libgmp-10.dll is missing - c++

I recently installed MinGW on my 64-bit Windows 7 computer and when I attempt to compile the most basic of c++ programs, for example
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello World" << endl;
return 0;
I get the error that "The program can't start because libgmp-10.dll is missing from your computer."

Have you tried adding C:\MinGW\bin as a System variable Path (not PATH) in Settings->System Properties->Environment Variables?
I saw this solution on this page: Missing libgmp-10.dll

Go to the mingw download page and browse the following directories:
MinGW / Base / gmp / gmp-5.0.1-1
Currently you end up with the following link:
and it contains the needed file.
I know there are automated methods for installing mingw gcc, but when one uses single mingw packages, then gmp is one of obligatory downloads.

c:/MinGW/bin to PATH
and restarted CMake-gui
worked for me

I came upon this question when I started CodeBlocks and then clicked on my project. After the project notes appeared and I pressed OK, the error appeared:
"System Error: The program can't start because libgmp-10.dll is missing from your computer.
Please reinstall the application to fix this problem."
I presse OK a bunch of times and then was able to do normal compile, link, etc. but that error showed up everytime I started C::B and went to the project. Then I noticed that the LLVM Clang compiler was my default compiler in the compiler settings, though GCC was set as the compiler specific to the project I was working on.
The solution was to set the compiler in the compiler settings to GCC (mingw) and also set it as the default compiler. After that this system error stopped popping up every time I started the project.
The reason I posted this answer is because it answers the OP's question and other people with the same question may have a similar reason for this irritation, and my personal experience in this matter may prove useful to those people.

If you did not find this file in your installation directory, and then went to the site [Click here] to download the file, and then extract it to your installation directory.enjoy:-)

Caution - removing stuff from your path can compromise your system!
Interestingly, you not only need to add the MinGW bin to your Path, but also you need to make sure that certain things are not on your path*. In my case, I saved my entire path variable as a backup, deleted everything non-system from my path except for MinGW and CMake, leaving:
C:\MinGW\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin
You should use the appropriate elements from your system path.
I first tried to do this with a batch job that launched CMake, but it seems that the CMake GUI was reaching back and grabbing the System 'Path' variable instead of the command prompt 'Path' variable, which I had printed and confirmed was as listed above before launching CMake.
Incidentally, I backed up the entire Windows VM before starting!
* For instance: various references, including known issues, mention sh.exe. I inherited this VM from my client and hacked it up further, so it's easier for me to use a clean path for my cross-compiling task and return afterward...

In just installed MinGW using the mingw-get-setup.exe v0.6.2beta-20131004-1 installer. Even though during the install I selected the gcc package, the installer didn't include the "mingw32-gmp" package, which includes libgmp-10.dll. I had to rerun the installer, chose the "Reinstall" option, and manually select the "mingw32-gmp dev" package.

If you don't have the permission modifying your global path, you can also change the active directory of your cmd shell.
How to do it (in the cmd shell):
C:\> cd C:\MINGW\bin
C:\MINGW\bin> gpp.exe C:\Users\James\Desktop\Program.cpp
How it doesn't work:
C:\>C:\MINGW\bin\gpp.exe C:\Users\James\Desktop\Program.cpp
Note: you have to change "C:\Users\James\Desktop\Programm.cpp" to wherever your program lays
How it works: windows looks for needed DLLs while in the same directory and if it can't find it there it'll look in the PATH variables (so it will search system32 by default), if you add any missing DLLs to the directory from where you run it, windows looks and uses them (even before it looks in the PATH).

A very simple fix to this problem of having missing driver file/s is to select and copy all the dll files from C:\MinGW\Bin and paste them into your C:\MyPrograms or whereever else your folder for created c++ (.cpp) files are being located.

