'creating' images effectively - c++

I'll first tell you the problem and then I'll tell you my solution.
Problem: I have a blank white PNG image approximately 900x900 pixels. I want to copy circles 30x30 pixels in size, which are essentially circles with a different colour. There are 8 different circles, and placed on the image depending on data values which I've created elsewhere.
Solution: I've used ImageMagicK, it's suppose to be good for general purpose image editing etc. I created a blank image
I upload all other small 30x30 pixel images with 'read' function.
I upload the data and extract vales.
I place the small 'circle' images on the blank one using the composite command.
outimage.composite("some file.png",pixelx,pixely,InCompositeOp);
This all works fine and the images come up the way I want them too.
However its painfully SLOW. It takes 20 seconds to do one image, and I have 1000 of them. Surely there must be a better way to do this. I've seen other researchers simulate images way more complex and way faster. It's quite possible I took the wrong approach. Maybe I sould be 'drawing' circles instead of 'pasting' them or something. I'm quite baffled. Any input is appreciated.

I suspect that you just need some library that is capable of drawing circles on bitmap and saving that bitmap as png.
For example my Graphin library: http://code.google.com/p/graphin/
Or some such. With Graphin you can also draw one PNG on surface of another as in your case.

You did not give any information about the platform you are using (only "C++"), so if you are looking for a platform independent solution, the CImg library might be worth a try.
By the way, did you try drawing the circles using the ImageMagick C++ API Magick++ instead of "composing" them? I cannot believe that it is that slow.


Different Launch Screen Image or Background Image Sizes for iOS devices

I read some of those website links that explain about exporting different image sizes for iOS device. But I don't really understand of those explaining. (May be I am not good at in English language.)
I found these dimension for launch screen. Please let me clarify my understanding to you guys.
So, when I create an image, I must create a larger size(#3x) firstly and should export that image into smaller sizes (#2x, #1x). Am I right?
For example, I create 1242x2208px (3x) image and scale to 2x,3x and save.
My questions are that;
1) I draw images in Photoshop CS6.For any size of images, the Resolution is still 75px. isn't it?
So, for 1242x2208px(3x) size , the resolution is 75px and then I decrease the size. The image will small and does it get blurry appearance?
2) Does image elements (heart image in my example image)need to make to be large in smaller device(1x) to get the clear looks? Or
3) If we don't need to modify image elements or may be some texts of font size to be large or small, can we get the high resolution of image appearance in 1x? I'm afraid that if we scale to smaller(1x), it would be blur and not good in looks because we are still in 75 resolutions.
4) Does it need to make to fit the image elements to image size? I found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOnczJSsMqk . In this video, he crops the white space and export into #1x, #2x and #3x. So, the size of #3x is not the image size from Apple official Guideline website. I don't know clearly this.
5) If we type the text (font size-90pt) in #3x image, then it will automatically changes to 60pt in #1x image. right?
But in this link https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/05/retina-design-in-photoshop/#font-size , he wrote that
a text box with the font set to 16 pixels. But #2x this is 32 pixels,
and #3x it’s 48 pixels!
Not ideal, is it, having to constantly multiply by two or three? I
don’t know about you, but I could do without the constant math. When I
design, I want to know that 16 pixels is 16 pixels!
So, the text should be 16 px in any size of image 1x,2x or 3x or not?
6) These image sizes are for launch screen, isn't it? But, if I create an image for background of Login screen, then is it the same concept and save as these sizes of image ?
7) Above image size dimension is correct or not? But, in this https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/graphics/launch-screen/ website, the sizes are a little bit different.
Now, I'm trying to create a design for login background image. So, I was finding the sizes before I draw. But, after reading many articles of image sizes in Retina device, I've confused and got many questions in my mind.
That's why I write down my questions like this and I would like to say sorry that my question is long and make you feel not easy to understand.
Sorry again for my poor English.
I hope anyone would help me to answer all my questions in steps.Thanks for reading till the end. :)
You are asking way to much here. First off, you do not work in pixels. You work in points. These are 2 different units of measurements. On a 1x scale 1 point = 1x1 pixel, on a 2x scale 1 point = 2x2 pixel, and on a 3x scale, 1 point = 3x3 pixels.
Now when it comes to how to scale, people claim that you start big and you got small for best quality. This is simply not true. It all depends on the actual image as to how it will scale. So your goal is to find what works best for the image. I would recommend starting off from big to small, but if it doesn't work out as nice as you like, go small to big, then try a different scaling method.
I personally do not rely 100% on automation, I like to tweak all 3 sizes manually until the images are perfect, which makes sprite-kit really tough to work with in this department because I have to design my graphics in a way that counter act the hardware scaling. Bottom line is at the end of the day, do what is best for your app within your budget constraints.
Now when it comes to font sizes, again you are working in points, not pixels. Whoever told you that you need to multiply has no understanding of how retina display works. So when you do 16pt font, the system will automatically pick 32pt and 48pt. (But if you read it it will still say 16pt)
Try not to over think this matter, it is really simple to understand. The entire point of retina display is to provide a sharper image while maintaining the same experience, and it does this by offering more granularity in the way pixels are displayed. Each individual pixel is very very tiny, which makes it hard to see with your eyes. Instead they are companions to other pixels, so that when your eyes put the 2 pixels together, you get a better looking image that could not be produced by using a single colored pixel. When you work on your apps, you want to keep this in mind. This is why it stinks for new people to get into development. Everybody should start with the iphone 2g, then adapt their app to iphone 4. They will get a clear understanding of what retina is built for.

