How to paint with QPainter only after a specific event? - c++

I have a main window with some widgets on it, each needs its own graphic. I would like to use QPainter to draw shapes, lines, etc. on them, but only after a specific event, like the press of a button.
The problem is, if I just create a QPainter in any function, it won't work:
QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
The QPainter methods can only be called inside a paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) function! This raises the following problems:
I have to derive my custom classes for all the widgets I would like to paint on, so I can't use the Designer to place my widgets. This can get frustrating with a large number of widgets.
The widgets redraw themselves after each paint event of the window, like moving it around, or moving other windows in front of it. I do a lot of drawing in those widgets, so they will visibly blink in these cases.
Is there a better and simpler way to solve this? I started to think about just displaying images, and re-manufacturing those images only when the specific buttons are pressed. I doubt that it's the most elegant solution...

You can use custom widgets in the designer: Creating Custom Widgets for Qt Designer.
Qt Designer's plugin-based architecture allows user-defined and third party custom widgets to be edited just like you do with standard Qt widgets.
For your second question, one of the approaches is to create a QPixmap for each of your widgets. When your widget's appearance needs to be changed, you draw in that pixmap (using QPainter's constructor that takes a QPaintDevice - QPixmap is a QPaintDevice).
In your widget's paintEvent function, you simply fill your widget with that "cache" pixmap. This way, you only do the (potentially expensive) painting when it's actually necessary.


How to draw a caret/arrow bottom of a QDialog on qt5

I want to draw a caret / arrow top or bottom of a qt window. I cannot find any document regarding to this.
How can I accomplish this task with qt5? I've searched all possible words but can't find anything.
Can this be applied to QDialog or qml needed? My first choice is QDialog since I have a webengine and other qwidgets already in a QDialog.
I'm using C++.
Here is what I mean:
Most window-managers don't support non-rectangular windows directly, which means that if you want to do something like this you'll need to fake it by making the window large enough to include both its normal content and the desired caret-shape inside the window-area, and making the window transparent at the top.
To do that, call setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground) and setAttribute(Qt::WA_FramelessWindowHint) on your dialog, and override paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) to paint the dialog's background only for the parts of the dialog you want to be non-transparent.

Qt how to redirect widget painting to parent widget?

I'm creating some custom qt designer widget plugin for drawing purpose. With these widgets, user can use qt designer for drawing just like Microsoft Visio (hopefully).
As shown in the screenshot below, there are one SvPage object page_0 as the container, it contains one SvArc widget and one SvCircle widget.
Every thing is good, except that when one widget (A) cover other widget (B), user cannot select widget B easily.
To solve this problem, I'm trying to do:
Set the size of each drawing widget (eg. SvArc,SvCircle) to very small (40px * 40 px);
Paint the content of drawing widget direct to its parent widget (SvPage). In SvPage::PaintEvent(QPaintEvent event), it iterates all children drawing widgets and call the doPaint(QPainter painter) method of each children.
3. To refresh the drawing widget automatically (eg, when SvArc widget is moved, its drawing on SvPage should be updated automatically), in the drawing widget's SvArc::PaintEvent(QPaintEvent *event), it will trigger the SvPage to update its painting.
But in step 3, there is a problem that it will lead to recursive repaint issue:
because SvArc::PaintEvent() trigger SvPage::PaintEvent(), and SvPage::PaintEvent() will then trigger SvArc::PaintEvent() again since SvArc widget is a child widget of SvPage widget.
So, the question is that is it a good idea to redirect widget painting to parent widget? If yes, how to solve the recursive repaint issue? If no, what's the good one?
Code (simplified):
void SvPage::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QList<SvWidget*> widgets = this->findChildren<SvWidget*>();
for (int i = 0; i < widgets.count(); i++)
SvWidget* w =;
void SvWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
emit signalDoPaint();
void SvArc::doPaint(QPainter* painter)
painter->drawArc(x, y, w, h, a alen);
You are messing things up here.
Every widget should be responsible for its own drawing. That's how Qt is designed to work.
You could use a single widget as a manager for some objects, and to draw them, but then those objects don't need to be widgets, they can be simple data representations. In that case, the objects will not concern themselves with any painting, it will be the manager widget that does it.
However that approach will be less efficient. Because when you have multiple independent widgets, the paint engine can easily detect changes and efficiently repaint only the parts that need updating.
In your case you will either have to do a whole lot of redundant repainting, or implement more sophisticated item management, which will be a complex task that will definitely not be worth the effort, if you are even up to it to begin with, which you are probably not.
Your current approach is very bad. I'd suggest to just stick to regular widgets, in their actual sizes, doing their actual painting. It will be much easier for you to implement and manage it, and it will be much easier for the computer to paint it.
As for selecting between overlapping widgets, QWidget wasn't really designed to facilitate that. Widgets are supposed to be put in layouts, not to overlap. Which is why its childAt() function can only return a single widget at a given coordinate.
What you should really do is use QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView and QGraphicsItem. Similarly to widgets, graphics items will handle their own drawing efficiently, the difference is the API was designed for graphics, and when you have overlapping items, QGraphicsScene::items() will give you a list of all items at that position, so you can chose an item other than the topmost.
I'm creating some custom Qt Designer widget plugin for drawing purpose. With these widgets, user can use Qt Designer for drawing just like Microsoft Visio (hopefully).
The functionality you're reusing in Qt Designer is minimal, and could be easily factored out into a separate project. The only thing of any value for you is the property inspector pane.
For everything else, using widgets is about the most complicated way of implementing it. Use QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView and start with 90% of your functionality already implemented and ready to go.
Implementing a rudimentary vector illustration system in QGraphicsScene is an afternoon job. You can have something with the functionality of early Corel Draw from Windows 2.x times done in a few days. It's the testament to the power of the scene framework and modern development frameworks in general.