Just search google for the dll file and download it. Then paste it into the folder in this path


Missing libgcc_s_seh-1.dll starting the .exe on Windows

I have a CMake-based C++ project. Until now I build and ran the project via CLion. Everything worked fine until I tried to run the .exe-file directly (not via CLion).
When I navigate to the cmake build directory in order to start my program via the executable file, it fails with the following message in the popup: Cannot continue the code execution because libgcc_s so-1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may resolve the issue.
I have the following questions
If I interpret the error message correctly, then this dll is missing on my computer. So I ask myself, why does my program still work when I start it via the development environment (CLion), although the error message expressly states that the source code requires this dll?
Is it the fault of my application/source code that the error appears or rather the current state of my computer? If the former, how can I prevent this error from appearing for other users?
What is the best way to fix this error? It's obvious that I need to download this dll, but where is the best place to put it (which directory and environment variable to use on Window)?
Which source is trustworthy to download this dll? I don't want to download any malware under this dll-name.
Optional: What kind of library is that? What functionalities does it offer?
Additional information
I use CMake as my build tool, CLion as the IDE and MinGW as the compiler.
What I have did so far?
I made sure it still works through the IDE.
I found this dll does not exist in the MinGW installation folder.
I searched the web for more information. Unfortunately, there are only pages unknown to me that only offer the download of this dll. That doesn't satisfy me.
I found the cause of my problem: I had two MingGW installations on my machine. Once the installation that comes with CLion and a separate one. The latter did not have the required dll. However, CLion used its own installation, which in turn owns the DLL. So the solution was to remove the separate installation and include the path to the CLion installation's bin/ directory in the PATH environment variable.
This file is part of MinGW-w64 when using SEH as exception model (as opposed to Dwarf or SJLJ). You need to distribute the .dll files your .exe file(s) depend on in the same folder as the .exe file(s).
If you don't have that file, then you probably have been using libraries compiled with different versions of GCC/MinGW(-w64). I recommend building everything with the same compiler to ensure stable binaries.
Tools like Dependency Walker can help you figure out which .dll files your .exe file depends on.
Or use the command line tool copypedeps -r from to copy the .exe files along with it's dependencies.

How to run c++ program written in eclipse, from terminal

I'm using Ubuntu and I have written my c++ code in Eclipse Neon.
My workspace contain 4 projects. The main project is called BaseCppProjectRun (it contains main.cpp file) and I have other projects with these names: Encoders, frmwrk, NetworkLayer - the BaseCppProjectRun using each one of them.
If I running my program directly from eclipse everything works.
But I want to running my program from terminal - and I can't.
Because When I'm trying to run my progrm like this:
root#ubuntu:/builds/BaseCppProject/BaseCppProjectRun# ./Debug/BaseCppProjectRun
I'm getting this error:
./Debug/BaseCppProjectRun: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
As I said before, if I'm running it directly from eclipse everything works.
How can I run my program from terminal?
How is Linux supposed to know where to find, if you don't put that either where it normally looks nor tell it where it can be found.
Eclipse seems to set up the paths the runtime linker looks into so, that when your program is loaded, the runtime linker knows where to find your and so on.
You'll either have to
install these libraries (.so's) so that they are found in default locations, or
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain all the folders to look into.
I haven't worked with Eclipse CDT in ages, but you can by now probably export some project formats that allow you to easily install things.
Another thing: It seems you're running software you're still debugging as root: That is a terrible idea, and if it can be avoided, avoid it.
I finally figure it out!
Refere to Marcus Muller's answer + my steps this is how I have fixed it ( all steps via terminal):
Create new directory in my workspace directory and called it libs.
In each one of your projects do: right click > c/C++ Build > Build Steps (tab) and in Post-build steps paste this:
cp ${BuildArtifactFilePrefix}${BuildArtifactFileName} "${WorkspaceDirPath}/libs/"
This code copy the so files directly into your libs directory when you compile your program.
And finally, in your terminal execute this:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/builds/BaseCppProject/libs/
Now you can run your program via terminal.