C++ OpenCV sky image stitching

Some background:
Hi all! I have a project which involves cloud imaging. I take pictures of the sky using a camera mounted on a rotating platform. I then need to compute the amount of cloud present based on some color threshold. I am able to this individually for each picture. To completely achieve my goal, I need to do the computation on the whole image of the sky. So my problem lies with stitching several images (about 44-56 images). I've tried using the stitch function on all and some subsets of image set but it returns an incomplete image (some images were not stitched). This could be because of a lack of overlap of something, I dunno. Also the output image has been distorted weirdly (I am actually expecting the output to be something similar to a picture taken by a fish-eye lense).
The actual problem:
So now I'm trying to figure out the opencv stitching pipeline. Here is a link:
Based on what I have researched I think this is what I want to do. I want to map all the images to a circular shape, mainly because of the way how my camera rotates, or something else that has uses a fairly simple coordinate transformation. So I think I need get some sort of fixed coordinate transform thing for the images. Is this what they call the homography? If so, does anyone have any idea how I can go about my problem? After this, I believe I need to get a mask for blending the images. Will I need to get a fixed mask like the one I want for my homography?
Am I going through a possible path? I have some background in programming but almost none in image processing. I'm basically lost. T.T
"So I think I need get some sort of fixed coordinate transform thing for the images. Is this what they call the homography?"
Yes, the homography matrix is the transformation matrix between an original image and the ideal result. It warps an image in perspective so it can fit in stitching to the other image.
"If so, does anyone have any idea how I can go about my problem?"
Not with the limited information you provided. It would ease the problem a lot if you know the order of pictures (which borders which.. row, column position)
If you have no experience in image processing, I would recommend you use a tutorial covering stitching using more basic functions in detail. There is some important work behind the scenes, and it's not THAT harder to actually do it yourself.
Start with this example. It stitches two pictures.

What algorithm would blend multiple images that has same scene except one object on different positions in every image?

I want to blend multiple photo shots of same scene but only one object is in different position on every shot. I want to know what kind of algorithm would give desired results. Here is an example
Well, what you are looking for is called Image Fusion. There are many methods that do this, but it is still a fairly active research idea. Based on the images you have, you should select the one that performs the best. Because your images will have imperfections and lighting, shadowing differences this is way beyond than a simple cut and paste.
Here is a little more information and some algorithm explanations: Image Fusion by Image Blending.

Is it possible to display text over a video sequence with highgui/opencv?

Sometimes it is beneficial to actually display some information overlaid on the video sequence when doing video processing with OpenCV. Is it possible to do this? How might that be done?
There is a function cv::putText which can be used to draw text into an image. So just grab the image from the video and draw the text on top of it before showing it. There should also be a similar function in the OpenCV C-API, but since you tagged it C++ I assume you use the C++ API, anyway.
EDIT: Of course this function modifies the image, which then also contains the drawn text. So if you still need the original image for further processing, you should use cv::displayOverlay. This might actually be a better solution than cv::putText, since it is a bit easier to use and is intended exactly for showing some small information over an image in a highgui window.

How can I process an image?

I'm building a program to convert an image file (whatever file type would be easiest) to G-Code for use on a rep-rap with a pen plotter attachment.
I'm wondering if i wanted to process the image pixel by pixel and check things like pixel color, how could I do this with C++?
I would really like to know how I can process a bitmap image, pixel by pixel, to check the color of the pixel.
The best way is to use a library, like for example Magick++.
When you load an image, you can access it's pixels data with Blob
You will probably want to use an existing library that has been tested.
But for fun/practice/etc, this would be a good exercise and wouldn't be impossible to do. The Bitmap Format is (relatively) simple compared with other image formats. The Wikipedia page has some tons of info, including some C++ code. It looks like once you've gotten past the header information, you get to a pixel array that shouldn't be difficult to parse.
Good luck.
Most image formats consist of a header and the actual raw image data. A bimpap image is no different. If you don't want to use one of the existing libraries, or if you are not allowed to, you should read about bitmap format :
Once you understand this you could create appropriate structs/classes to store the information you want from the header such as x,y size, bpp etc. And also have a pointer to the raw image data. You could then simpy iterate through every pixel and do whatever you want with it :)
Once you decipher the image file, I suggest you place the pixels into a matrix, for the first pass. (Future revisions can use other methods to access the pixels).
You can apply transformations to the pixels by using matrix multiplication. You can also access the pixels individually by using array indexing.
Search the web and SO for "introduction to graphics c++".