should note that the performance hit only happens if the results computed property contains a call to the store. If I replace it with any other thing (like just returning [], or some random async method -- like $.get) it not display this performance hit.
Additionally, I should make it clear (in case you didn't read the code), that the results computed property is not called on every keypress, but only when the search is submitted.
This is not a Ember/Ember-data bug, but apparently a Google Chrome bug.
I have created a new question regarding the issue here

how to make next/previous buttons to toggle between gql query results

Say I have a website that has 100 products. Then this is filtered down to 5 sections containing 20 products each. If you were in one of the sections that contained 20 products (e.g. toys), what would be the optimal method to display only 5 toys per page. At the bottom of the list would be next/previous buttons to show the next/previous set of 5 toys.
A better analogy would be google search. There are millions of results but only ~10 are shown at a given time.
So right now I'm using google app engine (python) and django templates. One way I thought of to remedy this problem would be making all the query results go into a div which could then be modified through javascript to give a similar effect. However, if someone were to click their browser's back button, they wouldn't go where they originally came from.
Thanks in advance. Any help would be useful...I don't know what this technique is called so google hasn't been really useful :(
Edit: based on responses, I found my question was solved here: How to use cursor() for pagination?
Look into query cursors. Thay are made to be serialized and sent to client, to be used in creating "next" and "previous" paging requests.
NOTE: don't use offset on queries. This can be VERY expensive, as it actually fetches (and charges) all entities up to offset+limit position, but returns to application only limit results.
I'm not sure that putting all the results as hidden content in the HTML and manipulating it using JS is a very good idea if you might have a large result set (think about what happened if Google used this approach). There's also the back functionality issue that you've mentioned.
So, as for querying a wanted "results page" each time, I think the Google's GQL Reference might help you, take a look specifically at the LIMIT clause, it can help you create the paging mechanism you're looking for by supplying it with the number of items-per-page you want as "count" and the numbers of items-previously-viewed as "offset" (0 at first call).
As for displaying, I think that the Google Images / Facebook News Feed approach might also be interesting to think about (loading on scroll instead of paging), but that's a matter of your personal choice :)
Hope this helps, good luck!
EDIT: After reading Peter's answer, I found it much more efficient to use cursors for pagination, a good reference is given in his answer.

Django: How to implement system flags

I am developing an application in Django and I am curious on how I can go about adding a model such that only 1 row is only ever present (i.e. Singleton).
As an example, I'd like to maintain a set of boolean flags of the application i'm running as to whether: it's on or off (so I can manually turn it on or off, perhaps even per module).
I can't see any part of the docs explaining a good way to go about setting this up.
Any suggestions?
Not sure from you explanation in what context you require this but I have a model which holds a number of key/value pairs used in validator checks and other things. The keys are all needed by each implementation of the project but the values will differ between projects. The values should be maintainable by an admin user. The values usually do not need to change very much once set. Given that, I decided to put them in a model. It is a bit weird but simple enough.
You should be able to limit write access to the model to the one row for either your app or your users through your code.
only ever reference the first row in the QuerySet
row = MyVariables.objects.all()[0]
Test if there are rows first. if you think there might accidentally be more than one record then make sure it is ordered (but that should never happen if you did (1) correctly.
There are a couple of apps already dealing with this, check out
I'm also a bit confused on your goal, but I'd recommend looking at the Model Instance section of the docs. You should probably look at customizing the validation or cleaning of the model.
If your goal is to only have 1 row flagged in the table for your model: during the validation you can run a query to see if any other row is flagged, and update them to be not flagged. (or delete them).
This question Unique BooleanField value in Django may be helpful.