What causes the Eclipse CDT Unresolved inclusion: <iostream>

Just installed the latest Eclipse IDE and am following the included C++ User Guide right from 'Before you begin' section.
The simple application was successfully completed but once I got to the makefile project and the C++ file tutorials, I got the "Unresolved inclusion: <iostream>" error and a bunch of others related to "cout, cin, endl" because of it.
I followed the tutorials exactly as instructed and am not sure why this occurred. I have since corrected it by following this answer, but now want to know why this happens, especially since I am following the official tutorial and do I have to add the C++ include path for every project on Eclipse?
Related Question
That first error in the screenshot linked in the comments provides a clue to the problem.
If you go to the preference page mentioned in the error's "Location", you'll see that there is a field called "Command to get compiler specs" with the contents something like:
${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"
This is a command that Eclipse tries to run to get your compiler to output its built-in include paths and other similar information.
The fact that you're getting the error Program "-E" not found in PATH suggests that the variables ${COMMAND} and ${FLAGS} are evaluating to empty strings, so that the first actual token in the command (which the shell then tries to interpret as the program name) is -E.
I'm not sure why those variables are evaluating to empty, but you should be able to work around the issue by replacing ${COMMAND} with g++ (presumably g++ is in your PATH).
I've searched for a few hours and tried a lot solutions.
Envirment: windows, Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Kepler Service Release 2
CDT: 8.3.0
Following steps works for me:
make sure the envirement is clear. => I suggest delete the eclipse and unzip it again from your orginal download. Remove all variable relatated to eclipse and MinGW you set to PATH of envirment variables.
make sure the workspace is clear. => Delete .metadata folder in your workspace folder.
use valid MinGW. => the one using download tool is slow and I'm not sure which one to select. I suggest download MinGWStudio which contains an unzip MinGW from This is a IDE tool like eclipse contains a downloaded unzip MinGW. Make sure you download the one plus MinGW compiler which is about 20M. You can use this studio if you want or copy the MinGW folder to C:/ if you still prefer eclipse. Copy /MinGW inside /MinGWStudio to C:/.
close your eclipse and reopen it, create a new project, you should able to see MinGW section for new project option, and it will auto map g++, gcc and include files under C:/MinGW folder. Just make sure you copy MinGW folder from MinGWStudio to the root of C:/.
You will able to see your include after these steps. Build your project, everything should goes well even there may some warning hint.
Hope it helps.

Visual Studio doesn't recognize opencv: unable to locate DLL [duplicate]