QWidget Transformation

I am writing an application using Qt and would like to have a "Metro Style" interface. Everything is finished except I don't know how to make the widget appear and disappear. For instance, in WPF you can animate (UIElement.RenderTransform).(TranslateTransform.Y) so that Y becomes zero or negative. How can I move the QWidget in a QGridLayout so that it can hide?
After doing some research I figured out a way to do this. Instead of letting Qt do the layout I simply handled it myself via move and set width/height functions. Overriding resizeEvent made it so I could update the values in case the window was resized. Additionally I used setMask to ensure that the widget did not leak over to unwanted locations in the UI.

Is it possible force Qt to call paintEvent after other Qt components are drawn?

I've a class that extends QWidget and contains a QLabel (lblBackground). I've overriden paintEvent function too.
I want to draw something on top of lblBackground however paintEvent method is called before the QLabel is drawn. Thus my custom drawings are overwritten.
Is there a way to change drawing order?
Painting the children on top of their parent is the common thing to do. That being said you could try one of the following options:
extend QLabel itself to paint whatever you want
try to set the Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground flag on the QLabel and having an alpha channel, so that the underlying parent (QWidget) would shine through
if you are only using the QLabel to paint some background, maybe you can get rid of it and paint the desired background first thing in the QWidget's paintEvent()?
If you want to use label as a background then just create your custom widget as a child of your label. May be split some window frame related tasks if any (to be implemented as a parent of the label) and drawing/controls/etc (to be child of the label).

How should I use a QGraphicsScene with layouts and widgets

I'm creating some graphic data displaying widget in Qt4 and I was tempted to use the QGraphicsScene for it, create QGraphicsItems for the data items etc.
However, I wanted to add some layer of controls (eg. scrollbars, zoom+other buttons - I want to make it in a similar style as eg. Google Maps, that is, the data would be displayed all over the widget, and the buttons would be shown atop of them) to the widget. So I thought it might be feasible to add them to the scene (perhaps as a child of a QGraphicsGroupItem that would be shown over the data). But I want them to move & resize when I resize the whole widget, so I should use a QGraphicsLayout for managing them. But at this point, I discovered things are pretty complicated.
The problem is that when using QGraphicsLayout, the following constraints hold:
Only a QGraphicsWidget can be managed by a layout
QGraphicsLayout can only be used to manage children of a QGraphicsWidget
Which means that I would have to create my controls as QGraphicsWidgets, add a top level QGraphicsWidget to the data widget, and manage the size of this top level widget myself.
So I want to ask:
Wouldn't a classic approach (ie. use plain old widgets for all controls, and use QGraphicsScene only for displaying the data) be more reasonable?
Is there any advantage in using QGraphicsScene in this case (performance or simplicity...)?
How should I use QGraphicsScene to exploit its strengths?
Since Qt 4.4 you can embed classic widgets in a QGraphicsScene by using QGraphicsProxyWidget :
QWidget *widget = new QWidget;
QGraphicsScene scene;
QGraphicsProxyWidget *proxy = scene.addWidget(widget);
If you think that QGraphicsScene (or whatever other widget you have) is appropriate for most of your display, use that. What we have done in the past for somewhat similar things is to make a custom widget that inherits (one way or another) from QWidget, and put the control widgets in a layout on top of that widget. This means that the whole widget is drawing whatever it is you want drawn, and the control widgets are on top of that, resizing as the whole widget is resized.
Alternatively, a couple of times we've had layouts that were just a bit too complicated for the layout widgets to easily handle. Rather than create a custom layout, we just positioned them with no layout, and moved them in code on the resize event. It works just as well.