Update a template in my Template Gallery externally - templates

I have a template in my template gallery that I have been working on and have hit something of a snag with what I am wanting to do. Basically, I want to have my invoice numbers increment when I click on the graphic button in Column H. I have a script tied to the drawing and it works exactly how I want it to--at least locally.
So, here is my question: I would like to have this script update the data sheet on my template--either in addition to or instead of--I don't really care either way on that.
EtA: I neglected to include a link to an example sheet. Here is that:
Honestly, I haven't really attempted anything. The sum total of my looking into this has been looking via Google and in the forums, but everything I'm finding talks about being able to pull data from an external spreadsheet, but nothing about pushing data there. Given that this is a template. An alternative (in my mind) would be to have the invoice number automatically increment/set each time the template is used, but I have no idea where to even start on something like that.
Any advice--even telling me that I am out of my gourd and nothing like this is possible using Google Sheets--is appreciated.


What is the best way to fin and use a template in cakephp 3

i'm new in cakephp and I have started with version 3. I want to build a beautifull app and because I'm not good in design, I would really like to use a free template or buy one that I can use within cakephp.
So, I would really appreciate all your propositions and ideas or best practises. The easy way will be the best because I don't have a lot of time with this project. Thank you in advance.
If you don't have a lot of time like you mentioned, the easiest way to go ahead and get started is to paste a lot of the code in your default.ctp layout inside of src/Template/Layout/default.ctp.
You'll notice there are some lines of PHP already in there that are relevant to fetching blocks of css, meta tags, and other bits of code that could potentially exist throughout your project.
Find the main layout of the theme your trying to use - the one that will be consistent across most of the pages. That's the one you'll use for default.ctp. Compare what's already in default.ctp and make the comparable adjustments around the HTML in that document while keeping the important lines of PHP there as well.
For other important pages like a login or registration page, just create a new document for those, like 'login.ctp', then inside the function that loads the page (maybe 'login' inside of UsersController'), change the default layout with this line of code:
$this->viewBuilder()->layout('login'); // without the .ctp ending
This way you can create one-off layouts that don't really match any other page.

Dynamic Dashlet in Alfresco Share

As a user experience requirement, I need to create a dynamic dashlet.
According to what I need, a dynamic dashlet would be a special dashlet that can load inside "almost every content". I say almost every content because of course this kind of dashlet would have its own limits of course. At the same time, it would be nice that the dynamic dashlet has the ability of being maximized, what in fact would show the real content (for example, an Alfresco page).
Perhaps my question is ambiguous, but the intention to give the user the chance of check execute common functionality inside that special dashlet, this way the user doesn't have to leave the dashboard improving the user experience as a consequence.
Did anybody have had such requirement or similar before? Would that be possible to do?
I would like to know some tips and suggestions in order to find out the right approach.
Thanks in advance.
You could try re-using the webview Dashlet which can also show another page.
The only problem is that not every part which is visible in Share can be accessed via url. Sure the template gets build up by regions of *.ftl's but that doesn't mean you can 'just' view the *.ftl.
The only 'dynamic' thing I see is making a custom page template which shows one or couple of regions which are dynamically build by the url.
e.g. pointing to share/page/customPage?region1=documentlibrary should insert the documentlibrary template within that page and thus it can be shown within the iFrame of the webview Dashlet.
Actually the documentlibrary is a bad example, because there is already a portletMode available for Liferay. But hopefully you'll get my point.

how to make next/previous buttons to toggle between gql query results

Say I have a website that has 100 products. Then this is filtered down to 5 sections containing 20 products each. If you were in one of the sections that contained 20 products (e.g. toys), what would be the optimal method to display only 5 toys per page. At the bottom of the list would be next/previous buttons to show the next/previous set of 5 toys.
A better analogy would be google search. There are millions of results but only ~10 are shown at a given time.
So right now I'm using google app engine (python) and django templates. One way I thought of to remedy this problem would be making all the query results go into a div which could then be modified through javascript to give a similar effect. However, if someone were to click their browser's back button, they wouldn't go where they originally came from.
Thanks in advance. Any help would be useful...I don't know what this technique is called so google hasn't been really useful :(
Edit: based on responses, I found my question was solved here: How to use cursor() for pagination?
Look into query cursors. Thay are made to be serialized and sent to client, to be used in creating "next" and "previous" paging requests.
NOTE: don't use offset on queries. This can be VERY expensive, as it actually fetches (and charges) all entities up to offset+limit position, but returns to application only limit results.
I'm not sure that putting all the results as hidden content in the HTML and manipulating it using JS is a very good idea if you might have a large result set (think about what happened if Google used this approach). There's also the back functionality issue that you've mentioned.
So, as for querying a wanted "results page" each time, I think the Google's GQL Reference might help you, take a look specifically at the LIMIT clause, it can help you create the paging mechanism you're looking for by supplying it with the number of items-per-page you want as "count" and the numbers of items-previously-viewed as "offset" (0 at first call).
As for displaying, I think that the Google Images / Facebook News Feed approach might also be interesting to think about (loading on scroll instead of paging), but that's a matter of your personal choice :)
Hope this helps, good luck!
EDIT: After reading Peter's answer, I found it much more efficient to use cursors for pagination, a good reference is given in his answer.

Can i build up some wiki/ google doc type editor by php???

it seems that the google doc/wiki is difficult if i code it from the zero
So, are there any kinds of api/plugin already have those code for php.
Also, how can wiki handle the parallel editing?? Say, one have update the content when the other one is updating. How can the latter one get the most updated information ????
Otherwise the updated content will be erase once the latter one submit update .
I'm not sure about the first part of your question, but as for the parallel editing:
It seems to me that you're basically coding a CMS system. As with most CMSs (CMSii?), you're going to want every article to have two possible states: checked in or checked out. That way, you eliminate the possibility of 2 people working on the same article simultaneously.
So basically, in your database table that holds your article entries, you'd want a row called something like checked_out, which defaults to 0.
When an editor clicks to edit an article, your code first checks to make sure checked_out == 0. That way it knows you're the only one working on that particular article. Then, if it does allow you to work on the article, set checked_out to 1. When you click to save/update/whatever the article, make sure it sets checked_out back to 0.
Seems like the simplest solution to me.

retrieving variable from intermed table

I need to retrieve institution name by going through an intermediate table. My view gets all the values except this one or at least it is not displaying in the template. Can someone please help with either revising my view or template statement?
Thank you,
To debug these kinds of problems do the following.
Run the view function's processing separate from any template or any other parts of Django.
Either interactively or with a VERY simple script run your query. For example, use a simple script like this to explore your model and make sure your model really works.
from app.models import Contact, Institution, Whatever
results= Researchproject.objects.filter(restitlestrip__icontains='something').distinct()
for project in results:
print project.contact
print contact.institutionname
Note several things about your simple script and your template.
Case matters. Project != project.
Navigation matters. In the script shown above, contact is undefined. project.contact, however, is defined. Perhaps that's what you meant.
Your model appears incomplete. The Contactintermed table doesn't seem to be used anywhere in your query or view. It may have FK's to other tables, but you don't seem to have a sensible navigation from Project through Contact to Contactinterma to Institution.
Get your model to be correct in a stand-alone script. Add the template processing later.
Also, please post all the code here on StackOverflow. Chasing your code down all over the internet is a huge pain. It's far easier to simply ignore your question than it is to chase down your code.