I am trying just a basic program with OpenCV with the following code:
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
int main()
IplImage* newImg;
newImg = cvLoadImage("~/apple.bmp", 1);
cvNamedWindow("Window", 1);
cvShowImage("Window", newImg);
return 0;
When I run this, I get
The program can't start because
libcxcore200.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the
program to fix this problem.
However, I can see this DLL. It exists. I have added the following to the input dependencies for my linker
What gives? I'm using visual studio 2008.
When I link the .dll files instead of .dll.a files, I get
fatal error LNK1107:invalid or corrupt
file: cannot read at 0x3F8
I followed instructions on but was still stuck on exactly the same problem, so here's how I resolved it.
Fetched MSVC 2010 express edition.
Fetched Win 32 OpenCV 2.2 binaries and installed in default location.
Created new project.
Project setup
Project -> OpenCV_Helloworld Properties...Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories
Include Directories... add: C:\OpenCV2.2\include\;
Library Directories... add: C:\OpenCV2.2\lib;C:\OpenCV2.2\bin;
Source Directories... add:
Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies...
For Debug Builds... add:
At this point I thought I was done, but ran into the problem you described when running the exe in debug mode. The final step is obvious once you see it, select:
Linker -> General ... Set 'Use Library Dependency Inputs' to 'Yes'
Hope this helps.
Just add C:\OpenCV2.0\bin into your PATH environment variable
When you install OpenCV,
Choose the option, Add OpenCV to the system PATH for current user which is not default one
Just for your information,after add the "PATH",for my win7 i need to reboot it to get it work.
In Visual Studio 2013 you need to add this to the Environment Variables and then Restart your pc. This is the path where .dll file located in.
I have had numerous problems with opencv and only succeded after a gruesome 4-6 months. This is the last problem I have had, but all of the above didn't work. What worked for me was just copying and pasting the opencv_core2*.dll (and opencv_highgui2*.dll which it will ask for since you included this as well) into the release (or debug folder - I'm assuming. Haven't tested this) folder of your project, where your application file is.
Hope this helps!
You just need to add the folder of the needed dll file (or files) to your system "Environment Variables" in "Path".
Your problem will 100% be resolved. I had this problem too.
just open the bin folder and copy and paste the .dll files to the folder you are working should fix the problem
As to #Marc's answer, I don't think VC uses the path from the OS. Did you add the path to VC's library paths. I usually add the DLLs to the project and copy if newer on the build and that works very well for me.
you can find the opencv_core248 and other dlls in opencv\build\x86\vc12\bin folder. Just copy the dlls you require into system32 folder. And your app should start working in a flash ! Hope it helps.
This might be like resurrecting a dead horse. But just so it's out there, the reason why the answer to these types of questions to simply put dll's into the system32 folder is because that folder is in the os's system path.
It's actually best practice to provide the os with a path link.
With windows 10
open up file explorer
right click on "this pc" and select "properties"
Now in the "Control Panel\System and Security\System" window that comes up, click on "Advanced System Settings" from the left hand panel.
At the bottom of the next window, click on the "Environment Variables" button.
On the next window, there are two panels, the top one is for modifying variables to the current user, and the bottom panel is for modifying variables to the system. On the bottom panel, find the variable "Path" and click it to select it, then click on the "edit" button.
Here you can then create, edit, delete, or update the different paths for the system. For example, to add mingw32-make to the system so you can access that command via command prompt, click new, then paste in the path to the bin. Example path, "D:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_64\bin", no quotation marks nor additional whitespaces.
Click ok on all the windows so that the changes are saved, then reboot your computer for the changes to be loaded.
The ".a" at the end of your DLL files is a problem, and those are there because you didn't use CMAKE to build OpenCV 2.0. Additionally you do not link to the DLL files, you link to the library files, and again, the reason you do not see the correct library files is because you didn't use CMAKE to build OpenCV 2.0. If you want to use OpenCV 2.0 you must build it for it to work correctly in Visual Studio. If you do not want to build it then I would suggest downgrading to OpenCV 1.1pre, it comes pre-built and is much more forgiving in Visual Studio.
Another option (and the one I would recommend) is to abandon OpenCV and go with EmguCV. I have been playing with OpenCV for about a year and things got much easier when I switched to EmguCV because EmguCV works with .NET, so you can use a language like C# that does not come with all the C++ baggage of pointers, header files, and memory allocation problem.
And as for the question of 64bit vs. 32bit, OpenCV does not officially support 64bit. To be on the safe side open your project properties and change the "Platform Target" under the "Build" tab from "Any CPU" to "X86". This should be done any time you do anything with OpenCV, even if you are using a wrapper like EmguCV.
Copy all .dll from /bin in System32
Just copy the .dll files to C:\windows\system32\
No need to do any of that. It is a visual studio error.
just go here:
and download the appropriate fix for your computer's OS
close visual studio, run the fix and then restart VS
The code should run without any error.

OpenCV - DLL missing, but it's not?

I am trying just a basic program with OpenCV with the following code:
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
int main()
IplImage* newImg;
newImg = cvLoadImage("~/apple.bmp", 1);
cvNamedWindow("Window", 1);
cvShowImage("Window", newImg);
return 0;
When I run this, I get
The program can't start because
libcxcore200.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the
program to fix this problem.
However, I can see this DLL. It exists. I have added the following to the input dependencies for my linker
What gives? I'm using visual studio 2008.
When I link the .dll files instead of .dll.a files, I get
fatal error LNK1107:invalid or corrupt
file: cannot read at 0x3F8
I followed instructions on but was still stuck on exactly the same problem, so here's how I resolved it.
Fetched MSVC 2010 express edition.
Fetched Win 32 OpenCV 2.2 binaries and installed in default location.
Created new project.
Project setup
Project -> OpenCV_Helloworld Properties...Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories
Include Directories... add: C:\OpenCV2.2\include\;
Library Directories... add: C:\OpenCV2.2\lib;C:\OpenCV2.2\bin;
Source Directories... add:
Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies...
For Debug Builds... add:
At this point I thought I was done, but ran into the problem you described when running the exe in debug mode. The final step is obvious once you see it, select:
Linker -> General ... Set 'Use Library Dependency Inputs' to 'Yes'
Hope this helps.
Just add C:\OpenCV2.0\bin into your PATH environment variable
When you install OpenCV,
Choose the option, Add OpenCV to the system PATH for current user which is not default one
Just for your information,after add the "PATH",for my win7 i need to reboot it to get it work.
In Visual Studio 2013 you need to add this to the Environment Variables and then Restart your pc. This is the path where .dll file located in.
I have had numerous problems with opencv and only succeded after a gruesome 4-6 months. This is the last problem I have had, but all of the above didn't work. What worked for me was just copying and pasting the opencv_core2*.dll (and opencv_highgui2*.dll which it will ask for since you included this as well) into the release (or debug folder - I'm assuming. Haven't tested this) folder of your project, where your application file is.
Hope this helps!
You just need to add the folder of the needed dll file (or files) to your system "Environment Variables" in "Path".
Your problem will 100% be resolved. I had this problem too.
just open the bin folder and copy and paste the .dll files to the folder you are working should fix the problem
As to #Marc's answer, I don't think VC uses the path from the OS. Did you add the path to VC's library paths. I usually add the DLLs to the project and copy if newer on the build and that works very well for me.
you can find the opencv_core248 and other dlls in opencv\build\x86\vc12\bin folder. Just copy the dlls you require into system32 folder. And your app should start working in a flash ! Hope it helps.
This might be like resurrecting a dead horse. But just so it's out there, the reason why the answer to these types of questions to simply put dll's into the system32 folder is because that folder is in the os's system path.
It's actually best practice to provide the os with a path link.
With windows 10
open up file explorer
right click on "this pc" and select "properties"
Now in the "Control Panel\System and Security\System" window that comes up, click on "Advanced System Settings" from the left hand panel.
At the bottom of the next window, click on the "Environment Variables" button.
On the next window, there are two panels, the top one is for modifying variables to the current user, and the bottom panel is for modifying variables to the system. On the bottom panel, find the variable "Path" and click it to select it, then click on the "edit" button.
Here you can then create, edit, delete, or update the different paths for the system. For example, to add mingw32-make to the system so you can access that command via command prompt, click new, then paste in the path to the bin. Example path, "D:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_64\bin", no quotation marks nor additional whitespaces.
Click ok on all the windows so that the changes are saved, then reboot your computer for the changes to be loaded.
The ".a" at the end of your DLL files is a problem, and those are there because you didn't use CMAKE to build OpenCV 2.0. Additionally you do not link to the DLL files, you link to the library files, and again, the reason you do not see the correct library files is because you didn't use CMAKE to build OpenCV 2.0. If you want to use OpenCV 2.0 you must build it for it to work correctly in Visual Studio. If you do not want to build it then I would suggest downgrading to OpenCV 1.1pre, it comes pre-built and is much more forgiving in Visual Studio.
Another option (and the one I would recommend) is to abandon OpenCV and go with EmguCV. I have been playing with OpenCV for about a year and things got much easier when I switched to EmguCV because EmguCV works with .NET, so you can use a language like C# that does not come with all the C++ baggage of pointers, header files, and memory allocation problem.
And as for the question of 64bit vs. 32bit, OpenCV does not officially support 64bit. To be on the safe side open your project properties and change the "Platform Target" under the "Build" tab from "Any CPU" to "X86". This should be done any time you do anything with OpenCV, even if you are using a wrapper like EmguCV.
Copy all .dll from /bin in System32
Just copy the .dll files to C:\windows\system32\
No need to do any of that. It is a visual studio error.
just go here:
and download the appropriate fix for your computer's OS
close visual studio, run the fix and then restart VS
The code should run without any error.